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Trump has won another Democratic-leaning State Iowa (6). That's 4 taken away from the Clinton possible column FL (29), Ohio (18), No. Carolina (15) and Iowa (6). That's an impressive 68 Electoral votes that Hillary basically lost.

It's still down to Michigan even if she loses Wisconsin as it looks. Wayne County baby - Detroit, which historically comes in last.


TRUMP   244          Hillary  209

The following remains in play:

Alaska (3)

Arizona (11)

Maine (4)

Michigan (16)

Minnesota (10)

New Hampshire (4)

Pennsylvania (20)

Wisconsin (10)

Hillary needs 61 from a possible 78

Pennsylvania, Maine and Minnesota give her 34. 27 to go.

Let her lose Alaska, and Wisconsin. She needs Arizona (11), New Hampshire (4). That leaves Michigan (16).

Michigan, Michigan, Michigan.





Like Caribny has been prescient - it comes down ot the Rust Belt - Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin.............

Looks like a concession will not be delivered for an hour or so.

Time to sleep.

Hillary is up only in Maine and Minnesota. She needs to hang on to Pennsylvania. Then she needs Arizona, New Hampshire and.......MICHIGAN, Michigan, Michigan......

Still a ways to go - a lot of Democratic counties in Pennsylvania and Michigan to come at this time.

Kari posted:

Trump is gearing up to make a victory speech.............

I guess you had to toss your champagne. Remember that I told you not to drink it before you found out what was happening in PA and MI.

Hillary got STOMPED!   This will teach the Democratic elites a lesson. Detroit didn't vote so she lost MI.  Ditto Milwaukee, so she lost WI.  Latinos in FL most likely didn't vote as she thought. After all these are Puerto Ricans and Cubans, so some might well be glad if some Mexicans and Central Americans are shipped home.

Where is this demographic destiny that you screamed that I was an idiot not to understand?

Here is why the Democrats lost. Its run by a bunch of WHITE Liberals from Yale, and Harvard who have total contempt for their party's base.  All tonight I have heard blacks explaining that many blacks don't see what difference voting makes. Their lives are bad already. 

In fact the white Liberal establishment were told this in 2012. And they were told this again. Young blacks kids saw an ageing white lady, and figured well if the black president didn't change things then why would she.

By the end of next year Obama's legacy will be gone,  and he wouldn't even be able to say that as the first black president he left blacks economically better off.  They got a chance to be proud of the black family in the White House. Nothing more.

Last edited by Former Member
Kari posted:

Like Caribny has been prescient - it comes down ot the Rust Belt - Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin.............

Looks like a concession will not be delivered for an hour or so.

Time to sleep.

Hillary is up only in Maine and Minnesota. She needs to hang on to Pennsylvania. Then she needs Arizona, New Hampshire and.......MICHIGAN, Michigan, Michigan......

Still a ways to go - a lot of Democratic counties in Pennsylvania and Michigan to come at this time.

You were clutching to straws like a drowning man.


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