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The GNI PPP boys who are calling Trump Mahatma and worshiping him round the clock are now being awaken to loud laughter.

Their father and Lord, Trump, right hand man , The Hon Mr. Tillerson, orchestrated the KICKING  out of their beloved and corrupt  PPP out of office.

Where is Cobra, Yugi, Bibi, Baseman and the rest of Trump devotees.


One thing I can say about Buddy Nehru, he is much smarter that the  above pack.


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Chief posted:

The GNI PPP boys who are calling Trump Mahatma and worshiping him round the clock are now being awaken to loud laughter.

Their father and Lord, Trump, right hand man , The Hon Mr. Tillerson, orchestrated the KICKING  out of their beloved and corrupt  PPP out of office.

Where is Cobra, Yugi, Bibi, Baseman and the rest of Trump devotees.


One thing I can say about Buddy Nehru, he is much smarter that the  above pack.


You are gloating at dishonesty? Tells a lot about you.

Chief posted:



You are so quick to pounce on me. You are a dunce to say that I am gloating dishonesty. You are so blinded that you cannot even come up and tell your buddies that the man they are worshiping will piss on them. 

I am gloating at their  foolishness .


It shouldn't be news to  you to know that my buddies have a more advanced and developed brain than yours. I am not going to and should not tell them what to think. That is what they taught us in Guyana. You have not moved past this outdated mode of thinking.

skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:



You are so quick to pounce on me. You are a dunce to say that I am gloating dishonesty. You are so blinded that you cannot even come up and tell your buddies that the man they are worshiping will piss on them. 

I am gloating at their  foolishness .


It shouldn't be news to  you to know that my buddies have a more advanced and developed brain than yours. I am not going to and should not tell them what to think. That is what they taught us in Guyana. You have not moved past this outdated mode of thinking.

Thank God for my brains for if I ever have to worship a man or an animal then I prefer death!


Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:



You are so quick to pounce on me. You are a dunce to say that I am gloating dishonesty. You are so blinded that you cannot even come up and tell your buddies that the man they are worshiping will piss on them. 

I am gloating at their  foolishness .


It shouldn't be news to  you to know that my buddies have a more advanced and developed brain than yours. I am not going to and should not tell them what to think. That is what they taught us in Guyana. You have not moved past this outdated mode of thinking.

Thank God for my brains for if I ever have to worship a man or an animal then I prefer death!


Aw laad! Help this confused soul. Comprehension and critical thinking is not his cup of tea. No sure why he brought religion into this. Baseman will be addressing this with you.



You are missing my point and not smart enough to see where I am coming from.

Let me go slowly that you can understand in just a few words.

The PPP GNIers are worshipping Trump, do you agree or disagree?

The same  Trump right hand man scrwed the PPP in the last election- Do you agree or disagree?

So how can you accuse me of bringing religion into this?

It is clear as daylight!

Last edited by Chief
Chief posted:


You are missing my point and not smart enough to see where I am coming from.

Let me go slowly that you can understand in just a few words.

The PPP GNIers are worshipping Trump, do you agree or disagree?

The same  Trump right hand man scrwed the PPP in the last election- Do you agree or disagree?

So how can you accuse me of bringing religion into this?

It is clear as daylight!

Trump is going to be the president of the whole USA. I did not vote for him, but he is going to be my president also. You cannot be intolerant of other people's beliefs and opinions. This hogshit you preach about YOU being smart, DON'T FOOL YOURSELF. SOMEBODY IS FOOLING YOU.

You remind me of some of the guys I grew up with. When they cannot take the heat, they cuss your mother and ran home.

skeldon_man posted:

Trump is going to be the president of the whole USA. I did not vote for him, but he is going to be my president also. You cannot be intolerant of other people's beliefs and opinions. This hogshit you preach about YOU being smart, DON'T FOOL YOURSELF. SOMEBODY IS FOOLING YOU.

You remind me of some of the guys I grew up with. When they cannot take the heat, they cuss your mother and ran home.

That is a Line Path or more so  a Skeldon thingy!

Trump is smart, he curses people and then turn off his twitter account. Isn't he just the boys that sit at the culvert at Linepath?  

Anyway back to your statement, so why are you being intolerant to the people who recognize the current Government of Guyana?

Last edited by Chief
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Trump is going to be the president of the whole USA. I did not vote for him, but he is going to be my president also. You cannot be intolerant of other people's beliefs and opinions. This hogshit you preach about YOU being smart, DON'T FOOL YOURSELF. SOMEBODY IS FOOLING YOU.

You remind me of some of the guys I grew up with. When they cannot take the heat, they cuss your mother and ran home.

That is a Line Path or more so  a Skeldon thingy!

Anyway back to your statement, so why are you being intolerant to the people who recognize the current Government of Guyanan?

Why is it that the fat boy "Cheeseburger Hunt" instructed Surujbally not to order a recount? At least in America a requested recount was done. Why not in Guyana? What was there to be afraid of? Rigging? Trump won the election. I was not happy. I have to live with it. The people voted and recount was done. Can we say the same for the installed dictatorship?

Chief posted:


How many popular votes Hillary got over Donald? How did Russia hacked the Democrats headquarters and influenced the elections?

Respect the Government of Guyana just like how you are respecting Mr. Trump.

American election is based on electoral college. Trump won. America is not like the Guyana of the 70s and 80s where PNC got 70%-80% of the votes. There is no evidence that the hacking changed the votes. It might have influenced the votes, not rigged it.

Chief posted:

Nehru you and Skeldonman are recognizing the new Government of USA but still cannot accept  that Guyana Government a selected by the people.

Chief, shet you poke now. Like I said, I did not vote for Trump. His election survived a recount. Regardless actions of the Russians, Trump was legally elected. We have to call him Mr. President for the next 4 years.
As for Guyana, the fat gay boy Cheeseburger Hunt ordered Surujbally the traitor to refuse the recount request. Thus the installed government in Guyana is NOT A LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT. The people did not select the PNC, a couple cheeseburgers did the job..the PNC fed the fat hog. 


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