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August 6th, 2013


Georgetown, Guyana - General Secretary for the Alliance For Change, Mr. David Patterson today informed Chairman Mr. Nigel Hughes of the Party's receipt of his offer of resignation from Chairmanship of the party. On behalf of the Management Committee of the Party, the GS further advised Mr. Hughes that his resignation was not accepted and that the Party continues to repose full and complete confidence in him both as member and Chairman.

The Party wishes to establish, as a matter of public record and for the benefit of full disclosure to the public the following facts:

1.     Mr. Hughes was not a member of the AFC in April 2009 when he commenced professional engagement with Amaila Falls Hydro Inc/Sithe Global.

2.     Mr. Hughes officially joined the Party in July 2011.

3.     Mr. Hughes was elected Chairman of the Party on August 4th 2012. Therefore the matters of professional engagement with AFHI predated, by some time, Mr. Hughes' membership to the Party and further his election to the office of Chairman.

4.     Mr. Hughes declared his professional association with Sithe Global at the commencement of the Amaila Fall Hydro Power Project coming into national focus and requested of the Party that he be recused from the decision making process at every stage. The Party agreed and Mr. Hughes has been so recused.

5.     The AFC remains steadfastly supportive of hydro power projects (or any other alternative energy source options) with the express condition being that the benefits redound to the Guyanese people and the country. The Party's position in this regard remains unchanged and the Party recommits to representing the best interest of Guyanese in this regard.

6.   The Party's previously stated position with regard to the due diligence from the IDB (awaiting their report) and the level of debt ceiling proposed by the motion (with regard to its sustainability) remains the same. The Party is favourably considering its support for the Hydro Amendments (the Environmental Bill) if re-tabled.

The party wishes to assure its members and supporters both here in Guyana and overseas and all Guyanese that it employed best practice at all times with regard to the formulation of decisions and the position of the party with regard to AFHI and indeed the Party thanks Mr. Hughes for his timely and forthright declaration of interest. This allowed the Party to act responsibly and judiciously to avoid any potential conflicts.

The Party reiterates that it continues to repose every confidence in Mr. Hughes in executing the duties of Chairman of the party, a role in which he has acted with the utmost professionalism.

The Party views as unfortunate, but is not surprised by efforts designed to malign its image, particularly at such a sensitive time.

The party wishes to commend Mr. Hughes for placing the interest of the Party and the people of Guyana above his own interests in taking what is a selfless, magnanimous and a most difficult decision to offer his resignation. Mr. Hughes's willingness to act in the public interest and to the detriment of his own political career speaks to his character and his offer of resignation, in the eyes of the Party and indeed of all Guyanese only enhances his stature and reputation as a leader of high principle and morality.                    -ENDS-


prgrsvimg is your point Gal...

Look like yuh Crutch scratching yuh as usual...

Yuh Bend over and get in

Den yuh Hug dem up like Family

Now De Day when Kwame McCoy ..... 

can get more PPP Votes than Ashni Singh in Berbice.....

Is the Day when all Berbicians will leave.....

and turn over "Da Party to De Rawans, Chamar & Funny Fellas"....

Originally Posted by Jalil:

prgrsvimg is your point Gal...

Look like yuh Crutch scratching yuh as usual...

Yuh Bend over and get in

De yuh Hug dem up like Family

Now De Day when Kwame McCoy ..... 

can get more PPP Votes than Ashni Singh in Berbice.....

Is the Day when all Berbicians will leave.....

and turn over "Da Party to De Rawans, Chamar & Funny Fellas"....

Well said!


Chairman of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes, was appointed as the ‘Secretary’ of the Amaila Falls Hydro Inc., the Special Purpose Vehicle/Company created for the development, construction and operation of the US$858M Hydro Power plant.

Executive Member of the AFC, Cathy Hughes, the wife of Nigel Hughes, as recent as yesterday issued a press statement in which she was identified as the Public Relations Officer for Sithe Global, locally.

Party Leader Khemraj Ramjattan, when contacted said that he was aware that Hughes has an association with the company but said he did not know that he was Company Secretary.



Excerpts from the Kaieteurnews


The Private Sector Commission (PSC) on Tuesday evening said it was tired of  armchair experts who have come out of the woodwork to condemn the Amaila Falls Hydroelectricity project. In one of its strongest pronouncements to date the business grouping said it cannot overemphasise the importance of the Amaila Falls Hydro project to Guyana's future.

It said cheaper energy will have a transformational effect on the manufacturing sector and indeed all of the private sector.  In reference those in and aligned to the opposition that have opposed the project the PSC said it is tired of the armchair experts who have come out of the woodwork to condemn the project on spurious economic grounds.

This project it said, has benefitted from the expertise of the Blackstone Group, the largest financial advisory and alternative investment firm in the world and challenged the 'so-called local experts' to match their expertise. The PSC also challenged this group which includes Kaieteur News and its publisher Glen Lall to give sound economic reasons for their recalcitrance.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Private Sector Commission (PSC) on Tuesday evening said it was tired of  armchair experts who have come out of the woodwork to condemn the Amaila Falls Hydroelectricity project. In one of its strongest pronouncements to date the business grouping said it cannot overemphasise the importance of the Amaila Falls Hydro project to Guyana's future.

It said cheaper energy will have a transformational effect on the manufacturing sector and indeed all of the private sector.  In reference those in and aligned to the opposition that have opposed the project the PSC said it is tired of the armchair experts who have come out of the woodwork to condemn the project on spurious economic grounds.

This project it said, has benefitted from the expertise of the Blackstone Group, the largest financial advisory and alternative investment firm in the world and challenged the 'so-called local experts' to match their expertise. The PSC also challenged this group which includes Kaieteur News and its publisher Glen Lall to give sound economic reasons for their recalcitrance.

the people voice is more strong than all these sellout put together the people will take back guyana from the ppp thief your days are #

AFC’s double standards on transparency, accountabilityPDFPrintE-mail
Written by HASEEF YUSUF AFC Councillor Region 6   

IT is most comical to read in the Guyana Times that Dr. Ramayya is stating the obvious in that receipts and bills are not given for ‘chicken, fish or celery’. But this simple explanation applies to ordinary citizens not an organistion which claims to be spending $ 900, 000 per month for food! The party has  a few Chartered and Certified Accountants at its disposal and their advice should have been solicited. What about the use of petty cash vouchers signed by vendors? This is basic accounting! How can a person spend $900,000 on food for one month without any accountability? Logic defies this!
Now that I have exposed the truth, Ramayya is now using the worst fallacy to win his argument: argumentum ad hominem’. This fallacy is used to hit against at my character rather than addressing the issues raised in my letter which is about transparency, accountability and cronyism, the same issues they are using to attack the government.  Public figures must be able to face criticisms and refute allegations against them by providing evidence to the contrary.
Remember the supplementary budget with regards the 4 billion dollars for Guysuco? The AFC was against the government spending money and then asking for approval. This is exactly what Ramayya did and worst: he could not provide documentary evidence to support his claim! He has failed miserably to convincingly address the issues raised in my letter.
He further suggested that I am ‘bitter’ and ‘power drunk.’ Indeed I am bitter but not for the reasons he is suggesting, I am bitter because I expected him to be the ‘avatar’ of goodness he is claiming to be and I expect my party to be the beacon of transparency and accountability. And as for being ‘power drunk  I am not the one boasting on television about how I singlehandedly will do this and that. What power do I have? Furthermore, I never wanted any position in the RMC in Berbice. I had asked two members to nominate another person as the Chairman but after an abusive confrontation between this person and another Councillor, the members did not nominate that person. In fact, it was Ramayya who asked me to accept nomination for that position!
Quite ironically, the loud and aggressive confrontation at that meeting was about accountability at the Whim Office and the New Amsterdam Office. During the confrontation, the person in charge of the New Amsterdam Office pointed out that her books were audited but those of the Whim Office were not because of accountability problems. The minutes of this meeting will bear testimony to this fact.
It is now quite clear to me that a person is recognised according to the size of his donation to the party coffers. I am most surprised that the AFC Leader should address a matter of accountability by simply saying ‘ you should ask Yusuf how much he spent.’ So now Mr. Ramjattan is saying that he is satisfied with the unauthorised and unsubstantiated spending of $4.5M? If the AFC has a right to question the government spending then I do submit that I also have a right to know how my party spent its members’ funds and demand accountability. But what is disturbing is this question. Is the strength of the AFC membership based on the amount of money contributed? I made enemies with my family and friends and took the brunt of insults hurled at me on a daily basis but now I am hurt! I now need to give a financial statement. My children literally slaved for this party!  But Mr. Ramjattan is now ‘placating’ my injury with insult.
Members and supporters know how hard I worked for the AFC but to avoid being conceited I will not make an elaboration here. The questions about the rigged election and the cronyism allegations still remain unanswered.
At this point I would like to remind AFC members and supporters that they voted for the AFC because they wanted justice, transparency, and accountability. Will you condone the lack of these within our  own ranks?
Time will tell who the hypocrites are but don’t be one of them! To date no one in the Party has communicated to me so I guess I have become the pariah. Is this familiar to you Mr. Ramjattan?



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National Assembly passes local gov't bills unanimously

  • Wednesday, 07 August 2013 21:42

National Assembly passes local gov't bills unanimously


The National Assembly Wednesday evening unanimously passed the four local government bills ending a 12-year reformation process.  The four bills were seen as essential to the holding of local government elections last held in 1994 but officials from GECOM have said that they would need at least six months from the assent of the legislation to prepare for the polls. The bills were sent to a Special Select Committee in January ago after talks at a bipartisan taskforce broke down. However, Committee Chairman Basil Williams said that they had alerted GECOM already to the likely passage of the legislation and it should have been preparing for the elections. A GECOM official had told DemWaves that a significant amount of public education on the new system would have to be done. The Fiscal Transfers Bill addresses the equitable provision of resources to the various local government organs and provides for them to generate their own revenue. The Municipal and District Councils (Amendment) Bill updates the fines, fees and other charges within the municipalities. However, Local Government Minister Ganga Persaud called for the scrapping of five amendments in the Local Government (Amendment) Bill which removed certain powers from the minister and will vest them in an autonomous Local Government Commission. But his plea was rejected by the opposition MPs who dubbed it a return to colonial thinking. Junior local government minister Norman Whittaker said the bill had been “hijacked” in the Committee by the opposition. According to him, the parties had gone beyond opposing and were now “obstructing” progress.
The debates on the Local Government (Amendment) and the Local Government Commission Bills both saw the government proposing amendments with two being unanimously adopted for the first while the AFC supported the government’s amendment on the latter.
The AFC’s move represented a backtracking from their Select Committee support for changing the composition of the Local Government Commission.
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Executive Member of the AFC, Catherine Hughes, the wife of Nigel Hughes, remains Sithe Global’s Public Relations Consultant. As recent as Monday, she issued a press statement in which she was identified as the Public Relations Consultant for Sithe Global, locally.


Excerpts from the Kaietuernews


There appears to be more than meets the eye as it relates to  Mr.&Mrs Hughes

Central Committee member of PPP Kwame McCoy, a Gay Fella used the phone at office of the President to setup sex with a lil boy name Julius.
He was begging and crying on the phone to do his nastiness.


prgrsvimg from the Kaietuernews

There appears to be more than meets the eye as it relates to  Bharat Jagdeo & Kwame McCoy.


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