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Teleperformance creates jobs for 600

TELEPERFORMANCE–Guyana, a multi-million-dollar call centre, was officially launched in the capital city yesterday, and some 600 persons are expected to be on the job in the coming weeks as the company sees a viable future in the local economy.The company has been setting up its US$13M operations at its Camp and Robb Street facility over the past year, and those state-of-the art offices were officially opened yesterday in the presence of several Government officials, included Minister of Telecommunications and Tourism, Catherine Hughes; Minister of Social Protection, Volda Lawrence; and Minister within the Ministry of Social Protection, Keith Scott.

the Teleperformance call-centre at Camp and Robb Streets

the Teleperformance call-centre at Camp and Robb Streets

Guyanese Dr Dale Dan, the company’s Vice-President of operations, played a key role in realization of the company’s presence in Guyana. She told a gathering at the opening ceremony that the operation could not be made possible without her strong team. Dr Dan said that while it is her responsibility to ensure that the company enjoys a high level of profitability, sustainability and longevity, it is also her desire to see Guyana experience a high level of growth and development through the company.

Dr Dan said that Teleperformance plans to bring a new concept to the working environment. This new culture will be carved through its “joy-at-work” environment, wherein everyone feels loved, respected and supported, and where team members leave one family and join another family at work.

In the end, the employee will look forward to being at work the next day. “It is about empowering and giving each other some level of purpose and decision-making power from any level they serve,” she said of the cultural move.

The company plans on expanding its operations to all other parts of the country, including Berbice and Essequibo, after filling its Georgetown offices.

“Teleperformance is just not an organisation, it is one of the transformational conduits through which transformation is being realised in Guyana,” Dr Dan noted.

Speaking on behalf of the Government, Minister Hughes congratulated the company on its opening and pledged Government’s support to the venture.

“Your vision of transforming Guyana through education and employment is close to the heart of the Government,” Minister Hughes noted. She stressed the administration is convinced that the only effective way to realise this transformation is to ensure the creation of a fully functional information and knowledge economy.

Minister of Telecommunications, Cathy Hughes, and Minister of Social Protection, Volda Lawrence, listen keenly as a staff explains the operations of the company. At right is Dr Dale Dan, Vice President of Operations in Guyana

Minister of Telecommunications, Cathy Hughes, and Minister of Social Protection, Volda Lawrence, listen keenly as a staff explains the operations of the company. At right is Dr Dale Dan, Vice President of Operations in Guyana

“Our vision is to ensure all of Guyana is Internet ready, making cities and towns Internet hotspots, which we know we can achieve with collaboration with established service providers,” Minister Hughes posited.

She said she was impressed when she heard of the programmes mentioned by the company as regards upgrading their staff members’ knowledge and qualifications, and commends and encourages other companies to follow suit.

Terry Casey, President of Teleperformance USA/Guyana, said that the company is here for many reasons. These include its ability to ensure it “works” from a financial perspective to Guyana’s benefit. He said that there are five important core values on which it operates. These are commitment, innovation, professionalism, respect and integrity. He said the company was founded on such values, and the team lives by them daily.

Following the ceremony, the Government officials and visitors were afforded a tour of the company’s facilities throughout its floors of operation.

Teleperformance will be serving its clients in five different South American languages.
The group operates approximately 135,000 workstations, with more than 175,000 employees around 270 contact centres in 62 countries serving more than 150 markets.
It manages programmes in 63 languages and dialects on behalf of major international companies operating in a wide variety of industries. Among its services are customer care, technical support, customer acquisition, and debt collection programmes.

By Alva Solomon

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PPP/C’s Manifesto caters for job creation

Written by , Published in News, Georgetown, GINA, April 28, 2015, Source


Job creation is an essential component for sustainable economic and social development with unemployment and underemployment lying at the core of poverty. For the poor, labour is often the only asset they can use to improve their well-being.  Hence, the creation of productive employment opportunities is essential for achieving poverty reduction and sustainable economic and social development.


The People’s Progressive Party/ Civic’s (PPP/C) 2015 manifesto offers the creation of productive employment opportunities which is essential for achieving poverty reduction and sustainable economic and social development. With government’s creation of more jobs for citizens, over the years, new avenues of employment for all Guyanese are now being provided.

 The ruling administration holds as its highest priority the creation of a Guyana where every person of working age is able to obtain gainful and fulfilling employment and/or become self-employed. For this to be realised, it has promised to ensure that educational opportunities expand, placing special emphasis on better alignment with the skill requirements of the new productive sectors.

 The job creation agenda would be further supported by several issues. This includes the strengthening of the efficient and transparent delivery of targeted poverty alleviation programmes to end poverty in Guyana. Government would also empower all its levels, including civil society, academic and financial institutions in the mission to end poverty.

 There are also plans to focus on job intensive growth with special emphasis on sectors that create meaningful employment, and ensuring that the education system equip young people for the requirements of the new economy.

 The PPP/C will also work within every sector, particularly in less populated areas, to provide opportunities for job creation and the establishment of small and medium business for our young people in all regions, by creating the right incentives for investment and business- promotion.

 There would also be the identifying of the most vulnerable villages of the country for special developmental programmes. This would include budgetary allocations to hinterland villages, whilst additionally, gainfully employing rural poor in agriculture and allied industrial activities.

 Additionally, simplifying the tax system and improving access to financing would allow the reviewing of the impact of taxes and other factors on cost of living. A periodic review of the regime business taxes would also encourage greater investment by large, medium and small scale businesses.

 The implementing measures to improve financial intermediation and expand opportunities for “development type” finance would also benefit job creation. This would include the expansion of the housing, tourism and mining sectors, which would add to the country’s GDP.

 Raising the quality and relevance in the education and training system would further allow the implementing of national apprenticeship and special youth employment programmes. This would also see the increase of students for the Board on Industrial Training (BIT) programme among others.

 With the opening up of more technical institutes, more persons are getting jobs as educators. Students who have completed training in various disciplines would then be qualified to enter the workforce and enjoy highly paid jobs. They attend the Leonora, Mahaicony, Corentyne and the Essequibo Technical institutes along with the Government Technical Institute in Georgetown.

 Cognisant of all the facts the administration has been providing new avenues of employment for all Guyanese while making way for skills training. In ensuring the provision of quality training to vulnerable groups, especially youth and women, the number of trainees has been increased annually.

 The revitalisation of existing industrial sites, establishing regional ones and providing  incentives for job creation opportunities would see new manufacturers moving to employ more persons. This has been seen through the product manufacturer, UNICOMER, the parent company of Courts. The furniture giant opened a new state of the art distribution centre at Eccles Industrial Site, East Bank Demerara providing another window for persons seeking employment.

 There would also be focus on downstream, value-added industries in agriculture, forestry, and mining sectors. The agro-processors would move towards employing persons to help them, whilst new mining companies would need more employees.

 Incentivising foreign investment, specific to employment creation, would also allow foreign investors to employ locals in their companies. This has already been seen with Qualfon and other companies. Additionally with the Omai Mining Company and Guyana Goldfields Inc. entering the market, more than 800 Guyanese have secured jobs, after training under the expatriates. The same could be said for Troy Mining Resources Limited and RUSAL Kurubuka mines which have provided close to 500 Guyanese with high paying technical jobs.

 Additionally, the growing banking sector throughout the country, including Republic Bank, Guyana Bank of Industry and Commerce and Citizens Bank, all had more employment opportunities for Guyanese. At each facility, more than 12 employment opportunities were presented and filled, giving persons in communities a chance to earn and provide service.

 In the line of telecommunication and with Teleperformance coming to Guyana, there will be job openings for another 1500 persons.  Also coming on stream in the near future will be two more ICT hubs, one to be located at Tuschen on the East Bank of Demerara, and another Enmore on the East Coast of Demerara.

Further, a staggering 6,000 job opportunities have been opened with the commissioning of a new US$12 multi-building, the Qualfon contact centre campus, in Eccles, East Bank Demerara. Already Qualfon, with its two campuses at Beterverwagting and Sparendaam on the East Coast of Demerara, is providing more than 5000 Guyanese with job opportunities.

 Another job creation initiative is the Marriott Hotel project, under which 230 Guyanese have already been selected for employment, and several other new hotels opening their doors for business in Guyana’s growing economy.

 Additionally, the new rice cereal factory for which the sod was turned at Anna Regina, on the Essequibo Coast, is expected to provide training and employment opportunities for some 200 persons in that area.

 Whilst providing incentives and opportunities for employers to hire youths would llow more young people a better chance to move upwards, similarly the development of entrepreneurship and apprenticeship programmes would boost employment.

The establishment of business development services, the promotion of appropriate micro-finance and innovative forms of credit and the setting up of job intermediation, counseling and mentoring centres would all go towards the issue of job creation.        

Further the promotion of skill-training for the urban poor to take advantage of the emerging opportunities would also help within hinterland and urban communities. 


Django, thanks for posting the article recognizing another success from the efforts of the previous administration. I am still awaiting news about the concrete results of the present  admin journeys to North America to encourage investment


" In the line of telecommunication and with Teleperformance coming to Guyana, there will be job openings for another 1500 persons"

It is surely an effort 900 people are employed, the previous gov't predicted 1500,hopefully the will expand further in the coming years.

Zed posted:

Django, thanks for posting the article recognizing another success from the efforts of the previous administration. I am still awaiting news about the concrete results of the present  admin journeys to North America to encourage investment

OK so suicides and crime are to be blamed on APNU, as are the difficulties in sugar and rice.  These were problems BEFORE May 11, 2015!

But new investment, which occurred subsequent to that date, will be credited to the PPP.

Now if APNU is as bad as you all scream that it is, wouldn't this folks have simply canceled this investment?

You are a bunch of comedians, still crying because you cannot believe that the PPP LOST!

The investment occurred under this new gov't and this new gov't deserves the same credit as Cheddi deserved, despite the fact that much of the growth between 1993 and 1997 was due to Hoyte's reforms.


Zed why don't you factor in how long it took the PPP to get the IT sector off the ground.

Then you want the new gov't to do in a few months what it took the PPP many years to accomplish. And yes in an environment of renewed global economic uncertainty.

caribny posted:
Zed posted:

Django, thanks for posting the article recognizing another success from the efforts of the previous administration. I am still awaiting news about the concrete results of the present  admin journeys to North America to encourage investment

OK so suicides and crime are to be blamed on APNU, as are the difficulties in sugar and rice.  These were problems BEFORE May 11, 2015!

Suicides are an impromptu act, someone pushed over the edge and could come from many sources.  Actually, I don't blame the PNC as I said in another post.  However, these investments represent years of hard work, negotiation, guarantees and agreements.  Now, I do give the current admin some credit for not scuttling this deal as they did with the Caribe rice deal.  However, this does not take away the fact that this is a fruit borne out of the plant nurtured by the PPP.

caribny posted:

Zed why don't you factor in how long it took the PPP to get the IT sector off the ground.

Then you want the new gov't to do in a few months what it took the PPP many years to accomplish. And yes in an environment of renewed global economic uncertainty.

Do you understand the amount of legislation and work which went into setting the stage to get this IT sector off the ground. It's not with the snap of the finger as you think.  And this takes time.  Regarding the PNC blaming "global uncertainly", hey man I always hear that line coming from the PNC in the best of times.  Almost every society found a way to deal with it and move on, including the PPP back in 2008.  But now it's a factor for the PNC.


Let us not get ahead of ourselves, these are low level jobs, call centers, that the Indians ditched in preference to higher paying software development jobs. 

Until the govt start an initiative to educate the nation a la the Singapore model, Guyana will continue to be a dankey kart economy. 

Drugb posted:

Let us not get ahead of ourselves, these are low level jobs, call centers, that the Indians ditched in preference to higher paying software development jobs. 

Until the govt start an initiative to educate the nation a la the Singapore model, Guyana will continue to be a dankey kart economy. 

The Indians are being marginalized and chased out of Guyana. Who will build this software development sector.  No talented Indian will want to subject themselves to the racism of the PNC goons!


Caribny, where did I ever say suicide was a problem caused by the current administration or that the present government has contributed to its increase?

Furthermore, I wanted it to be clear that this was not something that this government can claim credit for. I am eagerly awaiting announcements and concrete action of new investments resulting from the overseas trips by ministers and the engagement if the diaspora. Any additional,investment, I hope will create new jobs, even low paying jobs to help people put food on the table.p during the economic slowdown.

Django posted:

" In the line of telecommunication and with Teleperformance coming to Guyana, there will be job openings for another 1500 persons"

It is surely an effort 900 people are employed, the previous gov't predicted 1500,hopefully the will expand further in the coming years.

Django bhai, I am glad this is happening in Guyana. I hope this company stays in Guyana. I have seen IT Offsite Development Centers in India, Indonesia and other parts of the world close down after 2 years. The people there get the drift that they should be paid more like the folks in the US and as a result, they demand more pay. The result of this is the closing down of the entire operations and moving them somehere else. Let's hope this is not the case with Guyana and the employees there must appreciate the opportunity they are being afforded. One thing they have to bear in courteous to the person at the other end. They pay your wages. They should not operate like they do now in Guyana.

baseman posted:
Drugb posted:

Let us not get ahead of ourselves, these are low level jobs, call centers, that the Indians ditched in preference to higher paying software development jobs. 

Until the govt start an initiative to educate the nation a la the Singapore model, Guyana will continue to be a dankey kart economy. 

The Indians are being marginalized and chased out of Guyana. Who will build this software development sector.  No talented Indian will want to subject themselves to the racism of the PNC goons!

This is a correct observation, and mo fiah slow fiah ensured that it didn't happen during the PPP administration. Regardless of who is in power, the afc/apnu will ensure that Guyanese will continue to live under fear of ethnic cleansing and other forms of duress. 

Drugb posted:
baseman posted:
Drugb posted:

Let us not get ahead of ourselves, these are low level jobs, call centers, that the Indians ditched in preference to higher paying software development jobs. 

Until the govt start an initiative to educate the nation a la the Singapore model, Guyana will continue to be a dankey kart economy. 

The Indians are being marginalized and chased out of Guyana. Who will build this software development sector.  No talented Indian will want to subject themselves to the racism of the PNC goons!

This is a correct observation, and mo fiah slow fiah ensured that it didn't happen during the PPP administration. Regardless of who is in power, the afc/apnu will ensure that Guyanese will continue to live under fear of ethnic cleansing and other forms of duress. 

 I see the same in most of your posts, seems like something you really have a wish for the GY people but it ain't gonna happen just because you seh so.

Last edited by cain

PPP started the first call center in Guyana, stealing PPP's ideas and working off of it does not say much for these incompetents. 

How much did these incompetents spend so far on the People's Militia? 

Last edited by alena06

Kudos to this government for knowing a good idea when they see one and for implementing those ideas regardless from whence they came. Take note, they're not into carrying on the cocaine racket, notice things kinda quiet since they've been finally catching mules, they now need to zero in on those at the head.

cain posted:

Kudos to this government for knowing a good idea when they see one and for implementing those ideas regardless from whence they came. Take note, they're not into carrying on the cocaine racket, notice things kinda quiet since they've been finally catching mules, they now need to zero in on those at the head.

This call center was initiated in PPP time, how shameless of you to take credit for PPP initiatives. 

baseman posted:
caribny posted:

.  And this takes time. 

Yes and yet you all scream that APNU, which has been in power a scant 8 months, must be delivering multi billion dollar projects.

 The fact that we haven't seen the cancelation of projects, the Canadians in fact moving ahead with gold, even as prices tumble, suggests that they do not consider APNU to be a threat, or more incompetent than the PPP was.

As to global uncertainty. Well the markets are down 8% even though we are only 2 weeks into 2016, should indicate to you that this is a factor. In fact I have NOT heard APNU/AFC speak to this issue.

Last edited by Former Member
alena06 posted:

PPP started the first call center in Guyana, stealing PPP's ideas and working off of it does not say much for these incompetents. 

How much did these incompetents spend so far on the People's Militia? 

If APNU had canceled the call centers, what would have been your reaction.

So when the PPP didn't change economic initiatives implemented by Hoyte, even though those initiatives were hugely beneficial for Guyana, they were "stealing from the PNC".

You see this is Guyana's problem. So racially polarized that we write filth like alena's bowl of sewage.

caribny posted:
baseman posted:
caribny posted:

.  And this takes time. 

Yes and yet you all scream that APNU, which has been in power a scant 8 months, must be delivering multi billion dollar projects.

 The fact that we haven't seen the cancelation of projects, the Canadians in fact moving ahead with gold, even as prices tumble, suggests that they do not consider APNU to be a threat, or more incompetent than the PPP was.

As to global uncertainty. Well the markets are down 8% even though we are only 2 weeks into 2016, should indicate to you that this is a factor. In fact I have NOT heard APNU/AFC speak to this issue.

Thanks to the platform left by the PPP, the PNC just have to follow the flow.  Unlike hen the PPP took over, it was follow the flow to debt forgiveness!

No one expected the PNC to deliver anything in eight months.  But you have delivered a lot of uncertainly and racism causing a major economic inflection in the domestic economy.  That is owned by the PNC!!

baseman posted:

Thanks to the platform left by the PPP,

So why not give true credit where credit is due.  It was DESMOND HOYTE who changed the trajectory of how Guyana is economically managed.

Had a Burnham regime being replaced by a Cheddi regime Guyana would be another Cuba.

When Hoyte liberalized the economy Cheddi had to follow. 

In fact APNU remains very much in the Hoyte mold.

And what racism is APNU guilty of that cannot also be attached to the PPP? 

Given that BOTH are race based parties BOTH can be accused of stacking leadership positions with an over representation of their support base.  When the PPP did this, it didn't bother you, so now why the screams that no doubt APNU is equally guilty!

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
cain posted:

Kudos to this government for knowing a good idea when they see one and for implementing those ideas regardless from whence they came. Take note, they're not into carrying on the cocaine racket, notice things kinda quiet since they've been finally catching mules, they now need to zero in on those at the head.

This call center was initiated in PPP time, how shameless of you to take credit for PPP initiatives. 

As a child were you top heavy and toppling over hence the removal of your brain?

Read and comprehend,dam!

caribny posted:
baseman posted:

Thanks to the platform left by the PPP,

So why not give true credit where credit is due.  It was DESMOND HOYTE who changed the trajectory of how Guyana is economically managed.

True, Hoyte started the negotiation out of the PNC bankruptcy and the PPP completed.  Thanks to the PNC we had bankruptcy negotiation in1992, thanks to the PPP you have deal closing negotiation in 2015/2016.

Is that fair credit?

cain posted:

As a child were you top heavy and toppling over hence the removal of your brain?

Read and comprehend,dam!

No, but he was of the impression that school was only open in August.

baseman posted:

True, Hoyte started the negotiation out of the PNC bankruptcy

Let us recall that Burnham's nationalization of the economy was applauded by Cheddi, who would have done the same if he was in power.

Suppose the entirety of Guyana's economy were entities like Guysuco, severely indebted and mismanaged by the PPP, then where would Guyana be?

Thank Hoyte for the fact that Guyana doesn't consist only of poorly managed and indebted state owned entities.

caribny posted:
baseman posted:

True, Hoyte started the negotiation out of the PNC bankruptcy

Let us recall that Burnham's nationalization of the economy was applauded by Cheddi, who would have done the same if he was in power.

Suppose the entirety of Guyana's economy were entities like Guysuco, severely indebted and mismanaged by the PPP, then where would Guyana be?

Thank Hoyte for the fact that Guyana doesn't consist only of poorly managed and indebted state owned entities.

Jagan did not run the nationalized Corporations.  Apart from DDL and GPC, almost all where handed over to incompetent PNC cronies who had no idea of the ground game.  DDL and GPC  were the only successful entities nationalized.  Jagan had no say after Burnham took over.

Don't come with your "supposed" shyte, just supposed Caribj was Indian...well, what good is that supposition.  The fact it is NOT and the PPP rebuilt a robust and progressive economy which you (PNC) can build on.

So, alyuh tek over, alyuh bruk up, alyuh bankrupt.  PPP took over, rebooted, rebuilt and peacefully handed over.  Baseman prefers to stick with truth and facts, not mindless suppositions!


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