Jagan used to talk about the "peace dividend." The argument is that if the Super Powers stopped warfare, the money that would have gone to guns and bullets, would be saved and go towards human development.
In Guyana, if PPP scams and corruption are stopped when the new Govt takes over, the "anti-corruption dividend" will save us billions that will go towards raises for teachers and public servants, pensioners, law enforcement, etc. Our national funds will stretch and do more for us versus going into the pockets of the parasitic contractor/business Friends and Family of the PPP elite. We will be able to do more with less.
We will also be able to build our canning industries, agro-businesses, etc. and expand the economy.
So when the PPP jokers ask, where will the money come from to do what's in the APNU/AFC Manifesto, the answer is the money is there to do it. It's just that the money is in the pockets of the wrong people.
VAT is making a killing. That's why they were able to give out the $10,000 bribe "because we care." They need to close the loopholes that permit customs fraud. Many businesses don't deal with the VAT in an honest manner. There is more money there, if they follow the rules.