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Originally Posted by KishanB:

The tiefing PPP hide the plan from the sugar union GAWU. De official Spokes person on de Sugar Industry walla is no where to be found.


His Deputy Nehru aint responding either.


Nehru compare notes with walla and bring up to date on aya New Sugar plan with Dr Raj Singh to turn the industry around.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I think the gov't should do what what is done in American to save private industry - destroy the power of Union and reduce salaries and other expenses to make the entity profitable and viable. Unions are a hindrance to economic growth and competitiveness.

Billy, American corporate capital is saving private industry at the cost of the wider society.

By eliminating trade unions, those corporations are increasing the ranks of the unemployed and under-employed and their dependents.

More unemployment and under-employment means more welfare costs to the State and less sales revenue to businesses.

Trade unions are the workers' last bulwark against attacks on their jobs, pensions, families, etc.


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