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Rohee cautions those waiting to see him failPDFPrintE-mail
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Monday, 16 April 2012 21:33
MINISTER of Home Affairs, Mr. Clement Rohee said, Sunday, that should he find himself in a situation which will, ultimately, embarrass the Government, he will do the honourable thing and tender his resignation. 

Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee

He said, over the last five years as Minister of Home Affairs, he has been ‘feeling his way’ but, this term, he is fully aware of how the system operates.
Rohee added that, if he failed to learn anything over the last five years, then “Donald Ramotar should send me home”.
The minister made the remarks while addressing subordinate officers (SOs) in charge of police stations and members of community policing groups (CPGs).
The occasion was a workshop, held at his temporary office on Camp Road, Georgetown, on community policing and police public relations.
Rohee told those gathered that there are many persons out there who would like to see him fall but pledged that he will work to the best of his ability to ensure that does not happen.
The minister said those same persons are waiting for him to fall so that they can kick his ass. According to him, after this term, that is it for him, so he intends to get very upset with some people.
He said this term he also he intends to kiss some asses.

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Originally Posted by Nehru:

I see dat man slap some big mouth people. I would like to see dem Big Mouth on GNI face him.

He would only get away with slapping pussies like you. The worse he was even in his youth was that of a common street ticket scalper at Metropole. Now he needs to quit trying to be a thug and actually use his mind which I am quite certain is fairly adequate. But he has to get over his inclination to be a thug and that is his riddle of the cave.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

HAHA Look who is talkin. If you see Rohee on Main Street yuh gun run all the awy to Camp Street.

boo hooo, I am quivering in my boots!!! My mom once exclaimed  me that "da chupid bai now got big wuk wid the PPP!"


I had just told her what was his portfolio. That is the general agreement among Guyanese wherever one turns.


The burden is on him and to this point he is fulfilling expectations in general!


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