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Former Member

The Baccoo speaks


Gone are the days when only the rich were targeted by bandits. No one is safe these days, because there are some young men who want money from any source. There are going to be reports of many people being targeted as they go about their Christmas shopping.

It is not going to be plain sailing for two groups of bandits, because the intensive police presence will spring into action in one case. There will be arrests.


A fire at any time can be devastating, more so when it occurs at this time of the year. Some lights attached to an overloaded electric point will burst into flames.

Fortunately some children would see the blaze and raise an alarm, but there is going to be some damage because of flammable substances in the vicinity.


A river accident is going to occur in a nearby interior region. One family is going to attend a function where alcohol would flow. On the return trip home the driver, intoxicated of course, would collide with another vessel heading in the opposite direction.

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