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January 7 2019


Terrence Campbell

Businessman Terrence Campbell has withdrawn from the new political party, ANUG and civic group RISE, citing polarization over the December 21 No-Confidence Vote and attacks by “by my own people”.

A post from his Facebook page follows:

Today a knife was stuck into my back by my own people. I have supported the PNC/APNU/APNU-AFC in every general election since I started voting. Carl Greenidge, Raphael Trotman, Cathy Hughes, Rupert Roopnarine and Lance Carberry can attest to this. This support ran into millions of dollars. I served this Coalition as Chairman at GNPL and turned that organization from losses to profit.

As a businessman I donate over G$1M per month to charitable causes. After a sordid incident between an Afro-Guyanese businessman and boys at a Georgetown school I took over a feeding program there almost a decade ago. I have also supported the Step By Step School for autistic children with monthly contributions for years. I have never publicized this as the God, the powerful God that I serve knows this.

To my mind the Coalition doesn’t stand a chance in a head to head with the PPP at this time. My entry into politics was purely to deny the PPP a majority and to push for constitutional reform. However, over the last week the polarization in Guyana made me realize that now isn’t the time for the kind of healing, centrist politics I envisaged. This was a point I shared with a few friends. Consequently, I resigned from RISE Guyana last Thursday and early this am I sent the following edited message to my friends at ANAUG


Forgive my insensitivity of opening this email on a secular matter with two Christian references. Ecclesiastes 3 teaches us that:

“For everything there is a season,

a time for every activity under heaven.

2 A time to be born and a time to die.

A time to plant and a time to harvest.

In the Parable of the Sower found in Matthew 13, Jesus recommends that we sow on good soil and not on rock or amongst thorns.

The vote Charrandas Persaud in the NCV has polarized Guyana. On the one hand, supporters of the Coalition believe the government has been felled by a corrupt bloodless coup totally in sync with their view of the PPP under its current leadership. On the other hand, PPP supporters see the Coalition’s refusal to resign as a reminder of the vote-rigging unlawful nature of the PNC. Then there are independent observers who believe the Coalition should resign based on convention but fail to recognize that there is no precedent for a similar vote by an Assembly made up of 40% disqualified members. The NCV has poisoned our soil.

The polarization is enough of a deterrent for any aspiring politician but there is more. For a new ‘independent’ party to be successful in this scenario, I believe it would need to compete under an umbrella with groups that broadly share its philosophical approach since time is short and resources are limited. It has also been suggested by one observer that ANAUG steering committee probably has three dual citizens. In fact this issue was raised with an ANAUG sympathizer yesterday. It is no secret that this is a matter of significant importance to me. I view the dual citizens in the Assembly as a flagrant violation of our Constitution.

All of the above has caused me considerable angst and I fail to see how I would be able to add value to the efforts of ANAUG in the days ahead. A good reading of the climate suggests that this is neither the time nor the place for me to sow my seeds.



It is interesting that Rickford Burke asked where I was during the PPP years and about my party. I said to him “stay tuned” since I would have been taking a pass on this period of dirty politics in Guyana and would have been making the announcement in a matter of hours. To my surprise I received several messages with the pic below. I would like OneVoice Canwin to know that I serve a mighty God, a God that is able! That HE owns my business and only HE can topple it!

The campaign strategy of the Coalition is seriously misguided. It has been hijacked by dual citizens. Some of whom I helped in the past.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Another party bruk even before it started. Same for Shulman. 

There is NO Party that can defeat the PPP at this time. This bannna smelled defeat even before BJ unleashed the mother of all political battles. 


I just hope this country does not go to war with itself. We have to save our energies to fight the enemy on our western border. Dual citizens are welcome home to help us fight. Make sure you walk with your mosquito nets. it's gonna a big fight.

Billy Ram Balgobin
yuji22 posted:

Another party bruk even before it started. Same for Shulman. 

There is NO Party that can defeat the PPP at this time. This bannna smelled defeat even before BJ unleashed the mother of all political battles. 

As a typical businessman, he already aligning himself in the neutral zone so he can drink soup from the PPP bowl. 

Baseman posted:

My prediction, PPP wins a clear major.  

Macron thought so too and now look at him cowering from the rage of the French citizenry.

Winning is one thing. Governing is another.  Now what plans does the PPP have to not fall into the same predicament that Macron now finds himself in?

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I just hope this country does not go to war with itself. 

Jagdeo is more interested in the NC vote than in the threat that Venezuela poses.  So now Exxon is reviewing its operations in Guyana, withdrawing from near the Venezuela. Problem is that Venezuela has drawn its territorial waters such that they now extend NORTH EAST of GT.  

Any word from Jagdeo on this?


Bai you flip flopping like a fish out of water. You are now hollering, Jagdeo bussing we balls.

Ha Ha ! Jagdeo will drive you insane. 

Wait until he turns finance minister sooner than later. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Bai you flip flopping like a fish out of water. You are now hollering, Jagdeo bussing we balls.

Ha Ha ! Jagdeo will drive you insane. 

Wait until he turns finance minister sooner than later. 

I already said that Jagdeo (note not Anil) will win the elections.

I also predict that with his attitude he will be facing the turmoil that Macron currently is.

Let us see how big his balls will be if he has a Guyana "Yellow Jackets" on his tail.  After all its the same police/GDF who he is now cussing down who he will need.  You see the dilemma?  

The Colombians now traffic through Mexico so dont think that some Colombian cartel connected drug dealer will replace Roger Khan.

Last edited by Former Member

They still have Tim Jonas. He is going to be their front to catch the votes of the koolie and black girls who likes the mulatto look. The Rank and his trusted sidekick Jeff Henry should be behind the scenes.

Prashad posted:

I would like to know what business this Terrence Campbell is in that gives him the amount of profits to give away one million Guyana dollars a month?

Good question. 

Not only the 1M per month, but a few other charitable donations. 

He is in the business of selling fried chicken and burgers. He has a few mobile food carts around. 

Believe it’s a franchise. 


Political intimidation. One of his mobile truck is station at Buxton ( Formley Brian Gas Station) - I buy Chickens from them, they start closing earlier. On enquiring, was told for safety precautions, and drop in sales. It now adds up. 


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