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Farmers and families plunged into depression

Rice farmers protesting outside the Agriculture Ministry on Thursday [file photo)

Rice farmers protesting outside the Agriculture Ministry on Thursday (file photo)

Paddy prices crisis continues 


…to protest in front of REO Ramayya’s office today



Rice farmers are at their wits’ end as they continue to battle with high production costs and poor prices for paddy, and the resultant huge losses they are enduring.

Guyana Times understands that farmers on Wakenaam Island in the Essequibo River are feeling the brunt of the situation. On Sunday, this newspaper was reliably informed that the present cost per bag of “A” grade paddy on the island is $1800. However, this is non-profitable since this is far below the cost of production and the farmers have families to maintain, bills to pay and inputs to purchase for the next crop.

According to information received, the one mill in Wakenaam is facing production issues, so rice farmers have to take their produce to the mills on Essequibo Coast. The average cost to transport the paddy is between $350 and $400 per bag, so doing so leaves farmers with $1400 to $1450 per bag of paddy without paying any other expense.nit was reported that one large farmer on the Essequibo Coast committed suicide because he was depressed over the dire situation in the rice industry and his personal difficulties.

This newspaper was told that an acre of paddy is currently yielding about 30 bags, so a price of $2500 would enable farmers to achieve the break-even figure of$75,000. Many Wakenaam farmers are now frustrated as to what alternative can yield them profits instead of losses.

In Corentyne, Berbice and other parts of the Ancient County, rice farmers are also facing severe hardships owing to the low prices they are being paid for their paddy.

Guyana Times was told that the price being offered to the farmers in Berbice ranges between $1800 and $2000 per bag. However, this is also not enough to maintain farmers.

They are beyond upset and frustrated. Many of them are lamenting their situation, stating that they have been “duped” by the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Government which promised them between $6000 and $9000 for a bag of paddy once it took office. The coalition had further said it had allocated $23 billion in the 2015 Budget for the rice industry.

A number of rice farmers throughout the country are currently contemplating using their land for other types of farming instead of pursuing rice because it is not “paying off”.

Should this happen on a large scale, Guyana would suffer tremendously since this staple is the leading agricultural foreign exchange earner.



Guyana Times was informed on Sunday that the rice farmers in the meantime would continue with their protests and peaceful picketing in the hope the Government would finally address their problems in a positive manner.

A number of rice farmers will be gathered in front of the office of Region Six Regional Executive Officer (REO) Veerasammy Ramayya today at 10:00h to protest against the false promises made by him and the Government, according to farmers.

“We will continue to protest until our interests are taken into consideration. Ramayya during campaign time told us that we will get $6000 a bag for paddy. [Khemraj] Ramjattan had said $9000, but Monday (today) we will protest in front of Ramayya so he should give us the $6000 himself since he promised that,” one angry farmer told this publication.

On Thursday, close to 400 rice farmers from across the country protested outside the Agriculture Ministry hoping to send a message to the new Government that it has a responsibility to keep its promises. (

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The millers are fixing price for the farmers' paddy. The millers are private entrepreneurs. The farmers are private operators. If the low price is getting farmers depressed, they should blame the millers. Government is not involved there.

yuji, you cannot want to eat your cake and have it. In the coalition's recent budget there were reductions in the cost of fertilizers, machinery and other production costs.

The PPP and RPA are misleading rice farmers and using them for political mileage.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

PNC part one killed the Rice industry. PNC part two is killing it in less than a year.


PNC Part Two = PNC Part One

PNC = kaka.


Led by KaKaMotoo.


Prime for a Guyana Spring uprising:


"In Corentyne, Berbice and other parts of the Ancient County, rice farmers are also facing severe hardships owing to the low prices they are being paid for their paddy.

Guyana Times was told that the price being offered to the farmers in Berbice ranges between $1800 and $2000 per bag. However, this is also not enough to maintain farmers"

Last edited by Former Member

PNC pushed a big rod on Rice Farmers:


"They are beyond upset and frustrated.


Many of them are lamenting their situation, stating that they have been “duped” by the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Government which promised them between $6000 and $9000 for a bag of paddy once it took office. The coalition had further said it had allocated $23 billion in the 2015 Budget for the rice industry."


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The millers are fixing price for the farmers' paddy. The millers are private entrepreneurs. The farmers are private operators. If the low price is getting farmers depressed, they should blame the millers. Government is not involved there.

yuji, you cannot want to eat your cake and have it. In the coalition's recent budget there were reductions in the cost of fertilizers, machinery and other production costs.

The PPP and RPA are misleading rice farmers and using them for political mileage.

Yugi is brain damaged from drinking trench water. The protest is politically motivated by the PPP and their sympatizers  in the RPA.


Top U.S. states for rice yield per harvested acre from 2011 to 2014 (in pounds)


How are they able to survive?


"Many of them are lamenting their situation, stating that they have been “duped” by the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Government which promised them between $6000 and $9000 for a bag of paddy once it took office. The coalition had further said it had allocated $23 billion in the 2015 Budget for the rice industry."

Originally Posted by yuji22:

"Many of them are lamenting their situation, stating that they have been “duped” by the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Government which promised them between $6000 and $9000 for a bag of paddy once it took office. The coalition had further said it had allocated $23 billion in the 2015 Budget for the rice industry."

You are an ass hole.


Rice farmers are at their wits’ end as they continue to battle with high production costs and poor prices for paddy, and the resultant huge losses they are enduring.


So whose fault is that? Paddy is not expensive to grow. So how come these people have high production costs? And who is giving them the prices for their paddy? Is it the PPP controlled millers? What has the government got to do with any of that? Why should the Guyanese tax payers bail them out? It is the PPP that spent their money. Go see jagdeo and ramotar.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Rice farmers are at their wits’ end as they continue to battle with high production costs and poor prices for paddy, and the resultant huge losses they are enduring.


So whose fault is that? Paddy is not expensive to grow. So how come these people have high production costs? And who is giving them the prices for their paddy? Is it the PPP controlled millers? What has the government got to do with any of that? Why should the Guyanese tax payers bail them out? It is the PPP that spent their money. Go see jagdeo and ramotar.

keep your tarp shut. Would you like them to sell their paddy for peanuts so the  blackman can cook their cook up rice.  Jagdeo and Ramoutar is not the Government anymore.  'Rice and sugar' is carry you people on their backs.    

Granger fool the rice farmers that as soon they get into office, they will get $6000 to $9000 per bag of paddy. Instead, they're losing money. Granger will give them more katahar fuh hold.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Granger fool the rice farmers that as soon they get into office, they will get $6000 to $9000 per bag of paddy. Instead, they're losing money. Granger will give them more katahar fuh hold.

Prove it that Granger promise them $6000 to $9000 per bag of paddy.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Prime for a Guyana Spring uprising:


"In Corentyne, Berbice and other parts of the Ancient County, rice farmers are also facing severe hardships owing to the low prices they are being paid for their paddy.

Guyana Times was told that the price being offered to the farmers in Berbice ranges between $1800 and $2000 per bag. However, this is also not enough to maintain farmers"

Daft, stupid people (Guyanese in general) who do not understand supply, demand and pricing. They keep producing so much that there is an overabundance but they must get high prices simply because they "worked hard". The Guyanese mind at work. Not a damn clue about anything beyond their area of concern.


And not ONE of these "smart", "wealthy" Indians says wait, it don't pay for me to grow this shit. Can I grow something else? No, it's always government this and that. Pon another thread we gat another genius asking how the government can "make the races get along". Such absurd shit makes me nauseous.


If after 60 years or so alyuh don't realize the govt ain't the answer then yuh gon feel! All alyuh - black man, indian man, potagee man, amerindian man, dougla man, red man, anti man. All alyuh.

Last edited by Former Member

I don't know when Indo Guyanese will think for

themselves,the following the chap Dharamkumar

Seeraj the RPA che bat who a sit in parliament

raking in dough,and gat them poor chaps

protesting,i dunno why he don't teach them

how to grow rice at cost effective price to

compete with the world producers.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Django:

I don't know when Indo Guyanese will think for

themselves,the following the chap Dharamkumar

Seeraj the RPA che bat who a sit in parliament

raking in dough,and gat them poor chaps


According to the Indo KKK hay, indo guyanese "brilliant" bai. Superior to ahwe po black man who completely dependent pon them and exist only fuh rob them.

Originally Posted by Django:

I don't know when Indo Guyanese will think for

themselves,the following the chap Dharamkumar

Seeraj the RPA che bat who a sit in parliament

raking in dough,and gat them poor chaps


I don't understand why they keep on producing more for less. Perhaps Cobra or Yugi can explain.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Django:

I don't know when Indo Guyanese will think for

themselves,the following the chap Dharamkumar

Seeraj the RPA che bat who a sit in parliament

raking in dough,and gat them poor chaps


I don't understand why they keep on producing more for less. Perhaps Cobra or Yugi can explain.

Ask Nehru too. He gon seh "hard wuk". Reason why he gat a PHD and filing papers in de bursar office.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Django:

I don't know when Indo Guyanese will think for

themselves,the following the chap Dharamkumar

Seeraj the RPA che bat who a sit in parliament

raking in dough,and gat them poor chaps


According to the Indo KKK hay, indo guyanese "brilliant" bai. Superior to ahwe po black man who completely dependent pon them and exist only fuh rob them.

Them stuppidy one's think afro depend on them,where

were they when afro's dominate all the skilled trades.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Beharry and other businesses should experiment with rice chowmein or a blend of rice and wheat flour chowmein to increase domestic consumption.

Chinese store sells rice sticks.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Beharry and other businesses should experiment with rice chowmein or a blend of rice and wheat flour chowmein to increase domestic consumption.

Chinese store sells rice sticks.

How about Beharry selling dry coconuts?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

"Many of them are lamenting their situation, stating that they have been “duped” by the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Government which promised them between $6000 and $9000 for a bag of paddy once it took office. The coalition had further said it had allocated $23 billion in the 2015 Budget for the rice industry."

You are an ass hole.

dude...stop with the name calling...tired of trying to manage yuh so called adults

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Beharry and other businesses should experiment with rice chowmein or a blend of rice and wheat flour chowmein to increase domestic consumption.

Chinese store sells rice sticks.

How about Beharry selling dry coconuts?

Dry coconuts products have good health benefits.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Beharry and other businesses should experiment with rice chowmein or a blend of rice and wheat flour chowmein to increase domestic consumption.

Chinese store sells rice sticks.

How about Beharry selling dry coconuts?

Dry coconuts products have good health benefits.

Some people does eat dry coconut fuh tea, breakfast and dinner, so dont knock it.

Originally Posted by yuji22:




yuji the self-proclaimed free-market capitalist usurping a socialist image to foment insurrection in Guyana. And not just any socialist image, but one from my Trotskyist comrades. APNU+AFC mek yuji bassidy.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:




yuji the self-proclaimed free-market capitalist usurping a socialist image to foment insurrection in Guyana. And not just any socialist image, but one from my Trotskyist comrades. APNU+AFC mek yuji bassidy.


PNC is a socialist party.


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