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Presidential Candidate of the New Movement, Dr. Asha Kissoon

Lamenting the undelivered promises and excuses of successive Governments, another group of young people, mostly doctors, on Thursday launched a political party named ‘The New Movement.’

The party, headed by mostly doctors, is the first to put forward a female Presidential Candidate – Dr Asha Kissoon. She is 30 years old and new to the political arena but hopes that she can bring solutions to the plight of women, children and ordinary Guyanese.

She is a general doctor at the Georgetown Public Hospital and is currently pursuing her Masters in Public Health Administration.

Speaking at the launch on Thursday at the party’s Durban Street, Wortmanville, Georgetown office, Dr Kissoon noted that “we want improvements, change has been promised to us 100 times but we’re above change right now, what we need is improvements in Guyana.”

The Presidential Candidate said it was never her intention to contest an election but noted that the former Governments have failed miserably to solve some of the major issues affecting society.

“My personal journey, I never imagine standing before you today as a politician…my main distress is when I turn to the left, there is one party fighting with another, I turn to the right there is racial barriers, I turn to the left again, there is favouritism in the system so because I was so tired of it, I decided to come forward and work with my colleagues to achieve the vision that we have,” Dr. Kissoon added.

The party’s symbol is a Harpy Eagle which Dr Kissoon said shows the party’s strength to rise above corruption and other ongoing issues in Guyana.

According to Dr Kissoon, the party is financed by its members through fund-raising events.

The party’s Prime Ministerial Candidate is Dr Gerald Forde. Forde previously contested the Local Government Elections as an independent candidate at Grove on the East Bank of Demerara.

On Thursday, he called on persons to join The New Movement.

“The average middle, poor and working-class people struggle together in the markets, in the schools, in the hospitals, in the offices, in our communities to make ends meet. We are in a struggle together to realise economic liberation in this generation,” he told those gathered.

“The enemy of Guyanese are those who seek our continued division, our exploitation and our perpetuation of ignorance in this country,” he added.

Dr Gerald Forde

The group promised to improve the delivery of healthcare and education, reform the Constitution of Guyana, get into hemp production construct an oil refinery.

One of the party’s supporters is well known Dr Turhane Doerga who in the past supported the APNU+AFC Government. While the Presidential Candidate said the party is only leaning on the advice of Dr Doerga, the Facebook page has him listed as a founder of the party.

Dr Doerga said the Government has turned its back on youths after being elected to office but he believes the youth movement will prove to be a real competition for the major parties at the upcoming polls.

“Of course they will tell you it will be a straight fight between the PNC (People’s National Congress which is the largest party in the APNU) and the PPP (People’s Progressive Party) but I have bad news for them. You don’t know these youths, they have the stamina, they have endurance…and they create the jobs right here,” he said.

The party plans to move into the various administrative regions in the coming weeks to launch its campaign.

The New Movement is the sixth political party to be launched this year with hopes of contesting the March 2020 general and regional elections.

The Guyana Elections Commission has disclosed that 15 parties have so far indicated an interest in participating in the elections. (Bibi Khatoon)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

These young doctors should focus their energy and time in charities  best suited in their field rather that continue to make  Guyana a mockery in the political atmosphere.  


Dave posted:

These young doctors should focus their energy and time in charities  best suited in their field rather that continue to make  Guyana a mockery in the political atmosphere.  


Love it.  Totally agree.

Sheik101 posted:
Dave posted:

These young doctors should focus their energy and time in charities  best suited in their field rather that continue to make  Guyana a mockery in the political atmosphere.  

Love it.  Totally agree.

Absolute and total nonsense!  So leave it to the PPP and PNC and their defectors to run the show in perpetuity?

What is the criteria for running for office?  Who determined the qualifications of a young Dentist to get into politics many years ago?

You people ought to think before you burp!

The political mockery is in your face everyday!  That is why Guyana is shithole!

Good luck to the young doctor and the rest of the pack who are trying to change the status quo!

Baseman posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Dave posted:

These young doctors should focus their energy and time in charities  best suited in their field rather that continue to make  Guyana a mockery in the political atmosphere.  

Love it.  Totally agree.

Absolute and total nonsense!  So leave it to the PPP and PNC and their defectors to run the show in perpetuity?

What is the criteria for running for office?

 Who determined the qualifications of a young Dentist to get into politics many years ago?

You people ought to think before you burp!

The political mockery is in your face everyday!  That is why Guyana is shithole!

Good luck to the young doctor and the rest of the pack who are trying to change the status quo!

Also we shouldn't forget the young lawyer .

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Dave posted:

These young doctors should focus their energy and time in charities  best suited in their field rather that continue to make  Guyana a mockery in the political atmosphere.  

Love it.  Totally agree.

Absolute and total nonsense!  So leave it to the PPP and PNC and their defectors to run the show in perpetuity?

What is the criteria for running for office?

 Who determined the qualifications of a young Dentist to get into politics many years ago?

You people ought to think before you burp!

The political mockery is in your face everyday!  That is why Guyana is shithole!

Good luck to the young doctor and the rest of the pack who are trying to change the status quo!

Also we shouldn't forget the young lawyer .

No, get with it.  I assume the believe it’s the domain of lawyers! They criticized the person because she is a doctor and a woman! That’s why I pointed out the dentist!


Kudos to these doctors,anything is better than the two main parties as it now stands. With all the experience they (PNC, PPP) supposedly have they still don't know how to run a country.


Although I think that she will be more beneficial in her medical field, she does have the right to pursue any field she choses. To that effect I wish her the best of luck.

But I want to point out something else to my frenno Djando. Do you see that the good doctor is currently pursuing her Masters degree? Therefore getting yuh blood pressure up over Ali's is a really bad move. 


While I have nothing against anyone running for office, where were these people when the Jagdeo and the PPP was fighting the ground war with the PNC to stop their nonsense ?

Indians are like crabs, there are more Indos forming smaller parties than there are Blacks !

Look at Ralph leading the pack.


Geez I forgot to mention, big powerful USA has a President not qualified to hold office in anything but perhaps the mafia, so lil Guyana having doctors run for office should be a breeze.

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Dave posted:

These young doctors should focus their energy and time in charities  best suited in their field rather that continue to make  Guyana a mockery in the political atmosphere.  

Love it.  Totally agree.

Absolute and total nonsense!  So leave it to the PPP and PNC and their defectors to run the show in perpetuity?

What is the criteria for running for office?

 Who determined the qualifications of a young Dentist to get into politics many years ago?

You people ought to think before you burp!

The political mockery is in your face everyday!  That is why Guyana is shithole!

Good luck to the young doctor and the rest of the pack who are trying to change the status quo!

Also we shouldn't forget the young lawyer .

No, get with it.  I assume the believe it’s the domain of lawyers! They criticized the person because she is a doctor and a woman! That’s why I pointed out the dentist!

Their are both male and female in this group, isn’t so, why would you assume it had to do with a female.

 Did the comment identify a sex? You should asked for clarification if you don’t understand rather that jumping to your own conclusion. 

Sean posted:

Guyana already had a Constitutional Rapist and Jackass Granger. It's time for a real President. Vote for Dr. Dr. Ali.

This is what Ray mentioned about derailing a thread.

Sean posted:

While I have nothing against anyone running for office, where were these people when the Jagdeo and the PPP was fighting the ground war with the PNC to stop their nonsense ?

Indians are like crabs, there are more Indos forming smaller parties than there are Blacks !

Look at Ralph leading the pack.

Good observation here.  Ralph spent more than half of his life fighting the ground war for the PPP.  His father fought that war before him and even provided a place for Janet and Cheddi to live when they were kicked out of government in 1964.  His cousin Ronald Gajraj also spent his lifetime with the PPP restoring democracy.  

Thank you Sean for touching on this.  BTW, how is life by the lake? You still fishing?

Bibi Haniffa
Sean posted:

While I have nothing against anyone running for office, where were these people when the Jagdeo and the PPP was fighting the ground war with the PNC to stop their nonsense ?

Indians are like crabs, there are more Indos forming smaller parties than there are Blacks !

Look at Ralph leading the pack.

That is how a racist mind works, indo this, black that.

It is quite obvious these splinter groups are fed up of the status quo, voting by race and desire real change and not the change seen with APNU who has failed the people. 

ksazma posted:

Although I think that she will be more beneficial in her medical field, she does have the right to pursue any field she choses. To that effect I wish her the best of luck.

But I want to point out something else to my frenno Djando.Do you see that the good doctor is currently pursuing her Masters degree? Therefore getting yuh blood pressure up over Ali's is a really bad move. 

Let break it up for you Ms. Kissoon is a MEDICAL DOCTOR, and pursuing a Masters Degree in  Public Health Administration.

Please there is no bad move nor blood pressure, you can request Irfaan Ali to provide the Degrees earned before the Phd.

I have always respect HONESTY , any person i found to be dishonest , distance is kept from such persons.

I heard about the formation of this org from a good and honorable past PPP member from Guyana , a friend months ago.

Last edited by Django
Sean posted:

While I have nothing against anyone running for office, where were these people when the Jagdeo and the PPP was fighting the ground war with the PNC to stop their nonsense ?

Indians are like crabs, there are more Indos forming smaller parties than there are Blacks !

Look at Ralph leading the pack.

Don’t class these new blood with the old soupies!

I agree to a point with you however, these are young people and likely had no weight in that discussion!  

Old Soupies like Ralphy and others should’ve joined the battle with Jagdeo!  But he buddy lapping up PNC soup, so you don’t know!

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Dave posted:

These young doctors should focus their energy and time in charities  best suited in their field rather that continue to make  Guyana a mockery in the political atmosphere.  

Love it.  Totally agree.

Absolute and total nonsense!  So leave it to the PPP and PNC and their defectors to run the show in perpetuity?

What is the criteria for running for office?

 Who determined the qualifications of a young Dentist to get into politics many years ago?

You people ought to think before you burp!

The political mockery is in your face everyday!  That is why Guyana is shithole!

Good luck to the young doctor and the rest of the pack who are trying to change the status quo!

Also we shouldn't forget the young lawyer .

No, get with it.  I assume the believe it’s the domain of lawyers! They criticized the person because she is a doctor and a woman! That’s why I pointed out the dentist!

Their are both male and female in this group, isn’t so, why would you assume it had to do with a female.

 Did the comment identify a sex? You should asked for clarification if you don’t understand rather that jumping to your own conclusion. 

Don't tek on the Base. Sometimes he get lil scratchety. 

cain posted:

Oi man Dave, a female is running for office. You doan read articles you post?

Bai, Dave saw her as a presidential candidate, not a male or female presidential candidate. 


For all the DUMMIES who constantly TRY to link PNc incompetence, Dumbness, inhumanity and Barbarism with the PPP, here are the FACTS: THe PPP ran Guyana successfully every time it was given the chance. Always when the PPP in Govt, the people enjoy a better life!!!!!!!!!!

Nehru posted:

For all the DUMMIES who constantly TRY to link PNc incompetence, Dumbness, inhumanity and Barbarism with the PPP, here are the FACTS: THe PPP ran Guyana successfully every time it was given the chance. Always when the PPP in Govt, the people enjoy a better life!!!!!!!!!!

Yeh, that's why they lost nuh

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Although I think that she will be more beneficial in her medical field, she does have the right to pursue any field she choses. To that effect I wish her the best of luck.

But I want to point out something else to my frenno Djando.Do you see that the good doctor is currently pursuing her Masters degree? Therefore getting yuh blood pressure up over Ali's is a really bad move. 

Let break it up for you Ms. Kissoon is a MEDICAL DOCTOR, and pursuing a Masters Degree in  Public Health Administration.

Please there is no bad move nor blood pressure, you can request Irfaan Ali to provide the Degrees earned before the Phd.

I have always respect HONESTY , any person i found to be dishonest , distance is kept from such persons.

I heard about the formation of this org from a good and honorable past PPP member from Guyana , a friend months ago.

It is always a good idea to respect honesty bai. But like me, you make exceptions in regard to politics. I am willing to look the other way so I don't have to look in the direction of the evil wicked PNC. I say that loud and clear. Given that you respect honesty, when will we see you condemning the current coalition cabal for currently violating the law and constitution of Guyana? No excuses or deflection please. 

Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Dave posted:

These young doctors should focus their energy and time in charities  best suited in their field rather that continue to make  Guyana a mockery in the political atmosphere.  

Love it.  Totally agree.

Absolute and total nonsense!  So leave it to the PPP and PNC and their defectors to run the show in perpetuity?

What is the criteria for running for office?

 Who determined the qualifications of a young Dentist to get into politics many years ago?

You people ought to think before you burp!

The political mockery is in your face everyday!  That is why Guyana is shithole!

Good luck to the young doctor and the rest of the pack who are trying to change the status quo!

Also we shouldn't forget the young lawyer .

No, get with it.  I assume the believe it’s the domain of lawyers! They criticized the person because she is a doctor and a woman! That’s why I pointed out the dentist!

Their are both male and female in this group, isn’t so, why would you assume it had to do with a female.

 Did the comment identify a sex? You should asked for clarification if you don’t understand rather that jumping to your own conclusion. 

No. The head and image of the group is a woman!  I believe that was subliminally behind your reflexive negative response!

Anyway, put that aside! Why is she not qualified?  What was the profession of (Real) Dr Cheddie Jagan?  What was the profession of (real) Dr Gunraj Kumar?  What is the profession of (real) Dr Frank Anthony?  Just a few!

What makes anyone the right person to get into politics?

Why are you critical of her?


The election is about PPP and PNC. 

Which small parties make a difference in Guyana.

6 small parties join forces with PNCR and form APNU, what have they done for their electorate. 

AFC then joint APNU and screw Indians over. 

So ayo want more political parties. 

The last I heard, a group in Enmore and Enterprise is considering coming together to form a political party. 

What ever happen with the Rasta party( Ginger ) , baseman family was exploring. 

cain posted:

Kudos to these doctors,anything is better than the two main parties as it now stands. With all the experience they (PNC, PPP) supposedly have they still don't know how to run a country.

100% in agreement!

Have you been off the weed lately?

cain posted:
Nehru posted:

For all the DUMMIES who constantly TRY to link PNc incompetence, Dumbness, inhumanity and Barbarism with the PPP, here are the FACTS: THe PPP ran Guyana successfully every time it was given the chance. Always when the PPP in Govt, the people enjoy a better life!!!!!!!!!!

Yeh, that's why they lost nuh

Bai, dem lost because a bunch of Coolie crabdaags joined wid de racist PNC party to cut dem coolie throats. Now de racist PNC giving dem crabdaag coolies lar. Serve dem skont right. 

Baseman posted:
cain posted:

Kudos to these doctors,anything is better than the two main parties as it now stands. With all the experience they (PNC, PPP) supposedly have they still don't know how to run a country.

100% in agreement!

Have you been off the weed lately?

Nahh,  I having a whole bag of it for breakfast, want some?

Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Dave posted:

These young doctors should focus their energy and time in charities  best suited in their field rather that continue to make  Guyana a mockery in the political atmosphere.  

Love it.  Totally agree.

Absolute and total nonsense!  So leave it to the PPP and PNC and their defectors to run the show in perpetuity?

What is the criteria for running for office?

 Who determined the qualifications of a young Dentist to get into politics many years ago?

You people ought to think before you burp!

The political mockery is in your face everyday!  That is why Guyana is shithole!

Good luck to the young doctor and the rest of the pack who are trying to change the status quo!

Also we shouldn't forget the young lawyer .

No, get with it.  I assume the believe it’s the domain of lawyers! They criticized the person because she is a doctor and a woman! That’s why I pointed out the dentist!

Their are both male and female in this group, isn’t so, why would you assume it had to do with a female.

 Did the comment identify a sex? You should asked for clarification if you don’t understand rather that jumping to your own conclusion. 

No. The head and image of the group is a woman!  I believe that was subliminally behind your reflexive negative response!

Anyway, put that aside! Why is she not qualified?  What was the profession of (Real) Dr Cheddie Jagan?  What was the profession of (real) Dr Gunraj Kumar?  What is the profession of (real) Dr Frank Anthony?  Just a few!

What makes anyone the right person to get into politics?

Why are you critical of her?

Where did I criticize the female? Identity it. 

The image of the woman was posted in their article and so is a male , I suggest you click on the article.

It will save this wasteful time, had you spend the time to read the facts. 

Just identified WHERE I posted about a female. 

Baseman posted:
Dave posted:

Their are both male and female in this group, isn’t so, why would you assume it had to do with a female.

 Did the comment identify a sex? You should asked for clarification if you don’t understand rather that jumping to your own conclusion. 

No. The head and image of the group is a woman!  I believe that was subliminally behind your reflexive negative response!


Banna, I don't think gender ever crossed Dave's mind. Possibly race did as he sees it as another shifting of traditionally Indian votes being diverted. The PNC never have to worry about that as 99% of black voters consistently vote for the PNC or the other black dominated parties. Y'all can dream how much y'all want but Guyana is still a very racially divided country and it isn't changing anytime soon. But noticeable is that no one is asking blacks to shift to the center. It is only Indians who are constantly demanded that they shift to the extreme side of blacks. 

Dave posted:

The election is about PPP and PNC. 

Which small parties make a difference in Guyana.

6 small parties join forces with PNCR and form APNU, what have they done for their electorate. 

AFC then joint APNU and screw Indians over. 

So ayo want more political parties. 

The last I heard, a group in Enmore and Enterprise is considering coming together to form a political party. 

What ever happen with the Rasta party( Ginger ) , baseman family was exploring. 

It doesn’t matter.  We know is about PPP and PNC, but you cannot criticize and dismiss new entrants.  Let them try and see who gains traction.  Maybe a few of these underdog parties may form an alliance and become a force to be reckoned!

Ginger not sure yet, busy in Canada with family commitments!  But he has it on his agenda!

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Although I think that she will be more beneficial in her medical field, she does have the right to pursue any field she choses. To that effect I wish her the best of luck.

But I want to point out something else to my frenno Djando.Do you see that the good doctor is currently pursuing her Masters degree? Therefore getting yuh blood pressure up over Ali's is a really bad move. 

Let break it up for you Ms. Kissoon is a MEDICAL DOCTOR, and pursuing a Masters Degree in  Public Health Administration.

Please there is no bad move nor blood pressure, you can request Irfaan Ali to provide the Degrees earned before the Phd.

I have always respect HONESTY , any person i found to be dishonest , distance is kept from such persons.

I heard about the formation of this org from a good and honorable past PPP member from Guyana , a friend months ago.

It is always a good idea to respect honesty bai. But like me, you make exceptions in regard to politics. I am willing to look the other way so I don't have to look in the direction of the evil wicked PNC. I say that loud and clear.

Given that you respect honesty, when will we see you condemning the current coalition cabal for currently violating the law and constitution of Guyana?

No excuses or deflection please. 

Seems like you being jokey !!!!

ksazma posted:
cain posted:
Nehru posted:

For all the DUMMIES who constantly TRY to link PNc incompetence, Dumbness, inhumanity and Barbarism with the PPP, here are the FACTS: THe PPP ran Guyana successfully every time it was given the chance. Always when the PPP in Govt, the people enjoy a better life!!!!!!!!!!

Yeh, that's why they lost nuh

Bai, dem lost because a bunch of Coolie crabdaags joined wid de racist PNC party to cut dem coolie throats. Now de racist PNC giving dem crabdaag coolies lar. Serve dem skont right. 

What is also interesting that the GNI AFC groupies continue to bash the PPP without addressing the laar that granger is giving to them.


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