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The Birthday Boy!

Nov 01, 2017 Features / Columnists, Peeping Tom, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...01/the-birthday-boy/

Today, our editor is 69 years old. It just happens also to be his favourite number.

The publisher and staff of the Kaieteur News would like to wish him a happy birthday. They would like to say to him that he is now ‘fit and proper’ for any job.

Adam Elias Harris has been one of the most outstanding journalists in the Caribbean. He has achieved regional repute because of the many years of hard work under his belt. The secret of Adam Harris’ success is that he works hard.  If there is one thing that Adam is noted for, it is the fact he does not shy away from hard work.

They say when you love something that you enjoying do it. When you love your job, it becomes a daily pleasure and not a daily chore. Adam Harris has enjoyed his work, because he loves the profession of journalism.

Adam Harris has helped to make Kaieteur News into the paper it is, because he has dedicated hours upon hours to be at his desk doing his job. He has enjoyed the respect of all those around him, because he is not a laid back fellow.

The publisher and the staff would like to wish him a happy birthday and know that he will enjoy this particular one, his 69th birthday, because I reiterate, it is a number for which he has a special attraction.

It is at this age when people have to begin to think about the legacy they wish to leave behind. You know, it is as you approach that magical three score and ten, that you begin to ask yourself about what it will be like for you when your time comes. How will people remember you?

More important, for how long will they remember you?

Most people begin, at this time, if they have not done so already, to put their affairs in order, because they know that youth has sprinted away, and you can never tell when it will be their time to answer that dreaded call from the Maker.

There was once an elderly man who was having hearing problems. He decided to go and see a specialist. The doctor fitted him with some hearing aids that brought his hearing back to full strength.

After a few weeks, the man went back to make sure the new equipment was working properly. It was.

The doctor said, “It all seems perfect. Your family should be delighted you can hear everything now.”

“Oh no,” the man responded. “I haven’t told any of them. I just sit quietly, listening carefully. I’ve changed my will four times.”

With old age comes wisdom beyond your years. I remember this one time. On an overseas flight, a lawyer and an older man were in adjoining seats.

The lawyer asked the senior if he’d like to play a little game. The older man was tired, and he told the lawyer he only wanted to sleep. But the lawyer insisted the game was a lot of fun.

“Here’s how it works,” he said. “I’ll ask you a question. If you can’t come up with the answer, you have to give me a dollar. Then it’s your turn to ask me one. But if I can’t answer it, I have to give you $20.”

The senior figured if he just got this over with, maybe he could get some sleep. So he agreed to play.

The first question from the lawyer was “How far apart are the earth and the moon?”

The senior stayed completely silent, reached for a dollar, and gave it to the lawyer. Then he said, “My turn. What walks upstairs backward and comes downstairs forward?”

The lawyer was stumped. He thought and thought. He tried to remember all the riddles he knew. He searched every corner of his brain. He even cheated and asked the flight attendants and other passengers.

Finally he gave up. He woke up the older man and gave him a twenty. The senior stuffed the twenty in his coat and went immediately back to sleep.

The lawyer couldn’t stand it. He woke up the older man and said, “I have to know. What walks upstairs backward and comes downstairs forward?”

The senior got out his wallet, gave the lawyer a dollar, and went back to sleep.

Happy Birthday Adam Harris, Mr. 69!

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