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Former Member

Special Thanks to President Trump and his republican administration for standing up for democracy in Guyana. Thanks to ambassador Sarah for staring Granger in the eye and telling him that he cannot be sworn in.

Democrats led by Jeffries and the Afro Democrat cabinet told the USA not to interfere with Granger's rigging. Remember that democrats always toppled the PPP in as recent as 2015 and they were willing to stand with Granger in 2020 !

Thanks to Caricom in being stedfast in their non recognition of an illegal Granger led PNC cabal.

Thank you ABC and all forces of democracy. Thanks to OAS.

Time to rebuild and heal our nation. Sorry, DJ, the forces of democracy won.

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@Former Member posted:

Special Thanks to President Trump and his republican administration for standing up for democracy in Guyana. Thanks to ambassador Sarah for staring Granger in the eye and telling him that he cannot be sworn in.

Democrats led by Jeffries and the Afro Democrat cabinet told the USA not to interfere with Granger's rigging. Remember that democrats always toppled the PPP in as recent as 2015 and they were willing to stand with Granger in 2020 !

Thanks to Caricom in being stedfast in their non recognition of an illegal Granger led PNC cabal.

Thank you ABC and all forces of democracy. Thanks to OAS.

Time to rebuild and heal our nation. Sorry, DJ, the forces of democracy won.

First I would bet that Trump does not even know Guyana exist. The election situation in Guyana was probably mentioned in his intelligence briefings however he is known to not read those. Second, there is no evidence Congressman Jeffries led anyone other than himself when he expressed his opinion on US interference. Third, not sure what you mean by "Afro Democrat cabinet", however if you meant the Congressional Black Caucus, it is wrong to slander these individuals by saying they support rigging. Finally there is no evidence that Democrats favour the PNC over the PPP. The fact is, there is incredible consistency between administrations when it comes to the United States geopolitical goals. Presidents may change but the machinery of the state stays largely the same.

@Locutus posted:

I am in no way defending Jeffries. I am saying you are giving him too much credit by saying he led the Democrats in supporting rigging. He only led himself.

Jeffries is a dunce arrogant racist.  The fact that he cuddle with the PNC racist in Brooklyn and took a position contrary to that of 2015 displays his arrogance and racism. 

I hope AOC does him in and send him packing.

@Former Member posted:

Special Thanks to President Trump and his republican administration for standing up for democracy in Guyana. Thanks to ambassador Sarah for staring Granger in the eye and telling him that he cannot be sworn in.

Democrats led by Jeffries and the Afro Democrat cabinet told the USA not to interfere with Granger's rigging. Remember that democrats always toppled the PPP in as recent as 2015 and they were willing to stand with Granger in 2020 !

Thanks to Caricom in being stedfast in their non recognition of an illegal Granger led PNC cabal.

Thank you ABC and all forces of democracy. Thanks to OAS.

Time to rebuild and heal our nation. Sorry, DJ, the forces of democracy won.

How can you begin to heal a nation when you refuse to embrace your Afro brothers and sisters? You get fat talk. 

@kp posted:

Thanks to Trump and a Republican administration.

 They deserve nothing, the people of Guyana held their peace and hung tight with patience, while the PNC used the courts . America hated Jagdeo and the PPP but democracy must prevail. Praise to the PPP talented Legal team.

Ungrate.  Better believe if the US did not take the position they did and the sanctions, Granger would have been sworn in on March 4th!

Let's hope the PPP leadership does not have the type of logic you do!

@Former Member posted:

Ungrate.  Better believe if the US did not take the position they did and the sanctions, Granger would have been sworn in on March 4th!

Let's hope the PPP leadership does not have the type of logic you do!

Is the patience and steadiness of Jagdeo and his team, Non Violence. 

 Trump wants to delay the American election also wants to ban mail in ballots. Well , Granger was doing the same after the passage of the NCV, since Dec. 2018.  Where was the USA then? 

 I know you worship Trump, don't defend the looser.


KP, this has nothing about Base supporting Trump.

Credit must be given where credit is due. USA was instrumental in the PPP victory and fight to respect the will of the people. 

Kudos USA and Ambassador Sarah.


Had it been for people like Jeffries and others, Granger would have installed a dictatorship in Guyana. He has a lot of influence in the Democrat party.

The historic fact remains that Democrats toppled PPP, three times ! 



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Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

KP, this has nothing about Base supporting Trump.

Credit must be given where credit is due. USA was instrumental in the PPP victory and fight to respect the will of the people. 

Kudos USA and Ambassador Sarah.


Had it been for people like Jeffries and others, Granger would have installed a dictatorship in Guyana. He has a lot of influence in the Democrat party.

The historic fact remains that Democrats toppled PPP, three times ! 


Yes, Sean, the U.S. pressure works in diplomatic ways. No one wants to lose corn and husk.

@Former Member posted:

KP, this has nothing about Base supporting Trump.

Credit must be given where credit is due. USA was instrumental in the PPP victory and fight to respect the will of the people. 

Kudos USA and Ambassador Sarah.


Had it been for people like Jeffries and others, Granger would have installed a dictatorship in Guyana. He has a lot of influence in the Democrat party.

The historic fact remains that Democrats toppled PPP, three times ! 


USA gained big time, they cannot have two Dictators side by side, Venezuela and Guyana.  Trump don't even know where Guyana is on a MAP, as far as he is concerned, Guyana is a Shit hole country.

 America is protecting their 95/5 interest in the Exxon Oil deal, wait and see if Jagdeo will renegotiate the oil deal, I bet you NO. Fat talk when in opposition. 

 The pressure was a united front, ABCEU. It started with Canada escorting Charrandas to the Airport then into the plane. Don't forget, PNC refuse the US Carter center for the recount, but Caricom was there and was forceful.

 The World was against the PNC, something had to give!!!

@Ramakant-P posted:

Jagdeo and the PPP embraced their afro brothers and sisters.  In Jagdeo's Presidency, he did more for Afros and Indos.    Now sit back and watch how a country is run. 

I trust that's how it will run, but you are jumping the gun to give me a guarantee. Rama, I belong to Guyana too and I realized the PPP has done some very wrong things. I don't buy pigs in a bag, buddy?

@Locutus posted:

First I would bet that Trump does not even know Guyana exist. The election situation in Guyana was probably mentioned in his intelligence briefings however he is known to not read those. Second, there is no evidence Congressman Jeffries led anyone other than himself when he expressed his opinion on US interference. Third, not sure what you mean by "Afro Democrat cabinet", however if you meant the Congressional Black Caucus, it is wrong to slander these individuals by saying they support rigging. Finally there is no evidence that Democrats favour the PNC over the PPP. The fact is, there is incredible consistency between administrations when it comes to the United States geopolitical goals. Presidents may change but the machinery of the state stays largely the same.

Incorrect. What happened today was a result of direct intervention by the US government. Not only does Trump know where Guyana is, he knows who Granger is. Hakeem Jeffries was instrumental in the rigging of the 2015 election in Guyana. But he was exposed in this election. Can’t play the same card twice and not get caught.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

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