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Former Member

 robbing us blind through predation on our valuable lumber.


Guyana export of timber logs to Asia is thriving in violation of our laws – Janette Bulkan


janette bulkan

janette bulkan


Dear Editor,

The Forest Products Association (FPA) of Guyana is one of the oldest trade associations in the Caribbean, founded in 1944. Like the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA), the FPA admits the Asian-owned timber companies as members. So it is unclear if statements coming from the FPA represent the Guyanese loggers and millers or the dues-paying Asians (‘Gold rush, concrete ‘fell’ forestry industry’, Stabroek News business section, 07 December 2012).

The FPA statements about the forest sector being in hard times are not sustained by the data. In the nine months to September 2012, log exports totaled 66,270 m3 compared with 80,652 m3 in the same nine months of 2011. In 2012, 27,764 m3 (42 per cent) went to China and 35,024 m3 (53 per cent) to India, including a whopping 16,640 m3 to India in August 2012. These log exports represented 54 per cent of log production in the first six months of 2012 (the latest data published by the Guyana Forestry Commission), compared with 56 per cent in 2011. These data do not show that the forest sector is in the doldrums.


Former FPA President Hilbertus Cort was reported as saying that the sector could not produce bankable proposals, and so was short of financial credit. But when the European Union offered development funds in Region 10 through LEAP/LEAF, it was Bai Shan Lin which secured US $ 10 million in EU funding for the mill at Coomacka Mines (‘Mixed reviews for LEAP -next two years seen as crucial for Linden scheme,’ Stabroek News, 18 June 2007;


Coomacka aka ‘’The Mines’, Stabroek News, 02 December 2012). Bai Shan Lin is part-owned by the transnational Beijing Uni-Construction Company (BUCC) which is itself part-owned by the Government of China which supplies capital to BUCC. There is no public record that the FPA or GMSA has protested about unfair competition from the publicly-subsidized Bai Shan Lin; which employed the said Hilbertus Cort.


The historical record is that at least some of the Guyanese-owned companies in the FPA have received low-cost loans and credit from international agencies precisely to enable re-capitalisation and modernization. And see also the standing offers of investment incentives for the forest sector on the website of GO-Invest. If those promised incentives are not actually available, because of personality-based or politically based interference by government agencies, then the forest sector companies should use the members of the National Assembly to raise Parliamentary Questions with the relevant Ministers.


It is legitimate to complain long and loudly that the PPP/C administration has failed to implement the national policies for in-country processing and adding-value to forest outputs, in spite of promises in the election manifestos of 2006 and 2011, and has instead allowed a boom in illegal forest harvesting and log exports. It does not seem legitimate to complain about lack of financial capital when that has been offered but not taken up.
Janette Bulkan

Replies sorted oldest to newest

janette bulkan

Janette Bulkan


Dear Editor,

The Forest Products Association (FPA) of Guyana is one of the oldest trade associations in the Caribbean, founded in 1944. Like the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA), the FPA admits the Asian-owned timber companies as members.


So it is unclear if statements coming from the FPA represent the Guyanese loggers and millers or the dues-paying Asians (‘Gold rush, concrete ‘fell’ forestry industry’, Stabroek News business section, 07 December 2012).

The usual .. "So it is unclear if statements" .. unsure, probable, unclear, etc..


And by the way .. Janette Bulkan is one of my relatives.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
janette bulkan

Janette Bulkan


Dear Editor,

The Forest Products Association (FPA) of Guyana is one of the oldest trade associations in the Caribbean, founded in 1944. Like the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA), the FPA admits the Asian-owned timber companies as members.


So it is unclear if statements coming from the FPA represent the Guyanese loggers and millers or the dues-paying Asians (‘Gold rush, concrete ‘fell’ forestry industry’, Stabroek News business section, 07 December 2012).

The usual .. "So it is unclear if statements" .. unsure, probable, unclear, etc..


And by the way .. Janette Bulkan is one of my relatives.

You got one honest family member deh DG.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
janette bulkan

Janette Bulkan


Dear Editor,

The Forest Products Association (FPA) of Guyana is one of the oldest trade associations in the Caribbean, founded in 1944. Like the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA), the FPA admits the Asian-owned timber companies as members.


So it is unclear if statements coming from the FPA represent the Guyanese loggers and millers or the dues-paying Asians (‘Gold rush, concrete ‘fell’ forestry industry’, Stabroek News business section, 07 December 2012).

The usual .. "So it is unclear if statements" .. unsure, probable, unclear, etc..


And by the way .. Janette Bulkan is one of my relatives.

You got one honest family member deh DG.

Thank you Cain.


A number of my relatives' names have occurred on GNI forum.


One of them is Justice Mohamed Shahabuddeen, though much older than me, is my cousin.

Originally Posted by cain:

"One of them is Justice Mohamed Shahabuddeen, though much older than me, is my cousin."



You sayin there's "much older" than you? hehehe


just ribbing DG jus ribbing.

Just a little insight, Cain.


When I was the Specialist Engineer, Guyana Government, Justice Mohamed Shahabuddeen used to wait for me during the noon hours and we would chat in front of his office, on my way to or from my office at Kingston.


As usual Bulkan failed to give the source of her data and does not include the high cost of energy used in extracting and transporting the lumber out of the interior. Wasn't she fired by the UN for incompetency? Now she tries to remain relevant via fictitious letter writings. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

As usual Bulkan failed to give the source of her data and does not include the high cost of energy used in extracting and transporting the lumber out of the interior. Wasn't she fired by the UN for incompetency? Now she tries to remain relevant via fictitious letter writings. 

I know the good lady. She knows her stuff very well and was not fired at all. The Jagdeo admin complained to the UN that she was making political statements in Guyana. They also complained against two other persons I know. 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:

"One of them is Justice Mohamed Shahabuddeen, though much older than me, is my cousin."



You sayin there's "much older" than you? hehehe


just ribbing DG jus ribbing.

Just a little insight, Cain.


When I was the Specialist Engineer, Guyana Government, Justice Mohamed Shahabuddeen used to wait for me during the noon hours and we would chat in front of his office, on my way to or from my office at Kingston.

Quality and character are never gained through osmosis. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Quality and character are never gained through osmosis. 

Now that you have perhaps realised something, you can try to pursue issues in a circumspect manner rather than with your engrained hap-hazardous, nonsensical and egotistical ways.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Quality and character are never gained through osmosis. 

Now that you have perhaps realised something, you can try to pursue issues in a circumspect manner rather than with your engrained hap-hazardous, nonsensical and egotistical ways.


Point well taken Mr Specious-list Engineer


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Quality and character are never gained through osmosis. 

Now that you have perhaps realised something, you can try to pursue issues in a circumspect manner rather than with your engrained hap-hazardous, nonsensical and egotistical ways.

DG, Dont wxpose the man as a DUNCE. Is Christmas Month Bhai.  WATAK!!! WATAK!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Quality and character are never gained through osmosis. 

Now that you have perhaps realised something, you can try to pursue issues in a circumspect manner rather than with your engrained hap-hazardous, nonsensical and egotistical ways.

DG, Dont wxpose the man as a DUNCE. Is Christmas Month Bhai.  WATAK!!! WATAK!!!!

Oh meh Laard! Like de hyena shit in yuh head mek yuh bassad and stupidee. 

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Quality and character are never gained through osmosis. 

Now that you have perhaps realised something, you can try to pursue issues in a circumspect manner rather than with your engrained hap-hazardous, nonsensical and egotistical ways.

DG, Dont wxpose the man as a DUNCE. Is Christmas Month Bhai.  WATAK!!! WATAK!!!!

Oh meh Laard! Like de hyena shit in yuh head mek yuh bassad and stupidee. 

Marnin KAKAHOLE PUTTY. YUh came out your ASS for some fresh Air??????????????

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
As usual Bulkan failed to give the source of her data and does not include the high cost of energy used in extracting and transporting the lumber out of the interior. Wasn't she fired by the UN for incompetency? Now she tries to remain relevant via fictitious letter writings.

Are you daft? The lady is writing a letter and not a dissertation. Even so she sourced everyone of her assertions. Either you read the letter or not.


 For example she said:

  • 1. "September 2012, log exports totaled 66,270 m3 compared with 80,652 m3 in the same nine months of 2011. In 2012, 27,764 m3 (42 per cent) went to China and 35,024 m3 (53 per cent) to India, including a whopping 16,640 m3 to India in August 2012. These log exports represented 54 per cent of log production in the first six months of 2012 (the latest data published by the Guyana Forestry Commission), compared with 56 per cent in 2011.
    (data published by the Guyana Forestry Commission)

Her other sources include

  • Former FPA President Hilbertus Cort was reported as saying....
  • Mines (‘Mixed reviews for LEAP -next two years seen as crucial for Linden scheme,’ Stabroek News, 18 June 2007.
  • Coomacka aka ‘’The Mines’, Stabroek News, 02 December 2012)
  • The historical record is that at least some of the Guyanese-owned companies in the FPA have received low-cost loans and credit from international agencies precisely to enable re-capitalisation and modernization. And see also the standing offers of investment incentives for the forest sector on the website of GO-Invest

Again, it is a letter and the lady did more than due diligence to assert her case. You are just a mule headed  fool.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Quality and character are never gained through osmosis. 

Now that you have perhaps realised something, you can try to pursue issues in a circumspect manner rather than with your engrained hap-hazardous, nonsensical and egotistical ways.

 random noise.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
random noise.

Usual wild, unrelated and nonsensical noises of Stormborn.

Well...that's the whole point why Stromborn calls it a noise process.  You are an engineer, right? Give us some signal and less noise 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Quality and character are never gained through osmosis. 

Now that you have perhaps realised something, you can try to pursue issues in a circumspect manner rather than with your engrained hap-hazardous, nonsensical and egotistical ways.

Point well taken Mr Specious-list Engineer

Continue to spout your idiotic expressions.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

As usual Bulkan failed to give the source of her data and does not include the high cost of energy used in extracting and transporting the lumber out of the interior. Wasn't she fired by the UN for incompetency? Now she tries to remain relevant via fictitious letter writings. 

I know the good lady. She knows her stuff very well and was not fired at all.


The Jagdeo admin complained to the UN that she was making political statements in Guyana.


They also complained against two other persons I know. 

Incorrect and blatant lies again by TK.


The organization officially stated that the individuals were released because the committee(s) came to an end.


The gist of the matter was shown and discussed here on GNI.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

As usual Bulkan failed to give the source of her data and does not include the high cost of energy used in extracting and transporting the lumber out of the interior. Wasn't she fired by the UN for incompetency? Now she tries to remain relevant via fictitious letter writings. 

I know the good lady. She knows her stuff very well and was not fired at all. The Jagdeo admin complained to the UN that she was making political statements in Guyana. They also complained against two other persons I know. 

The woman looks like a witch without trying, I am sure she is good in your eyes but this is the same woman who tried to put a spoke in the wheels of progress in Guyana's lumber industry. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

As usual Bulkan failed to give the source of her data and does not include the high cost of energy used in extracting and transporting the lumber out of the interior. Wasn't she fired by the UN for incompetency? Now she tries to remain relevant via fictitious letter writings. 

I know the good lady. She knows her stuff very well and was not fired at all. The Jagdeo admin complained to the UN that she was making political statements in Guyana. They also complained against two other persons I know. 

The woman looks like a witch without trying, I am sure she is good in your eyes but this is the same woman who tried to put a spoke in the wheels of progress in Guyana's lumber industry. 

She is better looking than your mother and your sister. Maggot, why so you have a grin like you tasted warm fresh shit?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

As usual Bulkan failed to give the source of her data and does not include the high cost of energy used in extracting and transporting the lumber out of the interior. Wasn't she fired by the UN for incompetency? Now she tries to remain relevant via fictitious letter writings. 

I know the good lady. She knows her stuff very well and was not fired at all. The Jagdeo admin complained to the UN that she was making political statements in Guyana. They also complained against two other persons I know. 

The woman looks like a witch without trying, I am sure she is good in your eyes but this is the same woman who tried to put a spoke in the wheels of progress in Guyana's lumber industry. 

She is better looking than your mother and your sister. Maggot, why so you have a grin like you tasted warm fresh shit?

You still can't get enough of of an alleged goady man eh? Why do you feel compelled to respond to a jackass? The truth must hurt. 

Originally Posted by cain:

He say fo tell you dat he want see how loud you could bray and possibly strain yo goadie....teach yo ole rass lil manners.

Like you want try out lil goadie in your old age or what? born a man die a woman?? hahahaahhhahaha

Originally Posted by TK:

Quality and character are never gained through osmosis. 


Actually , quality and character can indeed be gained by osmosis,difussion , whatever. Associating with people of strong moral fiber usually inculcates those values which become a shared trait. Sadly , the converse is also true. " show me your friends ....

Originally Posted by cain:

He say fo tell you dat he want see how loud you could bray and possibly strain yo goadie....teach yo ole rass lil manners.


And what exactly is the moral sin of having a " goadie "??? Its an excess collection of fluid which can be easily removed. Not a reason to be maligned.

Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by cain:

He say fo tell you dat he want see how loud you could bray and possibly strain yo goadie....teach yo ole rass lil manners.


And what exactly is the moral sin of having a " goadie "??? Its an excess collection of fluid which can be easily removed. Not a reason to be maligned.

How exactly you mean when you say "moral sin"?

Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by cain:

He say fo tell you dat he want see how loud you could bray and possibly strain yo goadie....teach yo ole rass lil manners.


And what exactly is the moral sin of having a " goadie "??? Its an excess collection of fluid which can be easily removed. Not a reason to be maligned.

How exactly you mean when you say "moral sin"?


I'm referring to the attributes, attitudes and behavior that result from a corrupted heart, the seat of the will and understanding .You and others have clearly confused an innocent pathophysiological condition as a moral shortcoming. It is not a reason to malign someone, it only shows ignorance and stupidity.


Antoine de Saint-Exúpery said in Wind, Sand, and Stars: “What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step. It is always the same step, but you have to take it. The first step for you is to gain just a bit of knowledge and understanding.

Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by cain:

He say fo tell you dat he want see how loud you could bray and possibly strain yo goadie....teach yo ole rass lil manners.


And what exactly is the moral sin of having a " goadie "??? Its an excess collection of fluid which can be easily removed. Not a reason to be maligned.

How exactly you mean when you say "moral sin"?


I'm referring to the attributes, attitudes and behavior that result from a corrupted heart, the seat of the will and understanding .You and others have clearly confused an innocent pathophysiological condition as a moral shortcoming. It is not a reason to malign someone, it only shows ignorance and stupidity on the part of those who use this physical condition as an insult.


Antoine de Saint-Exúpery said in Wind, Sand, and Stars: “What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step. It is always the same step, but you have to take it. The first step for you is to gain just a bit of knowledge and understanding.

Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by cain:

He say fo tell you dat he want see how loud you could bray and possibly strain yo goadie....teach yo ole rass lil manners.


And what exactly is the moral sin of having a " goadie "??? Its an excess collection of fluid which can be easily removed. Not a reason to be maligned.

How exactly you mean when you say "moral sin"?


I'm referring to the attributes, attitudes and behavior that result from a corrupted heart, the seat of the will and understanding .You and others have clearly confused an innocent pathophysiological condition as a moral shortcoming. It is not a reason to malign someone, it only shows ignorance and stupidity on the part of those who use this physical condition as an insult.


Antoine de Saint-Exúpery said in Wind, Sand, and Stars: “What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step. It is always the same step, but you have to take it. The first step for you is to gain just a bit of knowledge and understanding.

So now a cut and paste of a piece of nonsense makes you an authority on human behaviour rather than Academic Discipline? When do you plan to take your first step as suggested by antoine? From your reply, I can tell you are still wet.


Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by cain:

He say fo tell you dat he want see how loud you could bray and possibly strain yo goadie....teach yo ole rass lil manners.


And what exactly is the moral sin of having a " goadie "??? Its an excess collection of fluid which can be easily removed. Not a reason to be maligned.

How exactly you mean when you say "moral sin"?


I'm referring to the attributes, attitudes and behavior that result from a corrupted heart, the seat of the will and understanding .You and others have clearly confused an innocent pathophysiological condition as a moral shortcoming. It is not a reason to malign someone, it only shows ignorance and stupidity on the part of those who use this physical condition as an insult.


Antoine de Saint-Exúpery said in Wind, Sand, and Stars: “What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step. It is always the same step, but you have to take it. The first step for you is to gain just a bit of knowledge and understanding.

So now a cut and paste of a piece of nonsense makes you an authority on human behaviour rather than Academic Discipline? When do you plan to take your first step as suggested by antoine? From your reply, I can tell you are still wet.



the quote was cited so your claim of cut and paste is idiotic . It is nonsense because you lack the intellectual acumen to understand basic concepts . Go ahead and continue your "goadie " rants. It is the pinnacle of your intellect.

Not gonna waste my time responding to such an obvious moron as yourself 

Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by cain:

He say fo tell you dat he want see how loud you could bray and possibly strain yo goadie....teach yo ole rass lil manners.


And what exactly is the moral sin of having a " goadie "??? Its an excess collection of fluid which can be easily removed. Not a reason to be maligned.

How exactly you mean when you say "moral sin"?


I'm referring to the attributes, attitudes and behavior that result from a corrupted heart, the seat of the will and understanding .You and others have clearly confused an innocent pathophysiological condition as a moral shortcoming. It is not a reason to malign someone, it only shows ignorance and stupidity on the part of those who use this physical condition as an insult.


Antoine de Saint-Exúpery said in Wind, Sand, and Stars: “What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step. It is always the same step, but you have to take it. The first step for you is to gain just a bit of knowledge and understanding.

So now a cut and paste of a piece of nonsense makes you an authority on human behaviour rather than Academic Discipline? When do you plan to take your first step as suggested by antoine? From your reply, I can tell you are still wet.



the quote was cited so your claim of cut and paste is idiotic . It is nonsense because you lack the intellectual acumen to understand basic concepts . Go ahead and continue your "goadie " rants. It is the pinnacle of your intellect.

Not gonna waste my time responding to such an obvious moron as yourself 

You are such a jackass. Your quote is out of context. There is no such thing as moral sin, murakh. I gave you a chance to correct yourself, just in case you meant mortal sin. Keep strutting around as if your stupidity and ignorance is a virtue.


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