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‘Textbook economics’ will not turn Guyana around – Jagdeo

September 7, 2016 11:37 am Category: Business, latest news, Politics A+ /A-


Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo says that a “textbook” economic ideology will have no impact on the country’s declining economic bill of health regardless of  the continuous Government rhetoric about creating economic growth.

Jagdeo, speaking at a recent media conference in the boardroom of the headquarters of the Peoples Progress Party Civic on Robb Street, dubbed the A Partnership for Nationality Unity and Alliance for Change Government’s new approach to key economic matters as “lazy”.

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

He said that despite the half-year statistics released by the Finance Ministry, the economy was still sluggish, slow and facing massive challenges which if not handled properly could have redounding negative effects on the poorest of the country’s poor, its business sector and the working class.

Jagdeo, a former president, warned the Government to set out a clearly defined economic strategy that could inspire private sector growth and development in order to attract higher levels of domestic and foreign investments while boosting the levels of spending.

He said that attempts by the new Ministry of Business in this respect were “unrealistic” as he explained the impact one of its recent announcements could have doing business in Guyana and the country’s ability to attract more investment given its Anti-Money Laundering ranking.

Jagdeo recalled the Minister of Business Dominic Gaskin’s utterances about the need for due diligence to become mandatory for all investors coming to Guyana.

“He has not defined what would be the parameters of this due diligence…so it sounds good text book-wise but it’s another hurdle to businesses coming to Guyana”, the opposition leader posited.

He said that unless this is done, this will only lead to more complications while questioning why the same approach was not undertaken by the new Government for many of those they had recruited to head departments and State agencies from abroad.

“But isn’t it hypocritical that they want due diligence on investment and did not do due diligence on the man that they brought back to head the Georgetown Public Hospital Board who is convicted for drugs now…they didn’t do due diligence on another person hired at GWI who has been convicted twice in the US for drug dealing”, he told reporters.

He also criticised Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo’s recent announcement that “someone approached him to invest”.  The Prime Minister said also that things were headed in the right direction as the economic status of the country was concerned.

Calling Nagamootoo a post office prime minister, Jagdeo said that that announcement was a publicity stunt as everyone knows that the Government is taking a beating for the poor state of the economy.

“Imagine you are announcing not even the investment or the application for the investment…this man has absolutely nothing to do…And so this is not how you are going to change the economy. The country is hurting and poor people are losing their jobs…Its right across the country”, he remarked.

He said too that “every week we come here and we lament this issue because we are hoping to move the Govt to action….”.

The Opposition Leader also felt that bringing early budgets would offer no relief to the populace unless their projects are fully implemented and are structured on the pillars of realism.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

caribny posted:
Kari posted:

a post office prime minister.......    

Jagdeo was a win bag president whose idea of a night out was playing billiards with narco traffickers at Buddy's.

Well, PNC now have the opportunity to do what you always said PNC can but never did nor never had the chance to do.  We waiting!

And come off that BJ RK thing, it stale like lat Christmas black cake!


When Jagdeo and his friends were pilfering Guyana, the country was economically in a poorer state than Venezuela, Suriname, Brazil, and many more countries on the continent. Guyana has now surpassed those three countries under a new government, and all that Jagdeo can say is that we are on the wrong course. He obviously needs his head examined.

caribny posted:
Kari posted:

a post office prime minister.......    

Jagdeo was a win bag president whose idea of a night out was playing billiards with narco traffickers at Buddy's.

But he is right about the Hon. Moses Nagamoottoo.

Mr.T posted:

When Jagdeo and his friends were pilfering Guyana, the country was economically in a poorer state than Venezuela, Suriname, Brazil, and many more countries on the continent. Guyana has now surpassed those three countries under a new government, and all that Jagdeo can say is that we are on the wrong course. He obviously needs his head examined.

So you saying Granger took Guyana from a poor destitute country to an upper mid-income in 14 months.  That is some black magic, no pun intended!!

ba$eman posted:
Mr.T posted:

When Jagdeo and his friends were pilfering Guyana, the country was economically in a poorer state than Venezuela, Suriname, Brazil, and many more countries on the continent. Guyana has now surpassed those three countries under a new government, and all that Jagdeo can say is that we are on the wrong course. He obviously needs his head examined.

So you saying Granger took Guyana from a poor destitute country to an upper mid-income in 14 months.  That is some black magic, no pun intended!!

How long did it take Venezuela's economy to collapse?


Mr.T posted:
ba$eman posted:
Mr.T posted:

When Jagdeo and his friends were pilfering Guyana, the country was economically in a poorer state than Venezuela, Suriname, Brazil, and many more countries on the continent. Guyana has now surpassed those three countries under a new government, and all that Jagdeo can say is that we are on the wrong course. He obviously needs his head examined.

So you saying Granger took Guyana from a poor destitute country to an upper mid-income in 14 months.  That is some black magic, no pun intended!!

How long did it take Venezuela's economy to collapse?

That was not my comment, not on Venez and not on collapse.  It was on Guyana and on rebuilding!

And while we on the topic of brukking and building, how long did it take to build the WTC towers and how long to bring them down!


The country is rebuilding. The drugs trade is in serious crisis. In the mean time salaries and pensions have increased, giving the recipients greater spending power. The currency is also very stable on the exchange. Inflation is low. These are tangible things that are allowing us to weather the storm that rages all around us in neighbouring countries.

ba$eman posted:

Mr.T posted:
ba$eman posted:
Mr.T posted:

When Jagdeo and his friends were pilfering Guyana, the country was economically in a poorer state than Venezuela, Suriname, Brazil, and many more countries on the continent. Guyana has now surpassed those three countries under a new government, and all that Jagdeo can say is that we are on the wrong course. He obviously needs his head examined.

So you saying Granger took Guyana from a poor destitute country to an upper mid-income in 14 months.  That is some black magic, no pun intended!!

How long did it take Venezuela's economy to collapse?

That was not my comment, not on Venez and not on collapse.  It was on Guyana and on rebuilding!

And while we on the topic of brukking and building, how long did it take to build the WTC towers and how long to bring them down!

Yuh nah feel like yuh a chase wan Donkey around a stadium????

Nehru posted:
ba$eman posted:

Mr.T posted:
ba$eman posted:
Mr.T posted:

When Jagdeo and his friends were pilfering Guyana, the country was economically in a poorer state than Venezuela, Suriname, Brazil, and many more countries on the continent. Guyana has now surpassed those three countries under a new government, and all that Jagdeo can say is that we are on the wrong course. He obviously needs his head examined.

So you saying Granger took Guyana from a poor destitute country to an upper mid-income in 14 months.  That is some black magic, no pun intended!!

How long did it take Venezuela's economy to collapse?

That was not my comment, not on Venez and not on collapse.  It was on Guyana and on rebuilding!

And while we on the topic of brukking and building, how long did it take to build the WTC towers and how long to bring them down!

Yuh nah feel like yuh a chase wan Donkey around a stadium????

I don't think that anyone would take advice from a failed alcoholic like you.

Mr.T posted:

When Jagdeo and his friends were pilfering Guyana, the country was economically in a poorer state than Venezuela, Suriname, Brazil, and many more countries on the continent. Guyana has now surpassed those three countries under a new government, and all that Jagdeo can say is that we are on the wrong course. He obviously needs his head examined.

T, if true that would be great news for Guyanese and the standard of living would be quite evident.

Even with its current balance of payments situation and falling foreign currency rate, Suriname still has a higher per capita GDP than Guyana. Venezuela and Brazil (while they both have serious economic issues) are much larger economies and larger population than Guyana, and their economic infrastructure is leagues above Guyana's. 

So let's hear how Guyana has now surpassed those three countries.


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