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The AFC should bring a motion in Parliament to reduce the Berbice Bridge toll


Dear Editor,
We remain deeply disturbed and concerned about the fact that it has been more than two months since the AFC promised Berbicians and all Guyanese that it would table a motion in Parliament calling for a reduction of the Berbice Bridge toll.
Well, so far this has not materialized and Berbicians are still waiting.  The AFC Berbice MP, Dr Veersammy Ramayya even went so far as to publicly announce in Kaieteur News the AFC plans concerning the reduction of the toll.  So why no movement on the floor of the Parliament on this issue from the AFC?
The AFC has been unwilling to put its reputation on the line for the Berbicians who voted en masse for the party in the 2011 general elections. Reduction of the Berbice Bridge toll in particular continues to be a vexing problem for most Berbicians, irrespective of their party affiliation. Bottom line, the toll is too expensive and must be reduced.
Today, just a couple of weeks before the reading of the 2013 National Budget, we heard the Minister of Public Works  announce that he has “no plans to reduce the toll on Berbice Bridge.”
How can he continue to punish Cde Cheddi’s people?
It seems as though he is prepared to risk the political future of the PPP.
Further to that we were also advised that the APNU MP for Region Five will be working on a motion to reduce the Berbice Bridge tolls. Is the AFC not sharing its legislative agenda with the leaders of APNU?
Or is APNU tired of waiting for the AFC to bring this motion to the floor of Parliament? Either way, the people of Berbice will welcome such a motion with open arms, whether it comes from APNU or the AFC.
The nation’s Budget will be with us in less than two weeks and the govern-ment has made it abundantly clear they are not interested in reducing the economic oppression of the Berbicians, so why is the AFC not stepping up to do the right thing for Berbicians who continue to face the brunt of the inept policies of the PPP?
In politics we have learnt that a party’s political shelf life is as good as the last good act it does for the people; that is why 16 years after his death, Dr Cheddi Jagan continues to be loved by thousands all over Guyana.
His legacy will be with them forever because he has walked with the people, eaten with the people, advocated for the people, gone to prison for the people, and lived for the people. Dr Jagan’s people are the poor and the working class.
It is time for the AFC to answer the call by all Berbicians for relief on this excessively high bridge toll.
In a Parliament that continues to meet twice per  month plus the budget period, this year is shaping up to be the worst for a Parliament whose MPs are going to meet for only 19% of their opportunity days this year.
We believe that it will be fair to the taxpayers to give the parliamentarians value for their money by offering them 19% of their salary. Not much of the people’s work can be accomplished this way.
This is not what the people elected them to do.
Yours faithfully,
Asquith Rose
Harish S Singh

Replies sorted oldest to newest

They can certainly do so, but where do they expect to offset this reduction in revenue for the Government...


The Holland Tunnel and other New YOrk/NJ crossings used to be $4,  18 years they are all $13..and guess what we have to live with it.


The AFC is really digging for things to complain about!!

Originally Posted by alena06:

They can certainly do so, but where do they expect to offset this reduction in revenue for the Government...


The Holland Tunnel and other New YOrk/NJ crossings used to be $4,  18 years they are all $13..and guess what we have to live with it.


The AFC is really digging for things to complain about!!

The profit is going to the friends of the PPP/C.

Originally Posted by alena06:

They can certainly do so, but where do they expect to offset this reduction in revenue for the Government...


The Holland Tunnel and other New YOrk/NJ crossings used to be $4,  18 years they are all $13..and guess what we have to live with it.


The AFC is really digging for things to complain about!!

Abenaki/alena it is clear that you do not understand that the PPP give the Demerara harbor bridge 700 million every year.  What happen to berbice, goat bite them.  Why can't the PPP give the berbice bridge a subvention to help reduce the toll charge?

Originally Posted by Devindra:

Abenaki/alena it is clear that you do not understand that the PPP give the Demerara harbor bridge 700 million every year.  What happen to berbice, goat bite them.  Why can't the PPP give the berbice bridge a subvention to help reduce the toll charge?

Abenaki????  Most people here know I have been posting here for abt 8 years now and I have one nic.


Maybe they don't have the money to allot to the Berbice bridge...but this is such a petty issue.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by alena06:

The Holland Tunnel and other New YOrk/NJ crossings used to be $4,  18 years they are all $13..and guess what we have to live with it.


The AFC is really digging for things to complain about!!

The profit is going to the friends of the PPP/C.

You are learning Abidah's strategy to use strikethrough. 

That's a lame argument that the profit is going to their friends..

Originally Posted by alena06:

They can certainly do so, but where do they expect to offset this reduction in revenue for the Government...


The Holland Tunnel and other New YOrk/NJ crossings used to be $4,  18 years they are all $13..and guess what we have to live with it.


The AFC is really digging for things to complain about!!

The AFC is correct on this one and should pursue.  A bridge of this type and use should not be paid for by tolls only.  The Govt needs to kick in and subsidize operating/carrying costs as this stimulates general macro growth well beyond the actual use of the bridge.  Rather than paying for hotels, they should pay for bridges and roads.


Baseman supports the AFC on this.


One of the reasons for the big increase has to do with deficits and the fact that the increase does not impede growth. It does reduce private traffic into NYC, one goal of the increase.

Originally Posted by baseman:

The AFC is correct on this one and should pursue.  A bridge of this type and use should not be paid for by tolls only.  The Govt needs to kick in and subsidize operating/carrying costs as this stimulates general macro growth well beyond the actual use of the bridge.  Rather than paying for hotels, they should pay for bridges and roads.


Baseman supports the AFC on this.


One of the reasons for the big increase has to do with deficits and the fact that the increase does not impede growth. It does reduce private traffic into NYC, one goal of the increase.

Maybe they have done a cost/benefit analysis on the hotel project and think it is worth it.  We cannot assume that the AFC is right.


The increase in tolls at the Holland Tunnel has not decreased private traffic at all, I would love that for my personal commute.

Originally Posted by alena06:

They can certainly do so, but where do they expect to offset this reduction in revenue for the Government...


The Holland Tunnel and other New YOrk/NJ crossings used to be $4,  18 years they are all $13..and guess what we have to live with it.


The AFC is really digging for things to complain about!!

You said you husband was an asist Prof and work at a second job as well and you also work. Together your salary should be in the 125K a year for and average middle class family. The average Guyanese makes 1500 a year and having to pay 11 dollars to cross the bridge. Does that make sense? And to kick one in the stomach, the people financed at least one half of it.  Worse, they drained the NIS to back this project.


Why should Guyanese taxpayers subsidize the profits of PPP oligarchs??


Wouldn’t a better plan be to [re]introduce competition on the river crossing?


and . . . what is this nonsense comparison of the Holland Tunnel with the Berbice [floating] Bridge? The NY/NJ Port Authority is not an oligarchic entity trying to maximize profits for investors on the backs of defenseless taxpayers/commuters

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by alena06:

The Holland Tunnel and other New YOrk/NJ crossings used to be $4,  18 years they are all $13..and guess what we have to live with it.


The AFC is really digging for things to complain about!!

The profit is going to the friends of the PPP/C.

You are learning Abidah's strategy to use strikethrough. 

That's a lame argument that the profit is going to their friends..

It's not an excuse. It's a fact that you cannot deny. They are making a profit and yet they get a subvention from the PPP/C government.

Originally Posted by redux:

Why should Guyanese taxpayers subsidize the profits of PPP oligarchs??


Wouldn’t a better plan be to [re]introduce competition on the river crossing?


and . . . what is this nonsense comparison of the Holland Tunnel with the Berbice [floating] Bridge? The NY/NJ Port Authority is not an oligarchic entity trying to maximize profits for investors on the backs of defenseless taxpayers/commuters

You freaking out, I think you losing it bai.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

Why should Guyanese taxpayers subsidize the profits of PPP oligarchs??


Wouldn’t a better plan be to [re]introduce competition on the river crossing?


and . . . what is this nonsense comparison of the Holland Tunnel with the Berbice [floating] Bridge? The NY/NJ Port Authority is not an oligarchic entity trying to maximize profits for investors on the backs of defenseless taxpayers/commuters

You freaking out, I think you losing it bai.

heh heh heh

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by alena06:

They can certainly do so, but where do they expect to offset this reduction in revenue for the Government...


The Holland Tunnel and other New YOrk/NJ crossings used to be $4,  18 years they are all $13..and guess what we have to live with it.


The AFC is really digging for things to complain about!!

The AFC is correct on this one and should pursue.  A bridge of this type and use should not be paid for by tolls only.  The Govt needs to kick in and subsidize operating/carrying costs as this stimulates general macro growth well beyond the actual use of the bridge.  Rather than paying for hotels, they should pay for bridges and roads.


Baseman supports the AFC on this.


One of the reasons for the big increase has to do with deficits and the fact that the increase does not impede growth. It does reduce private traffic into NYC, one goal of the increase.

Baseman, much respect.  The analogy of the Holland tunnel is of no relevance and out of context if not ridiculously incongruous or unreasonable.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The AFC is correct on this one and should pursue.  A bridge of this type and use should not be paid for by tolls only.  The Govt needs to kick in and subsidize operating/carrying costs as this stimulates general macro growth well beyond the actual use of the bridge.  Rather than paying for hotels, they should pay for bridges and roads.


Baseman supports the AFC on this.


One of the reasons for the big increase has to do with deficits and the fact that the increase does not impede growth. It does reduce private traffic into NYC, one goal of the increase.

Maybe they have done a cost/benefit analysis on the hotel project and think it is worth it.  We cannot assume that the AFC is right.


The increase in tolls at the Holland Tunnel has not decreased private traffic at all, I would love that for my personal commute.

Well Alena, if that increase does not deter traffic or impede growth, then it's justified.  Unlike the BBce bridge toll which is a barrier to commerce as the poor people and businesses cannot leverage it.  So, the comparison is out of context.


Alena, there are costs/benefits to almost everything, but it's a matter of choice as resources are finite.  A Govt must look out for the general well-being of the people and nation, not any specific narrow business interest.


I find it difficult to reconcile the benefits of the hotel for rich locals and visitors to that of an affordable key bridge for the populace.

Originally Posted by TK:

C. Ram worked the numbers to show how they can reduce it without imperiling NIS or the investors. 

the terms of the deal to do this bridge were execrable from the outset


yes . . . Chris Ram's solution may be the best last chance to clamber out of this Jagdeoite hole in one piece


I have a solution to the high toll. If the Berbice river toll is too expensive for some, I suggest you swim you bumba clat across the river or improvise a way to get on the other side. The govt have to make back the money for the cost of the bridge. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

I have a solution to the high toll. If the Berbice river tool is too expensive for some, I suggest you swim you bumba clat across the river or improvise a way to get on the other side. The govt have to make back the money for the cost of the bridge. 

bai, it might have escaped u, but i understand the Gov't already contributing its share so that the 'private' bondholders can get paid


since the accounting as it stands points to an insolvency otherwise, one has to ponder what comic book assumptions were built into the tiefman model when this pig in bag was conceived.


my visceral reaction is to re-open the ferry, let the damn bridge company collapse under its own corrupt weight and have the oligarchs take a very close haircut . . . unfortunately, a not very practical solution given the implications


i now shudder to think what Brassington and the rent seeking hustlers nurtured under Jagdeo have in store for poor Guyanese (as far as the downstream price of electricity goes) with the $USbillion BOOT Amaila Falls Frankenstein teed up


NICIL . . . the anti-fiduciary

Last edited by Former Member

It is funny that the afc/pnc supporters are now complaining about the tolls of the bbice bridge when their leadership, Ramjattan and Nagamootoo both were part and parcel to the bridge deal many years back. Only now these two gentlemen developed a conscience. Bridges and other infrastructure cost money to build and maintain, at the inception it was agreed that a partnership of govt and private enterprise was the best option to get this project off the ground rather than putting the burden solely on govt. You fools are being facetious with your crocodile tears about poor bbcians as none of you actually care about them. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

It is funny that the afc/pnc supporters are now complaining about the tolls of the bbice bridge when their leadership, Ramjattan and Nagamootoo both were part and parcel to the bridge deal many years back. Only now these two gentlemen developed a conscience. Bridges and other infrastructure cost money to build and maintain, at the inception it was agreed that a partnership of govt and private enterprise was the best option to get this project off the ground rather than putting the burden solely on govt. You fools are being facetious with your crocodile tears about poor bbcians as none of you actually care about them. 

The tolls have always been a point of contention.  It's just too high in my opinion for the Guyanese purchasing power.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

It is funny that the afc/pnc supporters are now complaining about the tolls of the bbice bridge when their leadership, Ramjattan and Nagamootoo both were part and parcel to the bridge deal many years back. Only now these two gentlemen developed a conscience. Bridges and other infrastructure cost money to build and maintain, at the inception it was agreed that a partnership of govt and private enterprise was the best option to get this project off the ground rather than putting the burden solely on govt. You fools are being facetious with your crocodile tears about poor bbcians as none of you actually care about them. 

Goads, just remember you started the name calling.

You have to be dumb jackass to be posting this type of crap. The AFC have always complained about transparency and the high tolls.


if the berbice people start a protest against the bridge what will be the out come maybe the first step is to stop using the bridge for 1 week you think the police will shoot them down like the linden protest its time the people of berbice fight for their rights these people live with blackout every day and no meanfull development


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