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The APNU Coalition is determined to be a one-term Government

Feb 08, 2017 Letters, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....e-term-government-2/

Dear Editor,
I was a very vocal supporter for “change” in Guyana, which I saw as needed upon my return to my beloved land in 2010, as I saw it descend into a death spiral of anarchy and chaos for which I believed a continuance would lead to a point of no return. I believed in my fabric that the then PPP/C govt. was the worst example of leadership and incompetence ever displayed in the region and as an admirer of the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan saw the new party leadership as a betrayal of his legacy.

For many of us it was a dream to see change in leadership, I always viewed extremely long periods of power by one political party as never a good thing for a country and Guyana saw numerous examples of this from the PNC and PPP. While I was optimistic for change and willing to give a coalition govt. a chance, despite my concerns of the same players reincarnated, I thought it was the best opportunity my country had. Fast forward 18 months, and I am convinced that this Coalition is determined to be one-term government and is practically laying out the red carpet for return to power for the disastrous Bharrat Jagdeo and company.

Starting with the 50 % catastrophic increase in salaries for Ministers for which the justification used was to “dissuade corruption” was the first sign that that not much had changed. In that short space of time the APNU Coalition has miraculously and unquestionably alienated its base of once ardent supporters including the many Indo-Guyanese supporters who were tired of the inept and corrupt PPP/C and wanted change as well.

Today, every citizen is feeling the brunt of heavier taxes on every and all things under the sun, an ill-advised and possible corrupt parking meter system for Georgetown that is fraught with a number of issues and un-intended consequences. These include; fragile business community; significant reduction of small business investments; shrinkage of economy which we are continuously told was inflated because of the rampant drug trade that flourished under the PPP/C resulting in a surplus of dirty money circulating

These and other complaints one will hear from the average citizen of every color in Guyana. Editor, each day that passes we see more evidence that President Granger, while truly a decent and noble public servant is NOT the transformative leader hoped for and is leading a team of inept and out-of-touch people with some possibly corrupt Ministers. All of this, plus the broken promise of bringing to halls of justice the people who abused this country under the PPP/C for the past 22 years with Bharat Jagdeo as the principle is now looking to be a non-reality and it is now my belief that the APNU does not want to create a precedent which may come back to haunt them if they themselves are questioned for accountability or abuse.

So now, as I look around the world and we see example after example of great democracies shifting from one side to the other due to the voice of the disenfranchised and the forgotten proclaiming enough is enough. We now see the shocking and unpredicted exit of the UK from EU (famously coined BREXIT) to the arrival of Donald Trump and the theme is always the same…”when you forget the people, someone will eventually have to pay”.

Editor, I must ask these questions — Are our leaders looking at what is going on around them in the world? Are there any lessons to be learned? After 18 months I must conclude that our leaders do not have clue nor do they see the writing on the wall and we as Guyanese must decide if we can continue down this path.

I beckon to all my fellow Guyanese that we MUST look at a future that does not include the PPP or PNC and perhaps decide that the time has come to change things radically, a time for a different political mindset, I believe in my heart that Guyana needs its own version of candidate Trump to harken in a new era in Guyanese politics, a leader that does what he says and takes no prisoners, one to shake up the establishment and cares less about being politically correct and loves his country and puts it first. This I believe is the direction our country needs to take and we must take or forever lose our country and rightful place in the league of exemplary nations for which we are truly capable. Editor, we MUST banish mediocre leadership and join the rest of the world that say NO to politicians and leadership who do not have your best interests at heart.

Tony Persaud

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The APNU Coalition is determined to be a one-term Government

Feb 08, 2017 Letters, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....e-term-government-2/

Dear Editor,
Editor, I must ask these questions — Are our leaders looking at what is going on around them in the world? Are there any lessons to be learned? After 18 months I must conclude that our leaders do not have clue nor do they see the writing on the wall and we as Guyanese must decide if we can continue down this path.

Tony Persaud

Interesting indeed.



You can talk about a government that is ideal for Guyana, but it is just not possible to have one at this time. Our only choice is choose between one that is better than the other but nothing close to what you may see as ideal.  I am sorry you lacked the foresight to see this coming.  Most of us who watched the play over half century were highly skeptical about the promises made by the coalition parties.  The fact remains that the outgoing government grew the economy and lifted thousands out of poverty and brought dignity to our people. Corruption existed under the PPP but not to the extent as charged by the coalition parties.  The PPP did not hijack elections and governed dictatorially. This is a major difference between the PPP and PNC>  It is unfair to compare the PPP to the PNC when one respects democracy and the rule of law and the other does not. If saving us from rigged elections is one of your reasons to get rid of both parties then you should re-examine our country's history with governments and elections before you make such call. It may sound politically correct in Guyana to shout for the destruction of the PNC and PPP. However, it serves only to lessen the blame on the PNC for their undemocratic hold on power for three decades and destruction of the Guyana's economy. Think hard and don't be blinded by what's being peddled around. It is easy to believe when you don't think hard and observe for yourself. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

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