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@Former Member posted:

Gilbakka won't break bread nor drink wine with him anymore. Past is past.

I disagree Gil.  I believe your reply is to please some on GCDF. When a long time friend makes a mistake and needs other friends to help him see his mistake and reform  Its not the time to dump him as a drinking buddy.  Animosity has its consequences and it don't make for a better world.    

Last edited by Tola
@Tola posted:

I disagree Gil.  I believe your reply is to please some on GCDF. When a long time friend makes a mistake and needs other friends to help him see his mistake and reform  Its not the time too dump him as a drinking buddy.  Animosity has its consequences and it don't make for a better world.    

Moses did not make a mistake.  He was fed up with the corruption and dictatorship in the PPP and left.  After, he joined the AFC etc. Those who slavishly remain in the PPP and continue to be abused by Jagdeo and his cronies are pathetic.  They are sick and need help.  Moses , Ralph, Khemraj and others who left saved their dignity.   The PPP is just a political party but in reality it is a cult and its members behave like cultists.  In Canada and in other democracies it is common for politicians to switch parties.  They are not called names like nemakaham, daag and nonsense like that.  Moreover, the the PPP that Cheddi founded on working class principles is not what the PPP is today.  So there is no ideological reason to be loyal to it.  The PPP is in bed with the PSC and the GCCI and some of you would remember that those organizations and people like Kit Nascimento were once branded  enemies of the working people by the PPP.  So don't talk about people who have left the PPP like they betrayed some noble cause.  In fact leaving the PPP would be a noble action.   I salute those who had the courage to do so and hope that others will follow.


Time to turn from the Book of Moses to the Book of Revelations. The Beast aka APNU+AFC has been subdued by the collective will of 233,300+ peaceful and forward-looking citizens. The Beast however is desperately making a last stand to survive and carry on with its self-righteous iniquities.

But the Book of Revelations predicts Armageddon awaits the Beast if it revives. Lawgivers from various corners of the world are poised to starve and choke the Beast of its financial lifeblood. The Beast has reached its End Days from which there is no escape.

Be patient and wait for the Second Coming of Baby Jesus aka BJ.

Last edited by Former Member
@Totaram posted:

Moses did not make a mistake.  He was fed up with the corruption and dictatorship in the PPP and left.  After, he joined the AFC etc. Those who slavishly remain in the PPP and continue to be abused by Jagdeo and his cronies are pathetic.  They are sick and need help.  Moses , Ralph, Khemraj and others who left saved their dignity.   The PPP is just a political party but in reality it is a cult and its members behave like cultists.  In Canada and in other democracies it is common for politicians to switch parties.  They are not called names like nemakaham, daag and nonsense like that.  Moreover, the the PPP that Cheddi founded on working class principles is not what the PPP is today.  So there is no ideological reason to be loyal to it.  The PPP is in bed with the PSC and the GCCI and some of you would remember that those organizations and people like Kit Nascimento were once branded  enemies of the working people by the PPP.  So don't talk about people who have left the PPP like they betrayed some noble cause.  In fact leaving the PPP would be a noble action.   I salute those who had the courage to do so and hope that others will follow.

Ben that is a bunch of nonsense. It is Jagan philosophy and stupidity that got koolie in this position today.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Moses has a lot to say about the treatment he received from Harmon et others in the PNC, but his hatred for the PPP is preventing him from speaking out. The man who said that he cannot imagine working for the PPP for fifty years, when he used to curse black People. He is now sleep with the enemies. 

Like the heading of this thread. Are you taking a hit at the Admin?

Bibi Haniffa
@Former Member posted:

Time to turn from the Book of Moses to the Book of Revelations. The Beast aka APNU+AFC has been subdued by the collective will of 233,300+ peaceful and forward-looking citizens. The Beast however is desperately making a last stand to survive and carry on with its self-righteous iniquities.

But the Book of Revelations predicts Armageddon awaits the Beast if it revives. Lawgivers from various corners of the world are poised to starve and choke the Beast of its financial lifeblood. The Beast has reached its End Days from which there is no escape.

Be patient and wait for the Second Coming of Baby Jesus aka BJ.

You have spoken like a true prophet. Will this be in the Book of Gilbakka?

@Totaram posted:

Moses did not make a mistake.  He was fed up with the corruption and dictatorship in the PPP and left.  After, he joined the AFC etc. Those who slavishly remain in the PPP and continue to be abused by Jagdeo and his cronies are pathetic.  They are sick and need help.  Moses , Ralph, Khemraj and others who left saved their dignity.   The PPP is just a political party but in reality it is a cult and its members behave like cultists.  In Canada and in other democracies it is common for politicians to switch parties.  They are not called names like nemakaham, daag and nonsense like that.  Moreover, the the PPP that Cheddi founded on working class principles is not what the PPP is today.  So there is no ideological reason to be loyal to it.  The PPP is in bed with the PSC and the GCCI and some of you would remember that those organizations and people like Kit Nascimento were once branded  enemies of the working people by the PPP.  So don't talk about people who have left the PPP like they betrayed some noble cause.  In fact leaving the PPP would be a noble action.   I salute those who had the courage to do so and hope that others will follow.

Moses left because he didn't get  the Leadership.  He insisted that Cheddie wanted him to have it.  The man is a hypocrite and you are so naive. This has everthing to do the Neemak Kaaram himself and nobody else.

He left the Coalition because he was useless.  What did he do for the last five years?

@Prashad posted:

Ben that is a bunch of nonsense. It is Jagan philosophy and stupidity that got koolie in this position today.

Cheddi Jagan was the most principled leader Guyana ever produced.  None of the present crop comes close to him.  He wouldn't recognize the current PPP.  All that is left of his PPP is Freedom House and IndoGuyanese support,  the latter for obvious reasons.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Moses left because he didn't get  the Leadership.  He insisted that Cheddie wanted him to have it.  The man is a hypocrite and you are so naive. This has everthing to do the Neemak Kaaram himself and nobody else.

He left the Coalition because he was useless.  What did he do for the last five years?

Sour grapes for Moses. Good riddance Neemakharam.

@Totaram posted:

I see you like the word "suck". Do you agree that Cheddi was the most principled leader Guyana ever produced?  

I know that. And I had many encounters with the Great man.  I called him out when he get rid of standard 5 & 6 in 1964 and implemented Junior high school  with in the Primary school system.   I could imagine Standard four kids going straight to Form one.  That was skipping 2 grades.  There were only 5% of passes in the end of Primary schools.

@Ramakant-P posted:

I know that. And I had many encounters with the Great man.  I called him out when he get rid of standard 5 & 6 in 1964 and implemented Junior high school  with in the Primary school system.   I could imagine Standard four kids going straight to Form one.  That was skipping 2 grades.  There were only 5% of passes in the end of Primary schools.

So how is it that me saying that Cheddie was principled "sucking up" to anybody?  "Sucking up" suggests seeking a favour of some sort .  What favour am I seeking from anyone on this forum or in Guyana?  

@Ramakant-P posted:

I know that. And I had many encounters with the Great man.  I called him out when he get rid of standard 5 & 6 in 1964 and implemented Junior high school  with in the Primary school system.   I could imagine Standard four kids going straight to Form one.  That was skipping 2 grades.  There were only 5% of passes in the end of Primary schools.

From 1962 through 1963 I stayed in school doing nothing. I passed School Leaving(PSC) and gardening. PTA was being abolished. I could not attend high school because my parents could not afford it. Fortunately, Dr. Jagan had embarked on a plan for free high school. I got accepted in 1963 after writing the examination. I attended 2 1/2 years before writing GCE.

@Former Member posted:

From 1962 through 1963 I stayed in school doing nothing.

I passed School Leaving(PSC) and gardening.

PTA was being abolished. I could not attend high school because my parents could not afford it. Fortunately, Dr. Jagan had embarked on a plan for free high school. I got accepted in 1963 after writing the examination. I attended 2 1/2 years before writing GCE.

What grade was School Leaving ? any idea when it was abolished and what replace it ?

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

What grade was School Leaving ? any idea when it was abolished and what it was replace by.

I think it was the fourth or fifth standard. I started high school at 14. I wrote it when I was 12. It was abolished in 1962 after my batch and was replaced by another one called Preliminary Certificate of Education. The headmaster asked me if I want to write the exam even though I started high school and I did. I passed that too.

@Django posted:

What grade was School Leaving ? any idea when it was abolished and what replace it ?

Primary school was up to 6 standard. Those who passed were allowed to study for the Pupil Teacher appointment examination.  If successful they become Pupil Teachers working for $72 dollars per month.  In those days boys did School Gardening and the Girls studied Sewing and Home economics.  It was abolished in 1963/64 abd Primary school certificate was replaced with Preliminary School certificate.


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