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Originally posted by SJ4321:
...........ON GNI Big Grin
It would win anywhere people are allowed to think for them selves. Alas the PPP has them shackled to the fear of the black PNC boogieman that most are like that dude in the read shirt on another thread, thinking only of skin color and not of his own self interest
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by SJ4321:
...........ON GNI Big Grin
It would win anywhere people are allowed to think for them selves. Alas the PPP has them shackled to the fear of the black PNC boogieman that most are like that dude in the read shirt on another thread, thinking only of skin color and not of his own self interest

It is the AFC who is invoking the traditional racist boogie.. bu#ger man which one is it Mr. D2?
They do not want qualified non Indo Guyanese to work in the Public Service.
Actually it seems to the contrary to me Albert I have never heard anyone in the AFC say they do not want qualified indians in the Govt.

What we are seeing in the court case of king kong has no bearing on The AFC action plan and platform.

The AFC doesnt seem to be advocates of racism of any kind. We also wish the PPP and PNC would stop with race baiting and inciting hatred between the many races of this country.
AFC official paid unknown persons $20K each to deface PPP/C campaign posters & billboards

Residents in several city wards awoke this morning to discover that several PPP/C election posters and billboards bearing images of the party's presidential candidate, Donald Ramotar have been defaced in what appears to be a well co-ordinated campaign carried out during the wee hours of the morning. All of the damaged posters and billboards were splashed with the same colour brown paint.

Liveinguyana was reliably informed by an eye witness to the incident that an open back pick-up with its number plate hidden transported several men who committed the acts. He also overheard a conversation between the individuals which revealed that they were hired by David Patterson of the Alliance For Change and were to be paid $20,000 each.

These kinds of lies from the PPP will not deter us from our mission this is a comical side show like the PPP is quickly becoming.
Originally posted by albert:
They do not want qualified non Indo Guyanese to work in the Public Service.

I am very interesting in receiving quotes from you on this.

Is it that you are enraged that they have proven to the world how racist the PPP is so you vex as you tried to fool us that blacks are included in decsion making positions equivalent to their representation in the pool of potential candidates?
Originally posted by albert:

It is the AFC who is invoking the traditional racist boogie.. .

You mean asking why none of Guyana's appointed overseas based ambassadors are black is racist? Or why almost all the top positions at PHG are held by Indians. Or why almost all of the heads of public corporations, committees and commissions are Indians?

That is racist?

OK so when the PPP showed how racist the PNC was for almost totally excluding Indos from decision making they were being racist?
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by albert:

It is the AFC who is invoking the traditional racist boogie.. .

You mean asking why none of Guyana's appointed overseas based ambassadors are black is racist? Or why almost all the top positions at PHG are held by Indians. Or why almost all of the heads of public corporations, committees and commissions are Indians?

That is racist?

OK so when the PPP showed how racist the PNC was for almost totally excluding Indos from decision making they were being racist?

Who do you think make decisions to hire an fire in Government agencies? It is not the Ministers it is the PS's. Ask McGarell,Jervis, Johnson, Hamilton, King, Baird and the rest which party they support? Yet they are able to make critical decisions in a PPP Government. But this doesn't count does it? You will not be given any Cabinet posts
Originally posted by albert:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by SJ4321:
...........ON GNI Big Grin
It would win anywhere people are allowed to think for them selves. Alas the PPP has them shackled to the fear of the black PNC boogieman that most are like that dude in the read shirt on another thread, thinking only of skin color and not of his own self interest

It is the AFC who is invoking the traditional racist boogie.. bu#ger man which one is it Mr. D2?
They do not want qualified non Indo Guyanese to work in the Public Service.
As noted previously, imagining you are dealing with homosexuals or women would not increase your IQ. It is clear the AFC does not have a racial label attached to it. Even if it did it would be demographically from among our blended siblings and representing its openness to a race neutral political beginning.

They acknowledge the PPP is an elected oligarchy and that cannot arise had it not done so on the backs of the one racial group that sees it as representing them. I do not doubt that there are many in the PPP who would want to see different but different cannot come from the ground up in this case it has to come from the ranks of the educated sending out the non racist memes. Why do you think the Guy in Albion felt so free to label the AFC as wanting "black-man" and the "PNC" back in power? He identifies with, believes he is on sanctified ground and simply spout his nonsense freely in a PPP gathering of kind.

The PPP can change that by reforming the system and taking race out of the equation. Unfortunately, talking to you would not mean you can or are receptive to such message. You are a close minded dunce who for reasons no less than that of supposed intellectual elites of the PPP, concedes to a race based electoral paradigm because it secures a path to victory. You do not know or trust in yourselves that you can win otherwise. The AFC on the other hand is your beacon. Take a look.
Originally posted by albert:

Who do you think make decisions to hire an fire in Government agencies?

If a minister says "dont hire that person" the PS say "yes ministuh I en gun hire dem". I have heard about this with my own ears. Black PS's having to go to the Indo min ister to see whether he will give a black person a contract or a job. If teh Indo says "no" its no.

Blacks are too scared to lose their little mid level NON decision making jobs to rock the boat.

Now we still await answers as to who occupies the top poistions at PHG. Who heads up govt agencies, committees, commissions and corporations. You know those people make far more money than the scared little PS's in the ministries scurrying behind "ministuh" faearful that that day might be their last, especially those over 55.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by SJ4321:
...........ON GNI Big Grin
It would win anywhere people are allowed to think for them selves. Alas the PPP has them shackled to the fear of the black PNC boogieman that most are like that dude in the read shirt on another thread, thinking only of skin color and not of his own self interest

and the lozer speaks cheers

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