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Today is the 40th anniversary of the coup that overthrew president Salvador Allende in Chile and installed the brutal Pinochet dictatorship.

Chileans had democratically elected Allende in 1970.

Under Pinochet thousands of Chileans were arrested, tortured, imprisoned, murdered, or simply disappeared.

US Administrations turned a blind eye to Pinochet's atrocities.

Salvador Allende -- killed on 11 September 1973


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Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Today is the 40th anniversary of the coup that overthrew president Salvador Allende in Chile and installed the brutal Pinochet dictatorship.

Chileans had democratically elected Allende in 1970.

Under Pinochet thousands of Chileans were arrested, tortured, imprisoned, murdered, or simply disappeared.

US Administrations turned a blind eye to Pinochet's atrocities.

Salvador Allende -- killed on 11 September 1973


with civil rights protests in their front yards, flower power everywhere, Vietnam adding fuel to the fire and a cold war to deal with containment was the only strategy. Right wing and left wing murderers were everywhere and as long as they did not add with to the burden of the US it matter little what they did. That is where we are heading presently in an even more aggressive way. In the sixties benign neglect was policy. Presently what is emerging is a policy of conscientious neglect to concern itself with the misery of the others.  Maybe that is what the world needs, a way to cull the herd of contentious critters and contain their quarrelsome ways... let them fight among themselves until they experience the dark ages and are beset with worse than Egypt 10 plagues. China got philosophy through its centuries of warring states period.


Benign Neglect.



Washington, D.C. â€“ September 11, 1998 marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the military coup led by General Augusto Pinochet. The violent overthrow of the democratically-elected Popular Unity government of Salvador Allende changed the course of the country that Chilean poet Pablo Neruda described as "a long petal of sea, wine and snow"; because of CIA covert intervention in Chile, and the repressive character of General Pinochet's rule, the coup became the most notorious military takeover in the annals of Latin American history.

Revelations that President Richard Nixon had ordered the CIA to "make the economy scream" in Chile to "prevent Allende from coming to power or to unseat him," prompted a major scandal in the mid-1970s, and a major investigation by the U.S. Senate. Since the coup, however, few U.S. documents relating to Chile have been actually declassified- -until recently. Through Freedom of Information Act requests, and other avenues of declassification, the National Security Archive has been able to compile a collection of declassified records that shed light on events in Chile between 1970 and 1976.


Originally Posted by TI:

Benign Neglect.



Washington, D.C. â€“ September 11, 1998 marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the military coup led by General Augusto Pinochet. The violent overthrow of the democratically-elected Popular Unity government of Salvador Allende changed the course of the country that Chilean poet Pablo Neruda described as "a long petal of sea, wine and snow"; because of CIA covert intervention in Chile, and the repressive character of General Pinochet's rule, the coup became the most notorious military takeover in the annals of Latin American history.

Revelations that President Richard Nixon had ordered the CIA to "make the economy scream" in Chile to "prevent Allende from coming to power or to unseat him," prompted a major scandal in the mid-1970s, and a major investigation by the U.S. Senate. Since the coup, however, few U.S. documents relating to Chile have been actually declassified- -until recently. Through Freedom of Information Act requests, and other avenues of declassification, the National Security Archive has been able to compile a collection of declassified records that shed light on events in Chile between 1970 and 1976.


 Remember Stalin and his successor were doing tenfold what all their little proxy dictators were doing. China was in internal collapse as it vanguard party was feeding on itself. Communist proxies following the Leninist expansionist faith simply were neglected by them so they descended into cruel despotism or suffocated and died trying. And you forget Argentina and its lure to the Perons...I bet they killed as much as Pinochet. Then there was Uruguay! Be thankful that LFSB was not a dictator into  bloodletting!


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