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The “Anil-gate” scandal… recording vs. statements…Cabinet covering up Nandlall’s financial impropriety

November 10, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

– Carl Greenidge

Just when it was thought that the Attorney General (AG), Anil Nandlall’s admission of misusing state funds was a grave enough injury to the current administration’s integrity, an insult of similar nature was on its way.
The insult is in the form of the Attorney General’s claims that his actions were legal and approved by Cabinet.
This view was posited by A Partnership for National Unity’s Shadow Finance Minister Carl Greenidge, who said that the fact that the AG could drag the Cabinet into his “dirty misgivings, only goes to show that Cabinet too is guilty of aiding in covering up Nandlall’s financial impropriety.”
Greenidge pointed to a part of the despicable 19-minute profanity laced recorded conversation between, Nandlall and Kaieteur News reporter Leonard Gildharie.

Attorney General, Anil Nandlall

Attorney General, Anil Nandlall

In the recorded conversation, Nandlall said that he “used money from the government… and pay back long before” Kaieteur News Publisher, Glenn Lall “made an issue of it.”
However, in a statement released by a public relations consultant on Nandlall’s behalf, the Minister said, “I wish to set the record straight …the reference relates to the reimbursement I received for monies I expended on medical treatment. This reimbursement was approved by Cabinet in a written Cabinet decision dated 20 June 2013.
“This is, and historically has been, an entitlement of every member of Cabinet long before my appointment.”
In light of the comparison made between the statement and Nandlall’s despicable recording, Greenidge said that, “As far as I understand, Ministers are only supposed to get an additional grant for monies in the case of medical emergencies which is going to be in addition to what they get from NIS. I don’t believe that it is even safe for one to consider that an entitlement. The fact that no member of Cabinet has spoken about this is an indication that they are aiding him in covering up a financial crime.”
The APNU Parliamentarian also stated that as far as his understanding of Nandlall’s circumstances is concerned, “what he took the money for constituted to no emergency. And in light of that glaring fact, Cabinet should not have been allowing him to use its chambers as some place to seek refuge when he has committed an illegality.  But it is clear though, the government’s blue-eyed-boy has been caught. He confessed to misusing funds and as such they are aiding him in covering up the impropriety. That is clear when you do the comparison.”
As it relates to Nandlall’s contention that the money was an entitlement, he said that this is very “confusing.” He said that if the reimbursement was an entitlement to begin with, then Cabinet’s approval would not have been needed in the first place.
The former Finance Minister made the point that an entitlement just requires one to provide the relevant documents or filling of a form, and technical officers will take care of the rest.
“He is clearly confusing himself and trying to confuse the public,” the financial expert emphasized.

APNU Shadow Minister of Finance, Carl Greenidge

APNU Shadow Minister of Finance, Carl Greenidge

Regardless of what the Minister of Legal Affairs is contending, Greenidge said that a financial irregularity has occurred and it is one which attracts punishment and as such, Nandlall should be made to feel the full extent of the law.
“His statement and the confusion it causes should be rejected,” The APNU member asserted.
In support of Greenidge’s position, Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan stated that the AG would have to prove under what circumstances or basis the money was granted.
Ramjattan noted that he was not aware that the Cabinet members are privileged to such an entitlement. He too agreed with Greenidge on the point that the Attorney General has contradicted himself. “I mean, how you could say that you are entitled to something, and in the recording you said that you took money and then repaid it? If it was an entitlement, then how come your conscience forced you to pay it back before you were exposed by the Kaieteur News? Clearly he contradicted himself,” the AFC Parliamentarian stated.
In an interview with this publication, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds had said that he would not call the monies approved for certain emergencies as an entitlement. The Prime Minister had disclosed that such discretion by Cabinet “is not something that is automatic. It is something that would require much review.”
APNU’s General Secretary, Joseph Harmon, at the coalition’s press conference last week, told media operatives that there are many parts of the infamous recorded conversation that APNU has not touched as yet.
Harmon had emphasized that the money Nandlall said he took was not approved by the Parliament for any such reason. The politician had said that this indicates that such a transaction is a “callous betrayal of the citizens’ trust and the fair way in which state resources are supposed to be allocated.”
Vice Chairman of the AFC, Moses Nagamootoo, in a letter to the Editor said that he had found Nandlall’s admission that he had accessed and used government’s money for a personal purpose, which he claimed that he has since repaid, to be most disgusting.
Nagamootoo had lent much support to APNU’s intention to launch an investigation into the financial indiscretion. The Parliamentarian had said that the behaviour of the country’s Attorney General raises eyebrows.
He had said that an investigation into that transaction ought to take place now.

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Guyana gotta local Muddoch

November 9, 2014 By GuyanaTimes

One headitor in de You-K just get jail. He was a wicked man. He was a evil man, just like some people in Guyana. He, he boss man and he reporters dem used to listen to people phone calls and voice messages.

Dem had a complicated system of evesdroppin pun innocent people, just like dem in Guyana. Old people woulda seh dem fast no a**. Dem is de kinda people who gon give up even dem a** just to be fast, just like dem ones in Guyana. Dem is only boys from de front, but some ting else from de back.

Dem in de You-K used to pay big ones all over de place to get into people phone and email. And because dem fast no a** dem used to pay big money to hack de big people phones. Seven of dem done get jail and this now is de eighth one. But de Guyana list more long.

Even Prince William ain’t get spare from de phone hackin and de phone tappin. Plus dem hackers had celebrities, sports stars, and even politicians on dem hack list and hit list, just like dem hackers and hit men in Guyana.

And is also just like dem ones in Guyana who playin Muddoch. Dem hackin, dem tappin, dem tapin, dem peepin and dem spyin. One of dem spy till he see a man goin in he own bedroom. Now poor he like a korehe can’t go in he own bedroom.

So he sleepin inside, but yet he outside. And talkin bout outside, not even outside help gon be able to help he this time. In fact, he gon soon only be able to watch de outside from de inside.

Well, as soon as de news bout de News of de World hit de world news dem ones in Guyana start shakin. Right now dem still tremblin and dem teeth knockin, even though place hot day and night.

Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie! But dem gon soon getta different kinda knockin when dem get move from Saffon Street to Camp Street!

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

There are no laws in Guyana outlawing the recording of your own conversation with anyone. Please correct me if I am wrong.

I would still like to see a legal unbiased opinion on this. May be the chief justice will rule on this.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

There are no laws in Guyana outlawing the recording of your own conversation with anyone. Please correct me if I am wrong.

I would still like to see a legal unbiased opinion on this. May be the chief justice will rule on this.

Nandalall said so himself. He also said we should be concerned of the content of the conversation re criminal prosecution. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

There are no laws in Guyana outlawing the recording of your own conversation with anyone. Please correct me if I am wrong.

I would still like to see a legal unbiased opinion on this. May be the chief justice will rule on this.

We don't need an opinion. We need to see any indication in law of it being legal or not. Don't forget that in each Guyanese embassy and consulate interviewees are being recorded by consulate or diplomatic staff without their consent.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

There are no laws in Guyana outlawing the recording of your own conversation with anyone. Please correct me if I am wrong.

I would still like to see a legal unbiased opinion on this. May be the chief justice will rule on this.

We don't need an opinion. We need to see any indication in law of it being legal or not. Don't forget that in each Guyanese embassy and consulate interviewees are being recorded by consulate or diplomatic staff without their consent.

Legal opinion is more binding than an indication in a court of law.


Where in the law it states that a government minister can steal tax payers money to buy sperm for his wife and then make restitution?


Please do provide the source for your nonsense. Anil right de PPP only gat low breed in deh.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Where in the law it states that a government minister can steal tax payers money to buy sperm for his wife and then make restitution?


Please do provide the source for your nonsense. Anil right de PPP only gat low breed in deh.

Ok Gay Cowboy.

Last edited by Former Member

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