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Former Member

Dear Editor,
I recall Guyana was looking for a bright future in 1964, but with the PNC from 1968 -1992, that hope became a nightmare. With the electoral victory of the PPP in 1992, many people were hopeful of a new beginning. But it has been a period of rampant corruption and murders, and so we have seen another false dawn.

The formation of the AFC led many to believe that the new party offered a ray of hope from selfishness and corruption β€’ although the new party was comprised of members of the two major parties. We are now confronted with a scandal in the party involving Nigel Hughes, Chairman of the party, with respect to his political position and his personal position of Company Secretary to Sithe Global of the controversial Amaila Falls project. 

Mr Hughes and Mr Ramjattan tell us that there is no conflict of interest (as lawyers they must know otherwise), since the information on Mr Hughes being Company Secretary has been in the public domain since 2009. Many people, including myself, knew nothing about it. Even if we can argue that such information was in the public domain, what was not is how much Mr Hughes is being paid for the post. Then Mr Hughes resigns as Chairman of the party, but not as Company Secretary, which shows his loyalty is to financial reward rather than the interest of the ordinary people of the country. 

Mr Hughes’ wife sits in Parliament during the day and supports the AFC on issues, but goes home at night and writes PR material for the project. If Mr Hughes and his wife are interested in financial reward, that is their prerogative and I cannot fault that, but don’t deceive the people.
Many people saw the AFC as offering some kind of moral pole in a corrupt society but it is not to be. I have always been nervous about the sincerity of the AFC, and my nervousness has now been justified. In my opinion, the AFC has become another false dawn.
Yours faithfully,
Kean Gibson

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Originally Posted by TI:
""Then Mr Hughes resigns as Chairman of the party, but not as Company Secretary, which shows his loyalty is to financial reward rather than the interest of the ordinary people of the country. ""

har de har


i wonder what Nigel Hughes's "financial reward" amounted to after APNU voted the project down/Sithe pulled out


u still haven't cleared up whether u and the PPP regard Nigel Hughes & wife as heroes or knaves


har de har har har indeed!

Originally Posted by TI:

Haha, the man want to resign from AFC. Yu forget that part



you fools trying so hard to kill the AFC YOU ARE NOT LOOKING AT THE BIG PICTURE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTION maybe nigil and ram is too smart for you guys and the ppp i am not seeing the apnu beating down the afc maybe they still laughing at the ppp

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by TI:

You didn't say why Nigel choose secretary job over AFC. Apparently AFC not so important as some people think!

pay attention . . . the "secretary" job disappears with the Sithe pullout; contemplate my 1st paragraph (previous).


i don't have time to hold the hands of slow thinkers or fools, arite?

Hey har har de har har! Fuh you, dem negras can do no wrang.

Go chant har har har and play wid you panties and bra.

Alliance for Change (AFC) chairman Nigel Hughes in response to a poster on his Facebook page announced his exit from local politics. β€œMy time in politics has been brief and is now over,” Hughes wrote in response to a poster who wrote calling on him to apologise following a recent revelation of his involvement with the Amaila Hydro Porject which his party had initially opposed.

β€œI was privileged to have been afforded an opportunity to have contributed to the struggle of Guyanese for a better Guyana, whether Linden, Cotton Tree, Agricola, Red Village, Marudi etc. My commitment to the poor and powerless preceded my entry into politics and will survive my departure from it,” he said in the post.

Hughes' short stay in politics has been marred with controversy. He was accused of  encouraging violent protests at Agricola after the passing of an ultimatum he issued to the government. He is known for his hate filled speeches which appeal to ethnic  sensitivities.
Originally Posted by TI:
""Then Mr Hughes resigns as Chairman of the party, but not as Company Secretary, which shows his loyalty is to financial reward rather than the interest of the ordinary people of the country. ""

har de har


At least he resigned.  Jagdeo made huge sums as president, which had NOTHING to do with his official salary.

Now Now Nigel!! Those in Glass Houses.....

Evidence Tampering:
You tampered with evidence, when you took the surveillance tape from the scene of the murder of Brian Hamilton.

Conflict of Interest:
You never disclosed to Khemraj and the AFC supporters that you were the secretary of AFHI, whilst your wife a AFC MP is the PR of Sithe Global.

Jury Tampering
You successfully defended the Lusignan Murderer, whilst your client of six years was the Jury Foreman .

Khemraj, Gerhard,Mitwah and the rest. Please explain!
Nigel Hughes should have been charged for evidence tamperingPDFPrintE-mail
Written by T KING   
Wednesday, 14 August 2013 19:57

A LONG time ago in this very news medium, (Chronicle), I warned that Nigel Hughes will become too big and will make rings around the PPP/C Government and the judicial system since he (allegedly) tampered with evidence in the Buxton Gas Station murder when he removed a surveillance tape.

Nigel Hughes in that case should have been brought to justice for evidence tampering, since if it was an ordinary citizen, or I, we would be sitting in jail.
Justice Navindra Singh (Tuesday) morning banned the foreman of the jury in the recently concluded Lusignan massacre trial because he did not disclose to the court that he had a lawyer-client relationship with one of the attorneys-at-law, Nigel Hughes, who had represented one of the two accused who were subsequently found not guilty.

The same Nigel Hughes who was the main cause of β€˜thugs’ blocking the Agricola Public Road, where East Indians were beaten, robbed and sexually molested.

Nigel Hughes has no ethics and in the minds of many Guyanese, he is seen as a criminal himself.
In the Linden inquiry, the commissioner had to rebuke Nigel Hughes and he withdrew without an apology. He also failed to disclose his connection to the Amaila Falls fiasco.

He resigned from the AFC, pulling the hood over apparent impropriety.
Nigel Hughes failed again to disclose his connection to the jury foreman allowing two alleged murderers to walk free men.

Mr Editor, I am once again urging you to urge the PPP/C Government to scrap the β€˜jury system’ in Guyana.
Let a three-judge panel decide the faith of those charged. One can only imagine the β€˜intimidation’ that goes on in the jury room. Many Guyanese made it known they are very much afraid to be sitting on a jury in Guyana. There is a fear of others knowing how they vote especially on β€˜guilt’. It is felt that most of these criminals that are charged and brought before the court, in many cases, they have someone employed and/or connected to the police, army, judiciary or Opposition politicians.
β€˜Wake up’ and β€˜Shake up’ Guyana, once and for all


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