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Former Member


The charges made against Kwayana are contrary to the character of the individual

Dear Editor,

Kindly permit this letter in relation to Eusi Kwayana’s in the Stabroek News (‘I received no money from the Rodney Commission for travel and housing’, May 11).  On October 28, 2015, he sent me an email in which he alluded to the accusations made against him.  I confessed to not understanding the contents of the mail in my response to him especially as there was no attachment as indicated, and asked for some clarification.  I did not hear back from him.  Now we have a letter which makes matters clear.

There are people in our society who have unlimited access to the media who feel it is their birthright to accuse, malign, denigrate and defame those with whom they have a disagreement.  These are not the regular bloggers, but they are men with extraordinary pretensions to learning.  They are at liberty denigrate not only individuals, but a whole people, and with absolute impunity.

I cannot claim to know Eusi Kwayana as intimately as others with whom he has had a much longer relationship.  But since I have come to know him I have always found him to be a man of great moral integrity and probity from which I have never known him to deviate.  In this, even his foes will readily agree.

I have personally learnt a lot from him, especially from his lifestyle and example. I have always tried to understand people not only by what they say but also by how they live, and found in him an effortless and happy convergence of speech and action.  This is what gives his pronouncements much moral power.

Unlike a current WPA member who has recently written that he refrained from full disclosures to the Rodney Commission, because he did not want to give “ammunition to the PPP” in an election year, Kwayana would be constrained by no such concern or guile.

No one is perfect, as he reminds us, but the charges made against him are so contrary to the character of the individual, that one is left to wonder about the intentions of their authors.  Is it wanton irresponsibility in the name of journalism and freedom of expression, or is it the sheer joy of tearing down others with whom we have disagreements? Or what?

They say when you want to discredit the character of a person you strike at his strongest point.  Eusi Kwayana has shown, by his life of deliberate simplicity that it is possible for one in public life to insulate oneself against the lure of money and the seduction of power.  It is exactly here where the assault on his character took place.

I am convinced that if a man is pure not all the mud in all the oceans thrown at him can sully his character.  When a torch is lit, though it is held down, the flame still leaps up. No matter how hard we try, we can never become big by cutting down others.

Yours faithfully,

Swami Aksharananda

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Vish M posted:

This is an interesting response.

New respect for the Swami

Can someone post the letter that provoked this response !!!


What you mean by new respect for the villager Vish,did you lost some just kidding.


Notwithstanding the lilliputian arrows flying towards Gilbakka by certain mischievous persons here, let me state for the record that I have always held Eusi Kwayana in high regard. He and I had a few chats before 1992 and I must say he has been a role model for me with his simple lifestyle. Like him, I adopted a life of "deliberate simplicity", not going after wealth or big material goods. In this regard, two other persons inspired me: St Francis of Assisi and David Henry Thoreau

Special note to Miss Haniffa: I don't esteem you the less for consistently trying to belittle me. 

Prashad posted:

Kwayana is a great man.He was very interested in hinduism as a child.

He still does, Prash. At his advanced age, Eusi Kwayana says he is studying comparative religion.

Nehru posted:

You may know Eusi Kwayana BUT do you know Sidney King??????????????

Yes, sir. Sidney King was Eusi Kwayana's birth name. And what Sidney King advocated in 1961 is what Prashad is advocating in 2016, ie PARTITION.

The early 1960s were dangerous times in Guyana with Indians and Africans mauling each other to death and destroying each other's property. In that desperate situation, Sidney King was not the only person who thought that partition was a way out of the crisis. A small delegation of Indians also presented a petition to the Governor for partition.

Even Dr Cheddi Jagan was forced by the prevailing circumstances to acknowledge that partition was a possibility, according to declassified US State Department documents.

On June 27, 1964, the US Consulate General in British Guiana sent a telegram to the State Department. The US diplomat wrote: "Premier Jagan called me to his office late afternoon June 26 and talked over an hour .... Jagan said in final analysis only three courses now possible in BG: (1) coalition; (2) civil war; (3) partition. He thought coalition was dependent on U.S. He thought partition was no solution and recalled difficulties and suffering which ensued when India was partitioned." []

BTW, as soon as Sidney King had called for partition, Forbes Burnham expelled him from the PNC.

In my opinion, Eusi Kwayana should not be defined by what he did in 1961. Dr Walter Rodney chose to move on in 1979 and that was why he agreed to form the Working People's Alliance [WPA] with Kwayana's African Society for Cultural Relations with Independent Africa [ASCRIA], Moses Bhagwan's Indian People's Revolutionary Associates [IPRA] and two other groups. 

As Django pointed out, Swami Aksharananda was in the same WPA. Before that, he was a PPP activist who along with me and other comrades attended a party constituency conference in the Cornelia Ida Hindu Temple compound in early 1970. That conference was addressed by Reepu Daman Persaud and Vincent Teekah.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

"And what Sidney King advocated in 1961 is what Prashad is advocating in 2016, ie PARTITION."


My friend Prashad explained recently that all Indo-Guyanese and some douglas should be apportioned a specific territory within Guyana to live. He feels that Indians will have a better collective existence if they have their own state. That, effectively, is PARTITION.


But also allies of East Indians which may also be African Guyanese who would like to fully join the Indian people and their culture.  I am aware of our falling birth rate. This is different from Kwayana's partition which is solely based on race and not culture.

Last edited by Prashad
Bibi Haniffa posted:

"And what Sidney King advocated in 1961 is what Prashad is advocating in 2016, ie PARTITION."


Partition was, is and will never be a solution for Guyana.

Current executive members in all political groups are the cause for the situation.

My observation expressed in the early 1970's is still currently valid today.

Succinctly ...

1. Put the political members in various boats/canoes, with a mixture of individuals from various groups.

2. Let them sail out to the Atlantic Ocean and only those who have reached agreement on solutions for Guyana and not for politicians will be allowed to return on land.

3. It is generally acceptable that a limited number; and most likely; that none will reach agreement.

4. Basically, the population remaining on land will generally live together in harmony with extremely little problems.

Gilbakka posted:

BTW, as soon as Sidney King had called for partition, Forbes Burnham expelled him from the PNC.


Of course. Why would Burnham choose controlling half of Guyana and its people when he can control all of it. He probably told Sydney King that he was stupidee.


Physical partition of Guyana is really not viable.  Guyana is already effectively partitioned in the head and minds of the people!! It is two nations in one, one nation always celebrating depending who ruling and the other hibernating waiting for their time to come again!  This 50th will be an Afro-Guyanese jamboree of victory more then of independence of a nation!

The partition occurred in the 60's and reinforced to 1992.  This is difficult for anyone to reverse now!  The Indians will become a minority and Black rule will be in perpetuity!  That's the reality!!

Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:

But also allies of East Indians which may also be African Guyanese who would like to fully join the Indian people and their culture.  I am aware of our falling birth rate. This is different from Kwayana's partition which is solely based on race and not culture.

Please tell Gilbakka this again.  He is already fully aware of the dwindling Indian population in Guyana as referenced by some recent statements and how this will impact the 2020 election with a win for the PNC.

Bibi Haniffa
ba$eman posted:

Physical partition of Guyana is really not viable.  Guyana is already effectively partitioned in the head and minds of the people!! It is two nations in one, one nation always celebrating depending who ruling and the other hibernating waiting for their time to come again!  This 50th will be an Afro-Guyanese jamboree of victory more then of independence of a nation!

The partition occurred in the 60's and reinforced to 1992.  This is difficult for anyone to reverse now!  The Indians will become a minority and Black rule will be in perpetuity!  That's the reality!!

     Sad, but totally true.  This is the reality of our beloved Guyana. 

Prashad posted:

But also allies of East Indians which may also be African Guyanese who would like to fully join the Indian people and their culture.  I am aware of our falling birth rate. This is different from Kwayana's partition which is solely based on race and not culture.

Thanks again, Prash, for fine-tuning your position for our benefit. Be warned up front that neither the PPP nor the PNC will accept your ideas, so they will not hold a referendum for the populace to decide. In short, you're in for a long haul but anything is possible. I had never imagined that the mighty all-powerful Soviet Union would break up into 16 separate independent states in my lifetime, but it happened. Should your dreamland materialize within or after your lifetime, Prash, I hope there would be folks to recognize you as a visionary. Good luck, bro.


Guyana will never be partitioned for several reasons including its geographical size and small population.  Guyana also does not share a common language with any of its neighbors.  So Prash and Sidney can scratch that idea.

Now in the case of the Soviet Union it was only natural for it to be divided because those states speak different languages, they practice different religions and many of them were once individual countries to begin with before the map of Eastern Europe was re-drawn due to epic wars and revolutions.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

An independent country for the East Indian people of Guyana, douglas who embrace their Indian heritage and allies of the Guyanese East Indian people will happen one day. It may not happen in my lifetime. But it will happen.


I believe that one day Guyana will be an African nation.  Over time the Indians will continue their patterns of migration.  It is easier to migrate than to follow the procedure of creating a sovereign nation which may or may not be recognized by the international community.

That is why I even support the idea for the PPP to back off in 2020.  Let it crash and burn and become the poorest nation on earth.  If not, it will be a pattern of PPP build, then PNC destroy, then PPP build it back, then PNC come back and destroy it again.  Indians would be better off living in countries already developed and creating new lives.  200,000 of them already did it.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I believe that one day Guyana will be an African nation.  Over time the Indians will continue their patterns of migration.  It is easier to migrate than to follow the procedure of creating a sovereign nation which may or may not be recognized by the international community.

That is why I even support the idea for the PPP to back off in 2020.  Let it crash and burn and become the poorest nation on earth.  If not, it will be a pattern of PPP build, then PNC destroy, then PPP build it back, then PNC come back and destroy it again.  Indians would be better off living in countries already developed and creating new lives.  200,000 of them already did it.

you sound like one of the people who should be on the boat DG talking about


The problem with this approach leads to two problems. The majority of children of these people will adopt the customs and culture of these lands thereby leading to assimilation of future generations. The other problem is that it leaves poor Indians who cannot migrate holding the bag with a declining population in a hostile environment.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I believe that one day Guyana will be an African nation.  Over time the Indians will continue their patterns of migration.  It is easier to migrate than to follow the procedure of creating a sovereign nation which may or may not be recognized by the international community.

That is why I even support the idea for the PPP to back off in 2020.  Let it crash and burn and become the poorest nation on earth.  If not, it will be a pattern of PPP build, then PNC destroy, then PPP build it back, then PNC come back and destroy it again.  Indians would be better off living in countries already developed and creating new lives.  200,000 of them already did it.

I agree, give Caribj his nation state to do as he wishes.  Why work and build for these goonish PNC to do their periodic slash and burn, gut the economy and then the PPP takes and rebuild.  Indians are better served in other ntions where their skills and drive yields positive results.  What does Indians get after working and building themselves and Guyana, a stab in the back or worse, a bullet in the head.


At some point all of the Indians will have to cut their losses and run.  Guyana was never their country to begin with so why delay the inevitable.  A hundred years from now our grandchildren would not care and would not know anything about Guyana. It would have become a part of their history long erased.  People would forget that Indians had even lived in Guyana.

David Berger wrote an article in the New York Times, dated December 17, 2004 entitled Indian, Twice Removed.  Read it.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I believe that one day Guyana will be an African nation.  Over time the Indians will continue their patterns of migration.  It is easier to migrate than to follow the procedure of creating a sovereign nation which may or may not be recognized by the international community.

That is why I even support the idea for the PPP to back off in 2020.  Let it crash and burn and become the poorest nation on earth.  If not, it will be a pattern of PPP build, then PNC destroy, then PPP build it back, then PNC come back and destroy it again.  Indians would be better off living in countries already developed and creating new lives.  200,000 of them already did it.

It seems like the entitlement brigade will be out in the cold for another hundred years.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

At some point all of the Indians will have to cut their losses and run.  Guyana was never their country to begin with so why delay the inevitable.  A hundred years from now our grandchildren would not care and would not know anything about Guyana. It would have become a part of their history long erased.  People would forget that Indians had even lived in Guyana.

David Berger wrote an article in the New York Times, dated December 17, 2004 entitled Indian, Twice Removed.  Read it.

Very sad.  Last time my family and I visited, our village was very desolate, all the familiar folks had died or migrated.  We had a great time though, all the way from the airport to Moulson Creek, and visited all the main attractions.

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I believe that one day Guyana will be an African nation.  Over time the Indians will continue their patterns of migration.  It is easier to migrate than to follow the procedure of creating a sovereign nation which may or may not be recognized by the international community.

That is why I even support the idea for the PPP to back off in 2020.  Let it crash and burn and become the poorest nation on earth.  If not, it will be a pattern of PPP build, then PNC destroy, then PPP build it back, then PNC come back and destroy it again.  Indians would be better off living in countries already developed and creating new lives.  200,000 of them already did it.

It seems like the entitlement brigade will be out in the cold for another hundred years.

What are you talking about? 

Bibi Haniffa

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