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New Education Secretary Betsy DeVos got turned away and blocked physically as she tried to make her first visit to a public school Friday.

DeVos, whose nomination only cleared the Senate after Vice President Mike Pence broke a tie following a contentious process, was greeted by parents, retired teachers, and a small band of aggressive protesters as she visited a middle school in southwest Washington.

She ultimately made it inside, but not before having to retreat to her government SUV while getting shouted at by protesters who stood just a few feet away from her.

Things got heated as DeVos tried to enter the building through a back door.

After being physically blocked from getting inside, she turned away and left after being angrily confronted by a protester holding a 'Black Lives Matter' sign.

DeVos issued a statement after the incident where she said she was 'honored' to meet with the school about 'our shared commitment to public education.'

She added: 'I respect peaceful protest, and I will not be deterred in executing the vital mission of the Department of Education. No school door in America will be blocked from those seeking to help our nation's school children,' she added.

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Obama proved over and over to Trump that he is American, are you NOT satisfied. The Republicans are ruling all levels of government and the President is even a Republican, Obama is enjoying life with Sir Richard Branson  sailing as far away from America and watching how Trump the pervert will cause the country to implode.I notice only women are at Trump's defense, are they hoping for a piece, Nothing can resurrect the dead, so don't keep hanging on a dead branch. As for your Kenyan President, he kept you safe for eight years, you had a job and you NEVER had a threat of being deported back to Guyana, Remember, if you are not WHITE then you are BLACK, Trump is making America WHITE AGAIN.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

The half Kenyan President lied when he promised Americans a smooth transition of power.

Pity you Trump supporters, still looking for help from Obama...hahahah

Wha happen, your leader don't know how to govern? He got the's obvious he does not know how to manage a Govt...after all, he did file for 4 bankruptcies


Trump has created an atmosphere of Fear, Hate and division. At first he feared the Blacks, kicked them out of his rental buildings, secondly, he feared the Hispanics,he wants to deport them but still employs them at his golf clubs at cheap labours, thirdly he feared the Muslims, he wants to ban them from entering America{ Bibi is a Muslim} she is a subject to be deported. Trump is ruling from the book of the Russians, Fear and Conquer. He is appealing to the uneducated ,dumb ,Rural Americans who cannot think for themselves, it's sad that there are so many, Cool aide drinkers.

ksazma posted:

Bibi, not so long ago you used to have fairly normal posts. Recently your posts have taken on a different tone. What happened?

Just the other night I was telling someone that I used to think you were one of the most level headed posters on here.  Let me put it this way, I don't make decisions based on religion, hatred, and emotions.  I think of what is best for the country.  If you don't think America's security is at risk, or that the country can no longer afford to bring in millions of people without diminishing returns to its citizens, then that is your problem. Not mine. 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The half Kenyan President lied when he promised Americans a smooth transition of power.

Usual utter nonsense and useless thoughts in your post.

1. Former President Barack Hussein Obama performed an excellent process in the transition of power at 12:00 noon on January 20, 2017.

2. From the time Donald John Trump was sworn-in as president, he is responsible to conduct himself in the manner required of the office.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

Bibi, not so long ago you used to have fairly normal posts. Recently your posts have taken on a different tone. What happened?

Just the other night I was telling someone that I used to think you were one of the most level headed posters on here.  Let me put it this way, I don't make decisions based on religion, hatred, and emotions.  I think of what is best for the country.  If you don't think America's security is at risk, or that the country can no longer afford to bring in millions of people without diminishing returns to its citizens, then that is your problem. Not mine. 

There is a reason for having the army navy police. The citizens  deserve to live in peace  and quiet but not to have a president instigating constant fear. You speak as though the country's burden is on your shoulder .The immigrants  pays more taxes than the rich and that includes Trump he pays nothing.



Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

Bibi, not so long ago you used to have fairly normal posts. Recently your posts have taken on a different tone. What happened?

Just the other night I was telling someone that I used to think you were one of the most level headed posters on here.  Let me put it this way, I don't make decisions based on religion, hatred, and emotions.  I think of what is best for the country.  If you don't think America's security is at risk, or that the country can no longer afford to bring in millions of people without diminishing returns to its citizens, then that is your problem. Not mine. 

You actually thought that I was one of the most level headed posters here. Well, that is quite flattering. This is what I would say about myself. I don't base any of my arguments on race, religion, class, gender or national origin amongst others. I think that I have very good control of my emotions, especially since I crossed over the 50 mark. How can I be hateful and still perform Hindu rituals for my recently passed in-laws especially as a Muslim. However, what I remain skeptical of is Trump's ability to govern as President. He is way over his head in this role. Suddenly our country's security is at risk but yet he can't share the information to support his claim with the courts. Only three weeks ago, President Obama was not talking about our country's security at risk. I have more confidence in Obama's judgment than I do Trump. In regard to diminishing returns to US citizens, this country was here and successful before you and I got here. I am pretty sure it was before you got here also. The US is some 6 times richer now than it did when I came some 30 years ago. Back then, we talked about millionaires (like the show Lifetimes of the Rich and Famous). Today, it is about billionaires. A billionaire is one thousand times richer than a millionaire. Sure there are a huge gaps between the haves and the have-nots but that has nothing to do with immigrants. I am glad that the US was able to facilitate me when the PNC was digging Guyana into the grave. It is not within my conscience to deny others the benefit offered to me. That would make me selfish. Trump is selfish and now proving to be hapless. Hopefully that clarify things.


Trump was never my first choice.  But the alternative was much worse.  I really believe Trump gets the immigration issue.  He is doing the right thing, but in the wrong way.  The US has to come up with a system of immigration that works.  It has to be a system that does not allow terrorists into the country.  I do have a problem with the fact that green card holders were disrupted in Trump's executive order.  That has since been corrected.

I also think that Trump will do well with the economy.  He is listening to the people who drive business.  The US debt issue is a big big problem that needs to be addressed.  Obama silently doubled US debt and sold much of America to the Chinese.  How many Americans know that IBM is now majority owned by Lenovo, a Chinese entity?  How many Americans know that The Waldorf Astoria Hotel, where every US President since Herbert Hoover stayed is now owned by the Chinese?  Do you know that last September when Obama went to New York to attend the UN General Assembly, he had to stay at the New York Palace instead.  I don't think he is a bad guy, but he spent his presidency trying to please the wrong people and it did not work out.

Bibi Haniffa

People in America for decades go about their lives and live in harmony with each other, NO one ask if you are legal or not, it is the politicians come election time use the immigration issue to gain votes. In my eyes there is NO such thing as Illegals,once you work ,pay taxes and abide by the laws of that country, then you have a right to live there. What makes the difference is a little piece of paper. Presently there are thousands of Guyanese living in many different countries without legal documents. The Italians were called WOPS, because they arrived in America With Out Papers, so why they were not touched, they looked White. Most of the refugee problems were caused by USA and their coalitions, Asaad government is slaughtering it's own people, ISIS is killing another section, and the Coalition including Russia is bombing innocent lives in Syria, So where must the women and children go to live in peace???It is the moral responsibility of the developed countries to help them, we are all human beings FIRST , then Americans, Canadians etc.,The people on GNI that want to deport innocent lives are JUST SELFISH, only think of I, what good in living ,if you cannot serve and help others.Trump is encouraging a different breed of people, HATE and FEAR.

kp posted:

People in America for decades go about their lives and live in harmony with each other, NO one ask if you are legal or not, it is the politicians come election time use the immigration issue to gain votes. In my eyes there is NO such thing as Illegals,once you work ,pay taxes and abide by the laws of that country, then you have a right to live there. What makes the difference is a little piece of paper. Presently there are thousands of Guyanese living in many different countries without legal documents. The Italians were called WOPS, because they arrived in America With Out Papers, so why they were not touched, they looked White. Most of the refugee problems were caused by USA and their coalitions, Asaad government is slaughtering it's own people, ISIS is killing another section, and the Coalition including Russia is bombing innocent lives in Syria, So where must the women and children go to live in peace???It is the moral responsibility of the developed countries to help them, we are all human beings FIRST , then Americans, Canadians etc.,The people on GNI that want to deport innocent lives are JUST SELFISH, only think of I, what good in living ,if you cannot serve and help others.Trump is encouraging a different breed of people, HATE and FEAR.

Well put together KP. Why watch your fellow man(peaceful) struggle in life.

kp posted:

People in America for decades go about their lives and live in harmony with each other, NO one ask if you are legal or not, it is the politicians come election time use the immigration issue to gain votes. In my eyes there is NO such thing as Illegals,once you work ,pay taxes and abide by the laws of that country, then you have a right to live there. What makes the difference is a little piece of paper. Presently there are thousands of Guyanese living in many different countries without legal documents. The Italians were called WOPS, because they arrived in America With Out Papers, so why they were not touched, they looked White. Most of the refugee problems were caused by USA and their coalitions, Asaad government is slaughtering it's own people, ISIS is killing another section, and the Coalition including Russia is bombing innocent lives in Syria, So where must the women and children go to live in peace???It is the moral responsibility of the developed countries to help them, we are all human beings FIRST , then Americans, Canadians etc.,The people on GNI that want to deport innocent lives are JUST SELFISH, only think of I, what good in living ,if you cannot serve and help others.Trump is encouraging a different breed of people, HATE and FEAR.

Really?  In which country you can do that??

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Trump was never my first choice.  But the alternative was much worse.  I really believe Trump gets the immigration issue.  He is doing the right thing, but in the wrong way.  The US has to come up with a system of immigration that works.  It has to be a system that does not allow terrorists into the country.  I do have a problem with the fact that green card holders were disrupted in Trump's executive order.  That has since been corrected.

I also think that Trump will do well with the economy.  He is listening to the people who drive business.  The US debt issue is a big big problem that needs to be addressed.  Obama silently doubled US debt and sold much of America to the Chinese.  How many Americans know that IBM is now majority owned by Lenovo, a Chinese entity?  How many Americans know that The Waldorf Astoria Hotel, where every US President since Herbert Hoover stayed is now owned by the Chinese?  Do you know that last September when Obama went to New York to attend the UN General Assembly, he had to stay at the New York Palace instead.  I don't think he is a bad guy, but he spent his presidency trying to please the wrong people and it did not work out.

IBM and Waldorf are privately/stockholder owned, not owned by the US Govt or Obama...those companies as well as other private/stockholder owned companies can be sold anytime to anyone...

Is case you forgot, this is a free, mostly capitalist country

You folks will blame Obama even if you get lost while driving

Bibi Haniffa posted:

They were sold because it was more profitable to get rid of them.  Trump will re-structure the tax laws so that sales of this type are minimized.  He wants to keep America's wealth on America's soil.

pray tell...what kind of tax law would have prevented this sale? You saying the new owners are not subject to paying taxes?

Maybe they can argue that since Trump don't pay taxes, they should not

Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:

People in America for decades go about their lives and live in harmony with each other, NO one ask if you are legal or not, it is the politicians come election time use the immigration issue to gain votes. In my eyes there is NO such thing as Illegals,once you work ,pay taxes and abide by the laws of that country, then you have a right to live there. What makes the difference is a little piece of paper. Presently there are thousands of Guyanese living in many different countries without legal documents. The Italians were called WOPS, because they arrived in America With Out Papers, so why they were not touched, they looked White. Most of the refugee problems were caused by USA and their coalitions, Asaad government is slaughtering it's own people, ISIS is killing another section, and the Coalition including Russia is bombing innocent lives in Syria, So where must the women and children go to live in peace???It is the moral responsibility of the developed countries to help them, we are all human beings FIRST , then Americans, Canadians etc.,The people on GNI that want to deport innocent lives are JUST SELFISH, only think of I, what good in living ,if you cannot serve and help others.Trump is encouraging a different breed of people, HATE and FEAR.

Really?  In which country you can do that??

European  Union Countries 


Billions of dollars will remain in the US when Trump stops funding illegals, making allies pay for their own security, and re-negotiating all the bad trade agreements that give the US the short end of the stick.  He will have to use a lot of that money to pay back China all the debt owed to them.

He has his work cut out for him.  But it takes a businessman to do this.  Not a politician.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Billions of dollars will remain in the US when Trump stops funding illegals, making allies pay for their own security, and re-negotiating all the bad trade agreements that give the US the short end of the stick.  He will have to use a lot of that money to pay back China all the debt owed to them.

He has his work cut out for him.  But it takes a businessman to do this.  Not a politician.

you have really swallowed the kool aid that Trump pouring

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Upon entering European Union Countries, you are given a six month visa, which stipulates that you cannot work.  If you overstay the six month period, you are deported.

I don't know where you get your information.  But I have several families  with  Euro Passports and they work in fellow Euro Union Countries without work visas now some that live in Britain have concerns. 


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