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Former Member

"In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins- not through strength but by perseverance".

Mess with him, but don't mess with his politics....\

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The 10th President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, Hon. Dr. Irfaan Ali - PPPC...

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The 9th Prime Minister of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, Hon. Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips - PPPC...

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Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey heyhey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey heyhey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey heyhey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey heyhey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey...Bharrat believe in democracy? hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey...since when? Meh wonder what dat Arjun man from Dharmic go seh bout Bharrat = demcoracy? What yuh seh Davie bai? Me know dem house of isreal go seh Bharrat = democracy. Hey hey hey...


@Django posted:

Somebody gone bonkers ,2020 Elections tainted with fraud Results haven't declared as yet.

The only people going bonkers are your PNC brethren.  Them getting shittings and narra same time.  And you just farting and farting and farting...and farting...and farting.........................................................and farting...........!

@Former Member posted:

The only people going bonkers are your PNC brethren.  Them getting shittings and narra same time.  And you just farting and farting and farting...and farting...and farting.........................................................and farting...........!

Ayuh prepare for the results . Democracy at works.The presentation on the thread displayed the hierarchy.

You and many others embraced this kind of politics.

"Indo pun tap again, leading the pack would be  2.5 term former president BJ"

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Lots of thoughts from the hand book.

I asked few simple questions. 

Did the head of GECOM and Granger himself not say it was well executed and fair?

Did Granger not declare himself winner?

Did his military cabal not attempt to swear him in three times?

So since when the election became rife with fraud?

Go through your handbook and search for answers.

@Former Member posted:

I asked few simple questions. 

Did the head of GECOM and Granger himself not say it was well executed and fair?

Did Granger not declare himself winner?

Did his military cabal not attempt to swear him in three times?

So since when the election became rife with fraud?

Go through your handbook and search for answers.

Every sentence from the hand book ,there was no questions in your earlier post ,it was your "thoughts"

Anyway hang in there ,keep your fingers crossed.

Last edited by Django

Steps were being put in place to swear in Granger – Harmon

The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), according to Joseph Harmon, was putting steps in place to swear in incumbent President David Granger, to the post once again, using the not completely verified results from the 2020 General and Regional Elections.
In a video statement to the public, Harmon, who currently serves as Director General of the Ministry of the Presidency, said that the results released by GECOM, place A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) in the lead.



Government salutes President Granger on fifth anniversary of swearing in

Friday, May 15th, 2020

Government salutes President Granger on fifth anniversary of swearing in

The Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana salutes His Excellency Brig. David Granger on the fifth anniversary of being sworn in as President, tomorrow, May 16th, 2020.

The Government heralds President Granger for his astute and steadfast leadership. It is evident that the people of Guyana recognize that President Granger’s insistence on inclusionary and evidence-based decision-making for all Guyanese are precisely what is needed in Guyana at this historic juncture.

The Government recognizes that President Granger contended with a combination of various national, political and personal challenges during his first term in office. He has prevailed in every instance through decisive and resolute leadership. While it is regrettable that this occasion comes at a time when the nation and the world are combating a global pandemic, it is beyond doubt that President Granger is precisely the leader we require in these times of difficulty to steer the ship of state to safe and calmer waters.

Under President Granger’s leadership Guyana has been transformed and is safer, stronger and boasts a stable and robust economy. Guyana has experienced remarkable development and progress since President Granger was sworn in as Head of State. There is markedly better delivery of education, health care and social services. Wages, salaries and pensions have been vastly improved, taxes are lower, infrastructure is better and the constitutionally enshrined local government elections, freedom of the press and freedom of expression and association have been restored and strengthened after being either absent or eroded.

The people of Guyana, in 2015, elected President Granger for the honesty, decency and integrity which he embodies. And it is evident that after a successful first term as President the electorate of Guyana reposed confidence in his leadership and re-elected him for a second term.

The government looks forward, with optimism and anticipation, to President Granger’s second term in office and wish him greater success in the next five years as he leads the delivery of the good life for all Guyanese.

@Django posted:

Dave what have you proven in the video ?  that was after the second recount. Hopefully you listened to the speakers.

Response to your article from KN.

All the major News media took a sudden turn after the elections ,some of the stories have to be taken with a grain of salt.

 This is of no help to both to both of us....lets focus on the recount, which is of paramount importance.

@Django posted:

The recount will finish ,that's not the end of it. Reports will have to be reviewed ,then pronouncement on the elections.

Ok Thanks for the  update.

Hey, I appreciate any inside info you get that may be  of concern. You can PM me, Whats Up, phone calls ... what ever you are comfortable with.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Ok Thanks for the  update.

Hey, I appreciate any inside info you get that may be  of concern. You can PM me, Whats Up, phone calls ... what ever you are comfortable with.

I don't have inside info ,just follow the news and listened to talk shows. One can deduce what will happen reading the order of recount. There are chances the election will be voided.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

I don't have inside info ,just follow the news and listened to talk shows. One can deduce what will happen reading the order of recount. There are chances the election will be voided.

If the election is voided,  sanitize the voters list with HTH registration and have another election. Too many uncertainties with this election.  

@Django posted: 

"Indo pun tap again, leading the pack would be  2.5 term former president BJ"

Why Indo pon top? If GECOM declares PPP/C the winner there's no way, shape or form Indos alone accounted for that. You know the official census figures.

The plain truth is that Guyanese of all ethnicities, disappointed and frustrated at APNU+AFC's first-term performance, cast their ballots for the PPP/C. And this is an inconvenient truth for APNU+AFC folks.

ALL GUYANESE pon top again!!!

@Former Member posted:

Why Indo pon top? If GECOM declares PPP/C the winner there's no way, shape or form Indos alone accounted for that. You know the official census figures.

The plain truth is that Guyanese of all ethnicities, disappointed and frustrated at APNU+AFC's first-term performance, cast their ballots for the PPP/C. And this is an inconvenient truth for APNU+AFC folks.

ALL GUYANESE pon top again!!!

The PNC supporters just being boldfaced about it. The know the voters’ list have nothing to do with anything.

And you correctly stated, given the margin of victory, clearly the PPP drew voters from a cross section of Guyana. Many Afro and Dugla went PPP.  The also garnered the majority of Amerindians who are 12%.

PNC lost. They will have to move over or risk converting Guyana into Somalia. And no one will stand for that.


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