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Association of Concerned Guyanese USA's photo.

The Association of Concerned Guyanese USA (ACGUSA) was chartered in 1982 as a support group for Dr. Cheddi Jagan PPP.


Today the ACGUSA has no affiliation with the PPP under the leadership of president Ramotar.


The ACGUSA experienced its first major split in December of 1989 led by Raj Singh. The two factions existed, with the group headed by Karshan Arjun enjoyed popular support within the Guyanese community; it was the main support group politically and financially until the 1992 election.


While the ACGUSA enjoyed a large membership and support base especially from its sports group The Royale Sports Club, the work and programs were carried out by a very few; the splinter faction did very little with some members nothing but constantly complaining to freedom house.


After the 1992 election an attempt was made by the then President Karshan Arjun to unify the ACGUSA and with the intension to shift our focus from “struggling for democracy, free and fair elections”, but to focus on “national development”.


No agreements were materialized, later when Ramotar became general secretary of the PPP, Raj Singh faction became the only recognized ACG group.


Before the death of Dr. Jagan, Donald Ramotar was advised to recognize all the PPP support groups in the US, but Ramotar selectively continue to preference Raj Singh ACGNY.


The ACGUSA group and members of Karshan Arjun faction continue to function. Today most of us support Guyana through other civic and community base organization. Credit goes to many of those who are working and functioning in peace organization, labor movement and even the Democratic Party (supporting some of the most progressive candidates) and some even worked on President Obama campaign.


For many of us who have dedicate our lives to progressive struggle in the US feels that we did not abandon Guyana.


But we ask ourselves a long time ago why pledge allegiance to a political party (PPP) when the leadership of that organization does not recognize our existence or work for the past two decades?


While our group might have some PPP sympathizers most support the ideals of Dr. Cheddi Jagan national liberation struggle, we support all progressive organizations that want to move Guyana forward in racial, economic and political unity.


For many of us who have dedicate our lives to progressive struggle in the US feels that we should continue the struggle for a democratic Guyana. We felt that the PPP under the leadership of Jagdeo and Ramotar continues to abandon Guyanese at home and in the Diasporas.


Only the ACGNY group, that was handpicked by Ramotar, pledge allegiance to the PPP today. Donald shared a personal family relationship with Raj Singh. Post election ACGNY was no struggle. It became a poster group for the PPP and practically lost its ways. It is a PPP celebrity organization where you pose for pictures and sip drinks with visiting celebrity ministers.


What is the role of the ACGNY in the Guyanese community to enhance and better the lives of the Guyanese citizens to improve their social and economic status? None!


They represent the elite vanguard of the PPP back home. Their work is obvious; they collaborate with the corrupt Guyanese that rips of the defenseless immigrants/locals. How many poor and defenseless Guyanese their friends like Ed Ahmad and others in the circle you know that they took down.


And if you ask them, these are the same people who claim to “championed” Jagans legacy of working on the side of the poor, meek, and downtrodden.


These are the kinds of PPP two face politicians that we have today where they claim to champion the rights of the working people in Guyana and are in bed with the moneyed Guyanese in New York and Guyana.


Then they can't understand why their status has diminished in support in recent times.


Perhaps the same sentiment shared in Guyana when the PPP abandoned most of the PPP and PYO groups. Donald Ramotar and his bands felt there are in power and became friends with the rich and influential and there was no need to deal with “little people”. The very little people that were subservient to the PPP leadership in the 70’s and 80’s from New York to California. 


Then it was not the rich and influential Guyanese businessmen, they were nowhere to be found, they are now what the PPP call the “soup lickers”. But the disgraceful behavior on his behalf clearly reflects how ungrateful the PPP have become to all the other overseas groups.


Today the PPP is no longer a party of Dr. Jagan, of integrity and national liberation. The PPP has quickly lost the remainder of the progressive element within the party and has become a little bit too late for some radical move to remove the corrupt and opportunist from its leadership.


The PPP have learned not to compromise with their own membership, don’t think they will with any other political parties. They haven’t learned anything from past elections.



The PPP was hopeful that the ACGUSA members would disappear - the sooner the better. Donald and Jagdeo have little empathy for anyone, for the hard work and sacrifice people gave to the PPP. The problem with the PPP, if you oppose them or chooses another political party then that disqualifies you from being a good person.


This is all very irresponsible with no practical importance, no value relating to the substance of important issues facing the nation and why people should vote for alternative political parties.



We need to shape the discussion on Guyana more intelligently. We need to understand the concept of national unity and respect the choices of the electorates in Guyana. We need to refrain from using languages that divide us as a people and work for unity and the betterment of our people.


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Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Wally:

According to my guy inside freedom house Churchill is always welcome to come back providing he does not insult anyone while he is there.

I doubt Churchill will want to be in the same place with Kwame, Lamumba, Phalorie Joe, Kit Nascimento, Norman McClean, Manniram, Eddie Boyer, Jerry Gouviea, Brian Young, Bynoe or Bobby.


I doubt Churchill will agree to praise any of those Crab Louse....what good can he say about any of those funny fellas.

Originally Posted by Wally:

According to my guy inside freedom house Churchill is always welcome to come back providing he does not insult anyone while he is there.

Churchill can speak for himself but, knowing him, Churchill will never enter Freedom House with a muzzle on his mouth.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Wally:

According to my guy inside freedom house Churchill is always welcome to come back providing he does not insult anyone while he is there.

Churchill can speak for himself but, knowing him, Churchill will never enter Freedom House with a muzzle on his mouth.

And we know Churchill is not afraid to speak the Truth.


Churchill is not like Jagdeo who needs pampers for his Mouth.

Originally Posted by Churchill:

I try to keep away from these discussions but am finding it impossible to do so...


The last time I was at Freedom House Donald was very nervous when I asked him about his role in sidelining the mainstream PPP groups in NY and NJ in favour of the disorganized ACG-USA which is made up mostly of soup drinkers...this nervousness prompted Donald to mention in NY a few months before the last elections that if he should be elected that there will be nothing in it for me....


Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by Wally:

I never knew Donald was related to Raj Singh. 

They are related because they are both blood suckers sucking the blood of the  sugar workers...



Lemme be clear to ayuh Jaganites recently booted from the PPP by decree of the gods at Mount Freedom House:


This is how Communism and Stalinism works. You daags who practiced the same dark arts against numerous coolies for decades now who had the gall to oppose the Freedom House mudheads. Ya'll helped to build and sustain a pernicious organization where dissent was treasonous and obedience was glorified as some manly virtue.


Now ya'll are weeping and wailing that the same weapons have been turned against ya'll. So like many a deflowered schoolgirl you run back to us to now complain about the village ram who is disloyal and doan treat ayuh right.


These are the just wages of your personal sins. Exile, ridicule, and destruction at the hands of the top pigs.


The PPP is the way it is because it can be no other way. It's undemocratic because it was designed that way. Senior party officials are immune from sanction for their corruption and other crimes because the party was designed to operate that way with no accountability for leadership. The ordinary supporters must take any shyte from Freedom House because that's how de Great Comrade Leader designed it.


Cheddi Jagan's legacy is not distinct from the PPP. It is the PPP. There is no such nonsense as PPP Jaganite and PPP Jagdeoite. It's the same PPP. The same PPP that enabled Jagan and his many blunders now enable Jagdeo and his many crimes.


So quit friggin complaining about lost innocence. Save that nonsense for dem bais in Black Bush. To my knowledge our one BBP poster AsSniff is no longer here.


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