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Tension mounts between former, current opposition leaders over AFC


grangerGEORGETOWN: A reliable source close to People's National Congress (PNC) strongman Robert Corbin, last evening disclosed mounting tensions between the former Leader of the Opposition and current Leader of the APNU-AFC collation, retired Brigadier General David Granger, over strategy that would determine the strength of Alliance For Change (AFC) supporters in traditional People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) strongholds.


According to the inside sources, Corbin is suspicious that AFC support base in many areas are disappearing, and had urged Granger to refrain from packing buses of APNU supporters from Georgetown and other places to build up crowds at APNU-AFC rallies. One such under scrutiny was   held at Whim and Bath Settlement.


“In order to determine the true strength of AFC support in various communities Corbin is questioning AFC’s contribution to the collation, to justify the distribution of Parliamentary seats that will eventually be allocated to the Opposition,” according to the source who requested anonymity for fear of victimization.  


It was noted that the Alliance for Change -AFC made inroads at Whim and Bath Settlement last election

after Moses Nagamootoo had promised a 20% increase to sugar workers. This resulted in the PPP/C having a minority government.   

Robert_Corbin_02“But Robert Corbin seem convinced that most of that electorate have since returned their support to the PPP after the signing of the Cummingsburg Accord that formed the collation between the AFC and the PNC controlled APNU,” the source disclosed.


Corbin, according to the source, felt it was necessary to gauge his party’s strength in the traditional PNC stronghold due to growing support shown to the PPP/C in recent times.


“Corbin is also fearful of losing support to Mark Benschop’s group in South Georgetown and in Linden…. Party Leader, David Granger is adamant that he could not afford to risk low turn-outs at those rallies because this election is all about public perception, and he noted that the PPP/C has been attracting thousands of loyal supporters to their rallies…Although Granger admits that Nagamootoo seem unlikely to deliver the 11% of Indian votes he promised as part of the collation agreement, he is fearful that this fact be known publicly.”  

General and Regional elections are scheduled for Monday, May 11. In addition at least four other general elections are scheduled to be held in the 15-nation Caribbean trade bloc this year.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Granger admits that Nagamootoo seem unlikely to deliver the 11% of Indian votes he promised as part of the collation agreement, he is fearful that this fact be known publicly.” 


Moses Nagamootoo is NOT Indian to get Indians vote.  

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Granger admits that Nagamootoo seem unlikely to deliver the 11% of Indian votes he promised as part of the collation agreement, he is fearful that this fact be known publicly.” 


Moses Nagamootoo is NOT Indian to get Indians vote.  

Well, he seems not wanting to admit or be PROUD to be Indian. That is his choice and I respect that.


Never in the

History of Guyana

Political Rascality & Banditry



Has A President & His Close Friends,

been exposed

for so much Corruption,

Thiefing, Mismanagement,

Indo-Racism and Buggery...

as under the Jagdeo & Ramotar Cabal


It is Time for Change.....


Today so many Guyanese 

are betrayed by so few

(De Jagdeo & Ramotar inner circle)


 over 90% of the

Guyanese Population

cannot take it any more.



secure a Landslide Victory



Regardless of how

Jagdeo & Ramotar

roll the dice...

It will not change

the Results for the PPP




Originally Posted by Cobra:
Although Granger admits that Nagamootoo seem unlikely to deliver the 11% of Indian votes he promised as part of the collation agreement, he is fearful that this fact be known publicly.” 
According to the inside sources, Corbin is suspicious that AFC support base in many areas are disappearing, and had urged Granger to refrain from packing buses of APNU supporters from Georgetown and other places to build up crowds at APNU-AFC rallies. One such under scrutiny was held at Whim and Bath Settlement.
Robert_Corbin_02  granger
Tension mounts between former, current opposition leaders over AFC, Posted by on May 8, 2015 in Guyana, News | 0 Comments

Leading up to their defeat at the May 11, 2015 elections.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Never in the

History of Guyana

Political Rascality & Banditry



Has A President & His Close Friends,

been exposed

for so much Corruption,

Thiefing, Mismanagement,

Indo-Racism and Buggery...

as under the Jagdeo & Ramotar Cabal


It is Time for Change.....


Today so many Guyanese 

are betrayed by so few

(De Jagdeo & Ramotar inner circle)


 over 90% of the

Guyanese Population

cannot take it any more.



secure a Landslide Victory



Regardless of how

Jagdeo & Ramotar

roll the dice...

It will not change

the Results for the PPP




HEHEHE Like yuh 33 RPM Recod scratch.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Jalil, I am sending a message to Amral directly if you don't stop plastering the same shit on everyone's thread.

Bhai, Dem Bhias watching the crowd at Lusignan currently and getting Bellywuk. Even Buddy Sheik gone and buy Pampers.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Jalil, I am sending a message to Amral directly if you don't stop plastering the same shit on everyone's thread.

So only yuji and rev can do that?


This isn't PPP run Guyana.  You cannot have Kwame attacking poll officials, using his vehicle like a weapon, and going on rampages and then scream that a few women wining is violent.  Kwame was violent last election, and again now.  He is a senior PPP official.  Accept responsibility for that.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Never in the

History of Guyana

Political Rascality & Banditry



Has A President & His Close Friends,

been exposed

for so much Corruption,

Thiefing, Mismanagement,

Indo-Racism and Buggery...

as under the Jagdeo & Ramotar Cabal


It is Time for Change.....


Today so many Guyanese 

are betrayed by so few

(De Jagdeo & Ramotar inner circle)


 over 90% of the

Guyanese Population

cannot take it any more.



secure a Landslide Victory



Regardless of how

Jagdeo & Ramotar

roll the dice...

It will not change

the Results for the PPP




If only the Guyanese people can hear and read you, then things can change, so for your LOUD mouth and noise means nothing on GNI, they don't VOTE. The people in Guyana wants change, they want a MAJORITY PPP government that can continue progress full steam ahead. People don't forget, the older folks would tell their children and their children of the hard times during the PNC era. KICK DOWN DOOR, LONG LINES, MUST HAVE PARTY CARD TO GET JOBS, BANNED FOOD ITEMS, NO PROGRESS. INDIANS WERE SECOND CLASS.Don't erase HISTORY, we forgive but never FORGET, NEVER!!!



But in focusing on stifling the opposition

and the nation as a whole,

Granger said that the party failed

to address the country’s most pressing problem,

the public security crisis.


He said that government has never accepted

its responsibility for the high rate of armed robberies,

the murderous maritime piracy,

the rampant gun-running

and contraband smuggling

and other violent crimes that rage along the coastland.


“The entire nation is alarmed at the rising homicide rate.

Ther...e have been more than 2,100 murders

over the past 15 years during the two deadly

Jagdeo and Ramotar presidencies.


Guyana’s murder rate is three times

higher than that of the United States.


The PPP failed to advance local democracy

by destroying neighbourhood democratic councils

and delaying local government elections.


It failed to maintain educational standards

which are now characterized by poor performance

from the level of primary schools to the university,”

Granger added.

See More
After traveling the length and breadth of the country on a vigorous election campaign, Presidential Candidate of A Partnership for National Unity plus Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC), David Granger,...

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