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RSS report says police β€˜competent’ to complete probe into murders – source

During its visit, the team interviewed the relatives of the deceased. β€œβ€¦one of the relatives referenced a politically exposed person who communicated with the family and requested of them to lie and say that the murders were politically influenced and in return that they will be looked after,” a finding in the report, which was shared with this newspaper, states.

The Henry family disputes the report above from Stabroek News .

Last edited by Django
@Ramakant-P posted:

It takes time to investigate a case. Your speculation is very poor.  You show a clumsy effort in responding to the post. That is stupid indeed.

Hea chupidee Rama_Pee, does you brain have the capacity to understand why the police gives an award for information ? Dem rass ignored valid evidence, or maybe the PPP asking dem to ignore two dead black boys for de sake of some rich coolie dude.  Also, asking the lame  brain PPP for direction, is like trying to mate two elephants in bed with you.   


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