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June 30 2019  by 


The House to House Registration in 2008 was bitter medicine for the PPP: it knocked them off their altar of electoral invincibility. Consequently, they loss both elections held thereafter.  In 2011 PPP received 48.6% of the votes, and in 2015, 49.2% – a significant drop from the 54.67% they received in 2006.

The size of the voters list for the 2006 elections was 492,365. After the House to House Registration in 2008, the list comprised 430,000 eligible voters, a reduction of more than 62,000. Between 2008 and 2011 the list increased by approximately 15,000 per year, to reach 475,496 for the 2011 elections. This growth rate was the highest since the 1992-1997 period, which had a rate of 15,657 per year. The list grew from 384,195 in 1992 to 462,481 in 1997.

 GECOM claimed that total votes in 1997 was 408,057, more than 100,000 greater than the total votes cast in 1992. This was an astronomical increase which, undoubtedly, resulted from a bloated list and fraudulent voting.

Between 2011 and 2015 the list grew by 27,000 per year and reached a whopping 583,444. The size of the 2015 list was 23% greater than the 475,495-person 2011 list. 2015 was 1997 all over again, a bloated list with fraudulent voting by the PPP. Total votes in 2015 was 70,000 greater than 2011. However, the PPP’s fraudulent efforts were not enough to overcome the coalition’s popularity, but it did reduce their margin of victory to one seat. There is a significant relationship between the size of the list and the PPP’s performance at the polls.

When the size of the list reduces the proportion of vote gained by the PPP reduces. When the size of the list increases, the proportion of votes gained by the PPP increases

Between 1992 and 1997, the list increased from 384,195 to 462,481, and PPP’s proportion increased from 53.45% to 55.26%. Between 1997 and 2001, the list decreased from 462,481 to 440,185, and, as if by magic, the PPP’s proportion decreased from 55.26% to 52.96%. Between 2001 and 2006, the size of the list increased from 440,185 to 492,365, and PPP proportion increased from 52.96% to 54.67%. Certainly, these occurrences cannot simply be dismissed as mere coincidence.

Percentage declined when size of list reduced


This is a pattern that cannot be ignored, especially when other political parties consistently accused the PPP of fraudulent voting. This pattern continued after House to House Registration in 2008. PPP proportion was 48.6% in 2011, and this increased to 49.2% in 2015 when the list was bloated with the addition of a whopping 108,000 names. The 2019 list is even more bloated, with the addition of a further 57,000 names, it has reached an astronomical size of 640,000. This is the PPP final push to erase the deficit created by the 2008 House to House Registration.

It has been suggested that the current list contains at least 40,000 dead persons, and a combined total of 200,000 dead, missing and nonexistent persons. This is the cover the PPP needs for corrupt voting. Normally, fraudulent voting is suspected when voter turnout is exceptionally high at a polling station. However, with this degree of padding it cannot be known when the supposed voter turnout passes 100%. In fact, voter turnout over 90% at any station would require scrutiny. Just imagine that in 1997 Doodnauth Singh said the turnout for the entire country was 91%, and ask yourself, what was the level of fraudulent voting in those elections.

Recently, the Jamaica Election Commission mounted an exercise to remove the names of 260,000 dead persons from their voters roll.

Like Guyana, Jamaica has continuous registration, and were removing the names of 5,000 dead persons each year. Yet the names of 260,000 dead persons accumulated unobserved. The exercise in Jamaica took approximately 6 months-November 2018 to April 2019. This exercise was ongoing while antidemocracy forces in Guyana were mouthing off that House to House Registration was not needed to remove the significant amount of suspected dead from our list.

It is well established that a prerequisite for credible elections is a clean list. You cannot make bread with cold yeast. You cannot make pepperpot with spoilt meat. You cannot guarantee free and fair elections with a rotten list.

ACE Electoral Knowledge Network, a collaborative effort between Elections Canada, UNDP, UNEA, the Carter, and four other organizations, focuses on promoting credible and transparent electoral processes worldwide. ACE identifies two conditions for credible elections. Firstly, the list must be at least 85% accurate. Secondly, the margin of victory must be greater that the number of inaccurate entries on the list. In the last elections in Guyana, the margin of victory was 5,000 votes. The number of dead on the present list is over 40,000. The number of missing and nonexistent persons on the list is over 150,000. This list has over 40 times the level of suggested acceptable inaccuracies.

It is understandable that the PPP would argue to keep this corrupt list. It is their bread and butter. However, one cannot but wonder as to why new political parties, the private sector commission, and some members of civil society champion this list, and by extension, support the perpetuation of a corrupt and undemocratic act against the Guyanese people. Whose agenda do they serve?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

It is laughable that anyone would accuse the PPP of fraudulent elections in Guyana when everybody and their grandparents know that only the PNC are notorious for officiating fraudulent elections. This fool has to be blind. This is the first time that the PNC are called upon to conduct the national elections since the early 90s and all they have done is use one empty excuse after another to delay it. This is the same f ucking list that was used when they ‘won’ in 2015 but yet they are moaning and groaning over it which proves conclusively that they are not civilized enough to act like the rest of the civilized world. What a joke.


What is happening in Guyana currently is what happens in all those dictatorships around the world where no matter how much funds are given to take their people out of their shithouses, they continue to remain in it unabated. Same thing will happen with Guyana as no amount of oil money will be enough to help the PNC ascend to the level of good governance.


Does the list vote, or do people vote?  Regardless what the list says, people have to turn up and vote.  

The list serve to validate those who turned up to vote, not those who don’t. So how important it is that the list may be bloated with deceased and people who left.  So a bloated list is a red herring!


I was happy to support the coalition to oust the PPP and deliver some significant and meaningful changes. I saw hope for the hapless people of Guyana. They have failed. Now all that they are doing is finding ways to stay on the payroll and holding on to power till 2020.



The Coalition has a great opportunity to demonstrate good governance.  They started out well, I was surprised how quickly the digressed.  I still wonder what got into them.   

Baseman posted:

The Coalition has a great opportunity to demonstrate good governance.  They started out well, I was surprised how quickly the digressed.  I still wonder what got into them.   

Seriously? Do you mean "had" instead of has? They were a failure the moment they took the 50% raise and started firing coolies and replacing them with negroes.

Mitwah posted:

I was happy to support the coalition to oust the PPP and deliver some significant and meaningful changes. I saw hope for the hapless people of Guyana. They have failed. Now all that they are doing is finding ways to stay on the payroll and holding on to power till 2020.


Maybe it was time to replace the PPP as they had become entrenched. It is now time to replace the PNC as they have not lived up to expectations. It is quite interesting how quickly the PNC became entrenched after 2015.

Baseman posted:

Does the list vote, or do people vote?  Regardless what the list says, people have to turn up and vote.  

The list serve to validate those who turned up to vote, not those who don’t. So how important it is that the list may be bloated with deceased and people who left.  So a bloated list is a red herring!

Exactly. I think the PNC knows it too but they have to clutch on any straw they think exists because they have nothing else to offer. It is expected that the CCJ will tell them on July 17th that they are sick and tired of their delay nonsense and insist that they willingly join the civilized world or be forced to.

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

The Coalition has a great opportunity to demonstrate good governance.  They started out well, I was surprised how quickly the digressed.  I still wonder what got into them.   

Seriously? Do you mean "had" instead of has? They were a failure the moment they took the 50% raise and started firing coolies and replacing them with negroes.

Yes, (had)!  if you read my entire statement you will realize I meant past tense.

And I’m not referring to the race issue, but all the other stupidness they got into!

Mitwah posted:

I was happy to support the coalition to oust the PPP and deliver some significant and meaningful changes. I saw hope for the hapless people of Guyana. They have failed. Now all that they are doing is finding ways to stay on the payroll and holding on to power till 2020.


Changes?? Like what , increase CORRUPTION, create Totalitarianism? Well , you suck SEED!!!

ksazma posted:

It is laughable that anyone would accuse the PPP of fraudulent elections in Guyana

So9 go ahead and laugh because the PPP was in fact engaged in fraud.  Their post election ranting in 2015 is that their methodology was caught out and measures taken to block it. 

They then attempted to foster violence by sending their black PPP thugs around GT to give the impression that the PPP was rigging.  In one instance Nagamootoo (and Indo Guyanese) was able to pacify black working class people in an area where PPP thugs were attempting to bloc the electoral process.  In another Kwame, the notorious PPP thug was attempting to create havoc and Granger himself had to rescue him.

Of course he was beaten up badly at FreeDUMB House because the next day his face was considerably more bruised than it was when he was rescued.  It is to be understood that Jagdeo was on a rampage at FreeDUMB house that day when a high turnout in PNC strongholds panicked them. 

Ramotar and no doubt Kwame felt Jagdeo's lash.  Clinton Urling, then a PPP soup licker, actually thought that freedom of expression was tolerated in the PPP and learned that it isn't when he dared to suggest that the PPP should select someone other than Jagdeo to lead it.

Live in your little world where you think that its normal to call black people a curse, a scourge, or the most evil people on this planet.

Baseman posted:

Does the list vote, or do people vote?  

If you are not listed as a registered voter based on being on the list you cannot vote.  You think that I can go to Guyana and randomly vote even though I did get my national ID?  Of course not.

Unless there are controls as to who can or cannot vote you all be screaming about the "millions of Haitians who the PNC brought in to vote".

Baseman posted:

The Coalition has a great opportunity to demonstrate good governance.  They started out well, I was surprised how quickly the digressed.  I still wonder what got into them.   

Once I heard murmurs of "dem coolie tief and we go fuh tief too if we lose de next election" that is when I knew it was all over. 

All of the YSM, now aged, wanted to get all that they couldn't under the PPP.  This is why most folks were so aged.  No one under 65 was tolerated.

And the Indo AFC were just as bad.  You think that Charrandas betrayed them out of a conscience.  No he didn't get what he wanted (nuff $$) so he took his revenge.

ksazma posted:


Maybe it was time to replace the PPP as they had become entrenched. It is now time to replace the PNC as they have not lived up to expectations. It is quite interesting how quickly the PNC became entrenched after 2015.

Yes it was time to replace the PPP as they had become corrupt and arrogant and until they dump Jagdeo they should sweat every election.

The PPP could have admitted that it did wrong.  They could have selected an ethnically diverse leadership of less tainted people to take over. A PPP lead by Frank Anthony would have slain the tribal dragon.  He is seen as less tainted and less racist so could have had cross ethnic appeal among the younger voters.

 The PPP could have given Jagdeo a medal and sent him on his way as the PNC did to Hammie Green.

But instead Jagdeo has his claws on the PPP even more than before. Determined to become a billionaire and drools with anticipated power if the PPP wins.  Continues to pursue a policy of ethnic exclusion.

The PPP should have been spending their time to force discussion on the constitution once it became apparent that the Coalition were reneging on their promises to lead to its revision.  If the PPP assembled a broad swath of Guyanese to discuss this how could the Coalition have prevented it.  The coalition does NOT have the entrenched power base that the PPP had up to 2015.

But now we have Harmon and Jagdeo both rubbing their hands in a rush for power and greed.  Well Guyanese deserve this for allowing these two monsters to become all powerful.

Last edited by Former Member

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