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Rape victims almost never receive justice

IT is a fact that most victims of rape and other sexual offences do not report their ordeal, because the reality is that they almost never receive justice in the legal system as the perpetrators are most often set free, with no repercussions for their evil actions.A shocking judgment whereby a rapist was recently set free underscores the continuum of injustices meted out to victims of sexual offences.


The victim in question was kidnapped, raped repeatedly, with all her clothes confiscated by the predator. She escaped, totally naked, through a window. A passerby rescued her as she hung precariously from the window ledge.


The perpetrator’s defence that the sex was consensual was seemingly accepted by the players in the justice system who dispensed what, in this skewed system, they project as justice in this case.

Could one envisage the years-long trauma – at varying levels, this victim suffered, only to see her tormentor go free? Actually he was freed on bail almost immediately after being charged with committing the heinous act.

This story is re-enacted in various formulations in all of Guyana’s courthouses, with enduring pain and lifelong repercussions for the victims, while the perpetrators are celebrated for their ‘machismo’.

Even as this editorial was being written another rape victim may be facing the same fate.

This newspaper earlier this week reported on the brutal rape of a teenager in a cemetery by a beast, who showed no mercy or remorse for his bestial treatment of a young girl who had been going home from her engagement in a productive life for the enhancement of her future prospects as a citizen of this country and a member of the human family.

He abused her, with a knife to her throat, then abandoned her at the scene of his crime, uncaring of her fate.

He was caught, but would she find justice; or would her fate be that of the victim of the preceding incident? Only time will tell; but time and precedence have never proven to be kind and/or just to victims of sex crimes.

In a previous editorial, headlined ‘Castrate them!’ this newspaper advanced a theory of castration being the only solution to reverse, and perhaps halt the escalation of sex crimes in the society, which drove former social services minister, Priya Manickchand to enact stern legislation that the Government would provide justice to victims and a deterrent to perpetrators.

This has not impeded the deviants and such incidences have accelerated, with almost no justice for the victims. So the call for castration of sexual deviants is once more being made by this publication.
Perhaps only then will this bestial practice of sexual predators who take advantage of Guyana’s lax justice system to prey on society’s helpless and vulnerable victims come to a halt.

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Originally Posted by TI:

I would simply shoot them, put them in a sack with cement and throw them in the river. Quite calmly,and then go about my business,


That is not exactly a system of justice for a modern society. The judicial system must be able to punish these offenses without people resorting to vigilante justice.


Judicial systems are not created to punish individuals, they are there to administer justice, and must function within the gambit of the law.

The law has no sentiments. In reality, the law is indeed an ass in many cases.

Originally Posted by TI:

Judicial systems are not created to punish individuals, they are there to administer justice, and must function within the gambit of the law.

The law has no sentiments. In reality, the law is indeed an ass in many cases.


What the hell does this mean in English? The administration of justice involves punishing the guilty. If evidently guilty people keep escaping the clutches of justice, there is obviously something seriously wrong.


Unless I missed something.

Originally Posted by TI:

you ever heard the term, "punishment does not fit the crime"?

in many instances Judges hands are tied in administering justice.




No one is talking about the merits of 10 years in prison vs. 20 vs. capital punishment.


The fact is no one is getting punished at all for terrible felonies such as rape and murder. 


The only rapists and murders getting sent to jail are probably poor idiots who raped and/or murdered other poor people.

Originally Posted by TI:

My point exactly. Where is the justice In a court of law where a rich individual is convicted versus a poor individual. As I said the law is an ass, I support vigilantism.


Don't conflate issues here. A rich person hiring an experienced attorney for defense is totally different from bribing witnesses to drop complaints, the DPP not bringing indictments, jurors getting bribed, judges getting bribed, files going "missing", and Rules of Evidence which allow you to basically humiliate and shred the humanity of a rape victim on the witness stand.


Sure you do not wish to conflate the imperfect but good American system to the outrageous nonsense that is the Guyanese system?

Originally Posted by ball:

there is another case where the young lady had to run out of the country wid her life after she accused one minister, if not she would be dead 


Thank you.


If an American accuses an American Cabinet Member of rape, they will arrest the Cabinet Member and the victim will not have to run to Russia to claim political asylum while her rapist gets another promotion.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by TI:

My point exactly. Where is the justice In a court of law where a rich individual is convicted versus a poor individual. As I said the law is an ass, I support vigilantism.


Don't conflate issues here. A rich person hiring an experienced attorney for defense is totally different from bribing witnesses to drop complaints, the DPP not bringing indictments, jurors getting bribed, judges getting bribed, files going "missing", and Rules of Evidence which allow you to basically humiliate and shred the humanity of a rape victim on the witness stand.


Sure you do not wish to conflate theimperfect but good American system to the outrageous nonsense that is the Guyanese system?

In Guyana every head of gov't would reference

America in their argument,so why don't they

implement a justice system like America,

damn i forget they too corrupt.


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