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Former Member

Members, supporters and friends of the AFC

To better serve you, to bring order on our page/group and to ensure we have maximum use of both.

The following guidelines were agreed to by team AFC. These guidelines apply to all members of the group/page and all of us are expected to follow them.

1. Never use all caps
2. Don't toggle between CaPitAl aNd LoWeRcAsE LetTeRs
3. Use normal punctuation and grammar
4. Keep it short and simple whenever possible
5. Be careful sharing private information
6. Provide enough information to answer any questions you ask
7. Use minimal outbound links, and only when absolutely necessary
8. Don't be a troll and don't feed the trolls
9. Follow all posted rules at all times
10. Posts from political parties or organisations will not be approved
11. Direct attacks to any member will result in being disbanded.
12. Ads will be deleted by any user regardless except where it is for the benefit of the AFC
13. Where there are several members who make posts related to a specific topic of interest the posts will be deleted and all the subsequent post will be copied and pasted under the first post on the topic so we reduce the clutter on our group/page.
14. A member/liker is allowed no more than 2 post per day and they should not be related to the same topic. E.g. if the first topic is on NCM and the person wishes to make a second then it should be done under the first post as a comment rather than as a new post. If its done as a new post it will be deleted as a post and copied and pasted as a comment under the first post.

Change is coming.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

The same rules should be on GNI...people make multiple posts of the same crap instead of putting in under one topic

Ironically the same idiots proposing and supporting this on the AFC page are guilty of breaking every single one of those rules here and doing that same shyte here daily.



Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

The same rules should be on GNI...people make multiple posts of the same crap instead of putting in under one topic




* I clicked on GNI Political this morning and saw 5 threads by ASJ and 9 threads by HM_redux.


* These guys are like viruses. I guess it soothes their egos to start so many threads.


* In my opinion posters should be limited to a maximum of 2 threads per day.


* Personally I rarely read threads started by ASJ and HM_redux and don't post on them.




* You should ask posters to limit the number of threads they start per day.





Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Members, supporters and friends of the AFC

To better serve you, to bring order on our page/group and to ensure we have maximum use of both.

The following guidelines were agreed to by team AFC. These guidelines apply to all members of the group/page and all of us are expected to follow them.

1. Never use all caps
2. Don't toggle between CaPitAl aNd LoWeRcAsE LetTeRs
3. Use normal punctuation and grammar
4. Keep it short and simple whenever possible
5. Be careful sharing private information
6. Provide enough information to answer any questions you ask
7. Use minimal outbound links, and only when absolutely necessary
8. Don't be a troll and don't feed the trolls
9. Follow all posted rules at all times
10. Posts from political parties or organisations will not be approved
11. Direct attacks to any member will result in being disbanded.
12. Ads will be deleted by any user regardless except where it is for the benefit of the AFC
13. Where there are several members who make posts related to a specific topic of interest the posts will be deleted and all the subsequent post will be copied and pasted under the first post on the topic so we reduce the clutter on our group/page.
14. A member/liker is allowed no more than 2 post per day and they should not be related to the same topic. E.g. if the first topic is on NCM and the person wishes to make a second then it should be done under the first post as a comment rather than as a new post. If its done as a new post it will be deleted as a post and copied and pasted as a comment under the first post.

Change is coming.

Those are sound rules for important conversation.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

The same rules should be on GNI...people make multiple posts of the same crap instead of putting in under one topic




* I clicked on GNI Political this morning and saw 5 threads by ASJ and 9 threads by HM_redux.


* These guys are like viruses. I guess it soothes their egos to start so many threads.


* In my opinion posters should be limited to a maximum of 2 threads per day.


* Personally I rarely read threads started by ASJ and HM_redux and don't post on them.




* You should ask posters to limit the number of threads they start per day.





Did someone limit you to 1 valid thought per year?




hahahahaha I love it, Again i knew you didn't go too far in school. There is absolutely no way you went beyond high school Comrade Low breed and if you did someone must have been writing your papers and exams. There is no way you could have gone to a post secondary institution of any kind well save except maybe Apple one Training in Canada or some crap like that.


Take a look at your own posting history..........Your own rules would hang your dumb ass! - Now lemme guess you will consider this abuse? yes?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

The same rules should be on GNI...people make multiple posts of the same crap instead of putting in under one topic

Take a cue for moderating

think I got all day to waste on some of these idiots...they like little children on here..I just try and maintain some order...and delete lots of useless topics...or close some cases, ban some of the culprits

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


BTW: Can you give me some guidance on how to avoid insulting CLB?




Stop being a jackass. Moderator Ray ought to suspend your posting privileges.





Now that I am back at my computer I can respond appropriately. You see even when I am being a good little boy and asking for guidance you low breed characters cannot even comprehend when I am being genuine and seeking genuine guidance from Ray Ray since he seems to have insulated himself quite nicely from the horse shit you and the rest of the low breed gang.


Now With regards to me stop being a jackass, Captain Low breed Reverse there is no way in hell I am like you. So on that note I will continue being me and you shall continue with your ears and tails intact? capiche?


What I don't understand is how you fellas cannot use your words to counter what it is I am saying to you. Again I go back to the imagination is quite dull over there.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


BTW: Can you give me some guidance on how to avoid insulting CLB?




Stop being a jackass. Moderator Ray ought to suspend your posting privileges.





what a wimp always calling for somebody to get ban,rev you ever read the warning on GNI this is not for the faint of heart,try be a man


I truly believe that if these chaps took the time the spent whining and playing the victim they actually might just by a sliver be able to come up with something creative to discuss here.


They are in the propaganda game, but when they get embarrassed and shamed they get all touchy and ow please Mr. Moderator please shield me from this chap or that chap he is hurting my feelings.


Stop being a bunch a god damn cowards.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

If someone is upset at being called names, then I'll have to suspend the person doing the name calling...if they are both ok with going at each other without being obscene, then I'll leave them alone


I aint putting up with crap anymore

RiffRaff listen up when these idiots call me jackass and other names I deal with it. They need to man up and own their BS.


When they are referring to Ramjattan and other senior AFC and other party leaders as beavis and buttehead etc. We can respond in kind and deliver the same treatment to their backsides.


You can never go back and see me complain about any of their behavior. I am man enough to use my words and deal with them appropriately. Is this kindergarten?


AFC reverses its hideous position they adopted yesterday on their Facebook page.....



I submit to you that you have proven that this alliance will not work unless the modus operandi is different from the other two political parties.
I join all of you in the fight for a free country where the oppressors will feel the wrath of the people. I also hope that this mobilisation here on facebook can be translated to mobilisation on the ground whenever its necessary to make the change. 
I am deeply sorry on behalf of everyone for the confusion and chaos the post caused yesterday up until now.

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