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Jagdeo fighting fuh keep out of de court


Dem boys know that is only a matter of time before Jagdeo do everything to avoid going to court. De other day, after he had to go and stand up in de docks, he get a medical certificate fuh seh that he back hurting he.
De sick leave ain’t finish yet but de lawyers  already start another move fuh stop de court matter. Dem file an action and a judge rule that de magistrate must show cause why de trial mustn’t stop. Well dem boys seh that somebody giving de magistrate basket to fetch water because she ain’t even know de facts of de case. She can only talk if she know wha she talking about.
A lawyer file de case in Berbice before de same judge who did mek Jagdeo get vex. When Jagdeo did want kill de Chancellor  wid wuk  by mekking de man do two jobs this was de judge who seh that de man can’t do two wuk.
De ordinary man woulda got to find he tail in court. Nobody woulda let he try all dem things. De same Jagdeo, when de police kill a man, tun round and seh that de police got to deal wid de criminals.
Well dem boys seh that dem got other people who got to deal wid criminals but of course, all criminals ain’t equal.
But dem boys want to know why Jagdeo frighten to go to court. He is one who really sorry that he not in power. When he had to stand in de docks he realize that he is just one ordinary citizen.
Since then he frighten. But dem boys shoulda know that he frigthten de court. He didn’t even go when he sue Uncle Freddie and de Waterfalls paper.
And wha mek he more frighten is when he got to cut down pun de lights he does burn. He is a man who frighten  darkness, suh is either he spend some of he money to pay light bill or he cut down.
One thing is certain, he can’t go in parliament once de charge deh hanging over he head suh at least he can’t push out Donald.
Talk half and watch how Jagdeo trying all he tricks.


Source - KN

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Jagdeo challenges Ram’s “irrational” charge before High Court

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

By Michael Younge


Former President Bharrat Jagdeo has moved to the High Court to challenge the instituting of what he deems to be an unlawful and politically inspired charge against him following the delivery of a historic and frank speech at a memorial service to honour People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Founder and late President, Dr Cheddi Jagan in March.

On Friday, Justice William Ramlall granted two preliminary orders prohibiting Magistrate Charlyn Artiga from making further movements in prosecuting Jagdeo while ordering her to show cause why the charge instituted against Jagdeo should not be quashed.

Attorney-at-Law Christopher Ram

Attorney-at-Law Christopher Ram

Attorney-at -Law Mursaline Bacchus, speaking withGuyana Times on Friday, explained that Jagdeo’s lawyers felt that Friday was the opportune time to file the application in the Berbice High Court. He said that the lawyers had made submissions before the Magistrate requesting that the case be discharged or thrown out for various reasons, but she decided to proceed with the matter, rejecting their applications.

Bacchus said he could not anticipate the outcome of the matter which is now before Justice Ramlall, but explained that the Magistrate was expected to make a court appearance along with her Attorney, who is likely to be Attorney General Basil Williams. Asked why this was not done earlier, Bacchus maintained that “the strategy was not decided upon up until recently”.

The battery of lawyers is maintaining that Magistrate Artiga’s decision to charge Jagdeo with racial incitement was “irrational, unreasonable, erroneous in law and null and void”. They believe too that the Magistrate has no jurisdiction to inquire into the charge because it is legally defective and invalid and any attempt for her to so do, would amount to an abuse of court. Justice Ramlall is expected to preside over the case when it is heard properly on July 17, 2015 after which a decision will be made as to whether to make the temporary orders permanent or remove them.

On Monday last, Magistrate Artiga rebuked Attorney-at-Law Christopher Ram for making contact with her via telephone to raise issues he had with respect to the private charge he filed against Jagdeo. Such ex-parte contacts are viewed very negatively by the courts and can even result in cases being thrown out. The Attorney was forced to apologise to the Magistrate following his unethical actions. Meanwhile, the former President was unable to attend court owing to his ill health and the case was adjourned until July 13, 2015 when it was slated to be heard. Jagdeo was represented by Attorneys-at-Law Bacchus, Adrian Anamayah and Perry Gossai who submitted a medical report explaining his absence.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
What's wrong with black pudding? It's part of the national heritage of Guyana. As is dhall and Guyanese curry.

Context is necessary?


The so called chatree hindus who eat black pudding think them smart.


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