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Former Member
I personally dislike the coalition government for various reasons, but is there anything we can do collectively to voice our concerns for the benefit of the people of Guyana, rather defending the government?

Let's take the people over politics challenge for one week starting today. Let's put aside the government and opposition. No racist language. No bigotry. Just the people of Guyana and their needs must be the focal point in this discussion.

I have to give credit to riffraff for bringing up the health issue for starters. Even if some of us agrees, I will request the moderator to keep the thread clean.

If we can fight each other over politics, why we can't fight for the people of Guyana?

Food for thought.

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Originally Posted by Cobra:
I personally dislike the coalition government for various reasons, but is there anything we can do collectively to voice our concerns for the benefit of the people of Guyana, rather defending the government?

Let's take the people over politics challenge for one week starting today. Let's put aside the government and opposition. No racist language. No bigotry. Just the people of Guyana and their needs must be the focal point in this discussion.

I have to give credit to riffraff for bringing up the health issue for starters. Even if some of us agrees, I will request the moderator to keep the thread clean.

If we can fight each other over politics, why we can't fight for the people of Guyana?

Food for thought.

The first sentence is as screwy as you can get. You want to satisfy your dislike for the regime by asking us to be critical and disregard our personal opinions. And who say that criticisms benefit the people of Guyana? What benefits the people is objective criticisms not any kind of criticisms.


You are intractably committed to a race based points of view. You cannot help yourself. Seeking to know for the sake of knowing may be our inherent disposition as humans but with you that latent programming went awry.


You are a racist knuckle head and you will always be a racist knucklehead as long as you do not decide voluntarily to seek corrective measures through self examination of your prejudices.


Another thing, let's not pretend that the issues Guyanese face has suddenly surfaced since the coalition came into Govt.

Lots of these problems have been ongoing, the people voted coalition because they felt that a new Govt could do better. Some things, like the security, are real worrisome and the new Govt has to do a better job in this regard.

If supporters of the previous Govt feel that the new Govt is the reason for all the current problems, then the systems that were in place must have been very weak for things to suddenly fall apart after just a couple months.

So, while I agree that the problems Guyanese face need to be looked at objectively, I hope this does not become a Govt bashing thread. Nothing wrong with criticizing, but the name calling and racist rhetoric has to be toned down.

Last edited by Former Member

I think Cobra means well. However, this is a Political Discussion forum and, by nature, politics is disputatious, confrontational, contradictory, antagonistic, even murderous.

I am all for each of us representing our chosen parties and expressing our views on what our side does and what our opponents' side does too.

I am against personal insults and character assassination of GNI members.

A few jokes here and there are okay but ....


This topic is just as good as soft political and the gun amnesty that I agreed to give it a try for the entire month. The option is still open to see how many members are willing to give up protecting the government and focus on the needs of the people. Many problems pass through from government to government and I don't intend to blame any side. If my effort is not met, I going back to be my regular self after one week from today. Deal or no deal.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
I personally dislike the coalition government for various reasons, but is there anything we can do collectively to voice our concerns for the benefit of the people of Guyana, rather defending the government?

Let's take the people over politics challenge for one week starting today. Let's put aside the government and opposition. No racist language. No bigotry. Just the people of Guyana and their needs must be the focal point in this discussion.

I have to give credit to riffraff for bringing up the health issue for starters. Even if some of us agrees, I will request the moderator to keep the thread clean.

If we can fight each other over politics, why we can't fight for the people of Guyana?

Food for thought.

Start off by admitting that you were a racist frog when you denigrated black people with stereotypes which belong on a KKK site.  Savagery, violence, laziness, and being a negative element in Guyana.


Continue by admitting that Indians and Africans have practiced ethnic exclusion and institutional racism, and that both have suffered.


The Number ONE reason why Guyana has the problems which it does is because of this problem.  We believe our role is to serve the governing elites, rather than conveying to them that they were voted in to represent the interests of all Guyanese, regardless as to whether they are their traditional supporters or not.


Guyana produced monsters like Janet Jagan, Forbes Burnham, and Bharat Jagdeo, and weak incompetent leadership like Donald Ramotar and Robert Corbin, because we allowed this.


Some one compared Guyana and Trinidad, and wondered why, with similar demographics, and a similar divide & rule British colonial history, that Guyana was so dysfunctional, when compared to T&T. Why is Kamla forced to immediately fire ministers when they do wrong, whereas in Guyana minister can pistol whip the public, drive drunk and injure them, or their children can rape the public, and yet with no consequences.


Our weak civic society is the reason.  Trinis do NOT tolerate nonsense, and through civic society, they convey their displeasure.  Even though possessing the same instincts ethnically exclude, Kamla knows that she cannot get away with what Jagdeo did, and so is much more humble when she faces the public.


Cobra you have NO credibility in screaming about ethic exclusion because you ADVOCATED it when the PPP was in power.  You have continuously debased and disregarded and disrespected Afro Guyanese, and so they in term will disrespect people like you.


The reason why their is an ethnic bias on who the coalition gov't is letting go, is because the PPP only hired Indians.  So if Indians were in leadership slots then why the shock that it is only Indians being let go?  If Africans were excluded, then why the shock that Africans are quite happy to see all these Indians heads rolling, pun intended?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I think Cobra means well. However, this is a Political Discussion forum and, by nature, politics is disputatious, confrontational, contradictory, antagonistic, even murderous.

I am all for each of us representing our chosen parties and expressing our views on what our side does and what our opponents' side does too.

I am against personal insults and character assassination of GNI members.

A few jokes here and there are okay but ....


100Percent accurate.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I think Cobra means well. However, this is a Political Discussion forum and, by nature, politics is disputatious, confrontational, contradictory, antagonistic, even murderous.

I am all for each of us representing our chosen parties and expressing our views on what our side does and what our opponents' side does too.

I am against personal insults and character assassination of GNI members.

A few jokes here and there are okay but ....


Cobra means well and a few jokes here and there...Gill are you feeling alright tonight ?


This guy was .....just kidding Cobra.

Even though our donkey stepped on a wata snake once, I don't  hold it against your snake family.


 I believe any government or conversation needs a good opposition to be effective, held acceptable and to function properly.

Cobra can be pain in the ass at times, but sometimes a pain in the ass is what gets the message across.


Keep on trucking Cobra, you have a passion  and in my experience, our passions build lives.    

Originally Posted by Tola:

Cobra can be pain in the ass at times, but sometimes a pain in the ass is what gets the message across.


Keep on trucking Cobra, you have a passion  and in my experience, our passions build lives.    

Opposition parties are only effective when they are credible.  The PPP and the Guyana Times has been screaming the building on fire too many times, when there isn't even smoke.


The problem is when they actually do scream building on fire, and it really is on fire, they will not be believed.


The people spoke on May 11th as they did in several elections since 1992.  All those elections were considered free and fair.  Just because this one delivers a result that the PPP doesn't like they have a childish tantrum.


The PPP needs to examine why in 2011 and again in 2015 51% of the voters decided AGAINST them.  Guyana doesn't belong to them, and they are not entitled to rule it.  They have to EARN the right to rule, and in 2015 they did NOT!


Guyana needs a constructive opposition which focuses on problems which really do exist.  The PPP needs to focus on ceasing being the "coolie party".


While there may well be victimization of some PPP appointed leaders, how can the PPP scream that it is ethnically based when they know;


1. Almost all of the leadership of state controlled entities were Indians, many of whom were incompetent, and only were they because of being part of the PPP elite


2.  The only PPP officials which have been dragged in front of the courts to date is ONE black female.


The PPP needs to admit its arrogance, its ethnic exclusion, and its corruption, and it needs to find new leadership to prove that it plans to move beyond this.  The PPP instead selects the man, who represents its worst instincts, to lead it.


hehehe offer expires. So do you really mean that, because no one cares about what you think...offer expires and you go back to the usual ranting? Classy, very classy as that of a ...never mind.


Banna, everyone here is looking out for the welfare of the Guyanese people. If this newly elected government does not do something soon regarding the safety of their people, yes I will be cussing them as I did with the previous government but let's be sensible about this.

As we have said time and time again, this new government does have many hills to climb, they are doing their best with what they have.

I am sure like us here, those in government are also concerned with ongoing crime but we cannot expect a sudden change from a criminal society to one where crime is non existent or at least diminished in a matter of a few months.


Another thing as stated by Caribny. The Gy Times keeps printing lies and when caught there is no admission, the news is just cast aside. Yet we have posters coming in here and bringing up the same crap and expect that we let it slide. Perhaps this is where the admin should remove such posts.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
It's a simple challenge that many fear of ruining the reputation of their government. I am willing to put the PPP on trial to protect the people of Guyana. Please join me.

Yuh can't a Govt on trial after a few months, you have to give them a chance. You can definitely point some shortcomings and also criticize the way they do things

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
It's a simple challenge that many fear of ruining the reputation of their government. I am willing to put the PPP on trial to protect the people of Guyana. Please join me.

Yuh can't a Govt on trial after a few months, you have to give them a chance. You can definitely point some shortcomings and also criticize the way they do things

You also cant open your mouth and make all sorts of allegations and have nothing to show!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
It's a simple challenge that many fear of ruining the reputation of their government. I am willing to put the PPP on trial to protect the people of Guyana. Please join me.

Yuh can't a Govt on trial after a few months, you have to give them a chance. You can definitely point some shortcomings and also criticize the way they do things

You also cant open your mouth and make all sorts of allegations and have nothing to show!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this occurs in all political campaigns


It is a laudable idea. However, it is doomed to failure. Look at some of the comments posted here. People have become so accustomed to the type of discourse that it is now their mode. You are asking them to change. This is difficult at best. Fir some here, it is not the soundness of the idea, of learning from each othrr. Fir them, it is about winning or losing an argument, how much insult they can haul at others. I hope that you are successful.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
I guess not many seem to think the issues like health care, security, jobs and cost of living, etc., are not as important to talk about. I tried and failed than fail to try. We have until next Wednesday when this offer expires.

Until our dysfunctional ethno political environment is fixed, there will be no progress in other areas.  The last 55 years should have taught you this.


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