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Originally Posted by Devindra:

Over their (Jagdeo/Ramu term) decade, the gap between the richest 10% and the poorest 10% has widened substantially.


How can we justify so much more are so poorly housed, fed and clothed.



The logic of their policies is determined to push those at the bottom of the economic ladder further to the bottom of the barrel.  This is the new PPP philosophy!

Originally Posted by baseman:

Clearly the richest 10% grew richer while the poorest are at a standstill.  The next stage of the GoG development agenda needs to address this. 

It could mean changes in some personnel who are ineffective. 

Priya for one should be put to pasture, she is an utter failure.

Priya is one of the better performing Members left in the PPP today.

There is no Proof that she is involved in the day-to-day Thiefing like the others. She perforned ok in both Social Security & Education.....and Prya would have been a far better Attorney General than Nandalall who has very very close ties to the Narco, Smuggleing and Thiefing Passport Deportees.


Baseman is looking for a Get-out-of-Jail free pass for Bharrat and Bobby.......Why????


Baseman if you know where or How Priya is thiefing Bharrat and his Friend Bobby....let us know.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Clearly the richest 10% grew richer while the poorest are at a standstill.  The next stage of the GoG development agenda needs to address this. 

It could mean changes in some personnel who are ineffective. 

Priya for one should be put to pasture, she is an utter failure.

Priya is one of the better performing Members left in the PPP today.

There is no Proof that she is involved in the day-to-day Thiefing like the others. She perforned ok in both Social Security & Education.....and Prya would have been a far better Attorney General than Nandalall who has very very close ties to the Narco, Smuggleing and Thiefing Passport Deportees.


Baseman is looking for a Get-out-of-Jail free pass for Bharrat and Bobby.......Why????


Baseman if you know where or How Priya is thiefing Bharrat and his Friend Bobby....let us know.

It's interesting to see how either ignorance or personal agendas influence some persons to voice warped opinions of others.  How exactly has Priya failed? is it because she did not fall for some programs designed to boost the egos of some? 


Anil Nandalall is one of the more brilliant attorneys in Guyana, but then desktop pontificators won't know this? both of you need to be responsible enough to provide evidence in support to your scathing indictments of Priya and Anil.


these are two persons who chose to stay in Guyana, to work and serve and if either of you really knew them or their work, you would know (but you might still not acknowledge) their contribution.

Originally Posted by Angel:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Clearly the richest 10% grew richer while the poorest are at a standstill.  The next stage of the GoG development agenda needs to address this. 

It could mean changes in some personnel who are ineffective. 

Priya for one should be put to pasture, she is an utter failure.

Priya is one of the better performing Members left in the PPP today.

There is no Proof that she is involved in the day-to-day Thiefing like the others. She perforned ok in both Social Security & Education.....and Prya would have been a far better Attorney General than Nandalall who has very very close ties to the Narco, Smuggleing and Thiefing Passport Deportees.


Baseman is looking for a Get-out-of-Jail free pass for Bharrat and Bobby.......Why????


Baseman if you know where or How Priya is thiefing Bharrat and his Friend Bobby....let us know.

It's interesting to see how either ignorance or personal agendas influence some persons to voice warped opinions of others.  How exactly has Priya failed? is it because she did not fall for some programs designed to boost the egos of some? 


Anil Nandalall is one of the more brilliant attorneys in Guyana, but then desktop pontificators won't know this? both of you need to be responsible enough to provide evidence in support to your scathing indictments of Priya and Anil.


these are two persons who chose to stay in Guyana, to work and serve and if either of you really knew them or their work, you would know (but you might still not acknowledge) their contribution.



Let us be clear here. Anil and Priya face occupational immobility. It is difficult to move to North America with a UWI law degree. Not that the UWI law degree is not outstanding. It is. However there are numerous entry barriers in North America. It is not possible to live in Guyana and have an independent viewpoint. Priya and Anil took the Jagdeo road. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Angel:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Clearly the richest 10% grew richer while the poorest are at a standstill.  The next stage of the GoG development agenda needs to address this. 

It could mean changes in some personnel who are ineffective. 

Priya for one should be put to pasture, she is an utter failure.

Priya is one of the better performing Members left in the PPP today.

There is no Proof that she is involved in the day-to-day Thiefing like the others. She perforned ok in both Social Security & Education.....and Prya would have been a far better Attorney General than Nandalall who has very very close ties to the Narco, Smuggleing and Thiefing Passport Deportees.


Baseman is looking for a Get-out-of-Jail free pass for Bharrat and Bobby.......Why????


Baseman if you know where or How Priya is thiefing Bharrat and his Friend Bobby....let us know.

It's interesting to see how either ignorance or personal agendas influence some persons to voice warped opinions of others.  How exactly has Priya failed? is it because she did not fall for some programs designed to boost the egos of some? 


Anil Nandalall is one of the more brilliant attorneys in Guyana, but then desktop pontificators won't know this? both of you need to be responsible enough to provide evidence in support to your scathing indictments of Priya and Anil.


these are two persons who chose to stay in Guyana, to work and serve and if either of you really knew them or their work, you would know (but you might still not acknowledge) their contribution.



Let us be clear here. Anil and Priya face occupational immobility. It is difficult to move to North America with a UWI law degree. Not that the UWI law degree is not outstanding. It is. However there are numerous entry barriers in North America. It is not possible to live in Guyana and have an independent viewpoint. Priya and Anil took the Jagdeo road. 

TK, Check out the number of UWI Law grads who wrote the NY Bar successfully (return to school not mandatory) or did post grad programs. Both Priya and Anil are young enough and bright enough to succeed. But Priya and Anil chose to be involved in politics, and support the PPP. What is wrong with that? If you chose to support the AFC should you be criticised for your choice?   But the point is have they been as useless as the two men aver? How has Priya failed? in what instances? does Baseman know enough? or is he just supporting a petty complaint? does Jalill have evidence of Anil's alleged wrongdoings?


Angel Baba is asking  .....both of you need to be responsible enough

to provide evidence in support to your scathing indictments of Priya and Anil.


This is what I said......Nandalall who has very very close ties to Deportees in the Narco, Smuggleing, Thiefing Passport and Backtracking Ring.


Baba Gee here is the evidence......

Female deportee nabbed with missing passports

July 16, 2008 | Filed Under News

Female deportee nabbed with missing passports

July 16, 2008 | By | Filed Under News

A prominent city businesswoman and another man are in police custody following the discovery of a number of brand new Guyana passports that were among the set stolen from the Central Immigration and Passport Office almost two years ago. The couple was nabbed when the police stopped the vehicle over a traffic violation in the vicinity of the Demerara Harbour Bridge. A search of the vehicle revealed several items among which were the brand new passports, which bore the serial numbers from among those that were stolen. The businesswoman and her accomplice were questioned and could not give investigators a proper explanation of how they came to be in possession of the stolen passports.

It is believed that the businesswoman, who was previously jailed in the United States of America for trafficking in cocaine, is an integral member of a local backtracking ring.

Kaieteur News understands that she spent last night at the East La Penitence Police Station while her accomplice was housed at the Brickdam lock-ups.

Investigations are continuing.


Bibi Rahaman Guyana News and Information Discussion Forums Political ... (3)Stolen Govt Passports beeing Distributed by Bibi Rahaman.Nandaall's Mother-In-Law. ... [ ]


Ramotar, Nandalal & "The Lady in Red" GDF Old Years Nite Party.


Yes accepted. You did talk about close ties. That is all! Many people have one or two or more unsavory ones among relatives...that doesn't make anil unfit or unsuitable or incapable of effectively functioning as AG.  Again he is a thorough and brilliant lawyer - even the more professional  lawyers on the opposing side acknowledge that

Originally Posted by Angel:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Angel:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Clearly the richest 10% grew richer while the poorest are at a standstill.  The next stage of the GoG development agenda needs to address this. 

It could mean changes in some personnel who are ineffective. 

Priya for one should be put to pasture, she is an utter failure.

Priya is one of the better performing Members left in the PPP today.

There is no Proof that she is involved in the day-to-day Thiefing like the others. She perforned ok in both Social Security & Education.....and Prya would have been a far better Attorney General than Nandalall who has very very close ties to the Narco, Smuggleing and Thiefing Passport Deportees.


Baseman is looking for a Get-out-of-Jail free pass for Bharrat and Bobby.......Why????


Baseman if you know where or How Priya is thiefing Bharrat and his Friend Bobby....let us know.

It's interesting to see how either ignorance or personal agendas influence some persons to voice warped opinions of others.  How exactly has Priya failed? is it because she did not fall for some programs designed to boost the egos of some? 


Anil Nandalall is one of the more brilliant attorneys in Guyana, but then desktop pontificators won't know this? both of you need to be responsible enough to provide evidence in support to your scathing indictments of Priya and Anil.


these are two persons who chose to stay in Guyana, to work and serve and if either of you really knew them or their work, you would know (but you might still not acknowledge) their contribution.



Let us be clear here. Anil and Priya face occupational immobility. It is difficult to move to North America with a UWI law degree. Not that the UWI law degree is not outstanding. It is. However there are numerous entry barriers in North America. It is not possible to live in Guyana and have an independent viewpoint. Priya and Anil took the Jagdeo road. 

TK, Check out the number of UWI Law grads who wrote the NY Bar successfully (return to school not mandatory) or did post grad programs. Both Priya and Anil are young enough and bright enough to succeed. But Priya and Anil chose to be involved in politics, and support the PPP. What is wrong with that? If you chose to support the AFC should you be criticised for your choice?   But the point is have they been as useless as the two men aver? How has Priya failed? in what instances? does Baseman know enough? or is he just supporting a petty complaint? does Jalill have evidence of Anil's alleged wrongdoings?



I am not concerned with personalizing this. I am sure they can make it into the New York bar. My point is one cannot have independent views and make it in Guyana. Second point is they both went down the Jagdeo road, which was the worst government of CARICOM. 


So the Jagu/Ramu regime is a 10% regime.  10% bribe to make the poorest 10% poorer every year over the last 10 years.


Quite a 10% record might I say.



Jaguuuu teri kasim, Ramuuuuu teri sanam.


Two dunce duck lined up in a row firing away only hot air on the poor people of Guyana.


One of them seh, he will fix Skeldon as Presi.


He is no longer Presi, Guysuco get hit for 10 runs and Skeldon is perpetually multiples of tens of percentage away from it potential.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Clearly the richest 10% grew richer while the poorest are at a standstill.  The next stage of the GoG development agenda needs to address this. 

It could mean changes in some personnel who are ineffective. 

Priya for one should be put to pasture, she is an utter failure.

Priya is one of the better performing Members left in the PPP today.

There is no Proof that she is involved in the day-to-day Thiefing like the others. She perforned ok in both Social Security & Education.....and Prya would have been a far better Attorney General than Nandalall who has very very close ties to the Narco, Smuggleing and Thiefing Passport Deportees.


Baseman is looking for a Get-out-of-Jail free pass for Bharrat and Bobby.......Why????


Baseman if you know where or How Priya is thiefing Bharrat and his Friend Bobby....let us know.

I never say she tiefing, I say she ineffective.  She has little or nothing to show for her years running social welfare.  And regarding overseeing adoptions of Guyanese kids overseas, she did very well...for herself.

Originally Posted by Angel:

Yes accepted. You did talk about close ties. That is all! Many people have one or two or more unsavory ones among relatives...that doesn't make anil unfit or unsuitable or incapable of effectively functioning as AG.  Again he is a thorough and brilliant lawyer - even the more professional  lawyers on the opposing side acknowledge that

He is brilliant alright, Burnham was suppose to be Guyana's most brilliant lawyer but right now he surpass Burnham...

Originally Posted by baseman:

Clearly the richest 10% grew richer while the poorest are at a standstill.  The next stage of the GoG development agenda needs to address this.  It could mean changes in some personnel who are ineffective.  Priya for one should be put to pasture, she is an utter failure.



What hogwash from the dumbest of them all - baseman.


The poor has been waiting since 1992 for some gravy and real bread.  Under the PPP, they will never get any since all of it is reserved for the BEEs like BABBY and Baseman.

Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Clearly the richest 10% grew richer while the poorest are at a standstill.  The next stage of the GoG development agenda needs to address this.  It could mean changes in some personnel who are ineffective.  Priya for one should be put to pasture, she is an utter failure.



What hogwash from the dumbest of them all - baseman.


The poor has been waiting since 1992 for some gravy and real bread.  Under the PPP, they will never get any since all of it is reserved for the BEEs like BABBY and Baseman.

Jackass, try to comprehend what I wrote.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Clearly the richest 10% grew richer while the poorest are at a standstill.  The next stage of the GoG development agenda needs to address this.  It could mean changes in some personnel who are ineffective.  Priya for one should be put to pasture, she is an utter failure.



What hogwash from the dumbest of them all - baseman.


The poor has been waiting since 1992 for some gravy and real bread.  Under the PPP, they will never get any since all of it is reserved for the BEEs like BABBY and Baseman.

Jackass, try to comprehend what I wrote.

OK Donkey, still you do not understand what I said, but that is OK, I understand you have mental issues.

Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Clearly the richest 10% grew richer while the poorest are at a standstill.  The next stage of the GoG development agenda needs to address this.  It could mean changes in some personnel who are ineffective.  Priya for one should be put to pasture, she is an utter failure.



What hogwash from the dumbest of them all - baseman.


The poor has been waiting since 1992 for some gravy and real bread.  Under the PPP, they will never get any since all of it is reserved for the BEEs like BABBY and Baseman.

Jackass, try to comprehend what I wrote.

OK Donkey, still you do not understand what I said, but that is OK, I understand you have mental issues.

As I said, read what I wrote and stop barfing your swill.


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