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Former Member

For Immediate Release to All Media Houses

January 18, 2012

Georgetown, Guyana.



The National Executive, members and supporters of the Alliance For Change (AFC) congratulate Party Leader Mr. Raphael Trotman on his election as Speaker of the 10th Parliament of Guyana.

This opportunity is taken to publicly thank A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) especially its Chairman Brig. (ret.) Mr. David Granger for their support in parliament last Thursday January 12, 2012; that resulted in this unique and historic event which ushered in the youngest Speaker in the history of Guyana's National Assembly.

We of the AFC are confident that despite the public laments of the Government; it will in the not too distant future settle down and contribute meaningfully to the business of the 10th Parliament, and accept the political realities of the day including that:

the PPP/C does not have a monopoly on power any longer,
that they no-longer have control over the lives of Guyanese including that of their own supporters,
that all the people of Guyana now have a voice and want their voices heard, and
Through the political work of the AFC in and out of Parliament; the power of the people would have to be recognized and accepted by this minority Government.
Mr. Speaker; we in the AFC know and have experienced your wise counsel and leadership which has won for this party its many successes over the last six years. We are also confident that you would provide to the National Assembly the same high quality of leadership and integrity, as you guide the deliberations of the 10th Parliament. We wish you a successful and rewarding tenure in service to the citizens of our beloved country.

The Party also welcomes and congratulate its newest Members of Parliament, some of whom are with us this afternoon. Apart from our Party Chairman Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan; others include Mr. Moses Nagamootoo, Ms. Cathy Hughes, Dr. Ramayya of Region #6, Ms. Valarie Garrido Lowe, Mr. Trevor Williams and Ms. Eula Marcello our Parliamentary representative of Region #8, who unfortunately is not with us today at this press conference.

This Magnificent Seven representing the Alliance For Change; now hold the balance of power in the 10th Parliament and contrary to the conspiracy theories being bandied by President Donald Ramotar and the PPP/C, our parliamentarians declare their independence and that of the AFC in the 10th Parliament.

They categorically declare that they; on behalf of the AFC, are prepared to work with both A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) and the Peoples Progressive Party / Civic (PPP/C) to facilitate a Parliamentary Agenda that serves the national interest and which brings direct and equal benefits for all Guyanese.


The Alliance For Change (AFC) has dispatched a letter to the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) identifying Mr. Clayton Hall and Mr. Gerhard Ramsaroop as the Party's representatives to tripartite engagements with the two other parliamentary political parties.

The Party has also dispatched a letter to A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) identifying Mr. Raphael Trotman, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, Mr. Clayton Hall, Ms. Cathy Hughes, Mr. Moses Nagamootoo and Mr. Gerhard Ramsaroop as their representatives to bilateral engagements between the two parties.

We are at this time awaiting responses from both parliamentary political parties.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Nehru:
Open the door leh deh man come in, ALL AH WE AH ONE FAMILY. AFC=PNC. End of Story. Thank You Corentyne, yuh get what yuh want now deal with it.!!!
first time their voice will be hear,without anybody rubbing they indianness into their face.the government will have to answer to more bullshit.these are brave indian people.its not easy to call your own a thief
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Tell the AFC to stop the bull shit political rhetoric and start doing the country's business. They get their speaker. The next order of business is to pass the national budget. Let's them get off their asses, those bloody bench warmers.
wait na man until they table it in parlament.the fun now start.for the first time in the ppp history they have to tell the nation how the people money will be spend.and let them bring back the 4 billion that ALI DUCKING

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