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The Berbice Bridge has become very profitable for the rich

April 8, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
Since the PPP regime is not prepared to tell the truth to the people of Guyana, then we will do so. It is about the naked discrimination against those crossing the Berbice River Bridge vs crossing the Demerara Harbour Bridge. For the past two years, the Jagdeo/Ramotar Cabal has ignored the pleas of Berbicians to reduce the extremely high toll on the Berbice River Bridge.
The toll amount of G$2,200 to cross the bridge is among the most expensive tolls in the United States and elsewhere. It is a total shame that this PPP regime has saddled Guyanese, especially the people of Berbice with such a huge toll. It is an extra tax burden that the masses who are struggling to make ends meet cannot afford.
The Minister of Transport, Mr. Robeson Benn revealed in the Guyana Parliament in February 2013 that his Government has “no plans to reduce the tolls on the Berbice Bridge.”  What an oppressive, selfish and anti-working class statement from a Minister of the new corrupt bourgeoisie PPP regime.  The Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal has revealed themselves as the fighters and defenders of the rich and the oppressors of the defenseless poor and downtrodden.
As a justification for this reckless statement from the Minister, he claimed that “school children have the options to use a ferry service that the Government operates between Rosignol and New Amsterdam.”
Clearly, Robeson Benn’s heartless, inconsiderate and big-headed statement shows that he has no respect for the youths of Guyana, not even for our school children.
The truth is that it takes more than 40 minutes for the ferry to cross the Berbice River from Rosignol to New Amsterdam while crossing the Berbice Bridge takes less than 7 minutes.  Would the Minister do this to his children?
It costs a school child G$800 per day to cross the bridge, so the children of poor families have to opt to save money and in the process burn precious time crossing the river by the sluggish ferry rather than using their valuable time to do their homework or engage in sports as a form of recreation.  The Minister prefers that the children be exposed to the touts at the stelling, many of whom are felons, pedophiles and drug pushers.
We call on the owners of the Bridge – (New Building Society, Beharry Family, Bobby Ramroop family and Demerara Distillers Limited, among others) to lobby the Government for a subvention so that the toll can be less repressive.
This Bridge continues to reap millions in profits for the owners and as the rich in Guyana, they have a national duty to serve the people also by asking for a little less for themselves, all paid for by the poor people who have to cross the bridge.
In the past, Jagdeo said at a public PPP rally in 2001 that he promised to “keep the toll charges low” but as Proverbs 12:22 says, “lying lips are an abomination to the Lord.” Some 260,000 vehicles traversed the Berbice Bridge per year earning the company some G$945 million per year based on some figures we saw.  This year the Berbice Bridge Company is expected to take in over G$1 billion from the Guyanese people.
It costs G$8billion to build this Bridge but this company in 8 years will harvest all their capital back and for the remaining 12 years, all they will be receiving is profits which will run up to some G$11 billion.  That is a 140% return on their investment; not bad for the owners of the Bridge many of whom are best buddies of Jagdeo.
These heartless investors should at least cut their profits to 50% and this will allow for the tolls to drop to G$1,000 per car and minibus. Shame on the heartless and anti-poor PPP regime and their business buddies for inflicting such financial pain on Berbicians, who are the primary users of the bridge. There is no relief for the poor and the downtrodden in Guyana as long as this PPP regime remains in power.
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Tolls to cross the BRB are truly exhorbitant. Gov't is using this bridfe as a way of collecting additional taxes to support other programs. We in NY are faced with the same problems with paying high tolls to cross our bridges. Just a short trip to NJ can cost you $30. At least half of the revenues collected from tolls go to the MTA (Money Taking Authority).  It's unjust but what can we do?  Our politicians use our lotto funds to plug budget gaps and put a small percentage towards education.   I hope the Guyana gov't consider the political implications high tolls can have on the party and do whatever in their powers to alleviate the pain on the small people.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Tolls to cross the BRB are truly exhorbitant. Gov't is using this bridfe as a way of collecting additional taxes to support other programs. We in NY are faced with the same problems with paying high tolls to cross our bridges. Just a short trip to NJ can cost you $30. At least half of the revenues collected from tolls go to the MTA (Money Taking Authority).  It's unjust but what can we do?  Our politicians use our lotto funds to plug budget gaps and put a small percentage towards education.   I hope the Guyana gov't consider the political implications high tolls can have on the party and do whatever in their powers to alleviate the pain on the small people.

Are the people in Guyana earning on par with NY'ers to be able to afford the same high tollls?


Do you think the bridge cost less to build than one in NY? No, hence the high toll. 
Without the investors and the promise that the bridge would pay for itself, it would not have been build.  

B_Gurd, the Berbice River Bridge is a cheap pontoon bridge very similar to the Demerara Harbour Bridge. It is minimal in cost compared to the bridges of NYC. These cheap pontoon bridges are not designed to last for a long time and is the reason why the DHB has to be replaced. You are really out of touch with the reality of Guyana even though you claim to visit there.
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Do you think the bridge cost less to build than one in NY? No, hence the high toll. 
Without the investors and the promise that the bridge would pay for itself, it would not have been build.  

I wonder which American community would pay NY-NJ Port Authority/MTA level tolls for a rickety pontoon bridge essentially of the type the US Army built for next to nothing during WWII . . . and Burnham built for a relative pittance 40 years ago


this donkey compares the Berbice floating bridge with [let's say] the Verrazano Narrows Bridge and thinks he is being clever


 . . . absolutely no cure for this kind of ignorance

Originally Posted by God:
B_Gurd, the Berbice River Bridge is a cheap pontoon bridge very similar to the Demerara Harbour Bridge. It is minimal in cost compared to the bridges of NYC. These cheap pontoon bridges are not designed to last for a long time and is the reason why the DHB has to be replaced. You are really out of touch with the reality of Guyana even though you claim to visit there.

Tell us exactly how much it cost and what traffic volume at varying prices would make it profitable?  NYC have millions of cars crossing each day, how many cars does Bbice bridge have per day, 500?? The DHB was built and paid for govt a long time ago, even now it has to be subsidized and your buddy Nagamooto is saying no to he subsidy, and correctly so. The DHB should be self sustaining just like the Bbice Bridge. ahahahah

Originally Posted by redux:  

I wonder which American community would pay NY-NJ Port Authority/MTA level tolls for a rickety pontoon bridge essentially of the type the US Army built for next to nothing during WWII . . . and Burnham built for a relative pittance 40 years ago


this donkey compares the Berbice floating bridge with [let's say] the Verrazano Narrows Bridge and thinks he is being clever


 . . . absolutely no cure for this kind of ignorance


Fool the NY/NJ bridges are sustained by high volumes, the Bbice bridge has relatively few vehicles crossing so the cost has to be high to pay for itself. Remember, thinking is not the strong point of the current alter ego Redux, play the role but play it well. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:  

I wonder which American community would pay NY-NJ Port Authority/MTA level tolls for a rickety pontoon bridge essentially of the type the US Army built for next to nothing during WWII . . . and Burnham built for a relative pittance 40 years ago


this donkey compares the Berbice floating bridge with [let's say] the Verrazano Narrows Bridge and thinks he is being clever


 . . . absolutely no cure for this kind of ignorance


Fool the NY/NJ bridges are sustained by high volumes, the Bbice bridge has relatively few vehicles crossing so the cost has to be high to pay for itself. Remember, thinking is not the strong point of the current alter ego Redux, play the role but play it well. 

that's quite an 'intelligent sounding' conversation you're having with the magic klown men in your head about "high [traffic] volumes" and other red herring stuff . . . but you have no clothes


i fully understand that you've paid attention, attempted to learn, and now fancy yourself a player . . . but not in this lifetime bai


nice try though

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by God:
B_Gurd, the Berbice River Bridge is a cheap pontoon bridge very similar to the Demerara Harbour Bridge. It is minimal in cost compared to the bridges of NYC. These cheap pontoon bridges are not designed to last for a long time and is the reason why the DHB has to be replaced. You are really out of touch with the reality of Guyana even though you claim to visit there.

Tell us exactly how much it cost and what traffic volume at varying prices would make it profitable?  NYC have millions of cars crossing each day, how many cars does Bbice bridge have per day, 500?? The DHB was built and paid for govt a long time ago, even now it has to be subsidized and your buddy Nagamooto is saying no to he subsidy, and correctly so. The DHB should be self sustaining just like the Bbice Bridge. ahahahah

Dude, this is what you said. It is hilariously stupid -  "Do you think the bridge cost less to build than one in NY? No, hence the high toll."

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by God:
Dude, this is what you said. It is hilariously stupid -  "Do you think the bridge cost less to build than one in NY? No, hence the high toll."

I invite you to do the math and show me the optimal toll to recoup the money for the investors while compensating them for their investment. Instead you insist on staying vague and sticking to the bottom house style of debating. No one will take you fools seriously until you can layout your argument properly. 

Originally Posted by redux:
that's quite an 'intelligent sounding' conversation you're having with the magic klown men in your head about "high [traffic] volumes" and other red herring stuff . . . but you have no clothes


i fully understand that you've paid attention, attempted to learn, and now fancy yourself a player . . . but not in this lifetime bai


nice try though

Hahahah, when I hit you fools with the details you run for cover and divert the conversation to personal attacks. ahahahah Maybe you should revive the tk alter ego, he was more likely to reason rather then run. ahhahah

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by redux:
that's quite an 'intelligent sounding' conversation you're having with the magic klown men in your head about "high [traffic] volumes" and other red herring stuff . . . but you have no clothes


i fully understand that you've paid attention, attempted to learn, and now fancy yourself a player . . . but not in this lifetime bai


nice try though

Hahahah, when I hit you fools with the details you run for cover and divert the conversation to personal attacks. ahahahah Maybe you should revive the tk alter ego, he was more likely to reason rather then run. ahhahah

THIS is the best u could come up with after whole night studying . . .??


perhaps I should append "OVERMATCHED" to the BGurd nic too


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