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Paris attacks: France declares state of emergency after dozens killed

UK GUARDIAN --- At least 49 people have died and up to 60 people have been injured in an apparently coordinated series of gun and bomb attacks in Paris.

About 100 people have reportedly been taken hostage at a theatre after the French capital was hit by a series of attacks.

Declaring a state of emergency and closing the country’s borders, the French president, FranÇois Hollande, said there were “unprecedented terror attacks under way in Paris” and called an emergency cabinet meeting. Authorities in Paris warned people to leave public events and stay in doors if possible.

Officials said shots were fired in at least two restaurants and at least two explosions were heard near the Stade de France stadium, where the national side were playing Germany in a football match.

A police official told AP that two of the incidents near the stadium involved suicide attacks.

Around the same time, another shootout took place near the Bataclan concert theatre in the neighbouring 11th arrondissement, close to where the attacks on the Charlie Hebdo satirical newspaper took place in January.

Hollande said later that security forces were mounting an operation in Paris, with reports saying police had stormed the concert hall. Witnesses said some of those inside the building could be seen fleeing.

The events brought immediate international condemnation, with the US president, Barack Obama, calling it “an attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share”.

French media reported at least 49 people confirmed dead, although some reports suggested there may be as many as 60. About 35 of the victims were reported to have been killed at the Bataclan concert hall, with French TV saying up to two gunmen began firing during a concert by the US rock band Eagles of Death Metal.

Citing French police, AFP reports that three people were also killed in an explosion outside the Stade de France. Crowds spilled into the field after the blasts were heard, and the PA announcer asked people to avoid certain exits.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Very disturbing. These acts of terrorism must be condemned.

Condemning these acts of terrorism isn't working bai.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Very disturbing. These acts of terrorism must be condemned.

Condemning these acts of terrorism isn't working bai.

Neither does bombing. 

Originally Posted by Sparky:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Very disturbing. These acts of terrorism must be condemned.

Condemning these acts of terrorism isn't working bai.

Neither does bombing. 

I agree.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Very disturbing. These acts of terrorism must be condemned.

Condemning these acts of terrorism isn't working bai.

What does condemning achieve? These terrorists are killing people of all faiths...their organizations need to be infiltrated

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Sparky:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Very disturbing. These acts of terrorism must be condemned.

Condemning these acts of terrorism isn't working bai.

Neither does bombing. 

I agree.

Bombing better than condemning, at least you not seen as a wimp.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Reason enough to flatten Raqqa. These creeps should have no safe havens.


Unfortunately, this will just harden the will of Europeans to stop the flow of migrants.

France has not accepted migrants as yet...these terrorist reside in France

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Sparky:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Very disturbing. These acts of terrorism must be condemned.

Condemning these acts of terrorism isn't working bai.

Neither does bombing. 

I agree.

Bombing better than condemning, at least you not seen as a wimp.

bombing aint getting anywhere either...terrorists hide behind innocent people....this war has to be's not a conventional war

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Sparky:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Very disturbing. These acts of terrorism must be condemned.

Condemning these acts of terrorism isn't working bai.

Neither does bombing. 

I agree.

Bombing better than condemning, at least you not seen as a wimp.

but look at what 'we' have created. I am by no means an applogist for past policies that have led to the clusterfluck to what parts of the Middle East have become. Maybe Michael Moore was right about the 'Stupid White Men'.

Originally Posted by Sparky:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Sparky:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Very disturbing. These acts of terrorism must be condemned.

Condemning these acts of terrorism isn't working bai.

Neither does bombing. 

I agree.

Bombing better than condemning, at least you not seen as a wimp.

but look at what 'we' have created. I am by no means an applogist for past policies that have led to the clusterfluck to what parts of the Middle East have become. Maybe Michael Moore was right about the 'Stupid White Men'.

I don't feel like blaming the 'stupid white men' for the evil terrorists' actions right now though.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Reason enough to flatten Raqqa. These creeps should have no safe havens.


Unfortunately, this will just harden the will of Europeans to stop the flow of migrants.

France has not accepted migrants as yet...these terrorist reside in France

France has the largest Muslim population in Europe.

France has the largest Jewis population in Europe.

France has one of the most violent far-right nationalist groups in Europe.

France has heavy male youth unemployment in the immigrant Muslim communities.

France's immigrant communities are not as integrated as migrants are in other countries and they feel alienated.


These murdering scums are apocalyptic Salafists who would perpetrate these horrendous acts against innocent people, seen as soft targets, whether their havens in Iraq and Syria are bombed in to the Middle Ages. They have to be exterminated in all aspects - their finances, their military hardware, their bodies and souls, just like how Jihadi John was eviscerated - he evaporated from those bombs. The Saudis have to be tackled for their support of this ideology. Whoever claims credit for these heinous attacks in France today, we must hunt their planners down and exterminate them.

Originally Posted by Sparky:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Very disturbing. These acts of terrorism must be condemned.

Condemning these acts of terrorism isn't working bai.

Neither does bombing. 

Sporadic pin prick bombing does it bit. Much of their space is being taken back and their movement restricted. 


Any of the westernpowers have enough armaments to wipe them out in a day. The US did it when the sunni army had anti arcraft bombs and  200 planes, tanks, RPGs and a million soldiers in less than a week. These are 50k poorly equipped and no aircraft or anti aircraft support so it will take just a few days for anyone who is willing to put some real boots on the ground. They have only two cities under their control.

Originally Posted by Jimmer:
Lets start with Israel they are the # 1 for killing the Palestine people

Very disturbing. These acts of terrorism must be condemned.


Lets start with stupid pussies like you...send your ass back to your hell hole so you can ferment war against Israel if you want.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Reason enough to flatten Raqqa. These creeps should have no safe havens.


Unfortunately, this will just harden the will of Europeans to stop the flow of migrants.

France has not accepted migrants as yet...these terrorist reside in France

France has the largest Muslim population in Europe.

France has the largest Jewis population in Europe.

France has one of the most violent far-right nationalist groups in Europe.

France has heavy male youth unemployment in the immigrant Muslim communities.

France's immigrant communities are not as integrated as migrants are in other countries and they feel alienated.


These murdering scums are apocalyptic Salafists who would perpetrate these horrendous acts against innocent people, seen as soft targets, whether their havens in Iraq and Syria are bombed in to the Middle Ages. They have to be exterminated in all aspects - their finances, their military hardware, their bodies and souls, just like how Jihadi John was eviscerated - he evaporated from those bombs. The Saudis have to be tackled for their support of this ideology. Whoever claims credit for these heinous attacks in France today, we must hunt their planners down and exterminate them.

True.  And the PNC/Granger breaking bread with the terrorists house of Saud.  BTW, Chief MIA, just the other day he was celebrating the Caliphate saying we should make peace.


It's only a matter of time before it comes to the homeland.  They have their sympathizers here.


The establishment of the Caliphate is the result of Obama's lack of leadership and saying what they are doing is no different to Europe in the middle ages.  Trump has the solution for the Caliphate, so does Graham.  Obama playing games saying Iraq don't want US help, then suddenly Russia offers and in a jiffy real airstrikes start and US troops on the ground.


These politicians are all a corrupt bunch of liars, that's why Trump and Carson making waves.  They may not be up on everything as they and businessmen, but like hell they tell the truth, well leaving out Carson attacking his mother with a hammer.

Last edited by Former Member

baseman, there is one over-riding raison d'etre for this phase of barbaric acts that you need to pay attention to.; and it's historic and goes back way before Obama's Presidency.


When Saddam Hussein, in the Gulf Cooperation Council in the 2 years before the Kuwait invasion of August 1990, complained about the reasons he had his beef with Kuwait and Saudi Arabia - stealing oil through slant drilling, low oil prices by the Saudis for America's benefit; calling back for monetary loans made for Iraq's blood during the decade-old war with Iran that had just ended, no one gave Iraq the time of day. The world woke up to that invasion and Saddam was seen as a beast.


The Americans put thousands of boots on Saudi soil and Al Qaeda was born. It's that simple. Those murdering scums do these things because they see us in that military role and to have American soldiers in the holy land (as silly as that notion is) they will continue their barbaric act.


The Arabs goad us into being there and Obama is doing the reverse. And Ben Carson and Trump and Marco Rubio (who can't pay for the trillions of dollars for this military commitment) are your heroes.


baseman, the Iraqi invasion cost a trillion dollars unpaid for. Americans lost lives and sustained injuries that burdened or VA system in a criminal war by Bush (even Pappy Bush understands this, but you don't get it). You ask why they hate us? Go look at history - and this is not a Lucas-style conspiracy posting. These fiends must be eradicated, but we have to do it the way Obama is doing it. He wants ot help Arabs to help themselves. We must not do their fighting. We must do like what we did yesterday -  evaporate the likes of Jihadi John; break their supply lines like the Kurds and ?Yazidis did yesterday with heavy US bombing and intel.


Tell me what war should we be fighting and how you're going to pay for it. That ass Rubio is asking for $1 trillion to spend on the military as if it does not have all the money and hardware it needs to fight 10 planets' wars.


Listen banna, Obama was jolted into action by Putin taking the initiative in Syria and offering a hand to Iraq.  Obama is corrupt, he hitting here and there to show face and rescue some minorities, mainly Christians.  However, if not for Russia, he was contented at seeing Shias slaughtered and ISIS run rampant.  He trying not to offend his friends in the House of Saud.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Listen banna, Obama was jolted into action by Putin taking the initiative in Syria and offering a hand to Iraq.  Obama is corrupt, he hitting here and there to show face and rescue some minorities, mainly Christians.  However, if not for Russia, he was contented at seeing Shias slaughtered and ISIS run rampant.  He trying not to offend his friends in the House of Saud.

baseman (you should capitalize that "b" ), Putin has a military agreement with Syria and has naval bases there (just like we have with countries all over the world). The Russian action begs the question "Why now, why this late?" They have a legitimate right to enter the Syrian civil war as the insurgency was no longer the civil protests of 2011 but the foreign jihadis taking over.


Obama is playing the Russians - like, please help yourself; do another Afghanistan; hehehe). ISIS is fighting the Shiites; and like Bill Maher said "all we need is pop corn". Let's watch the show. Instead you see this as a (wasted) opportunity to smack a smart Obama.


Obama has done what America historically do - prevent genocide (the Yazidis); and help people help themselves, rather than the previous Bush administration's mistake of imposing American boots on people.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Reason enough to flatten Raqqa. These creeps should have no safe havens.


Unfortunately, this will just harden the will of Europeans to stop the flow of migrants.

France has not accepted migrants as yet...these terrorist reside in France

France has the largest Muslim population in Europe.

France has the largest Jewis population in Europe.

France has one of the most violent far-right nationalist groups in Europe.

France has heavy male youth unemployment in the immigrant Muslim communities.

France's immigrant communities are not as integrated as migrants are in other countries and they feel alienated.


These murdering scums are apocalyptic Salafists who would perpetrate these horrendous acts against innocent people, seen as soft targets, whether their havens in Iraq and Syria are bombed in to the Middle Ages. They have to be exterminated in all aspects - their finances, their military hardware, their bodies and souls, just like how Jihadi John was eviscerated - he evaporated from those bombs. The Saudis have to be tackled for their support of this ideology. Whoever claims credit for these heinous attacks in France today, we must hunt their planners down and exterminate them.

This is the state of Islam lacking reformation. It allows idiots like Chief to say there is nothing to reform when there are expressions of inhumanity from Muslims in the name of their conception of god being the main impediment to life in the modern world.


The christian churches began that form of introspection since the 324 Council in Nicene and had its last  big upheavals with Luther 95 indictments where it almost cannibalized itself but survived sanitized of its awful beliefs that were antithetical to life. The resulting  the firming up of christian creed into denominations   establishes authoritatively  notions of  beliefs acceptable to the faith and ones immediately classified as as non Christian.


When a Muslim say something is non Muslim it rings hallow. There is not affirmation of faith from communities of scholars agreeing that this category of beliefs is allowable in Islam and these are not. There are only disconnected schools and mullahs all predicating their views. Lacking agreement in what is the faith we have diseased protuberances of the faith called Taliban, Al Shabab, Boko Haram, Al Quida ISIS and every other sort of muslims who are  anti life  as their guiding principle and still calling themselves Muslims. Christians know they are not muslims but muslims themselves have no foundation to say they are not. If the did there would not be so many of these groups acting in the name of islam and yet able to lure innocent young people to their death faith.


Islam cannot exist under the pretense that selling the perception to Muslims of immaculate conception and then still have these offensive revivalist notions acting contrary to the interest of others existing.   As and individual I know that if a catholic say we believe in killing Celts I know immediately it is not catholic. The same goes for protestants of the Calvinist or Lutheran or Anglican traditions


What is even more ridiculous it the idea in Islam these affirmation of creed through periodic revisions to clarify view points are evidence that Islam is firm. That is pure nonsense. Presently, Islam can accept any anti modern view and there is no footing for any Muslim to say this is not Islam.


The fact remains that the Koran cannot stand up alone as the bastion of Islamic creed when there are so many interpreters of the faith adding their peculiar twist to it. It needs a community of Islamic scholars reducing the book to its basic articles of faith and declaring any thing outside that heretical. Only the scholars in Islam as a named authoritative committee or council can contain the disease we see in Islam today.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is the state of Islam lacking reformation. It allows idiots like Chief to say there is nothing to reform when there are expressions of inhumanity from Muslims in the name of their conception of god being the main impediment to life in the modern world.


The christian churches began that form of introspection since the 324 Council in Nicene and had its last  big upheavals with Luther 95 indictments where it almost cannibalized itself but survived sanitized of its awful beliefs that were antithetical to life. The resulting  the firming up of christian creed into denominations   establishes authoritatively  notions of  beliefs acceptable to the faith and ones immediately classified as as non Christian.


When a Muslim say something is non Muslim it rings hallow. There is not affirmation of faith from communities of scholars agreeing that this category of beliefs is allowable in Islam and these are not. There are only disconnected schools and mullahs all predicating their views. Lacking agreement in what is the faith we have diseased protuberances of the faith called Taliban, Al Shabab, Boko Haram, Al Quida ISIS and every other sort of muslims who are  anti life  as their guiding principle and still calling themselves Muslims. Christians know they are not muslims but muslims themselves have no foundation to say they are not. If the did there would not be so many of these groups acting in the name of islam and yet able to lure innocent young people to their death faith.


Islam cannot exist under the pretense that selling the perception to Muslims of immaculate conception and then still have these offensive revivalist notions acting contrary to the interest of others existing.   As and individual I know that if a catholic say we believe in killing Celts I know immediately it is not catholic. The same goes for protestants of the Calvinist or Lutheran or Anglican traditions


What is even more ridiculous it the idea in Islam these affirmation of creed through periodic revisions to clarify view points are evidence that Islam is firm. That is pure nonsense. Presently, Islam can accept any anti modern view and there is no footing for any Muslim to say this is not Islam.


The fact remains that the Koran cannot stand up alone as the bastion of Islamic creed when there are so many interpreters of the faith adding their peculiar twist to it. It needs a community of Islamic scholars reducing the book to its basic articles of faith and declaring any thing outside that heretical. Only the scholars in Islam as a named authoritative committee or council can contain the disease we see in Islam today.


Lots of good points made here Stormy.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Sparky:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Very disturbing. These acts of terrorism must be condemned.

Condemning these acts of terrorism isn't working bai.

Neither does bombing. 

Sporadic pin prick bombing does it bit. Much of their space is being taken back and their movement restricted. 


Any of the westernpowers have enough armaments to wipe them out in a day. The US did it when the sunni army had anti arcraft bombs and  200 planes, tanks, RPGs and a million soldiers in less than a week. These are 50k poorly equipped and no aircraft or anti aircraft support so it will take just a few days for anyone who is willing to put some real boots on the ground. They have only two cities under their control.

Since nine eleven, we have utilized unthinkable military power to contain, nay eradicate these terrorists but it seems like they are growing larger and wider. This is not working as hoped/expected.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Sparky:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Very disturbing. These acts of terrorism must be condemned.

Condemning these acts of terrorism isn't working bai.

Neither does bombing. 

Sporadic pin prick bombing does it bit. Much of their space is being taken back and their movement restricted. 


Any of the westernpowers have enough armaments to wipe them out in a day. The US did it when the sunni army had anti arcraft bombs and  200 planes, tanks, RPGs and a million soldiers in less than a week. These are 50k poorly equipped and no aircraft or anti aircraft support so it will take just a few days for anyone who is willing to put some real boots on the ground. They have only two cities under their control.

Since nine eleven, we have utilized unthinkable military power to contain, nay eradicate these terrorists but it seems like they are growing larger and wider. This is not working as hoped/expected.

Because we always do a half-ass job and play politics.  It's like withdrawing antibiotics before the infection is fully cured.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Sparky:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Very disturbing. These acts of terrorism must be condemned.

Condemning these acts of terrorism isn't working bai.

Neither does bombing. 

Sporadic pin prick bombing does it bit. Much of their space is being taken back and their movement restricted. 


Any of the westernpowers have enough armaments to wipe them out in a day. The US did it when the sunni army had anti arcraft bombs and  200 planes, tanks, RPGs and a million soldiers in less than a week. These are 50k poorly equipped and no aircraft or anti aircraft support so it will take just a few days for anyone who is willing to put some real boots on the ground. They have only two cities under their control.

Since nine eleven, we have utilized unthinkable military power to contain, nay eradicate these terrorists but it seems like they are growing larger and wider. This is not working as hoped/expected.

Because we always do a half-ass job and play politics.  It's like withdrawing antibiotics before the infection is fully cured.

Because we always do a half-ass job and play politics


Awww.....I see baseman just killing his fren G W Bush. Bush gave the Shiites Iraq and then all the Generals and officers and soldiers with their arms went to Daesh. This, after $1 trillion dollar that added to the 2007 financial crisis and US debt. And the Black man has to clean up his mess.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Sparky:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Very disturbing. These acts of terrorism must be condemned.

Condemning these acts of terrorism isn't working bai.

Neither does bombing. 

Sporadic pin prick bombing does it bit. Much of their space is being taken back and their movement restricted. 


Any of the westernpowers have enough armaments to wipe them out in a day. The US did it when the sunni army had anti arcraft bombs and  200 planes, tanks, RPGs and a million soldiers in less than a week. These are 50k poorly equipped and no aircraft or anti aircraft support so it will take just a few days for anyone who is willing to put some real boots on the ground. They have only two cities under their control.

Since nine eleven, we have utilized unthinkable military power to contain, nay eradicate these terrorists but it seems like they are growing larger and wider. This is not working as hoped/expected.

Because we always do a half-ass job and play politics.  It's like withdrawing antibiotics before the infection is fully cured.

Obama inherited a nation losing a million jobs a month and all its major industries in melt down. It lost all but three investment banks and those had to be bailed out. There was no will for war.


I disagree with him to have let Malaki run rough shod over him. Malaki persecuted the Sunnis relentlessly and today Iraq is in the mess it is on account of him.


The US needed to have had boots on the ground in Libya and Syria with no fly zones in protected areas and we would not have had the rise of ISIS and these millions dead. 


The economic situation kept the US on the sidelines and we have what we have. But I am sure the next president if not this one will have us back in the sand


Stormy, Obama had to conduct the terms of the agreement by Iraq that Bush left him with. His alternative was to go to Congress to give him the authority to rip everything up and start anew, but keep the bases and troops there.


Syria is a sovereign nation, like Libya was with the strikes, and the US and allies airstrikes were not voted down by China and Russia.


Syria, even with a dictator and a brutal civil war, is still a sovereign nation. Any military action on the ground in Syria by the US is an act of war on Syria. The US, like the civilized nation it is, would go to the UN security Council, having gotten the other 4 members to agree (like in Afghanistan in 2001) and then attack. Right now the US and Allies airstrikes in Syria are under the pursuit of terrorists that originate from Iraqi airspace, where the US still has a military agreement with. With Syria, not only is there an un-ended war with Israel in a legal (though defacto the Golan Heights buffer keeps the stability), but Russia has a legally binding military defense agreement which it only recently enforced.

Originally Posted by kp:

Islamic State of Iraq & Syria {ISIS} attacked France= Islamic Terrorist. We need global condemnation from the Muslim community.

ok, i represent the global Islamic community and I condemn this act for all of us...yuh ok now?


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