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AFC wants IDB's Amaila Project okay before raising debt ceiling

AFC's Moses Nagamootoo, Catherine Hughes and Khemraj Ramjattan. AFC's Moses Nagamootoo, Catherine Hughes and Khemraj Ramjattan.

The Alliance For Change (AFC) says it is prepared to pass the hydro-electric bill it opposed on Thursday but that it needs more guarantees before it okays a motion to raise the debt ceiling. 
At a news conference on Friday party executive Moses Nagamootoo said they had indicated their support for the bill Hydro Electric Power (Amendment) Bill 2013 but the government linked it with a motion to increase guarantees under the Guarantee of Loans (Public Corporations and Companies) Act.
The move would raise the amount the government would guarantee from GUY$1B to GUY$150B. The government has said this would ensure the Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) meets its financial commitments under the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Amaila Falls Hydro Inc.
“The AFC has taken a principled position that we would approve all Amaila related laws once the IDB, which is undertaking a technical and other review of the project's feasibility, give the Amaila Project the green light.
It would be irresponsible for us to guarantee borrowing to the tune of $150 billion and not have informed guarantee that the project is feasible. And this remains our position. To do otherwise would be to abandon the people of Guyana, and to place them in a vicious trap of future debts,” Nagamootoo told reporters.
According to AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan, a visiting IDB team which they met on Wednesday did not mention the increased loan guarantee as a requirement, only the amendment to the bill to meet IDB environmental policies.
“Assuming we jack up this from $1B to $150B and the IDB does not give its green light to the project this government would have a blank cheque to go borrow $150B from people all over the place, the Chinese, whosoever else, and we don’t want that reckless kind of financial arrangement and we would have approved it in the parliament. That is why we are awaiting the IDB’s economic feasibility plan,” he said.
The IDB, a potential financier of the project, is still doing due diligence on the investment with the capacity of Guyana Power and Light Inc., the economic viability and environmental feasibility of the project still being studied.
On a question about the justification for voting against the bill Ramjattan said it was the attitude of the government that led to the opposition’s stance.
“We got information and I told that to both the Speaker and Madame (Gail) Teixeira that if we were to go and vote yes to that hydro-electric bill that they are not going to support the four local government bills,” he said.
Thursday’s sitting degenerated after the opposition voted to reshuffle the order of business to bring the local government bills before the Amaila Project-related legislation. The government subsequently refused to start off the debate on them.
According to Ramjattan, the move was one to receive assurance for the bills which they would have reciprocated by voting for the hydro-electric bill.
“We now saw a vindication of the information that they are not going to support the four local government bills so we tried what is called a leveraging, that if you want local government elections by the end of the year support the four bills and they did not,” he stated.
Cabinet Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon had said Thursday morning that the government was unhappy with two of the four bills which had just returned from a Special Select Committee where the opposition also enjoyed a majority.
There have been persistent calls for local government elections by year end from civil society and the diplomatic community. The polls were last held in 1994.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Listen you rotten egg, this was not a matter of negotiation it's a matter of supporting the Hydro Project Bill. Tell Nagamootoo and RumJaat to stop playing cat and mouse game. Why did they had to reshuffle the order to bring up local elections bill that is not supported by the PPP? They should divide Guyana and put yall in a cave to live.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Ramotar & Jagdeo Gov’t failed to address doubts about Amaila …and local gov’t bills

Parliamentary Majority


The parliamentary majority APNU and the AFC yesterday defended their decision to withhold support for the government amendment and motion billed as crucial for the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project, saying the Donald Ramotar administration failed to address major doubts about the project’s viability and offer clear support for the re-tabled local government reform bills.

The main opposition APNU yesterday drew parallels between the proposed US$840 million Amaila hydro project and the troubled Skeldon sugar factory and warned that the country cannot support another bungled venture. And the coalition also said discussions that it had with officials of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) revealed that tariffs may not go down as a result of the project.



There is a pattern to show the world where APNU/AFC stand on matter of national importance.


1) They did not supported the CJIA expansion.

2) They did not supported the Marriott Hotel Project.

3) They did not supported the Hydroelectric bill.


What's the matter now? Thankfully, the CJIA and Marriott is going ahead as planned, and I expect the same with the Hydro project with or without the opposition support. Somebody will come to the PPP rescue.




Newsletter Banner
July 19th, 2013


By: Moses Nagamootoo MP


The PPP last night threw the Motion on the floor of Parliament to raise the debt that the Government has to guarantee for public corporations and companies from $1 billion to $150 billion, to stalemate any possibility of cooperation between Government and the Opposition, as if the PPP regime had designed a shut-down of the Amaila Hydro Project, and had identified the Opposition as scapegoats.


The PPP Government wanted to play hardball with Local Government Elections and shut down debate on the laws that could pave the way for these elections this year, and attempted to blackmail the Opposition that, unless they support Amaila related measures, they would not bring Local Government Bills for approval.


When the Opposition sought to place the Local Government Bills up for debate, the Government refused to introduce them, and the Minister of Local Government chose to be the 'dumb-boy', in the Parliament.


The AFC was prepared to support, mas we still do, the amendment to the Hydroelectric Power Bill, which we would like to call the "Flora and Fauna" Bill, if only the PPP would proceed with the Local Government Bill and assure their assent. But the PPP insisted that it was "all or nothing" - that we would have to support the other measure to raise the debt ceiling.


The AFC has taken a principled position that we would approve all Amaila related laws once the IDB, which is undertaking a technical and other review of the project's feasibility, give the Amaila Project the green light. It would be irresponsible for us to guarantee borrowing to the tune of $150 billion and not have informed guarantee that the project is feasible. And this remains our position. To do otherwise would be to abandon the people of Guyana, and to place them in a vicious trap of future debts.


I want to refer to what I said during the 2013 Budget Debate: "Instead of progress, many public corporations are a liability to the people, estimated at some US$281,794,465 or GY$57,204,276,395 (G$57.2 billion) last year. These include the Guyana Power and Light.


I was interrupted when I made these disclosures. I had hit the bull's eye!


The Hansard shows that first, Ms. Teixeira, wanted to get the source of what she described as "very interesting figures". Then, the Finance Minister, in utter bafflement, wanted me to repeat to repeat the figures and to say what they were about.


I said, "it is G$57.2 billion and that is the public corporation liability".


It was at that point that I described GPL as a huge black hole, saying that it is "inefficient; it mismanages; it wastes and it squanders".


I referred to the $6 billion last year, and the additional $11.2 billion requested this year.


As for the other giant state corporation, Guysuco, I pointed out that Government had guaranteed loans in the amount of $29 billion as part of a $47 billion recapitalisation programme, and they are showing nothing for this.


So when this government says it wants to raise the amount of liability of the people of Guyana for loans contracted by state corporations and companies from $1billion to $150 billion, this must raise a red flag.


The PPP and the PNC would continue to do battle over whose administration borrowed the most: In 1992 the inherited national debt, both external and domestic, in Guyana $ "nominal" amount stood at G$263 billion, most of which was written off. This year, the national debt stands at about $380 billion.


We are high on debt, like a drug addict on morphine. We are back in the vicious debt circle, like a dog chasing its own tail. [END]


Originally Posted by TI:

Next election, I predict PPP will be gone. I predict the AFC will form a coalition with the PNC and get majority vote.

I agree and I also agree that Guyana is going back to the gug-gug lamp days. Newspaper to wipe you BT, and guyline to buy food. National service, and the reintroduction of the zulu tribes. eat shit and plant onion. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by TI:

Next election, I predict PPP will be gone. I predict the AFC will form a coalition with the PNC and get majority vote.

I agree and I also agree that Guyana is going back to the gug-gug lamp days. Newspaper to wipe you BT, and guyline to buy food. National service, and the reintroduction of the zulu tribes. eat shit and plant onion. 

OK, so the PPP has emptied the state coffers and need to find ways of filling it with debts instead. But your prediction has several flaws. Lfe in Guyana in the 60's was no different to life in China at that time. The world has moved on and racist and old fools like you have no place in a democratic society. You wish to govern by fear. You can only fool a poor man for so long before he realizes is who getting fat from the promises.

Originally Posted by TI:

Next election, I predict PPP will be gone. I predict the AFC will form a coalition with the PNC and get majority vote.

Perhaps! I think the PPP will be there but with less seats against a stronger joint opposition.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by TI:

Next election, I predict PPP will be gone. I predict the AFC will form a coalition with the PNC and get majority vote.

Perhaps! I think the PPP will be there but with less seats against a stronger joint opposition.

Perhaps = not sure

That's a relief 

Originally Posted by TI:


AFC trying to back peddle away from PNC.  Same decision, different reasons!

i love it


However we try to twist it or turn it.....

Rat & De Duck are the Shameless Dogs.....

It is Jagdeo & Ramotar who took .....

Lamumba, Nascimento, McClean, Kwame, Hamilton, Bynoe

The Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs....

We.....put them in Office of the President ....

and Freedom House......



PPP/C   condemns invasion of Presidential Complex

THE   governing People's Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has condemned yesterday's   invasion of the Presidential Complex by protestors, dubbing it an attack by   the opposition to destabilise the Government and disturb the current CARICOM   summit in Georgetown.

The PPP/C   put the blame on the main Opposition People's National Congress Reform (PNC/R)   for yesterday's violent attacks in downtown Georgetown, which saw several incidents   of banditry, the setting ablaze of two Regent Street stores, and the attack   on the Presidential Complex, in which the officer in charge of the Presidential   Guards there was wounded.

"PNC   activist Phillip Bynoe led the invading gang who recently launched a racist   attack on the current administration and squatted in front of the Prime Minister's   residence. It must be noted that the PNC/R leaders Robert Corbin and Vincent   Alexander had also been mobilising for (yesterday's) illegal activities",   the PPP/C stated.

"The   unrest in Georgetown resulting from the PNC/R organised illegal march and protest   on the East Coast of Demerara and Georgetown is consistent with a pattern of   destabilisation acts unleashed by that party following its defeat at successive   elections since October 1992, when democracy was returned to the country after   an absence of 28 years", the PPP/C said in a statement.

It stated   that the PNC/R has consistently claimed that the elections were rigged despite   the fact that all were declared free and fair by local, regional and international   observer groups, and charged that the PNC/R is unprepared to accept the verdict   of the Guyanese people.

"Its   (the PNC's) 28 years of dictatorial rule is still fresh in the minds of Guyanese.   And now that party seeks to subvert democracy from the Opposition", the   PPP/C stated.

"The   PPP/Civic therefore calls on democratic forces in Guyana and the world over,   more particularly our CARICOM friends, to condemn these acts of terrorism and   banditry unleashed by the PNC/R against the people of Guyana", the party   stated.

A MEMBER of the Police Tactical Services Unit instructs the arrested group
who stormed the Presidential Complex.



THE       station wagon which was set afire at the junction of New Garden and Regent       Streets. 

THE Police  were last night on high alert and security and patrol arrangements by the Police  and Army were intensified in Georgetown following the shocking midday invasion  yesterday of the Office of the President compound by illegal protestors - two  of whom were shot dead, nine injured and several arrested - and the burning of  two Regent Street stores. The  last incident up to press time was an attempt to burn down the Courts Furniture  Store and Caribbean Chemicals on Regent Street. One of the show windows of Courts  was smashed, Police said.

At the time   of the lunchtime attack on the Presidential Complex, President Bharrat Jagdeo   was attending the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Civil Society Encounter at the   Ocean View Convention Centre, Liliendaal, East Coast Demerara.


POLICE       on patrol on Regent Street yesterday. 

In a series  of events that started before sunrise, hundreds of protestors from Mr. Phillip  Bynoe's People's Solidarity Movement, aligned to the main Opposition People's  National Congress/Reform (PNC/R), eventually made their way to the Office of the  President, where a group stormed through the gate of the compound while ministers  and other officials of the Government were at work in their offices.

The Office   of the President reported that the guards at the gate were assaulted and the   group of criminal elements stormed into the compound. Warning shots and continuous   appeals from the security ranks on


During the   march to Georgetown, which apparently grew in size from village to village,   Police said, two citizens, one from Good Hope and the other from Success, were   among those robbed "by criminal elements" who were in the illegal   procession led by Bynoe.


Police said   that in the first incident, a 42-year-old woman of Success was robbed of her   gold chain and pendant valued at $16,000. The woman was a passenger on a mini-bus   which was proceeding slowly along the Coldingen Public Road when another woman   approached her and snatched the chain and pendant she was wearing around her   neck. The robber reportedly dissapeared back into the procession, Police said.


In the other   incident, which occurred at about 09:25 hrs, a 32-year-old man of Success Village   was robbed of his bicycle valued at $8,000. Police said four men from the procession   went into his yard, beat him and his wife, then rode out the yard with the bicycle.   The attackers threw his wife on the ground after the beating.


Police reported   that during the protests, ten incidents of robbery with violence were perpetrated   on commuters and cash and other valuables stolen by criminal elements armed   with knives, sticks and metal bars.



On  the alert: Police regularly patrolled the streets of Georgetown yesterday.

THE Accounts Department of the Presidential Complex after it was stormed by the group of protestors.


Invaders: Some of the protesters who invaded the Office   of the President (OP) yesterday being led out of the compound to be taken away by the police. Two protesters   were shot dead in the Accounts Section of OP after threatening staff there.   (Office of the President photo)





Today is Very good Day for us....We do not need Moses, Ralph or Ramjattan,

We Got all Dem Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs in Office of the President

and In Freedom House...... wuking fuh abee two.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The protesters should be shot dead for storming the presidential complex. Shoot first ask question later. 

De Duck and De Rat think yuh stupid....

Them move dem into

Office of the President

and Freedom House


The AFC is correct on this bill/vote.  PPP has yet to come to terms with that fact that they need to go through and satisfy questions from the opposition.  It's not all smooth sailing.  They are accountable to the people.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Baseman now waking up....

same thing nuff abee bin saying all along...

while yuh been giving these thieves Critical Support.....

Baseman always believed a "handcuffed" PPP might be a good solution for Guyana.  My issue, post election, was the militancy and incitement being orchestrated by elements within the AFC who was being used to ferment upheaval and an excuse for Afro radicals to act out their hatreds.


I will agree when the AFC is correct, but also be critical when they are not.  It's not "waking" or "sleeping", it's called independent thinking on a case by case basis.


Baseman is not a hypocrite like some in the AFC who quietly admit the PPP has done a great job in some areas but says it's not their job to highlight it.  It's their job to find a way to be critical, by any means necessary.  Baseman is not cut from such cloth.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The protesters should be shot dead for storming the presidential complex. Shoot first ask question later. 

They all should have been shot dead. want shoot Bynoe

But Jagdeo & Ramotar put ee in Freedom House...


Yuh wan see de Picture????

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The protesters should be shot dead for storming the presidential complex. Shoot first ask question later. 

They all should have been shot dead. want shoot Bynoe

But Jagdeo & Ramotar put ee in Freedom House...


Yuh wan see de Picture????

At that time, yes, shoot them all.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The protesters should be shot dead for storming the presidential complex. Shoot first ask question later. 

They all should have been shot dead. want shoot Bynoe

But Jagdeo & Ramotar put ee in Freedom House...


Yuh wan see de Picture????

At that time, yes, shoot them all.

Bhai shoot Jagdeo & Ramotar too....

Yuh want Nehru get upset....

Just mention Shooting Bynoe or Lamumba....and e gon go mad 

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The protesters should be shot dead for storming the presidential complex. Shoot first ask question later. 

They all should have been shot dead. want shoot Bynoe

But Jagdeo & Ramotar put ee in Freedom House...


Yuh wan see de Picture????

At that time, yes, shoot them all.

Bhai shoot Jagdeo & Ramotar too....

Yuh want Nehru get upset....

Just mention Shooting Bynoe or Lamumba....and e gon go mad 

Come on Sase, stop being a hypocrite and come clean!


Baseman yuh shooting wild now..

Just like how dem shoot Sash Swah and eee entire family...

Don't mek dem kinda joke bhai....

Dem House of Isreal Thugs might tek it as an order to kill couple abee.

Opposition sabotages Guyana’s futurePDFPrintE-mail
Written by Nadine Sanchara   
Monday, 22 July 2013 21:25

EXECUTIVE Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Mr. Zulficar Mustapha, stressed at a PPP media briefing yesterday, at Freedom House on Robb Street, Georgetown, that every single Guyanese citizen stands to benefit -- either directly or indirectly -- from the wave of increased development and economic expansion that the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project (AFHP) would create; and it is expected that the opposition will, over the coming days, do their utmost to distract from their monumental error in not supporting the AFHP, but Guyanese cannot let the opposition get away with sabotaging the people’s future. “We encourage more citizens and groups to come forward and join the many others who have already registered their concern at this very unfortunate development,” he said.

Mustapha said the opposition seems comfortable in holding a project as transformational as the AFHP at ransom because of “narrow partisan aims”, and this justifies statements made by President Donald Ramotar in labelling their move “an act of terrorism”.

He said the party joins the wide cross-section of persons from the religious, civil society and business sectors in condemning the move by the Alliance For Change (AFC) and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) in voting against legislation crucial to the Amaila Falls Hydro Project.

Last Thursday, the combined opposition voted down the Hydro-Electric Power (Amendment) Bill and a motion to increase the debt ceiling on external loans from $1B to $150B, both of which were critical to the AFHP.

According to Mustapha, there is no rational justification for the AFC/APNU actions, especially because the government had made significant efforts to provide all the details of the project to the opposition, and to answer their every question; besides taking them to the hydro site to inspect the ongoing road construction, where they agreed that much progress has been made.

“The reality, now that the future of the project has been seriously jeopardized, confirms that the opposition -- and particularly the PNC in the form of APNU -- is hell bent on ensuring that Guyanese do not benefit from a hydro project under any PPP government, as it will show up their dismal failure with their hydro project during their period in government,” Mustapha asserted.


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