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Telecoms Bill to be tabled “before end of May”

April 27, 2016 | By | Filed Under News 

After months of consultations with a number of stakeholders, the Telecommunications Bill is expected

Public Telecommunications Minister, Catherine Hughes

Public Telecommunications Minister, Catherine Hughes

to be tabled in the National Assembly by the end of May 2016. Once assented to, the bill will allow new players and a host of new telecoms services to enter Guyana.
This was disclosed by Minister of Public Telecommunications, Catherine Hughes during a recent interview with the Government Information Agency (GINA).
The Minister explained that, “there were extensive discussions so what we want to do is to bring the legislation to the Parliament as soon as we can, and we are working on that. I do not have a date yet, but I would envision it would be probably before the end of May.”
Once passed, the bill will specifically address the expansion of telecommunications services into remote areas, GINA reported yesterday.
Minister Hughes pointed out that final adjustments are being made to the bill by way of consultations between the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph company (GTT) and Digicel Guyana.
The bill has been in limbo for a number of years now as GTT insists that it has a legal agreement in place with the Government of Guyana allowing it monopoly on international calls and landlines. The US-owned company wanted negotiations, with the Bill remaining in limbo.
Critics had blamed the hold-up for obstructing the rollout of faster internet service for mobile phones and even more internet options.
Minister Hughes noted that her Ministry is working with the telecommunications service providers to deliver enhanced services for visitors for the Jubilee celebrations.
The Minister explained that many people have already indicated that they are coming to celebrate Guyana’s 50th independence anniversary, hence there is a need to make them comfortable.

Long-awaited telecoms legislation is expected to be tabled by the end of May, Govt. disclosed yesterday.

Long-awaited telecoms legislation is expected to be tabled by the end of May, Govt. disclosed yesterday.

“We are working with the telecommunications companies to ensure that visitors are able to use their phones and will be able to have the technical support that they require,” Minister Hughes added.
The Bill, GINA said, is being crafted to build a competitive system in the telecommunications sector, and is expected to result in greater choice, better quality of service and lower prices for consumers.
“This will provide for an open, liberalised sector that will attract new markets and investors.”
The Telecommunications Bill was introduced in 2011 and revised in 2013 during the 10th Parliament. In 2015, Cabinet approved for two legal consultants to be hired to fine-tune and make adjustments to the Bill.
Under the David Granger administration, all companies interested in offering services within the telecoms industry will have to submit fresh applications.
Under the Bharrat Jagdeo government, which ended in 2011, a number of companies were promised licences to operate once the new laws come into being. Jagdeo’s administration, in the draft Telecoms Bill, had shockingly identified companies which would automatically be handed a licence when the legislation is passed.
GT&T and Digicel are already holders of Telecommunications Licences.
A Telecommunications Licence is a valuable document as it allows its holder to provide any internet-related service, including the sale of bandwidth, cable television and mobile/cellular.
Two of the companies named in the then proposed law to be automatically handed Telecommunications Licences were E-Networks and Quark Communications Inc. They will be forced to submit fresh applications.

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