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Originally Posted by Mitwah:


The African Guyanese community is in deep trouble. 


What is the way out? Find a strategy to develop financial relevance in the community.



What say you Rev?


Nonsense! The Guyanese Afros are in no trouble---they are waaaaay better off today than they were under the PNC.


Now. Lemme repeat what I said before Mithun!


As long as Guyana is led by an East Indian, the majority of afros will feel marginalized.


Guyanese afros are the most ungrateful and unthankful people on this planet---no matter what the PPP does for them---these thankless souls would prefer a black leader, even if that means they would live in squalor, eat grass, and drink polluted water.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:

This Board has degenerated to new lows - a whole bunch of racist stuff here. My God!



I don't think the Founders of this Board envisioned this when they provided this facility for Guyanese in the Diaspora to vent.

Agreed.  This site is an embarrasment to the Guyanese people.  It is dominated by hardcore Indian racists who are blinded by racism.  I applaud those who take issue with them but these racisits are bottom of the barrel in terms of intelligence and are not worth engaging. I don't visit here often as it all about looking back instead of forward.  These individuals will take their racisim to their graves and that is when we will move forward.  They don't get it. They are so consumed with their racism that they do see the PPP pimping them.  All they are concerned about "Indos on tap", stealing and corruption is ok once it is done by Indos.  Drug trafficing, money laundering, smuggling is ok if done by Indos.  Their mantra is keep the black man out by all means because the source of all Indos problems are attributed to the blackman.  Whenever I come here I have to shake my head as I think I am in another place and time and not in the 21st century.  What is mind boggling and sad is these individuals live in the first world and are oblivious of it.  I suppose that is what happens when you live a life consumed by racism.   

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:


What say you Rev?


Lemme repeat Mithun!


As long as Guyana is led by an East Indian, the majority of afros will feel marginalized.


Guyanese afros are the most ungrateful and unthankful people on this planet---no matter what the PPP does for them---these thankless souls would prefer a black leader, even if that means they would live in squalor, eat grass, and drink polluted water.



What you are saying here is a true representation of the sentiments of the PPP/C towards the Afro Guyanese.


Are you saying if the PPP has a black leader, they would then become grateful and thankful?

Originally Posted by FC:
Originally Posted by Kari:

This Board has degenerated to new lows - a whole bunch of racist stuff here. My God!



I don't think the Founders of this Board envisioned this when they provided this facility for Guyanese in the Diaspora to vent.

Agreed.  This site is an embarrasment to the Guyanese people.  It is dominated by hardcore Indian racists who are blinded by racism.  I applaud those who take issue with them but these racisits are bottom of the barrel in terms of intelligence and are not worth engaging. I don't visit here often as it all about looking back instead of forward.  These individuals will take their racisim to their graves and that is when we will move forward.  They don't get it. They are so consumed with their racism that they do see the PPP pimping them.  All they are concerned about "Indos on tap", stealing and corruption is ok once it is done by Indos.  Drug trafficing, money laundering, smuggling is ok if done by Indos.  Their mantra is keep the black man out by all means because the source of all Indos problems are attributed to the blackman.  Whenever I come here I have to shake my head as I think I am in another place and time and not in the 21st century.  What is mind boggling and sad is these individuals live in the first world and are oblivious of it.  I suppose that is what happens when you live a life consumed by racism.   

Thanks FC. These racists fellas are ignoring the fact that Guyana is a Multi Etnic society; it's not just Indos versus Afros.

How long will the PPP be in power if it is only for the Indos whose voting population is in a decline?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Are you saying if the PPP has a black leader, they(Guyanese afros) would then become grateful and thankful?

NO Mithun!


Listen! Guyanese afros despise the afros in the PPP---they perceive them to be sell-outs, Uncle Toms---and so they would never accept a black leader from the PPP.


Guyanese afros want a black leader from the PNC.


Pay attention Mithun bai:


No afro on this planet is more prejudiced, more bigoted, more intolerant, more close-minded and more racist than the Guyanese afro.





Look. No matter how fair and generous the PPP treats these people(Guyanese afros)---they will never be satisfied---and like I said they will always feel marginalized as long as they are led by an East Indian.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Are you saying if the PPP has a black leader, they(Guyanese afros) would then become grateful and thankful?




Pay attention Mithun bai:


No afro on this planet is more prejudiced, more bigoted, more intolerant, more close-minded and more racist than the Guyanese afro.







Can you name the Afros in the PPP that can be excluded from your list? Or can you explain why the PPP welcomes and embrace them so dearly?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Can you name the Afros in the PPP that can be excluded from your list? Or can you explain why the PPP welcomes and embrace them so dearly?



You clearly did not comprehend the points I made in my previous post.


Your questions reveal a man who's thinking is shallow, superficial, juvenile and sophomoric.


The Rev would suggest that you do what you do best Mitwah---start cussing--be as boorish and vulgar as you can---call the Rev all the nasty names in the book.




You embarrass yourself. And You are not prepared to hear the truth Mitwah----like mostDirty PNC Indians----you hate the PPP and the East Indians who lead that party---and you are longing for the Chechens(terrorists) in the PNC to rule Guyana again.


START CUSSING MITWAH---The Rev will be very disappointed if you choose to be polite and refined.





Originally Posted by Rev:

As long as Guyana is led by an East Indian, the majority of afros will feel marginalized.


Guyanese afros are the most ungrateful and unthankful people on this planet---no matter what the PPP does for them---these thankless souls would prefer a black leader, even if that means they would live in squalor, eat grass, and drink polluted water.



How do you know this Rev?


Has there ever been an East Indian President of Guyana (PPP) who wasn't

a: Commie

b: Corrupt

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:


The African Guyanese community is in deep trouble. 


What is the way out? Find a strategy to develop financial relevance in the community.



What say you Rev?


Nonsense! The Guyanese Afros are in no trouble---they are waaaaay better off today than they were under the PNC.


Now. Lemme repeat what I said before Mithun!


As long as Guyana is led by an East Indian, the majority of afros will feel marginalized.


Guyanese afros are the most ungrateful and unthankful people on this planet---no matter what the PPP does for them---these thankless souls would prefer a black leader, even if that means they would live in squalor, eat grass, and drink polluted water.



They are actually much better off as long as Afros get that "black-power" out of their heads and be objective, never in the history of Guyana has Afros had it better.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This pandering to the Blacks by the PPP and AFC is sickining. There is no reason for the PPP to keep sucking up to the people of Linden, they are a lost cause. The PPP needs to direct funds to the folks in Berbice that the AFC have hyptonized.

The AFC in their rush to pander to Blacks have excused deviant behavior: slow fiah mo fiah: Linden and elsewhere, unfair subsidis: free electric to Linden, the beating of Indians at the hands of Blacks: recently in Agricola.

Feeling of entitlement is the crux of the Guyanese Afro problem for generations.  This perpetuates dependency and leave them exposed to decisions not under their control.  So without any other option, they revert to looting, burning, stealing, etc to mitigate.  You katahars need to realize, what you are doing is selfish, asinine and cruel to the Afros.  Just look at the islands, Barbados, Jamaica, Haiti, St Lucia, etc how how Afros overcome and thrive.  It is because they have only themselves to work with.  Guyanese Afros need to remove this entitlement from their heads.

Afros in Guyana feel that they are marginalized. This suppression is building up like pressure in the "Pressure Pot"  and can explode anytime. No?

Blacks will complain of this as long black-power don't rule over Guyana.  The pressure pot was always there, since the days of the PNC, and it was let off by robbing, looting and brutalizing the Indian masses.  This will NEVER be allowed to return.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Are you saying if the PPP has a black leader, they(Guyanese afros) would then become grateful and thankful?




Pay attention Mithun bai:


No afro on this planet is more prejudiced, more bigoted, more intolerant, more close-minded and more racist than the Guyanese afro.







Come on now Rev Alexi, Don't run away.


Can you name the Afros in the PPP that can be excluded from your list?


Or can you explain why the PPP welcomes and embrace them so dearly?


Perhaps we can start with your idol Kwamee.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This pandering to the Blacks by the PPP and AFC is sickining. There is no reason for the PPP to keep sucking up to the people of Linden, they are a lost cause. The PPP needs to direct funds to the folks in Berbice that the AFC have hyptonized.

The AFC in their rush to pander to Blacks have excused deviant behavior: slow fiah mo fiah: Linden and elsewhere, unfair subsidis: free electric to Linden, the beating of Indians at the hands of Blacks: recently in Agricola.

Feeling of entitlement is the crux of the Guyanese Afro problem for generations.  This perpetuates dependency and leave them exposed to decisions not under their control.  So without any other option, they revert to looting, burning, stealing, etc to mitigate.  You katahars need to realize, what you are doing is selfish, asinine and cruel to the Afros.  Just look at the islands, Barbados, Jamaica, Haiti, St Lucia, etc how how Afros overcome and thrive.  It is because they have only themselves to work with.  Guyanese Afros need to remove this entitlement from their heads.

Afros in Guyana feel that they are marginalized. This suppression is building up like pressure in the "Pressure Pot"  and can explode anytime. No?

Blacks will complain of this as long black-power don't rule over Guyana.  The pressure pot was always there, since the days of the PNC, and it was let off by robbing, looting and brutalizing the Indian masses.  This will NEVER be allowed to return.

another yelp from the the parade of small dick mediocrities getting "aggressive" pun blackman via internet from Region 11


baseman's fitful search for lost manhood continues . . .

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Are you saying if the PPP has a black leader, they(Guyanese afros) would then become grateful and thankful?




Pay attention Mithun bai:


No afro on this planet is more prejudiced, more bigoted, more intolerant, more close-minded and more racist than the Guyanese afro.







Come on now Rev Alexi, Don't run away.


Can you name the Afros in the PPP that can be excluded from your list?


Or can you explain why the PPP welcomes and embrace them so dearly?


Perhaps we can start with your idol Kwamee.

Rev Alexi, how about Dr. Roger Luncheon for starters?

Originally Posted by cain:

So Rev, I was hoping you would have an answer for the readers as asked by Mitwah.


"Can you name the Afros in the PPP that can be excluded from your list? Or can you explain why the PPP welcomes and embrace them so dearly?"





Let us revisit the comment the Rev made:


"No afro on this planet is more prejudiced, more bigoted, more intolerant, more close-minded and more racist than the Guyanese afro." Rev





The Rev was referring to PNC Guyanese afros---not all afros.


The afros who support the PPP are civilized, cultured and refined.


Now, some of them were previously crude and barbaric---but since joining the PPP---they have turned their lives around---and have been forgiven.


Once again, the Rev's comments about Guyanese afros being the most prejudiced, bigoted, racist, etc---and also ungrateful and unthankful applies only to PNC afros.



Originally Posted by baseman:

Blacks will complain of this(being marginalized) as long black-power don't rule over Guyana. 



Afros are great actors---they love to act like victims.



The fact is if you act like a victim you are likely to be treated like a victim. And as long as afros continue acting like victims---complaining about being marginalized---they will be treated like victims.





* Give them jobs--they won't be satisfied


* Give them housing---they wont be satisfied


* Give them education---they won't be satisfied.


The only thing that would satisfy PNC afros is Guyana having a black leader from the PNC---a black leader and PNC afros will no longer feel marginalized.




PS. Afros in America used to bawl and scream about victimization---then America elected a black president---and no more complaints from afros----same situation in Guyana---afros want a black leader---only then will all their "manufactured" problems be magically solved.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Blacks will complain of this(being marginalized) as long black-power don't rule over Guyana. 



Afros are great actors---they love to act like victims.



The fact is if you act like a victim you are likely to be treated like a victim. And as long as afros continue acting like victims---complaining about being marginalized---they will be treated like victims.





* Give them jobs--they won't be satisfied


* Give them housing---they wont be satisfied


* Give them education---they won't be satisfied.


The only thing that would satisfy PNC afros is Guyana having a black leader from the PNC---a black leader and PNC afros will no longer feel marginalized.




PS. Afros in America used to bawl and scream about victimization---then America elected a black president---and no more complaints from afros----same situation in Guyana---afros want a black leader---only then will all their "manufactured" problems be magically solved.

A black headmaster in 1982, (from Skeldon Primary School who is now deceased) asked me once "When can a blackman run a country? Look at Africa, they kill their own and sometimes eat them". A sad commentary; but true. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

A black headmaster in 1982, (from Skeldon Primary School who is now deceased) asked me once "When can a blackman run a country? Look at Africa, they kill their own and sometimes eat them". A sad commentary; but true. 



Afros have forever been betrayed and deceived by their so-called leaders.


Look at slavery---it was the afro leaders who sold out poor afros to the white man.




The PPP has been good to afros---their lives have never been better in Guyana----but yet they long for a black leader----and they will play the victim role until they get a black leader.


Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Are you saying if the PPP has a black leader, they(Guyanese afros) would then become grateful and thankful?




Pay attention Mithun bai:


No afro on this planet is more prejudiced, more bigoted, more intolerant, more close-minded and more racist than the Guyanese afro.







Come on now Rev Alexi, Don't run away.


Can you name the Afros in the PPP that can be excluded from your list?


Or can you explain why the PPP welcomes and embrace them so dearly?


Perhaps we can start with your idol Kwamee.

Rev Alexi, how about Dr. Roger Luncheon for starters?

Rev Alexi could I add Sam Hinds to your list.



No afro on this planet is more prejudiced, more bigoted, more intolerant, more close-minded and more racist than the Guyanese afro. (Rev Alexi)

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev could I add Sam Hinds to your list.



No afro on this planet is more prejudiced, more bigoted, more intolerant, more close-minded and more racist than the Guyanese afro. (Rev)



The gene responsible for afros being prejudiced, bigoted, intolerant, close-minded, and racist has been expunged from Sam Hinds and the other afros in the PPP.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev could I add Sam Hinds to your list.



No afro on this planet is more prejudiced, more bigoted, more intolerant, more close-minded and more racist than the Guyanese afro. (Rev)



The gene responsible for afros being prejudiced, bigoted, intolerant, close-minded, and racist has been expunged from Sam Hinds and the other afros in the PPP.


Rev Alexi

I will now add Bynoe to your list.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

A black headmaster in 1982, (from Skeldon Primary School who is now deceased) asked me once "When can a blackman run a country? Look at Africa, they kill their own and sometimes eat them". A sad commentary; but true. 



Afros have forever been betrayed and deceived by their so-called leaders.


Look at slavery---it was the afro leaders who sold out poor afros to the white man.




The PPP has been good to afros---their lives have never been better in Guyana----but yet they long for a black leader----and they will play the victim role until they get a black leader.



It's the blind following the blind. Their leaders want to rule and suffocate the indians again. They want to teach the indians a lesson. But you know, the Indians are not that stupid. This is not going to happen, even in another 100 years. We've learned our lesson once. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Prince:

The Afros has an important role to play in our nation building and developments.


The problem with afros is they want things the easy way---they are not prepared to work hard---they have an entitlement mentality---everything should be gifted to them because they are black and endured slavery---these people need to catch up with the civilized world. And they need to learn this:


NOTHING WORTH Having comes easy.




Take a look at the less lucrative, but very important jobs staffed heavily by Africans.  Teachers, nurses, policemen, etc, and then get back to me about why more Indians dont do those jobs, and if any modern society can function if these positions are not adequately staffed.


Lucky for Guyana Afros "who want life easy" by doing and dangerous low paying jobs like being a policeman, exist.  

Originally Posted by caribny:

Take a look at the less lucrative, but very important jobs staffed heavily by Africans.  Teachers, nurses, policemen, etc, and then get back to me about why more Indians dont do those jobs...


carib bai:


You asked the Rev a serious question and you'll get a serious answer.


Listen! All those jobs you mentioned---teaching, nursing, policing, etc are admirable and respectable jobs.


But you see carib bai, Indians, on the whole, are more ambitious and progressive than afros, and so they tend to gravitate towards professions where they can be more creative and enterprising and entrepreneurial than afros.


Lots of Indian men have said, for example, that  they prefer selling "sweetie" on the street than working as a policeman in Guyana----they make more money---and therefore can save more money.


Maybe your fellow afros can learn some savings quality from Indians.





Originally Posted by baseman:

Mitwala, you ARE like a dog chasing its tail.  You see, regardless what you katahars say, Afros would do well emulating some of the average Indian hard-working ways to build their lives.  They need to remove from their psyche this feeling of entitlement.  You katahars would serve the Afros better by teaching them this concept rather than egging them on to commit criminal acts to get what really not theirs.  Afros should see, you are merely using them as a means to an end, bringing the PPP down.  You are one sick bastard.



What entitlements do Africans demand that you feel so angered about?


1.  The right to EQUAL access to economic opportunities?


2.  The right to be EQUALLY involved in determining the direction that Guyana takes, and how its resources are allocated.  You will note that Region 6 has MORE allocations under the Ministry of Local Govt than the vastly more populous Region 4.


3.  The right for MERIT and not race or political affiliation to determine oportunity?



Oh I see that Africans are entitled because they demand that.


This message of the lazy and violent black is what the PPP propagates about AfroGuyanese and its an insult to the vast majority who contribute as much to the functioning of Guyana, who are not criminals, and who are as victimied by the MINORITY of whom are criminals as indeed all Guyanese are.  They then scream about "dem ungrateful blackman" when an elections come sand once again 95% of the blacks, and a vast majority of the mixed voters reject them.


Glad to see your true racist colors are coming back, and that you no longer bother to hide this.  Just now you will once again scream that blacks are animals and that Guyana would have been like Rwanda had Indians not arrived, as you used to do when you first began to post on GNI.


Now run along and tell me all about the "hard working" Indian men who drink all of their income while their poor wives starve, and get beaten if they ask for some, and beaten again when the man comes home and sees no food because he drank out all of his wages.  This is a not insignificant social problem among poor Indians, being equivalent involvement in crime is a cancer among poor Africans (AND INCREASINGLY POOR INDIANS).


Baseman data provided indicates that there is not much difference in poverty among Indians and Africans and wage levels are similar.  While Indo males might earn more than Afro males, Afro females way out earn Indo females and are mucvh more likely to be in the labor force, due to reasons of culture (a matriarchal rather than the patriarchal culture typical of Indians), and as they are more likely to be single heads.


So basemen, given the above are you suggesting that Indians lie about their earnings, and in fact are much better off than blacks, despite officially earning roughly the same.  You therefore imply that Africans are paying more than their share of income taxes.


Of course you have yet to tell us why Chinese have done way better than Indians, even though they arrived with no more advantages wnd were equally illtreated as indentures.  Both groups had  heritage of being poor Asian peasant farmers, who had experiences in managing their farms, which were business enterprises.  This unlike the African who was treated as another farm animal, deprived of any abaility to make decisions, and to learn how to manage cash and business enterprises.


So compare the Indian indenture with their Chinese counterparts.

Originally Posted by Rev:

Maybe your fellow afros can learn some savings quality from Indians.





Well aside from the fcat that these days there are huge numbers of Africans "selling sweetie on the street" just imagine if that Indian had no police to protect him, no teachers to teach his kids, and no nurses to help his wife when she was about to deliver a baby.


Lucky for the Indian the "lazy" African dominates those occupations, leaving Indians to make money.


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Blacks will complain of this(being marginalized) as long black-power don't rule over Guyana. 



Afros are great actors---they love to act like victims.




A PPP black headmaster in 1982, (from Skeldon Primary School who is now deceased) asked me once "When can a blackman run a country? Look at Africa, they kill their own and sometimes eat them". A sad commentary; but true. 

Funny with Barbados just up the road, and with most AfroGuyanese having some Bajan roots who engages in thus self hate.  Yes an island which is 166 square miles of coral and not much else has now been classified by the Wold Bank as a DEVELOPED nation, and most indices of development show this 90% African descended population having levels of social well being equivalent to that of a poor European nation like Greece or Portugal.  Certainly way ahead of India...and definitely of the primitive parts of India that the PPP folks come from.


But then this can be expected of a PPP black man.  They are just like the blacks slaves who used to tell massa every time the slaves planned a rebellion.


I mean is he saying that India is a good example?  A country where most of the population defecates in the open, where girls of 5 are raped, wife burning and honor killings are not unknown, and where a very cruel system of caste exists in places like Uttar Pradesh?

Originally Posted by caribny:

Well aside from the fcat that these days there are huge numbers of Africans "selling sweetie on the street"


The Rev has tons of respect for the business and entrepreneurial class in the Afro community.




Remember spool thread ? Rev sold hundreds of those---and lots of other goodies.




* These poor souls have been misled and misguided by their so-called leaders.


* Afros have been brainwashed into playing victims.


* They have been lied to---their leaders have told them that the world owes them something.


* The world doesn't owe afros shyt.




Afros need to change their attitude---get rid of the victim mentality---if you act like a victim---you will likely be treated like one.



Originally Posted by Kari:

This Board has degenerated to new lows - a whole bunch of racist stuff here. My God!



I don't think the Founders of this Board envisioned this when they provided this facility for Guyanese in the Diaspora to vent.

What is interesting is how often this forum come sup if people google anything about Guyana.


I am surprised that the PPP allows their supporters to be so naked in their racism.


But then all rev, yuji, skeldon and others do is repeat what the Chronicle wrote about Afros in an EDITORIAL.


I wonder how does the PPP plan to run a nation when their supporters so nakedly display hatred towards 40% of the population, and contempt for the 10% Amerindian segment?


I mean its no secret.  100% of the racists on this site are PPP supporters.

Originally Posted by Rev:


* These poor souls have been misled and misguided by their so-called leaders.


* Afros have been brainwashed into playing victims.



* The world doesn't owe afros shyt.




Afros need to change their attitude---get rid of the victim mentality---if you act like a victim---you will likely be treated like one.



So when the PPP used to whine that Burnham was anti Indian and how terrible Guyana was for Indians they were making Indians into victims.



Because the PPP employs the SAME tactics against Africans as Burnham used against Indians.


So if Indians had a right to complian about an oppressive PNC then Africans have a right to do the same against the PPP.


Also the Indo Nazis racist better learn something.


1.  Indians are a DECLINING % of the vote.  Increasing numbers are going to be mixed or Amerindian.


2.  The PPP no longer controls Indians the way that they used to.


So clearly mathematics dictates that if the PPP continues to malign the 40-% of the voters who are AfroGuyanese (Afros and Afro identified mixed people) and the 10% who are Amerindian, then their chances of full control diminish.


Its a pity that they dont see that this increasing tide of hostility towards non Indians, starting from Jagdeo and going through the Chronicle, and nazis like the PPPites on this forum, will hurt them.


And also those who administer the GNI need to know that this site has developed a reputation for being blatantly bigoted towards blacks, based on the free reign given to people like baseman, rev, yuji, skeldonman and others to make statements EXACTLY like those which can be found on sites like stormfront.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Funny with Barbados just up the road, and with most AfroGuyanese having some Bajan roots who engages in thus self hate.  Yes an island which is 166 square miles of coral and not much else has now been classified by the Wold Bank as a DEVELOPED nation, and most indices of development show this 90% African descended population having levels of social well being equivalent to that of a poor European nation like Greece or Portugal.  Certainly way ahead of India...and definitely of the primitive parts of India that the PPP folks come from.


But then this can be expected of a PPP black man.  They are just like the blacks slaves who used to tell massa every time the slaves planned a rebellion.


I mean is he saying that India is a good example?  A country where most of the population defecates in the open, where girls of 5 are raped, wife burning and honor killings are not unknown, and where a very cruel system of caste exists in places like Uttar Pradesh?

I already lectured you on the perceived progressiveness of Afro Bajans. Most are workers for a tourist industry run by Whites and other foreign nationals. If you examine who control the wealth in Barbados you will ketch sense.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by cain:

So Rev, I was hoping you would have an answer for the readers as asked by Mitwah.


"Can you name the Afros in the PPP that can be excluded from your list? Or can you explain why the PPP welcomes and embrace them so dearly?"





Let us revisit the comment the Rev made:


"No afro on this planet is more prejudiced, more bigoted, more intolerant, more close-minded and more racist than the Guyanese afro." Rev







The afros who support the PPP are civilized, cultured and refined.



I see Lumumba, Bynoe and Kwane who has been frequently charged with Violence since being an avid PPP thugs.


If this is the best that you can do it really reflects badly on how the PPP is viewed by the masses of HARDWORKING and NONVIOLENT blacks who are the MAJORITY of the AfroGuyanese population.

Originally Posted by caribny:

So when the PPP used to whine that Burnham was anti Indian and how terrible Guyana was for Indians they were making Indians into victims.




Burnham never won an election after 1964----he stayed in power by force and illicit means---he rigged elections---and Indians were clearly the victims of Burnham's atrocity.


The victimization of afros is all in their minds----they are way better off than they were under the PNC---but they act like victims because of their bigotry---they can't stand being led by an East Indian.




Once again, Afros victimization is manufactured in their minds----they need to change their mindset and their attitudes.











Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I already lectured you on the perceived progressiveness of Afro Bajans.

100% of those who administer the govt of Barbados and who provide an environment conducive to attracting domestic and foreign investment (including that from Guyanese like the Gafoors) are BLACK.


Haiti has BETTER beaches than Barbados, and is much more accessable to the USA, and has a much richer culture, and yet I do not see any one racing to invest there, except in some island isolated from the rest of Haiti.  The govt does not work, is hopelessly corrupt and incompetent, so there is NO infrastructure, no rule of law and no physical security,so people stay aware.


So give the BLACK govt of Barbados credit for administering an island with no resources and creating an environment to where thousands of IndoGuyanese have had to flee from the PPP, and who refuse to returnto Guyana, even as economic conditions on that island have worsened.


Druggie if a govt fails to provide an environment of due process and economic securtity no sensible investor will go there.  Now given that 100% of the ministers on Bdos are blacks, as are almost all of the senior staff for you to suggest that the only contribution that blacks make in Bdos is mixing drinks and driving taxis is a laugh.


I will leave with the question.  Why dont you invest in Haiti if the role that govt plays in ensuring stability and security is irrelevant?  Hell you are afraid even to visit that island!


I will not even mention that Barbados has a huge pool of highly educated workers as almost 30% of the population has COMPLETED tertiary level education.  Go into any office and see who the managers and professionsla are. MAINLY BLACKS. 


With less than 3% of the population being white, many of whom are inclined to spend their days wind surfing or racing cars, there just arent enough non blacks in Bdos to staff major functions.  Yet Bdos is perceived as being an EFFICIENTLY run island where things WORK.  And this is why many visit that island even though it offers little that other places do not, and is very expensive on top of that.


Yes druggie I know that the notion of a highly developed and efficiently run, minimally corrupt island with NO RESOURCES, and one where the vast majority of the pool of professionals and managers are blacks angers you, but these are the fcats.


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