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A recent fundraising trip to New York by a University of Guyana (UG) delegation secured $2,019,950 in contributions against $4,366,024 in expenditure on airfare and accommodation.

During the period of September 1 to September 6, 2016, UG Vice-Chancellor (VC) Ivelaw Griffith led a delegation of 13 individuals, consisting of administrative and academic staff and a student government executive to New York, as part of the university’s efforts to “cultivate ambassadors.”

The trip, which was initiated in response to an invitation from the Guyana Cultural Association of New York, Inc. to fund- and friend-raise at the Association’s 2016 Labour Day Weekend events, was hailed a success by Griffith upon his return in early October

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$2M raised by UG on $4M NY trip

-VC says benefits shouldn’t be viewed solely in financial terms.


A recent fundraising trip to New York by a University of Guyana (UG) delegation secured $2,019,950 in contributions against $4,366,024 in expenditure on airfare and accommodation.

During the period of September 1 to September 6, 2016, UG Vice-Chancellor (VC) Ivelaw Griffith led a delegation of 13 individuals, consisting of administrative and academic staff and a student government executive to New York, as part of the university’s efforts to “cultivate ambassadors.”

The trip, which was initiated in response to an invitation from the Guyana Cultural Association of New York, Inc. to fund- and friend-raise at the Association’s 2016 Labour Day Weekend events, was hailed a success by Griffith upon his return in early October.

“The Renaissance weekend in New York has set the stage for considerable financial, human capital, and technical assistance to our university by providing structure to Guyanese and other nationals in the diaspora to support critical areas of need,” Griffith had stated at a press conference.

Ivelaw Griffith
Ivelaw Griffith

At that time, financial information on the trip was not yet available but it was explained that fundraising was done through events such as the ‘Vice-Chancellor’s New York Area Support Group Fundraising Reception’ and the Guyana Cultural Association of New York’s Folk Festival and Family Fun Day, during which times the delegation benefited from the sales of UG t-shirts and the Vice-Chancellor’s inaugural newsletter, ‘Renaissance.’

In response to a request from Stabroek News, the VC provided the details of income and expenditure  last week even as he stressed that the aim of the trip was not merely to raise money, so the return on the investment should not be viewed purely in financial cost-benefit terms.

One of the objectives, he explained, was to facilitate tangible “diaspora support engagement” in four critical academic areas: technology, health sciences, natural sciences and law.

This is a reiteration of comments made at last month’s press conference, where he said that aside from financial contributions the group was able to procure commitments and shows of interest from persons in the diaspora who are willing to dedicate their time to the university, such as through teaching and serving as external examiners.

The team spent $2,989,564 on air travel, $56,000 on airport tax and $1,320,460 on other costs, inclusive of accommodation and meals.

According to information from the VC, efforts to control expenditure included five of the 13 members being hosted by families or UG Ambassadors, thus saving hotel costs as well as one member [Dr. Paloma Mohamed] covering all her own expenses. Additionally, all transportation costs within New York and New Jersey were underwritten by UG Ambassadors in those states.


Total cost of trip = $4.3M

Total contributions = $2M

Net cost of trip = $4.3M - $2M = $2.3M = S-U-C-C-E-S-S!!!!!

Does UG still have a Department of Economics?

Gilbakka, yuh ruckshun. Don't look at de money. Look at de "diaspora support engagement" ie de promises, de promises, de promises. DAT is de critical factor bai.


Gilbakka posted:

Total cost of trip = $4.3M

Total contributions = $2M

Net cost of trip = $4.3M - $2M = $2.3M = S-U-C-C-E-S-S!!!!!

Does UG still have a Department of Economics?

Gilbakka, yuh ruckshun. Don't look at de money. Look at de "diaspora support engagement" ie de promises, de promises, de promises. DAT is de critical factor bai.


Dat IS PNC FILTH HEADS SUCCESS, both in Guyana and here on GNI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nehru posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Total cost of trip = $4.3M

Total contributions = $2M

Net cost of trip = $4.3M - $2M = $2.3M = S-U-C-C-E-S-S!!!!!

Does UG still have a Department of Economics?

Gilbakka, yuh ruckshun. Don't look at de money. Look at de "diaspora support engagement" ie de promises, de promises, de promises. DAT is de critical factor bai.


Dat IS PNC FILTH HEADS SUCCESS, both in Guyana and here on GNI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Typical of you talking FRAFF.

Django posted:
Nehru posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Total cost of trip = $4.3M

Total contributions = $2M

Net cost of trip = $4.3M - $2M = $2.3M = S-U-C-C-E-S-S!!!!!

Does UG still have a Department of Economics?

Gilbakka, yuh ruckshun. Don't look at de money. Look at de "diaspora support engagement" ie de promises, de promises, de promises. DAT is de critical factor bai.


Dat IS PNC FILTH HEADS SUCCESS, both in Guyana and here on GNI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Typical of you talking FRAFF.

Hey you, instead of denigrating Nehru you should have complimented him for improving on his expressions. FILTH HEADS is far better than S____ HEADS, not so?

Django posted:
Nehru posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Total cost of trip = $4.3M

Total contributions = $2M

Net cost of trip = $4.3M - $2M = $2.3M = S-U-C-C-E-S-S!!!!!

Does UG still have a Department of Economics?

Gilbakka, yuh ruckshun. Don't look at de money. Look at de "diaspora support engagement" ie de promises, de promises, de promises. DAT is de critical factor bai.


Dat IS PNC FILTH HEADS SUCCESS, both in Guyana and here on GNI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Typical of you talking FRAFF.

And a shameless FILTH HEAD like you forever will be in the gutter of STUPIDITY, IGNORANCE and ILLITERACY!!!  You so stupid you will buy the Brooklyn Bridge and Halla laka Cat at the same time!!!!

Nehru posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Total cost of trip = $4.3M

Total contributions = $2M

Net cost of trip = $4.3M - $2M = $2.3M = S-U-C-C-E-S-S!!!!!

Does UG still have a Department of Economics?

Gilbakka, yuh ruckshun. Don't look at de money. Look at de "diaspora support engagement" ie de promises, de promises, de promises. DAT is de critical factor bai.


Dat IS PNC FILTH HEADS SUCCESS, both in Guyana and here on GNI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Typical of you talking FRAFF.

And a shameless FILTH HEAD like you forever will be in the gutter of STUPIDITY, IGNORANCE and ILLITERACY!!!  You so stupid you will buy the Brooklyn Bridge and Halla laka Cat at the same time!!!!

You need to behave like a big man or are you at the second phase of the child stage?? throw away that key board,that will help from making a fool of yourself.

Gilbakka posted:

Total cost of trip = $4.3M

Total contributions = $2M

Net cost of trip = $4.3M - $2M = $2.3M = S-U-C-C-E-S-S!!!!!

Does UG still have a Department of Economics?

Gilbakka, yuh ruckshun. Don't look at de money. Look at de "diaspora support engagement" ie de promises, de promises, de promises. DAT is de critical factor bai.


LOL....even if there is one, with that kind of money coming in, they would not be able to maintain it.

Why dont these knuckleheads try to explore international funding,,,?? Individuals cannot provide the funding they need to rebuild this institution.


What is obvious is that the PPP did indeed leave them a full treasury as Jagdeo claims, how else are these idiots able to splurge so much money on sending their cronies on expensive overseas visits?

VishMahabir posted: 

LOL....even if there is one, with that kind of money coming in, they would not be able to maintain it.

Why dont these knuckleheads try to explore international funding,,,?? Individuals cannot provide the funding they need to rebuild this institution.

Sir, bhaiya, whatever.... I remember clearly, as I remember what I ate for dinner last night, what Education Minister Dr Rupert Roopnarain said shortly after he was sworn-in last year. He said his primary mission as minister is to bring back UG up to its glory days standards. Furthermore, he said that if he could not accomplish that goal by the 2020 elections, he would consider himself as a failure. Or words to that effect.

Well, it's now 18 months after, and UG is no better than it was last year. With less than 4 years to go, Dr Roopnarain betta dig up. UG is a State institution and it is the government's responsibility to provide the hog's share of funding for its required massive improvement.

Yes, it is laudable for the UG administration to enlist financial and other support from the Guyanese "diaspora" in the US. But, to be realistic, dem people ent go poney up de mola as expected. Pledges at a public fund-raising event are one thing. Making good on the pledges after the event ... dat is annada story.

Drugb posted:

This trip is like the sugar industry in Guyana. Spend $20 to produce and sell back at $4.


This is how the whole government is functioning.  And Granger still does not have an economic development plan for the country.  

Bibi Haniffa
Drugb posted:

This trip is like the sugar industry in Guyana. Spend $20 to produce and sell back at $4.


Which is PPP logic. They had the time to spin off Guysuco when people were interested and costs were lower.

They didn't. Instead Jagdeo EXPANDED the industry and his regime and that of Ramotar sunk another US$ 500 million in bailouts, and this after debts connected to the Skeldon factory.

Yet you will wail about Clive Thomas.

As of now shutting down sugar and throwing tens of thousands on the breadline is becoming an increasing possibility.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Drugb posted:

This trip is like the sugar industry in Guyana. Spend $20 to produce and sell back at $4.


This is how the whole government is functioning.  And Granger still does not have an economic development plan for the country.  

And Jagdeo's plan is to EXPAND sugar. Yes produce at 40c and sell at 14c.

The man is so idiotic that he doesn't know that the more sugar Guysuco produces the more it loses.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

This trip is like the sugar industry in Guyana. Spend $20 to produce and sell back at $4.


Which is PPP logic. They had the time to spin off Guysuco when people were interested and costs were lower.

They didn't. Instead Jagdeo EXPANDED the industry and his regime and that of Ramotar sunk another US$ 500 million in bailouts, and this after debts connected to the Skeldon factory.

Yet you will wail about Clive Thomas.

As of now shutting down sugar and throwing tens of thousands on the breadline is becoming an increasing possibility.

Liar, who wanted to buy Guysuco with all its inefficiencies? You make this shyte up as you go along.  Not to excuse the PPP but the Jagdeo administration was misled by Booker Tate into investing in Skeldon without the requisite feasibility study. Now Granger is saddled with the burden, hopefully he does the right thing and close down the industry. We shall wait and see. 


In fact, if Granger closes down the sugar industry he will be playing into the PPP's hand, doing their dirty work. Why do you think the PPP didn't close down the industry? They didn't want to incur the wrath of their supporters. Now they anxiously await jackass Granger to do the dirty deed. He is already getting stern warning from the IMF, the jackass will have no choice but to bend or break. 


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