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Anan posted:

This is why the government of the day is in charge. The things Jagdeo is speaking out of as opposition leader are the things he once control.

For me,  he is doing what an opposition leader is supposed to do when the president of the day is having his way to reduce the PPP to little or nothing. The PNC don't care about the PPP or their historical facts, etc., and vise versa.

What do you mean by thank you to president Jagdeo? Is it something he said that charmed your feeling? 


Anan posted:

President Jagdeo is the the most Progressive LEGALLY ELECTED President to EVER rule Guyana


He is a former president and currently the opposition leader. No doubt he was a good leader, but to be fair, you to have ask every Guyanese their opinion on Jagdeo's performance or that's just your opinion.

BTW, the coalition government is not legitimate? If not, why?

Last edited by Former Member

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