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Former Member

Washington (CNN)A Republican lawmaker on Wednesday asserted that Jesus Christ had more due process before his crucifixion than President Donald Trump has received during the House impeachment inquiry.

Rep. Barry Loudermilk of Georgia was decrying the fact that that the intelligence community whistleblower, whose complaint about Trump's conversations with Ukraine sparked the impeachment inquiry, was never called to testify when he invoked Jesus during debate over the articles of impeachment on the House floor.
"Before you take this historic vote today, one week before Christmas, I want you to keep this in mind: When Jesus was falsely accused of treason, Pontius Pilate gave Jesus the opportunity to face his accusers," he said.
"During that sham trial, Pontius Pilate afforded more rights to Jesus than the Democrats have afforded this President in this process."
In reality, the House impeachment proceedings bear no resemblance to Jesus' crucifixion.
According to the New Testament, one of Jesus' followers arranged for Christ to be arrested. Then, after a series of what the Scripture calls "false witnesses" testified, he was accused of blasphemy. Later, Pilate gave the crowd gathered outside his residence a choice between releasing Jesus or a different prisoner named Barabbas. The crowd chose Barabbas.
White House counselor Kellyanne Conway told reporters later on Wednesday that she hadn't seen the comments. "I think the President is being treated very unfairly and I wish that weren't the case," she said. "I don't like many Jesus comparisons."

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I am not an American so do not care one way or the other. However, my take is

- did he ask for a favour from a foreign government in order to gain a political advantage against political opponents in the US? Yes, he did. This is illegal. 

- did he withhold money already passed for Ukraine to pressure them to grant the favour. Yes. It harms US national asecurity interests.

- did Trump give a favour - a visit to the White House- in return for the favour? Yes, again harming security interest and illegal. 

From the evidence presented in testimonies. He did all of these, no matter how people want to wrist or turn it. 


Jesus asked his father to forgive those who put him on the cross to wrongfully crucify him. 

Democrats are displaying a mob mentality and have conducted a hoax impeachment inquiry in which NONE of the witnesses provided or even remotely provided proof of wrongdoing. These were Democrat hacks who openly admitted at the trial that they were expressing Opinions. Opinions don’t convict anyone and no third or fourth hand hoax opinions can convict anyone in a court of law. This is proof that the Democrats admitted that they will plot with the fake news media in overthrowing this president. Thank Jesus that the founding fathers had the foresight to create the senate to stop mobs like the current crop of democrats. I pray that Jesus gives the Republicans strength to throw out this baseless case and stop this coup and mob attempt to overthrow an elected president. 

Democrats cannot recover from the crooked Hillary loss and know that they will lose again in 2020. Schifty Schiff just announced that Trump will cheat and win the 2020 elections. They made a political blunder And Trump will win again in 2020 !

15000 braved the cold in Michigan to listen To Trump as his approval ratings just went up another six percent. 

Americans will NEVER allow Democrat atheist mobs, socialists and communists to govern them. This is the start of a rise of a brand of conservatism and patriotism that the country has never see yet in defending a democratically elected President.


Last edited by Former Member

Republicans are gonna pay for their  blunder big time. Look at the people who came out to protest...asking for impeachment and it was on a work day. It would be great if they came out on the weekend and show the rest of the world that not everyone is a friken deplorable.

Speaking of deplorables, how you doin deh Base and sean by the latrine?


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