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Former Member
December 2, 2012 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Peeping Tom 


One year ago, there was non-partisan elation in many quarters following the results of the last elections. Those elections saw, for the first time since 1964, no party holding a majority of seats in the National Assembly.
The euphoria has evaporated quickly and has been replaced by widespread despondency over the make-up of the National Assembly. So great has been the disappointment over the 10th Parliament that many Guyanese are now convinced that Guyana needs to return to majoritarian politics.
A new locus of power emerged in the National Assembly following the elections of November 28, 2011. One small party, the Alliance for Change, held the balance of power. Even before the results of the elections had been announced, the AFC elatedly proclaimed to all that it would hold the balance of power in the National Assembly.
There were many who felt that this make-up of the National Assembly would have finally led to a situation of all the parties working together for the good of the country. There were many who felt that finally a new political culture would emerge.
For many years, politics in Guyana had been reduced to a contest between the two main parties. Now with a third party holding the balance of power, it was hoped that negotiation and compromise would have replaced bickering and protestations.
The AFC obviously held the key to this new political culture. In fact, it seemed pleased that it held the balance of power between the two main parties. Its showing at the elections vindicated its decision not to join A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).
The AFC had always felt that the more parties that participated in the elections, the better would be the chances of defeating the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C).
The PPP/C was not defeated, but the lost its majority which for years had allowed it to dominate the National Assembly and eschew any form of political compromise.
The fact that the AFC now formed part of what is being labeled “a triangle” of political power in the National Assembly, raised the hopes of many, including persons within the business community that the country would finally “settle down.”
The AFC has squandered that opportunity, and in the process dashed the hopes of many, including hundreds of thousands of Guyanese, who want nothing more than to see an end to political squabbling.
As in any other part of the world, the people of Guyana have their own political loyalties and affiliations, and these often run deep. But in the main, the ordinary man would not be bothered by who wins the elections, so long as all the parties can work together.
It does not matter whether you are a die-hard PPP, a devoted PNCR supporter or a dyed-in-the-wool AFC activist, there is nothing more that you want to see than good relations between the political parties. There is nothing more comforting than for these political parties to sit down in a matured manner and work for the betterment of all Guyana.
The AFC, following the last elections, was in the unenviable situation of promoting this new political culture. Instead of using its hold on the balance of power to mediate and intermediate between the two main parties, the AFC took the most obtuse decision to convert a triangle into an axis with poles of power at each end.
The great betrayal of the AFC was that it never established a triangle of power in the National Assembly. It was determined from day one to change the political culture by replacing the domination of the government with the domination of the combined opposition. The talk about a triangle of power in the National Assembly is, therefore, misplaced rhetoric.
There is no longer any political triangle in the National Assembly. What there is, is a straight line with two extremities. At one end is the government still stubborn and still defiant, and at the other end the combined opposition, the AFC and APNU, bent on getting their way at all cost.
Instead of a new political culture of cooperation, negotiation and compromise, what we now have is the old combative political culture that has existed. And the main blame for this state of affairs has to be laid at the feet of the Alliance for Change, which seems to have lost its way politically.
The AFC is now indistinguishable from APNU. You hardly now know what is the difference between what the AFC stands for and what APNU advocates.
And yet the expectation of those who supported that party was that the AFC was supposed to stand above this political fray and hold the balance of power between the two main political titans. Instead it seems determined to join with APNU in shattering the expectations of its supporters and the many others who want to see a new dispensation mean a new political culture.
It is hard to see how the AFC can now claim to be an independent political party, because it is operating as a surrogate for the main opposition, APNU.
It is not too late for the AFC to return to its role at the apex of the triangle of power in the National Assembly.

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Originally Posted by albert:
The fact that the AFC now formed part of what is being labeled “a triangle” of political power in the National Assembly, raised the hopes of many, including persons within the business community that the country would finally “settle down.”

The AFC has squandered that opportunity, and in the process dashed the hopes of many, including hundreds of thousands of Guyanese, who want nothing more than to see an end to political squabbling.

The AFC is now indistinguishable from APNU. You hardly now know what is the difference between what the AFC stands for and what APNU advocates.

It is hard to see how the AFC can now claim to be an independent political party, because it is operating as a surrogate for the main opposition, APNU.


December 2, 2012 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Peeping Tom

Some interesting and important points.


the ppp is not moving right with AFC,the ppp want to thief everything for themself,now if they bring in AFC IN THE THIEFING then the boys will easy up the pressure but then again the boys in the AFC is too honest for the ppp crime family


With all those former PNC people now working for the Jagdeoite/Ramotar PPP I thought PPP = PNC, no? Lumumba, Kwame, Hamilton, Bynoe, Kit Nacimento, etc? What am I missing? Then the President said how much he loves the Burnham Constitution. 


The AFC has similar attribute of the Justice party, which was founded by ego-centric former PPP rejects, Chandisingh, Vincent Teekah and Balram Ram Singh Rai, which started brightly and faded into the wilderness, today its the AFC with Khemraj, Sase and Moses Nagamootoo, its inevitable, they'll suffer the same faith as the "justice party" the event of any snap elections, the AFC will also faded into the political wilderness

Originally Posted by albert:

Look like dem peeple dis deh in some serias deep thought. Look like dem ah plan weh next dem to put de next charcoal factrie. Wanda wen dem terrarist dis go strike? Abie go be on de look out fu de next fiah!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

AFC and the PNC lead APNU are one, in the event of any snap elections, the AFC/PNC aka APNU cabal, will become a fragment of the Guyanese Populace imagination

We just have to remind the people how you guys cooperate with PNC to share the GECOM funds and how much you guys love Burnham's Constitution. And how you you now have all those thugs who used to beat up PPP and WPA activists in South GT. 


TK..... seems to be at full throttle doing damage control for the AFC, and is trying his best to justify the AFC alliance with the PNC aka APNU, the Guyanese Populace are no fools and seeing clearing the AFC and the PNC lead APNU are one, in the event of any snap elections, its clear to see which party they'll endorse with a majority in the National Assembly, this time around, complacency will not play a part, and the PPP/C will not again be a victim of their own success


AFC  goons at full throttle doing damage control, little do they knows, the damage is already done, the Guyanese Populace have already seen who the AFC really are....totally anti-working class

Originally Posted by Conscience:

AFC  goons at full throttle doing damage control, little do they knows, the damage is already done, the Guyanese Populace have already seen who the AFC really are....totally anti-working class

Yeh dem see how ayo gat Bynoe and Lumumba who a terrerists. Ayo a use dem terrerists pun dem poor people foh beat dem.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

TK..... seems to be at full throttle doing damage control for the AFC, and is trying his best to justify the AFC alliance with the PNC aka APNU, the Guyanese Populace are no fools and seeing clearing the AFC and the PNC lead APNU are one, in the event of any snap elections, its clear to see which party they'll endorse with a majority in the National Assembly, this time around, complacency will not play a part, and the PPP/C will not again be a victim of their own success


The PPP is unravelling at a rapid pace


Many of the AFC supporters are beating their chest, and saying never again, never again, never again......Khemraj, sase, Nagamootoo and his cabal ,are now too ashamed to visit their once support base

Originally Posted by FC:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

TK..... seems to be at full throttle doing damage control for the AFC, and is trying his best to justify the AFC alliance with the PNC aka APNU, the Guyanese Populace are no fools and seeing clearing the AFC and the PNC lead APNU are one, in the event of any snap elections, its clear to see which party they'll endorse with a majority in the National Assembly, this time around, complacency will not play a part, and the PPP/C will not again be a victim of their own success


The PPP is unravelling at a rapid pace

The AFC has no power without the APNU. Were the PPP willing to play ball or be receptive to advice and council on the necessity for changes in the administration and society then the AFC could have an alliance with them.Lacking that the AFC seeks common council with those who will change the things that demand changes. The first of that is the ability for any administration to ignore the legislature and have complete domination of the agencies of the state.


My hope is the AFC and the APNU are smart to anticipate the fact the PPP will never give up autocratic powers. As such they must place initiatives on the ballot that the people can approve to restrain the excesses of government.


Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC it seems has join forces with APNU to frustrate the programs of the government, must to the displeasure of the Guyanese populace

If the programs of the government is so packed with pork or dubious spending then that is their job...looking after the people's business. Insisting you speak for the people does not elevate your opinion to a consensus.


There are reports of dissent within both APNU and AFC following the parliamentary upheaval that saw a much criticized decision by the Speaker Raphael Trotman to issue an interim gag on the Minister of Home Affairs.

The move instigated by both parties did not find favour amongst all in the leadership of both parties.

 The leadership meeting and parliamentary group discussions there were vehement disagreement expressed over the move to ‘convert the National Assembly into a partisan political platform and an abuse of the opposition one seat majority.’

International observers and groups have also expressed their sentiments in the recent developments and turmoil in the National Assembly and hinting it can lead to a platform of instability and even tension in the wider society.

Those Members of Parliament of APNU and AFC who were in loud disagreement were threatened to be recalled by the heads of the list of representatives as is provided by the Laws of Guyana – Recall Legislation.

APNU head of the list of representatives is David Granger and AFC is Raphael Trotman.

Sources say this is a worrying development that the party is trying to contain and dissolve.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

There are reports of dissent within both APNU and AFC following the parliamentary upheaval that saw a much criticized decision by the Speaker Raphael Trotman to issue an interim gag on the Minister of Home Affairs.

The move instigated by both parties did not find favour amongst all in the leadership of both parties.

 The leadership meeting and parliamentary group discussions there were vehement disagreement expressed over the move to ‘convert the National Assembly into a partisan political platform and an abuse of the opposition one seat majority.’

International observers and groups have also expressed their sentiments in the recent developments and turmoil in the National Assembly and hinting it can lead to a platform of instability and even tension in the wider society.

Those Members of Parliament of APNU and AFC who were in loud disagreement were threatened to be recalled by the heads of the list of representatives as is provided by the Laws of Guyana – Recall Legislation.

APNU head of the list of representatives is David Granger and AFC is Raphael Trotman.

Sources say this is a worrying development that the party is trying to contain and dissolve.

 Dude, the PPP split up once, it kicked out Ramjattan and Moses and it banished Ramkarran while grudgingly gibing Indra and Navin jobs among others. It still exist so what the hell does it matter if there is an ideological struggle in the AFC ( and I do not know that to be true).


Siding with the PPP was never an option. Further, the PPP does not get to decide what is partisan or not, They are the ones who have dubious practices to be changed and are negligent in their accounting of the state resources. No one in their right mind would support their thieving ways.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC it seems has join forces with APNU to frustrate the programs of the government, must to the displeasure of the Guyanese populace

If the programs of the government is so packed with pork or dubious spending then that is their job...looking after the people's business. Insisting you speak for the people does not elevate your opinion to a consensus.

D2, using both your new handles in one thread doesn't bring you any closer to being a consensus.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC it seems has join forces with APNU to frustrate the programs of the government, must to the displeasure of the Guyanese populace

If the programs of the government is so packed with pork or dubious spending then that is their job...looking after the people's business. Insisting you speak for the people does not elevate your opinion to a consensus.

D2, using both your new handles in one thread doesn't bring you any closer to being a consensus.

To say you are confused would be an understatement.


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