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APRIL 16, 2016  Source   PEEPING TOM 

The AFC has become too cozy with its main coalition partner, APNU. It is operating more like a sidekick rather than a party which was able to extract 40% of Cabinet and parliamentary seats for bringing no more than 10% of the votes to the joint coalition.The only reason the AFC gets away with being a sidekick is because it has no strategy to mobilize important sections of middle class support, none whatsoever. The PPP does not have any reach within the professional and intellectual class and therefore the AFC is not being pressured by loss of middle class support.

After the 2011 elections, which the AFC contested as a party and not as part of any coalition, the AFC, with great euphoria announced that it held the balance of power in the National Assembly.How did it exercise that balance of power? It did at times take a position independent of APNU but for the main part it was not interested in standing as an independent force. It connived with the APNU to frustrate the PPP government and then tried to pass a no-confidence motion which would have forced elections within three months. The AFC did not generally operate as an independent party.

After pledging that it would never enter into an alliance with either the PPP or APNU, it went and did exactly that thereby discrediting itself as a third force in Guyana. It signed an agreement with the APNU that has been honored in the main in the breach and the AFC is now effectively a rubber stamp in the government.This is the cause of the frustration within the AFC camp. There is only so much that the AFC supporters can stomach and this sidekick role that the AFC is playing is of real concern to its supporters.

The AFC has no power in the government. The most important aspect of the Cummingsburg Agreement which relate to the powers of the Prime Minister being given powers over all the Ministers has not been honored the way the supporters of the AFC expect it to be honoured.
The Cummingsburg Accord specifically stipulated that the Prime Minister would be drawn from the AFC and would be responsible for domestic affairs. This means, in practice, that all Ministers should report to the Prime Minister.

This is not happening.This provision was negotiated so that it could provide the comfort to non-APNU supporters that they would not have to fear an APNU government because the Prime Minister would have substantial powers.The AFC was also to be given the Minister of Home Affairs position. It was given this position, again in order to assure supporters of the PPP that their security concerns would not be neglected under a coalition government. This has been honoured but the former as it relates to domestic affairs and the Prime Minister has not been honoured.

The AFC has been downgraded within the coalition. It should have seen this coming since the swearing in of the President. The Prime Minister should have been sworn in minutes after but instead there was the announcement that someone would be appointed Head of the Presidential Secretariat and that the Prime Minister would be sworn in after the members of parliament would have been sworn in.
This position was reversed later but by that time everyone knew where the power lay and it did not lie in the hands of the Prime Minister.
To make matters worse, the office of the Prime Minister has now been moved under the wing of the Presidency thereby further emasculating that office.

Yet, the AFC sits and accepts that. This is why the eye pass happened during the local government election when the 60-40 formula seems to have been dispensed with. The AFC waited until the elections were over to cry foul.  It should have done so when the various candidates were being selected and it was obvious that the AFC was being shafted.
The AFC draws a great deal of support from the middle class. This class is hurting. The economy is hurting. Business has slowed but yet there are no answers to this crisis and the reason is because once gold does good the economy will grow. But while the grass is growing the middle class is being devastated.

The AFC cannot therefore continue in the same vein. It has asked for the reorganization of government, not the reorganization of the powers of one Minister. The diminution of the powers of a Minister will not make that Minister less powerful. It will just mean less work for him or her.
The AFC has to operate as an independent force with the government. It has twelve seats, it holds the balance of power in parliament and it should ensure that that balance of power in the government reflects that influence.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Django you are a hypocrite.  Isn't this the party you were supporting not tool long ago?  Why kind of bumper ball politics are you practicing?  

Big name you call me this early Saturday marnin,me nah belong to no party,i does support any party that can bring change to the homeland,now this chap Harmon gone and mess things up.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Django you are a hypocrite.  Isn't this the party you were supporting not tool long ago?  Why kind of bumper ball politics are you practicing?  

Big name you call me this early Saturday marnin,me nah belong to no party,i does support any party that can bring change to the homeland,now this chap Harmon gone and mess things up.

Dont blame Harmon, when you have PARASITE, LOW LIVES, MUD RATS like Uncle Tom and Devany one should expect this to happen.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Django you are a hypocrite.  Isn't this the party you were supporting not tool long ago?  Why kind of bumper ball politics are you practicing?  

Big name you call me this early Saturday marnin,me nah belong to no party,i does support any party that can bring change to the homeland,now this chap Harmon gone and mess things up.

Django, I do not think that you are casting the net wide enough when you attribute blame. But I forgive you because you are a town an and no know how to throw a  cast net. You letting most of the big fish get away.


QUOTE: "There is only so much that the AFC supporters can stomach and this sidekick role that the AFC is playing is of real concern to its supporters."

indeed, this statement reflects the thinking of many AFC members and supporters whose views I've been reading on social media.

GNI members and visitors will recall that when the coalition government gave ministers and all parliamentarians hefty salary increases effective from July 1 last, ie just 6 weeks after the elections, Gilbakka started a thread that deplored the government's self-serving action. 

Subsequently, Gilbakka started a few more threads that were critical of other coalition misdeeds and shortcomings. In addition, in his comments in other members' threads, he also expressed disapproving opinions on APNU+AFC performance.

Yes, there is a lot that AFC members and supporters are dissatisfied with and, naturally, there is a limit. It depends on the degree of our individual patience.

Zed posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Django you are a hypocrite.  Isn't this the party you were supporting not tool long ago?  Why kind of bumper ball politics are you practicing?  

Big name you call me this early Saturday marnin,me nah belong to no party,i does support any party that can bring change to the homeland,now this chap Harmon gone and mess things up.

Django, I do not think that you are casting the net wide enough when you attribute blame. But I forgive you because you are a town an and no know how to throw a  cast net. You letting most of the big fish get away.

Zed,i am a country bhai me used wan small castnet today.

Gilbakka posted:


GNI members and visitors will recall that when the coalition government gave ministers and all parliamentarians hefty salary increases effective from July 1 last, ie just 6 weeks after the elections, Gilbakka started a thread that deplored the government's self-serving action. 


And here is the problem. Rumor has it that it was Moses who wanted a salary increase, and in fact received a BIGGER salary increase than did Granger.

So that biggest mistake of the coalition, the action which brought the honey moon period to an abrupt halt, wasn't a solely APNU activity.

caribny posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

AFC is the sidekick and will get kicked aside before the next election by the PNC, similar to the The United Force when D'Aguiar joined Burnham in 1964.

And what happened to Civic, or indeed to the UF when they allied themselves with the PPP?

Civic is still with the PPP/C.

Your choice to follow the path of The United Force.

Demerara_Guy posted:
caribny posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

AFC is the sidekick and will get kicked aside before the next election by the PNC, similar to the The United Force when D'Aguiar joined Burnham in 1964.

And what happened to Civic, or indeed to the UF when they allied themselves with the PPP?

Civic is still with the PPP/C.

Your choice to follow the path of The United Force.

AFC is still with APNU, so if that is your answer is reveals nothing!

However weak the AFC is within the coalition they wield way more power than does Civic. 

Does Civic even exist as a separate group with its own leadership structure?  No Civic was a Bantustan created by Cheddi to ensure that the blacks who he brought in remained outside of the PPP.  Look at Sam Hinds and how he was fired as President!

caribny posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
caribny posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

AFC is the sidekick and will get kicked aside before the next election by the PNC, similar to the The United Force when D'Aguiar joined Burnham in 1964.

And what happened to Civic, or indeed to the UF when they allied themselves with the PPP?

Civic is still with the PPP/C.

Your choice to follow the path of The United Force.

AFC is still with APNU, so if that is your answer is reveals nothing!

However weak the AFC is within the coalition they wield way more power than does Civic. 

Does Civic even exist as a separate group with its own leadership structure?  No Civic was a Bantustan created by Cheddi to ensure that the blacks who he brought in remained outside of the PPP.  Look at Sam Hinds and how he was fired as President!

Your usual irrelevant views.

Demerara_Guy posted:
caribny posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Your usual irrelevant views.

Yes indeed.  That was your response when I told you that no way was the PPP going to win 60% of the votes in 2011, or 51% in 2015.

Irrelevant, yet again.

On the contrary, quite relevant given that 5/11/2015 now has the same resonance with the brown bai KKK as 9/11 has with the most NYers.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Cobra posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Did you check one lately, Cobra.

Yes, but I don't buy another man's headache now. 

At one time in our life we do buy a pre-owned vehicle.

Fortunately for a long time now, I purchase new vehicles.

In politics, we don't take chances after we we examined the engine. 


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