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@seignet posted:

Isn't that the same as the closing of the Sugar Estates. 

The sugar estates were producing products, sugar, bagasse(for electricity), and molasses for alcohol. Sugar was bringing foreign exchange. The GDF did nothing. Two ballahos and 25 Granger's buses cannot fight the world's 47th largest military power. You saw one of those buses toppled on a straight road the other day. Imagine what would happen if they had to traverse rough terrain.

@Former Member posted:

I agree. They are a burden on the taxpayers of Guyana. Allow a US team of soldiers to have a base in Essequibo. 

Defund and disband GPF and replace them with a PPPF. Balance and reform it. We saw how they are controlled and manipulated by PNC.

This should be priority 1 for President Ali.

Exactly my thoughts. Sign a defence agreement pact with them. They need a group of smart recruits for domestic emergencies.

@Django posted:

Every country small or large ,have a military .

Skelly you can write ,Jagdeo Putinisque of South America to try to disband the GDF ,let him try that he will see where barley grows.

This will be done in time through cleaning up, retirement and pensions, etc. Yeah! We know what the PNC is capable of doing when they don't get their bullying way.

@Former Member posted:

DISBAND THE GDF. They are a burden to the taxpayers. They do nothing and collect free food and money.

Every country needs a defense system, human or otherwise, to protect our borders and to maintain law and order when people are out of order. You just can't do away with the GDF. You either do what the PPP should have done decades ago to balance the armed forces. Jagdeo had 23 years and didn't do it either. 

@Former Member posted:

Exactly my thoughts. Sign a defence agreement pact with them. They need a group of smart recruits for domestic emergencies.

@Former Member posted:

I agree. They are a burden on the taxpayers of Guyana. Allow a US team of soldiers to have a base in Essequibo. 

Defund and disband GPF and replace them with a PPPF. Balance and reform it. We saw how they are controlled and manipulated by PNC.

This should be priority 1 for President Ali.

There is a US base in Essequibo.

Bibi Haniffa
@seignet posted:

Isn't that the same as the closing of the Sugar Estates. 

In what way. Government was subsidizing  the sugar industry but the workers were paying taxes, multiple businesses  was spiraling of  the sugar industry... the economy was booming, so much that the revenue was paying the electricity bills in Linden. Indians and Afro works in the sugar industry.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

I agree. They are a burden on the taxpayers of Guyana. Allow a US team of soldiers to have a base in Essequibo. 

Defund and disband GPF and replace them with a PPPF. Balance and reform it. We saw how they are controlled and manipulated by PNC.

This should be priority 1 for President Ali.

Guyana needs a Military. Every man jack should enlist. That includes indos who prefer to wake up 4 o' clock in the morning to plant rice or cut cane  in the hot blazing sun but cant wake up at the same time to run 5 miles at Tacama. Bullshit! The Military needs to be balanced. This way, there would be no fear. As it stands, the Disciplined forces are guaranteed an APNU apparatus. Guyana got oil now. They need to defend it. We are surrounded by Venezuela, Brazil and Suriname two of which already tried a land grab. We've had no issues with Brazil that I know of, but with texas tea flowing off our shores, a friend can easily turn into a foe.

@Former Member posted:

DISBAND THE GDF. They are a burden to the taxpayers. They do nothing and collect free food and money.

Are you insane?    Do that and Venezuela will take over Essequibo in Jiffy.

Suriname will take the NEW RIVER DISTRICT within days.  When the Atlantic Ocean breaks the sea wall, there will be no solders to render assistance.


A new force is necessary. Disband GDF.

Make it mandatory like Israel.

Everyone serves at around 18 but bases are in the region where members live. This will make it less stressful. No more Blackman rape and harassment of Kulies. The force must have civilian oversight. No more GDF. More like PPPDF.

Balance the Police force too. Make it PPPF no more GPF.

Last edited by Former Member

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