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Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:

can't believe she commit suicide over that...

SHE PROBABLY FEEL EMBARSSED about the whole thing. The Australians should be charged with causing the death of this wonderful Soul.

how did they cause her death?

bet if you call the hospital, even if the person is a close relative, they will not give personal info on phone

She made a bad decision....and the reason she committed suicide is because it involves the monarchy...if is was some joe blow, it would not have made a difference

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:

can't believe she commit suicide over that...

SHE PROBABLY FEEL EMBARSSED about the whole thing. The Australians should be charged with causing the death of this wonderful Soul.

how did they cause her death?

bet if you call the hospital, even if the person is a close relative, they will not give personal info on phone

She made a bad decision....and the reason she committed suicide is because it involves the monarchy...if is was some joe blow, it would not have made a difference

Simple, their STUPID PRANK caused her DEATH.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:

plenty people pull pranks...should all people who fall for these pranks committ suicide?


The reason is because the story involve the monarchy

I agree it is because it involves the Monarchy. I never can understand why People think those PIRATES should be any different from any of us.

Her soul can migrate to the unborn fetus and this nurse can be reincarnated in the monarchy. Swami Yugi22 knows the secret mantra.

Originally Posted by kp:

My Friends, This is no suicide, this is a set up, is fixed. This is a lesson , don't mess with the Royals. For the dead nurse, no BOOK deals, remember the naked photos of Kate, well publishers are being sued. It's just a thought??????

Suicide sounds fishy..there are still a lot of unanswered questions abt Diana's death too...Don't mess with the pirates!!


London (CNN) -- A nurse at the hospital who was duped by a prank call from two Australian radio DJs concerning Prince William's pregnant wife, Catherine, has apparently committed suicide, the hospital confirmed Friday.

The nurse "was recently the victim of a hoax call," King Edward VII Hospital said in a media statement.

The DJs impersonated Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles in the prank call, in which some details of the Duchess of Cambridge's condition and care were given.

Read more: Opinion: How will royal couple react to pregnancy prank?

<cite class="expCaption">Tragic end for prank call victim</cite>

<cite class="expCaption">Tragic end for prank call victim</cite>

The nurse who died was the person who first took the hoax call and transferred it through to Catherine's ward, the hospital's public relations company said.

The hospital named her as Jacintha Saldanha and said she had worked there for more than four years as an "excellent nurse," well-respected by co-workers.

The hospital "had been supporting her throughout this difficult time," the statement said.

She is survived by her husband and two children, the hospital said.

Her family released a statement asking for privacy and directing questions to police.

Social media entwined in radio prank, suicide story

"We as a family are deeply saddened by the loss of our beloved Jacintha," said the statement, released by police.

As the hoax controversy unfolded, authorities weren't releasing to British media the name of the nurse victimized in the prank. Her name became public only after her death.

The Duchess of Cambridge was discharged from the hospital Thursday after treatment for acute morning sickness.

A St. James's Palace spokesman said: "The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are deeply saddened to learn of the death of Jacintha Saldanha.

"Their Royal Highnesses were looked after so wonderfully well at all times by everybody at King Edward VII Hospital, and their thoughts and prayers are with Jacintha Saldanha's family, friends and colleagues at this very sad time."

Separately, a palace spokesman told CNN: "At no point did the palace complain to the hospital about the incident. On the contrary, we offered our full and heartfelt support to the nurses involved and hospital staff at all times."

The hospital's chief executive, John Lofthouse, said, "Everyone is shocked by the loss of a much loved and valued colleague."

London's Metropolitan Police said they were notified around 9:35 a.m. (4:35 a.m. ET) on Friday that a woman was found unconscious. She was pronounced dead at the scene.

Police are treating the death as "unexplained," they said.

Audio of the call posted online suggested a woman spoke briefly to the DJs, who host a show for the 2Day FM radio station in Sydney, before the call was put through to the ward early Tuesday morning.

The hospital said Wednesday that it deeply regretted the call had been put through.

The hospital is known for treating royals. In June, Prince Philip, 91, was admitted to the same hospital with a bladder infection, forcing him to miss part of the queen's Diamond Jubilee celebration.

Read more: Radio DJs pretend to be queen, make prank call to Catherine's hospital

The radio show apologized for the call Wednesday, saying it "was done with light-hearted intentions."

The show was known for its irreverent humor, aimed at a young, mainly female demographic. The hosts were devoted to gossip and pranks.

Its two DJs, Mel Greig and Michael Christian, continued to tweet about the call on Thursday and earlier Friday, promising "more on the #royalprank."

By Friday evening, a spokeswoman for the station told CNN in a statement that the pair will "not return to the show until further notice out of respect for what can only be described as a tragedy." She said Greig and Christian were "deeply shocked" by the incident.

The Twitter accounts for the pair were taken down.

Talking about the call on air Thursday, Greig said: "They were the world's worst accents ever. We were sure 100 people at least before us would've tried the same thing. ... We were expecting to be hung up on -- we didn't even know what to say when we got through."

Angry comments have been posted on the 2Day FM Facebook page since the news of the nurse's death broke.

"This death is on your conscience," reads one post. Another says, "Blood on your hands."

In the immediate aftermath of the prank and well before the nurse's suicide, the radio station's Web page saw equally outraged comments from listeners, and they outnumbered postings from those who liked the hoax.

"Your stunt was done at a time in this country where there is paranoia about the intrusion of the media into people's lives," Gary Slenders wrote. "I know you will say it is harmless fun, the management of 2DayFM will say that it won't happen again, but this exactly where the phone hacking scandal started."

There were some immediate supporters of the prank, however.

"It is only a joke people! it was great i love it!!!" wrote one listener who identified himself as Guido.

But after news of the nurse's suicide circulated, the public comments on the radio station's Web page became outraged.

"This pair have undone all the good work Australia have done in the last century," a person named Riz wrote. "The Australian people should be outraged at the pair of them. They've brought disgrace on your country - and the whole world knows it!"

"Not so funny now is it," Heather wrote. "This will darken the whole pregnancy experience for William and Kate. Before you do these thoughtless, ignorant - UN-funny things, remember -- God is watching you."

Pregnancy and privacy: Royal Catherine's dilemma


My Friends, the nurse is of INDIAN origin, Ms. Jacintha. if she was White she would have still be alive. Remember Dodi Fiahad and Diana, if Dodi was White Diana would have still be alive. The royal family is considered BLUE BLOOD, no one crosses their path, what happened to the nurse is just a reminder that they are still powerfull .

Originally Posted by kp:

 The royal family is considered BLUE BLOOD, no one crosses their path, what happened to the nurse is just a reminder that they are still powerful.

Actually, starting with Philip and Charles, the blood is green. Charles talks to plants, and Philip wants to be reincarnated as a deadly virus to reduce surplus [i.e., dark-skinned] population.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by kp:

 The royal family is considered BLUE BLOOD, no one crosses their path, what happened to the nurse is just a reminder that they are still powerful.

Actually, starting with Philip and Charles, the blood is green. Charles talks to plants, and Philip wants to be reincarnated as a deadly virus to reduce surplus [i.e., dark-skinned] population.

such infantilism and stupidness . . . the 2 of u need to get over yourselves

Originally Posted by Henry:
Actually, starting with Philip and Charles, the blood is green. Charles talks to plants, andPhilip wants to be reincarnated as a deadly virus to reduce surplus [i.e., dark-skinned] population.

Very true statement about Phillip.


In the mid-fifties (1950's), when the Queen was on an official visit in the West Indies, it was recorded and broadcasted the derogatory statements he-Phillip made against "dark-skinned" people.


That is most likely an indian sister who died there today.  She most likely felt all alone in the end. Facing being fired and experiencing unemployment as colored dark person with kids in bad trouble British economic times.  It is sad indeed.  Us coolies only know for fight down we fellow coolies and kick and laugh at our fellow coolies. We never ever ever help each other.  We have no unity what so ever like the blacks,whites and chinese. We deserve to be kicked in the ass by every black, white and chinese

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Actually, starting with Philip and Charles, the blood is green. Charles talks to plants, andPhilip wants to be reincarnated as a deadly virus to reduce surplus [i.e., dark-skinned] population.

Very true statement about Phillip.


In the mid-fifties (1950's), when the Queen was on an official visit in the West Indies, it was recorded and broadcasted the derogatory statements he-Phillip made against "dark-skinned" people.

"Virus" statement documentation and similar quotes available here.


Duchess Kate’s Hospital Nurse in Suspected Suicide over Prank Call

A private ambulance is loaded with a body at the block of flats where the nurse Jacintha Saldanha lived near the King Edward VII Hospital in central London on Dec. 7, 2012.
<small class="entry-thumb-credit">Olivia Harris / Reuters</small>

A private ambulance is loaded with a body at the block of flats where the nurse Jacintha Saldanha lived near the King Edward VII Hospital in central London on Dec. 7, 2012.


The nurse who put through a prank call to Kate Middleton’s hospital ward on Tuesday morning has died of a suspected suicide, reports the Daily Telegraph.

The woman, Jacintha Saldanha, was found unconscious this morning just yards from the King Edward VII’s Hospital Sister Agnes in central London, where the Duchess spent three days being treated for acute morning sickness. A call to an ambulance was placed at 9:35 am, but the married mother of two died on the scene despite paramedics’ attempts to revive her.

(AUDIO: Australian DJs Make Prank Phone Call to Kate’s Hospital)

The hospital confirmed that Saldanha was the “victim of a hoax call to the hospital” placed by two Australian DJ s posing as the Queen and her son Prince Charles. Saldanha, a nurse who was manning the reception desk at 5:30am, put the call straight through to the Duchess of Cambridge’s private nurse, who openly discussed the Duchess’ condition. A recording of the call by Sydney presenters Mel Grieg and Michael Christian was later broadcast on the radio program 2Day FM. The recording, which quickly went viral online, was a major embarrassment for the hospital, which has treated many members of the royal family.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge released a statement on Friday afternoon saying they were “deeply saddened” by the news of Saldanha’s death: “Their Royal Highnesses were looked after so wonderfully well at all times by everybody at King Edward VII Hospital, and their thoughts and prayers are with Jacintha Saldanha’s family, friends and colleagues at this very sad time.” A palace spokesperson told the BBC that no complaints had been lodged about the prank with the hospital.

(POLL: What Should Kate and William’s Child Be Named?)

A hospital spokesman said Saldanha had worked at the hospital for over four years, and had not been reprimanded for the incident. “She was an excellent nurse and well-respected and popular with all of her colleagues.”

The DJs behind the prank apologized for it on Wednesday, saying, “We were very surprised that our call was put through, we thought we’d be hung up on as soon as they heard our terrible accents. We’re very sorry if we’ve caused any issues and we’re glad to hear that Kate is doing well.”

They continued to promote the stunt, however, with a Tweet posted by Michael Christian on Friday reading: “If you’d said to me “MC this week wll finish with you making international headlines”, I would have punched you in the face. #RoyalPrank” That Tweet now appears to have been deleted, as has Mel Grieg’s Twitter account. The website for 2Day FM appears to be down. Meanwhile, Twitter has exploded with outrage directed at the radio hosts, reports Hollywood Life.

The Duchess of Cambridge, who is not yet 12 weeks pregnant, was admitted to the hospital on Monday for treatment of severe morning sickness and was discharged on Thursday morning. The hoax call occurred early on Tuesday morning. Saldanha answered the call, saying: “Hello, good morning, King Edward VII Hospital.” Grieg, posing as the Queen, said: “Oh, hello there. Could I please speak to Kate please, my granddaughter.” Saldanha replied, “Oh yes, just hold on ma’am,” and transferred the call.

In a statement today, Scotland Yard said:

“Police were called at approximately 9:25am on Friday, December 7, to a report of a woman found unconscious at an address in Weymouth Street, W1. The London Ambulance service attended and the woman was pronounced dead at the scene. Inquiries are continuing to establish the circumstances of the incidentâ€ĶThe death is being treated as unexplained.”

Read more:

She was an easy target to blame.  The dark non-british.  She may have realized that her job was over.  In Britain right now it is very hard for a dark person to get a job much less someone who is associated with private information about a Royal family member becoming public.  White people can never understand the position that sister was in.


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