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Contractor, Brassington confirms increased price tag for Amaila Hydro…

August 1, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

…no final shareholder agreement, Power Purchase Agreement or Licence

…Govt. looks to guarantee GPL repayments, not loan

… Ram maintains tariff will increase by 23.6 per cent

…only 142MW to reach National Grid


Sithe Global’s President, Brian Kubeck, along with Technical Director for the Amaila Falls Hydro Electric Project, Winston Brassington, yesterday confirmed that the price tag has increased to US$858M. This is US$18M more than the figure quoted last week by a number of government officials including President Donald Ramotar.[It is either Ramotar, Jagdeo & Hinds Don't know and are guessing or they they are lieing to the Guyanese]

 Wait till how yuh hear how this information affects the cost per MW....


A high level team from Sithe Global, along with Brassington, yesterday met with stakeholders at the Guyana International Conference Centre (GICC) where this confirmation was made.

A Section of those in attendance during yesterday’s consultations.



This was the second stakeholder consultation on the controversial subject within a week and this time around, the media was given preference in relation to clarifications on the ongoing project. [Under pressure the PPP was forced to reverse the House of Isreal rule that was strictly enforced at the first stakeholder consultation]


Among the details that emerged during the course of the project is the fact that the Inter American Development Bank (IDB) and the China Exim Bank will not be lending money to Guyana but rather to the Amaila Falls Hydro Power Inc (AFHI), the Special Purpose Company created for the Hydro Power facility.


It was pointed out that Sithe Global owns 60 per cent of the company for its US$157M it will be investing and Guyana will own 40 per cent for the “more than US$100M” the government has committed as part of its share in the project.


Brassington told the audience that Guyana’s share for the project has increased from the initial US$100M.


It was further revealed during the latest in the presentations on the project that the Government, through the raising of the debt ceiling, will not be providing a guarantee for the loans being incurred. [So it is a Big Lie when Ramotar & Jagdeo say the opposition sabotaging the Amaila Hydro ...... by Voting against their raising of the debt ceiling.... they are now claiming Amaila got nothing to do with Debt ceiling.... Debt ceiling is just to allow them to continue thiefing and not being Questioned by the opposition.]


According to Kubeck, the loans were negotiated for by AFHI, the company owned by Government and Sithe Global, but given that government is a minority shareholder it is considered a private company.


The officials explained that the loans being borrowed for the project, namely from China and the IDB are being borrowed by this Special Purpose Company andnot the Guyana Government.


What the government is guaranteeing is the performance of Guyana Power and Light (GPL) to make its payments to AHFI, which will in turn make payments to Sithe Global, after clearing additional expenses.


The frank consultation also revealed that there is currently no binding shareholder agreement, Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) or Final Licence for the development of the Hydro Power Plant.

Brassington said that these are all currently at a draft stage.


Sithe Global is looking to build the Hydro Power plant to generate 165MW of electricity but this is not the amount of electricity that will be delivered to the Sophia Substation to be placed onto the national grid.

According to Kubeck, some 23MW will be lost along the transmission line as the electricity makes its way to and from the plant to the Sophia Substation.

The Blackstone Group’s Senior Managing Director, Sean Klimzack addressing participants.



He said that just about 142MW will actually reach the substation.

All along Ramotar, Jagdeo, Hinds, Ashni, Irfan, Anil and Brassington  keep talking about Ram, Ramon Gaskin, Dr Clive Thomas and the Media expose them. Wait till how yuh hear how this information affects the cost per MW....


Now Brassington get Stupid....

Eeee Stop talking about 165MW....

Eeee now tlking about 1,050 giga hours

According to Brassington the power company will be looking to take just over 1,050 giga hours, annually from the Amaila Falls Hydro Electric Plant. He said that currently, the national grid accounts for more than 700 giga hours of electricity.

Linden which will be coming on stream with Amaila, will account for an additional 70 giga hours while they are expecting the more than 600 self generators including large scale ones such as Banks DIH and DDL onto the grid, thereby utilizing the majority of the electricity provided from Amaila.


Asked to justify the assumption that the self generators would be coming back onto the grid,

Brassington spoke to lower electricity tariff among other factors that will allow them to choose to.

He later indicated that Government would be removing all incentives such as waivers on the importation of fuel for self generators.


At least one private sector observer, who was querying the benefits of opting back onto the grid, said that this was tantamount to forcing the self generators back onto the national grid.


Senior Managing Director of the Sithe Global parent company, the Blackstone Group, Sean Klimzack, who also addressed yesterday’s consultation, said that to date Sithe Global has already expended some US$16M over the past six years developing the project.

“The decision time for Amaila is now….

what we are asking for is a unified consensus view from parliament,” said Klimzack.

The Parliament Majority will not support this project because the Cost and numbers keep changing overnite....


Brassington who provided an overview of the project told those gathered that there would be an annual saving of US$200M.

This position was vehemently challenged by Eminent Chartered Accountant, Christopher Ram, who pointed to the fact that based on the 2012 audited statements, the GPL Company’s generation cost was some US$120M.


Brassington said that the figures used by Ram speak to the more than 700 giga hours of electricity generated for the national grid. He said that where the US$200M projection comes in, is based on the fact that the power company would be looking to take some 1,050 giga hours from Amaila at a cost of between US110 and US120M annually.


He said that were GPL to generate the 1,050 giga hours of electricity using fossil fuel, it would cost exceedingly more.


Asked about the amount of money GPL would have to rake in, in order to make its payments for Amaila, as well as keep the regular generation on stream, along with maintenance and administrative costs,[eee could not answer].... Brassington said that this would be provided at a later date.



Further the consultation also revealed that the tariff for electricity will not be reduced by 40 per cent as had been indicated by Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and Head of State Donald Ramotar.

Brassington said that the tariff will be reduced by 20 per cent and what will be reduced by 40 per cent, is that of the generation costs. [as my good friend Nehru would say...dis is another Jim Cock bring Ram Goat story... like DE-PIG-IN-DE-BAG ]


The tariff decrease was however challenged by Chris Ram who said that based on his calculations it would in fact be increased by 23.6 per cent.


Brassington subsequently agreed to meet with Ram for the two to go over the figures and come to a consensus on what the actual final tariff will be.

[ meh friend Nehru would seh .....

De Bhai Brassy & Ramotar....need Hed-ucation....

eee na know...suh eee na lieing.....

dem ah repeat only wha de expert with 6 Doctorate ah tell dem fuh seh..... ]




NamePriceMWCost Per MegaWatt
Amaila FallsUS$840M   US$858  165        142US$5.1M  US$6.042Million
Ilisu, TurkeyUS$1.6B1200US$1.3M
Mono River, TogoUS$366.6M147US$2.49M
Chinese , Three GorgesUS$23B18000US$1.3M



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by JB:

The opposition has done a great service to the nation indeed. I am very proud of Mr Ramjattan, Mr Granger and Mr Nagamootoo. God did smile on Guyana on Oct 28, 2011. 

JB now I have to disagree with you.

Thanks to all the Guyanese who woke up

and made the PPP a Parliament on Oct 28, 2011. 

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by JB:

The opposition has done a great service to the nation indeed. I am very proud of Mr Ramjattan, Mr Granger and Mr Nagamootoo. God did smile on Guyana on Oct 28, 2011. 

JB now I have to disagree with you.

Thanks to all the Guyanese who woke up

and made the PPP a Parliament on Oct 28, 2011. 

God does answer prayers.

What ever happened to all the voltages for the smelters and manufacturing.

Am I reading correct that the Hydro dam is only good enough for house hold comsumers.



Bhai Seignet look how aya exposing De PNC_Engineer Undercover $py.

Where is de dam power supply de Ole_Geeza Hydro Expert been talking about and boasting will be there fuh all de Economic Expansion and Development coming soon with Ramotar & Jagdeo.

I guess it gone fuh Channa like De PNC Mazaruni Hydro Seed.



Seignet please check pun De_Ole PNC Hydro Specialist....

see if eee still around.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by JB:

The opposition has done a great service to the nation indeed. I am very proud of Mr Ramjattan, Mr Granger and Mr Nagamootoo. God did smile on Guyana on Oct 28, 2011. 

JB now I have to disagree with you.

Thanks to all the Guyanese who woke up

and made the PPP a Parliament on Oct 28, 2011. 

On second thought you are right. Mr Ramjattan however has fought heroic battles for the people in Parliament. Unfortunately I am nor certain the Guyanese people are honest enough to realise that and vote for him to be President. 


The opposition, especially AFC, did push the PPP to give more transparency, which is not bad, not for Guyana, neither for the PPP.  The AFC was correct in principle.


The PPP needs to appreciate, this is not the gang-land days of the PNC when together, with their GDF cohorts, did as the please and destroyed anyone who disagree.

Originally Posted by baseman:

The opposition, especially AFC, did push the PPP to give more transparency, which is not bad, not for Guyana, neither for the PPP.  The AFC was correct in principle.

Well said.

It was expected, however, that the AFC-APNU parliamentary majority would have had a sobering effect on the PPP, impelling them to practice the art of compromise for the nation's sake.

On many important issues the PPP has taken intractable positions, playing hardball politics with hardline bowlers on an unfavorable wicket.

PPP players' speeches in parliament ring with bling and boast and much self-righteousness, hurling abuse and insults at the opposition team, not mindful that the 2011 general elections results changed the rules of engagement.

When will the PPP stand up and face the new reality?


Controversial Amaila Hydro project…Brassington admits Guyana will quickly outgrow Amaila

August 2, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


Technical Coordinator for the Amaila Falls Hydro Electric Falls Project, Winston Brassington, has indicated that within a year of the project coming on stream, the demand will have utilised the total supply, and in fact, Guyana will have to be looking at installing additional generation through another project, possibly with the Brazilians.


This revelation came on Wednesday last during the consultation with Sithe Global, the Blackstone Group and a Brassington-led government team.


“According to projections, by the time Amaila comes online in 2017, the expected supply of Amaila will be roughly equivalent to the demand,” Brassington said.


The team was asked to justify spending such a large sum of money (said to be US$858M) on a project, knowing full well that by the time it comes on stream there will be the need for additional generation.

Brassington said that there is currently no other project in the works and the development of the Amaila Falls Hydro Electric Project was already 13 years in the making.

“You say Amaila is too small now…What do you do?

Do you walk away from it and look at the next project?

Do we have another project that you can say has any certainty, and if so when? 10 years… 20 years?”



According to Brassington, when the project was first being developed it was at 100MW, and at that time it was projected to be too large for the Guyana Power and Light Inc.(GPL), relative to demand.

While conceding that all of the power from the Amaila Project will be fully utilised within the first year of its operation, he lamented that should Guyana walk away from the project, it would take another 15 years to get a similar project on stream.

“Any hydro project today, based on what it takes to develop it, you can start off with the most ambitious time-table and will not see any hydro in most likely 10 to 15 years.”


As regards maintaining the course for the project, Brassington told stakeholders “what we can say is that we will realize significant savings from going with Amaila.”




He said that once there is full utilisation of the energy, it will still be costing less than if compared to energy using fossil fuels.


“So those savings will stay with us… whether the project becomes small relative to our demand, we are still realizing those benefits.”


According to Brassington, when Amaila comes on stream and all of its power would have been used up, “we can then augment the increased demand with other projects, and indeed we are working with Brazil.”


“At the end of the day this project makes sense and we will realize savings from it; we will outgrow the project, but we wouldn’t outgrow the savings…


Even if you say we will need more power, there are options later on this same hydro, but I can’t comment on them.”

This statement contradicts one made by GPL in March this year that “there is no expansion plan contemplated for the Amaila Project, nor has it been technically planned for expansion or phasing purposes”.


Pie-in-de-sky Project......

and the lies and the excuses......

keep changing daily......

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Controversial Amaila Hydro project…Brassington admits Guyana will quickly outgrow Amaila

August 2, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


Technical Coordinator for the Amaila Falls Hydro Electric Falls Project, Winston Brassington, has indicated that within a year of the project coming on stream, the demand will have utilised the total supply, and in fact, Guyana will have to be looking at installing additional generation through another project, possibly with the Brazilians.


This revelation came on Wednesday last during the consultation with Sithe Global, the Blackstone Group and a Brassington-led government team.


“According to projections, by the time Amaila comes online in 2017, the expected supply of Amaila will be roughly equivalent to the demand,” Brassington said.


The team was asked to justify spending such a large sum of money (said to be US$858M) on a project, knowing full well that by the time it comes on stream there will be the need for additional generation.

Brassington said that there is currently no other project in the works and the development of the Amaila Falls Hydro Electric Project was already 13 years in the making.

“You say Amaila is too small now…What do you do?

Do you walk away from it and look at the next project?

Do we have another project that you can say has any certainty, and if so when? 10 years… 20 years?”



According to Brassington, when the project was first being developed it was at 100MW, and at that time it was projected to be too large for the Guyana Power and Light Inc.(GPL), relative to demand.

While conceding that all of the power from the Amaila Project will be fully utilised within the first year of its operation, he lamented that should Guyana walk away from the project, it would take another 15 years to get a similar project on stream.

“Any hydro project today, based on what it takes to develop it, you can start off with the most ambitious time-table and will not see any hydro in most likely 10 to 15 years.”


As regards maintaining the course for the project, Brassington told stakeholders “what we can say is that we will realize significant savings from going with Amaila.”




He said that once there is full utilisation of the energy, it will still be costing less than if compared to energy using fossil fuels.


“So those savings will stay with us… whether the project becomes small relative to our demand, we are still realizing those benefits.”


According to Brassington, when Amaila comes on stream and all of its power would have been used up, “we can then augment the increased demand with other projects, and indeed we are working with Brazil.”


“At the end of the day this project makes sense and we will realize savings from it; we will outgrow the project, but we wouldn’t outgrow the savings…


Even if you say we will need more power, there are options later on this same hydro, but I can’t comment on them.”

This statement contradicts one made by GPL in March this year that “there is no expansion plan contemplated for the Amaila Project, nor has it been technically planned for expansion or phasing purposes”.


Pie-in-de-sky Project......

and the lies and the excuses......

keep changing daily......


This is actually not bad.  It shows how badly Guyana needs such a project to propel Guyana where it never went.  I would have been worried if Guyana could not outgrow or would take...say 25 years to outgrow.  Outgrowing this project means Guyana needs it badly, regardless of political persuasion.


People should push for the required transparency and controls however, they should also back the project and work to ensure it is realized, for the people of Guyana.  This is not a political project, it's an economic project.

Last edited by Former Member


Amaila Falls Hydro…Brassington dodges queries of Fip Motilall’s gains

August 2, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


The actual amount of money Makeshwar ‘Fip’ Motilall walked away with from the Amaila Falls Hydro Electric Project, in particular the construction of the access road, remains unknown.

Also unclear is whether Government conducted due diligence on Motilall to ascertain if he was deserving of an interim licence for Guyana’s hydro-electric power development, a huge undertaking requiring massive investments.


Winston Brassington, Head of the Technical Team for the Project, who was Government’s representative at a public consultation held on Friday last at the International Conference Centre, dodged queries on both matters.


Synergy Holdings Inc was granted an interim licence on July 29, 2002, just over 11 years ago, for the development of a Hydro-electric power station and reservoir, and the construction of a transmission line to the coast to sell electricity.

In relation to the due diligence inquiry, Brassington said the issuance of the interim licence was done by the Office of the Prime Minister and he was not involved.


He said Motilall approached Government to pursue the development and permission was granted.


Without saying whether or not Motilall was capable of undertaking the hydropower project, Brassington said he (Motilall) was able to attract an international firm with a lot of experience to do a feasibility study on the Amaila Falls Project.


He added that developers in these ventures usually assume abundant risks and spend a lot of money.

Up until Motilall sold his interim licence, it was renewed several times.

According to Brassington, progress was being made on the project and so it was only fitting that the licence be renewed.

He pointed out that the terms and conditions for Guyana Power and Light Incorporated (GPL) took years to be completed, and parties involved had to concur on certain aspects for the agreement to be worked out.


However, with all Motilall’s involvement and investment in the project, he sold his interim licence to Sithe Global Amaila Holdings Inc.

According to Brian Kubecki, President of Sithe Global Amaila Holdings Inc, his company bought the licence for US$12M from Motilall.

The money will be transferred at the end of financial closure for the project, he added.

However, this was not the only aspect of the project Motilall was involved in.

Incidentally, in March 2010, Motilall, sole financier of the feasibility study of the hydropower project, was awarded a US$15.4M contract to build the access road, with duration of eight months.

After several extensions, Government pulled the plug on the project in January 2012.

Since, then the cost of the project has almost doubled and several contracts awarded to other contractors were terminated.


It is unclear as to how much money Motilall earned from attempting to build the road.


However, his failure vindicated Kaieteur News publisher Glenn Lall who doubted Motilall’s capabilities from the inception.




KN Publisher Glenn Lall

A vocal Lall at the consultation said,

“This project was prepared in secrecy and designed to rob us."


Lall made mention on the Skeldon Plant

“dem seh dem spend almost US$200M, we paying through our nose and it still not working. This project will cost five times or even more. Should we sit back and allow this again?”

He continued,..... “I have shown very clearly to this nation that ‘Fip’ didn’t have an office in Miami. He came here and worked out of a garage and was given a US$15.4M contract when the man didn’t even know to build a pavement…We even had to give him money to buy equipment”.



Lall also questioned the limited time span that was allotted for advertising for a project of this magnitude, especially when the contractors would have had to go and prospect in the “bush”.

Makeshwar ‘Fip’ Motilall


“Ads were placed from December 15 to January 17, around Christmas… Now Mr. Chairman, let Mr. Brassington tell us which contractor can go into that bush and come up with a proper proposal in that short space of time,” Lall stressed.


Brassington said he was not too clear on the suggestions that the timeline for advertising the project was too short. He said the advertisement ran for about six weeks and attracted four bids. “The access road was publicly advertised. We got four bids. Parties were allowed the opportunity to visit the site before they put in the bids. The bids were evaluated by a group out of Public Works… So it was a public bid, open to all… not done in secrecy. It was highlighted so that we can get as many people to come in.

We were working then with a timeline.

We wanted to see the project finished within eight months.

We are couple years late (chuckles while talking).

Everything that we did was in good faith and was done openly,” he said.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
This is actually not bad.  It shows how badly Guyana needs such a project to propel Guyana where it never went.  I would have been worried if Guyana could not outgrow or would take...say 25 years to outgrow.  Outgrowing this project means Guyana needs it badly, regardless of political persuasion.

People should push for the required transparency and controls however,they should also back the project and work to ensure it is realized, for the people of Guyana.  This is not a political project, it's an economic project.

So you think because"Guyana needs it badly" they should pay more than double the average and customary cost for Hydro projects being build around the world and as if that's not enough, guaranty credit card rate of returns for investors..

"Push for transperancy" and at the same time "back" the current flawed project is the kind of double talk that is currently cause yuh kera to tear to yuh ears...


Sunil started this tread a while ago.....

Let us remember this: Hydro Power in Guyana Shrouded in Secrecy


See how this thiefing cause De Rev to admit....this Project is a scam....and Jagdeo collected money on this deal....and if it is scraped he ill have to pay it back.


Baseman cut the lies.....President of Brazil promised to Build some massive Hydro Projects for Guyana....


Jagdeo got hooked up with Fip.....and they put the Brazilian plan on hold


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