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Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

And the PPP peaked in 1997 with 55 percent. Say it ain't so, Rev.


You know why the PPP peaked in 1997? Cheddi Jagan died the year before and Janet Jagan was Presidential Candidate. Sympathy votes for the Jagans, plus admiring votes for a first-time woman candidate.


The PPP will never perform like that again. It's downhill all the way to the dunghill this time.



* Good explanation above.


* Listen! The PPP(48.6%) in 2011 missed out on a majority by just under 5000 votes.


* With the boots on the ground strategy in the next election, the PPP is highly confident it will encourage enough of its supporters to help the party win by a majority in the next election.


* Anyway gilbakka, keep on dreaming and wishing for an AFC victory from the comfort of your home and workplace in Canada. While you are dreaming and wishing, the esteemed President Donald Ramotar, his party and PPP supporters are working arduously to win back a majority.



Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Yuh miss by 1 or yuh miss by 5000, yuh miss.




* The Rev totally agrees with you. A miss is as good as a mile.


* But what I am pleased about is the PPP has learned from their mistakes and failures in 2011.


* They have acknowledged that the party was complacent, that their campaign strategy was poor, and that they were negligent in reaching out to "low information" PPP supporters----they needed more boots on the ground in 2011.


* The good news is the PPP will correct their wrongs from 2011.




* In the meantime, Ramotar and company are not dreaming---they are "DOING IT"----they are taking the actions needed to win a majority.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:



* Where is poster BGurd_see ?


* I was away from GNI for 6 months---have been back for nearly 3 weeks now---but I haven't seen any posts from BGurd_see.


* BGurd_see was one of the more intelligent posters on GNI----he did a great job hammering away at the dolts in the PNC/AFC.






Bgurd was constantly and personally attacked here by AFC supporters.


He took the high road and left. What is interesting is that posters like Gil who pretend to uphold higher standards had a field day as the man was attacked.


I hope he returns since he can deliver the death blow to the AFC campaign.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Bgurd was constantly and personally attacked here by AFC supporters.





* Thanks for the heads up.

* A wise and intelligent man like BGurd should never allow the insults of the creeps and  sleazebags here to get to him.


* There is one scumbag on GNI---I won't mention his handle---it will make him feel important---but that degenerate takes every opportunity to attack the wives and mothers of those he disagrees with---he is a 60 year old sicko who hides behind a young boy's avatar---that creep is DIRTBAG.


* Anyway hope BGurd returns to GNI.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Bgurd was constantly and personally attacked here by AFC supporters.





* Thanks for the heads up.

* A wise and intelligent man like BGurd should never allow the insults of the creeps and  sleazebags here to get to him.


* There is one scumbag on GNI---I won't mention his handle---it will make him feel important---but that degenerate takes every opportunity to attack the wives and mothers of those he disagrees with---he is a 60 year old sicko who hides behind a young boy's avatar---that creep is DIRTBAG.


* Anyway hope BGurd returns to GNI.






The posts by that individual is an indication of the mindset of the AFC, these are the future AFC "Leaders". 


I am certain that the good people of Guyana will send a strong message to the Gutter Party AFC and their rotten politicians that they love their country and will never again sell out to Riggers.

Originally Posted by Rev:


* Listen! The PPP(48.6%) in 2011 missed out on a majority by just under 5000 votes.


* With the boots on the ground strategy in the next election, the PPP is highly confident it will encourage enough of its supporters to help the party win by a majority in the next election.



Rev, your common-entrance level Arithmetic will make Teacher Billy Balgobin whack you on yuh backside.

Teacher seh, suppose Rohent the goatherd believed two years ago that 35,000 goats would make him a happy man, but he got 5,000 short. How many did he have?  30,000 you say? Bright boy!

Now, Rev, during the past two years 20,000 of Rohent's goats bruk loose and ran away to greener pastures. How many goats remain in Rohent's pen? 10,000 you say? Bright boy!

Now, Rev, remember wha Rohent de seh? 35,000 goats would mek he happy. But he only has 10,000 now.

How many more goats Rohent needs to be happy? Rev, you seh Rohent will put boots on the ground to round up 5,000 goats on the highway to happiness, right?

Add 5,000 and 10,000 and tell me if Rohent will get 35,000.

Rev, this is the kind of wishy washy mathematical reasoning you've been blissfully embarrassing yourself with here.

That magical 5,000 that you speak about is sheer folly. Berbicians are short by 20,000 heads, the traditional Indo PPP base is shrinking nation wide, the opposition parties are gaining traction. The AFC is kicking ass on the Essequibo Coast and Region 8. The AFC will be embarrassing the PPP in more places soon. Stay tuned.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Rev:


* Listen! The PPP(48.6%) in 2011 missed out on a majority by just under 5000 votes.


* With the boots on the ground strategy in the next election, the PPP is highly confident it will encourage enough of its supporters to help the party win by a majority in the next election.



Rev, your common-entrance level Arithmetic will make Teacher Billy Balgobin whack you on yuh backside.

Teacher seh, suppose Rohent the goatherd believed two years ago that 35,000 goats would make him a happy man, but he got 5,000 short. How much did he have?  30,000 you say? Bright boy!

Now, Rev, during the past two years 20,000 of Rohent's goats bruk loose and ran away to greener pastures. How many goats remain in Rohent's pen? 10,000 you say? Bright boy!

Now, Rev, remember wha Rohent de seh? 35,000 goats would mek he happy. But he only has 10,000 now.

How many more goats Rohent needs to be happy? Rev, you seh Rohent will put boots on the ground to round up 5,000 goats on the highway to happiness, right?

Add 5,000 and 10,000 and tell me if Rohent will get 35,000.

Rev, this is the kind of wishy washy mathematical reasoning you've been blissfully embarrassing yourself with here.

That magical 5,000 that you speak about is sheer folly. Berbicians are short by 20,000 heads, the traditional Indo PPP base is shrinking nation wide, the opposition parties are gaining traction. The AFC is kicking ass on the Essequibo Coast and Region 8. The AFC will be embarrassing the PPP in more places soon. Stay tuned.

Worse of all he is taking it for granted the people are sheep and all the injustices of a corrupt regime heaped on to aggravate the burden that is their lives still leaves them as mere sheep to follow the PPP hither, tither.


He needs to be reminded that if a man is in control of his faculties and these are functioning fine then he will not willingly take the path beset with thorns and briars. If a scourging was necessary for sinners to see the light and not merely as trials for the spawning of  prophets then all our Berbicians would be singing psalms 137 because of the PPP.


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