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Angel and Abidha carry all you r----.  The woman was a bloody racist who refused to allow sanctions on Apartide South Africa.  In an interviews she blamed Rajiv Gandhi for the commonwealth adopting sanctions on Apartide South Africa. (Unlike her and her husband, Rajiv Gandhi and his wife would have been arrested on the spot if they had visited South Africa because under apartide laws they were a married interracial couple).  The woman openly mocked one of her ministers in front of others because he married an italian woman and not a British woman.  Who is going to tell an Australian politician not to allow Asian immigrants into his country and his wife who is an Asian immigrant is standing right there in front of her.  The woman was a bold face Anglo racist. Plain and simple.

Last edited by Prashad
Originally Posted by Angel:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

What's "racist" about those comments by Mrs. Thatcher? Can't the comments be seen as having to do with demographics, political and economical responsibilities of those that would have established Statehood?

These people are cheap, sold to the lowest bidder.  She was a conservative, not a racist but these liberals will do anything to equate the two.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
You lucky she was not leader of Canada or the Usa your brown behinds would still be back in Guyana.

Did she expel any "browns" from the UK?

I  have worked with several Fiji Indian friends over the years and they tell me of the racial fear/hate that they experience in the 1980s in Fiji which cause them to flee the place with only their cloths on their backs.  For this woman as a head of government to use their experience as a lobbying tool to keep their race out of other countries is unbelievable. 

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
You lucky she was not leader of Canada or the Usa your brown behinds would still be back in Guyana.

Did she expel any "browns" from the UK?

I  have worked with several Fiji Indian friends over the years and they tell me of the racial fear/hate that they experience in the 1980s in Fiji which cause them to flee the place with only their cloths on their backs.  For this woman as a head of government to use their experience as a lobbying tool to keep their race out of other countries is unbelievable. 

You mixing up quite a lot of complexities and issues here.  Fiji is a whole different issue.  My question is, did she attempt or initiated any action to expel or deprive "browns" in the UK their rights as British citizens?


How is it a different issue.  This woman was using it as a lobbying tool to keep brown people like you out of other Western countries.  No one knows what Thatcher did right now.  It is only recently came out that Churchill was doing his part to "Keep England White" but was overruled by his cabinet on several occassions. 



Looks like she was loved in India even though she was against the Browns of India moving to white countries and was trying to influence other governments such as Australia to block their immigration.


If she tried influencing  Clark, Trudeau and Mulroney she would just be wasting her time.

Last edited by Prashad
Originally Posted by Prashad:


Looks like she was loved in India even though she was against the Browns of India moving to white countries and was trying to influence other governments such as Australia to block their immigration.

Indians are mostly forgiving, compassionate Souls. I am not going to knock their ways.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

If Indians have a right to make noise about what the Iron lady said at one time they must also look at how they treat their own people especially the dalits. These Indians full of shit.

Many of these Dalits have the British to thank for raising their status in life. They became Ballahoo Brahmins overnight on the voyage to British Guiana.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Prashad:


Looks like she was loved in India even though she was against the Browns of India moving to white countries and was trying to influence other governments such as Australia to block their immigration.

Indians are mostly forgiving, compassionate Souls. I am not going to knock their ways.

"Servile" is the right adjective...


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